HOMEBREW Digest #4031 Tue 03 September 2002

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  Re: Sankey Kegs Again (John Schnupp)
  In Search of Beer Sounds ("Phil Yates")
  Re: Sankey Kegs Again ("David Houseman")
  controlling Alpha-amylase activity ("Steve Alexander")
  Topic Discussion: Malt Extracts and Gravity ("Adam Wead")
  Re: FG too high ("Chad Gould")
  Hop harvest & storage ("Mark Jacobs")

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---------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Mon, 2 Sep 2002 02:46:56 -0700 (PDT) From: John Schnupp <johnschnupp at yahoo.com> Subject: Re: Sankey Kegs Again From: Kent Fletcher <fletcherhomebrew at yahoo.com> =If you want to serve kegged beer in quantities that =are more appropriate for cask style serving, use =cornies, any frat party that can't kill 5 gallons in 2 =days isn't worthy of the name! Small house? Get a =three gallon cornie. Hey Kent, Are you sure you have the time unit correct? Isn't 5 gallons about 2 cases? I think a typical frat party could put that much away in 2 hours. ===== John Schnupp, N3CNL ??? Hombrewery [560.2, 68.6] Rennerian Georgia, VT 95 XLH 1200, Bumblebee Return to table of contents
Date: Mon, 2 Sep 2002 22:53:38 +1000 From: "Phil Yates" <phil.yates at acenet.com.au> Subject: In Search of Beer Sounds Dr Pivo is to be commended for searching as far north as 71 degrees from the equator to determine that odd "phhhht" sound as still being definitely what he hears late at night after drinking beer. Even when face down at the bar. Relax Doc, take a break and head on home. I don't think there is any argument here. Your problem is definitely flatulence!! Cheers Phil Return to table of contents
Date: Mon, 2 Sep 2002 09:35:37 -0400 From: "David Houseman" <housemanfam at earthlink.net> Subject: Re: Sankey Kegs Again I have to disagree with Kent on his reply that it's difficult to use Sankey kegs for homebrew. I would agree, don't prime with sugar and don't use an airpump. I must admit that moving around something as heavy as 120+ lbs makes working with Cornies much easier. But it is easy to take out the center pickup (see Jeff's post just the other day). A long handled carboy brush works to clean the inside. Use some 5-star PBW and anything on the sides will just drop off. Rinse. To sanitize, just put some water in it and put in on your burner to boil. The steam will sterilize the inside. Fill. Replace the center piece and the locking ring. Prime with CO2. David Houseman Return to table of contents
Date: Mon, 2 Sep 2002 12:16:29 -0400 From: "Steve Alexander" <steve-alexander at worldnet.att.net> Subject: controlling Alpha-amylase activity Hans writes .... >Steve tells that after heating up the mash to lautering temperature at least >alpha amylase is still working. Steve, will it be possible to avoid this by >draining off the wort fast and maybe a fast sparge and then continue normal >sparging to remove the sugars? I'm not quite sure why you'd want to avoid the residual alpha-amylase (AA) activity that occurs during the sparge&lauter; after all this converts any small amounts of starch that may be extracted late. The enzymes are largely in solution so their concentration would roughly match extract. A fast runoff and sparge would extract most of the enzymes into the boiler, but not immediately extinguish the enzymes in this collected wort. There are the common 'brewing factors' that are well known to affect enzyme activity and life-span. Increasing temps above conventional mashout temps will further limit final AA activity. The amylases are less stable in thinner solutions. The concentrated maltose in wort both stabilizes and slows alpha-amylase. If the point is experimentation (and not to produce drinkable beer) there are many means of controlling enzyme activity. Some rather old experimental methods to isolate AA and beta-amylase(BA) might be applicable to amateur use. BA can be selectively destroyed with a 70C rest. AA is more pH labile than BA and can be destroyed by decreasing the pH to 3.3 with hydrochloric acid at 0C. Most modern experiments prevent further enzyme activity by either decreasing the sample temps to around 0C and/or adding EDTA to the sample. EDTA(ethylenediamine tetra-acetic acid) binds with metallic co-factor ions to prevent enzyme activity. Mercury, silver and copper salts are effective AA inhibitors too. I suspect you are planning an experiment Hans. Perhaps if you described the reason for wanting to terminate the AA activity early I or someone else could make more specific suggestions. -S Return to table of contents
Date: Mon, 02 Sep 2002 19:44:26 -0600 From: "Adam Wead" <a_wead at hotmail.com> Subject: Topic Discussion: Malt Extracts and Gravity I thought I'd throw out a topic and see what experience any of you have had with this. I assume a lot of you are all-grain brewers. I'd like to go that route eventually, but for now, I'm just brewing with extracts. After my last post about my IPA with the high FG, I got some advice that it might just be the extract that's giving me the problems. In this case, it was Alexander's Pale, a pretty standard extract. So I'm wondering if any of you all have had this same experience: Does using extracts yield fewer fermentable sugars than mashing? Related to that subject is yeast. I brewed an earlier batch with dry yeast and got some great results. The final gravity was lower, and the carbonation was much better than a batch I had made with Wyeast liquid. When using extracts, does dry yeast give better results than liquid yeast in certain ciicumstances? And lastly, are there yeast brands/stains that work better with extracts than others? I look forward hearing from you all. best, adam (Bloomington, IN) Return to table of contents
Date: Mon, 2 Sep 2002 21:44:36 -0400 From: "Chad Gould" <cgould11 at tampabay.rr.com> Subject: Re: FG too high > My question is why isn't the FG lower? How can I get it lower? And will it > get any lower by leaving it in the secondary for a couple of weeks, so the > yeast can tackle the diacetlys and esthers? Have you posted the recipie? 62% may be a very reasonable attenuation depending on how much less-fermentable grains you used (e.g. crystal malts). It seems a bit low but I wouldn't rule out that a heavy crystal-malt batch would have an attenuation like this... Return to table of contents
Date: Mon, 2 Sep 2002 22:09:08 -0400 From: "Mark Jacobs" <mjacobs312 at chartermi.net> Subject: Hop harvest & storage Question to hop growers in the crowd. I have a nice harvest of Cascade hops this year and have been drying them for two days on window screens in the garage. I then package in ziplock bags and store in the freezer. I notice the wonder cascade aroma when I spread the hops out to dry but it seems to have disappeared after the two days of drying. Is this typical? or should I just be freezing the undried hops? Mark Cass River Homebrew Club Mid Michigan Return to table of contents
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