HOMEBREW Digest #4051 Thu 26 September 2002

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  Decoction (AJ)
  Chillin da wort ("Nathan Hoskins")
  Spooky Brew 2002 ("Zemo")
  Re: Best mash temps for Durst Pilsner malt? (Jeff Renner)
  RE: loss of head retention (Brian Lundeen)
  Picnic Faucets (Wendy & Reuben Filsell)
  Mashing Temp on Imperial Stout ("McGrath, Patricio")
  Traquair House Ale Clone Recipe (Richard Foote)
  GFI - electrical safety (Kent Fletcher)

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---------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Wed, 25 Sep 2002 06:01:36 +0000 From: AJ <ajdel at mindspring.com> Subject: Decoction Con - coct: to bring together and cook. De - coct: to take away and cook. Cheers, A.J. Return to table of contents
Date: Wed, 25 Sep 2002 04:11:44 -0400 From: "Nathan Hoskins" <NathanHoskins at HotPop.com> Subject: Chillin da wort I have just gotten a wort chiller and was wondering how does one keep infection OUT of the wort during the cooling phase since the lid is off the boiler? Even if I set it on top it isn't going to "seal" out everything. Thanks for your reply, Nathan NathanHoskins at HotPop.com Brewing in Kentucky "there's brew in them hills!" Return to table of contents
Date: Wed, 25 Sep 2002 06:30:27 -0500 From: "Zemo" <zemo at buyvictory.com> Subject: Spooky Brew 2002 The Chicago Beer Society's umpteenth annual Spooky Brew homebrew competition will be held on Saturday, October 26 at the Piece Brewery in Chicago. This singular event (AHA/BJCP sanctioned) is always a lot of fun, as it offers homebrewers a chance to show their creativity in two additional "Spooky" categories. If you are interested in submitting entries for the competition, the competition announcement/entry form (pdf form) can be obtained at the Chicago Beer society's website: http://www.chibeer.org/spooky02.html Judges and stewards are also encouraged to participate on the day of the event at Piece, one of the country's coolest brewpubs. For additional information, please contact Steve Hamburg (stevie at chibeer.org) or co-organizer Tony Babinec (tony at chibeer.org). Return to table of contents
Date: Wed, 25 Sep 2002 08:51:34 -0400 From: Jeff Renner <JeffRenner at comcast.net> Subject: Re: Best mash temps for Durst Pilsner malt? Nutty Gambler <nuttygambler at yahoo.com> (how about a name, and location, too? We're friendly here) writes: >I am at a loss as to what would be the best mashing >temps for Oktoberfest and Pilsner styles of beer. >The more I read the more confused I get. > >Do I need a rest at 122F or should I use 135F. I am >thinking of switching to this. >135 - 150 - 158 each for 30 minutes is this a good >schedule for Durst Pilsner malt? > >Other things I've read read 122-140-158 each for 30. >Thanks for all input. I think temperatures below ~145 are unnecessary. For a well attenuated pils (80% AA), I like about 30-45 minutes each at 145/160 followed by a mashout of 170. For an Octoberfest, you might want to go 150/158 if you want a little less attenuation, but I like a well attenuated (75%), but malty, 'Fest or Vienna. The maltiness comes from Vienna malt. It would appear that you are going to use pils malt as a base, presumably with Caravienne or another crystal/caramel malt, which works, but isn't my first choice. Jeff - -- Jeff Renner in Ann Arbor, Michigan USA, JeffRenner at comcast.net "One never knows, do one?" Fats Waller, American Musician, 1904-1943 Return to table of contents
Date: Wed, 25 Sep 2002 09:58:14 -0500 From: Brian Lundeen <BLundeen at rrc.mb.ca> Subject: RE: loss of head retention Kevin Crouch writes: > Other sources of lipids is yeast metabolism and the > wheat used for a hef, most of which winds up in the > trub. Assuming you are racking promptly to a > secondary, which is a good idea anyway with a hef > because excess lipids in the trub can also inhibit > ester production, then lipids from yeast fermentation > and/or autolysis might just be the case. I do notice > that some, but not all, beers I have stored for some > time tend to be losers in the head retention > department where at one point they did quite nicely, > and I've always wondered why. Just to add my own data point: I just finished off a keg of Pilsner (yes, the last glass was the best tasting one, thanks for asking). I had also been noticing the drop in head retention over the last little while. Where once I had this wonderful stiff meringue (almost), there was lately little more than a light skim of scattered froth. Given the lagering and brightness of the beer when kegged, I would have trouble thinking that any serious autolysis and lipid production was going on in this beer. I too would like an explanation for this effect. Cheers Brian Lundeen Brewing at [314,829] aka Winnipeg Return to table of contents
Date: Tue, 24 Sep 2002 23:32:11 +0800 From: Wendy & Reuben Filsell <filsell at myplace.net.au> Subject: Picnic Faucets I just picked up a picnic faucet and fitted it with 2m (6ft) of 5mm (3/16) ID hose as per my pluto gun but it foams like mad. Does anyone use one? How much hose is recquired ? Reuben W.A. Return to table of contents
Date: Wed, 25 Sep 2002 13:21:23 -0500 From: "McGrath, Patricio" <Patricio_McGrath at NCS.com> Subject: Mashing Temp on Imperial Stout Hello, I'm new in HBD, and have a question for the experts. I made an all grain Russian Imperial Stout which turned out with a high F.G. The temperature of fermentation was OK (1 week working, and left during 10 days waiting), the yeast was oxygenated adequately. I was wondering if step mashing with this kind of style is not recommended. The beer tastes good but with a final sweet flavor Can anyone turn some light on the subject. Recipe used for 40 liters: Pilsen malt 15.577 kg Caramel 1,558 kg Chocolate malt 0,779 kg Black Patent malt 0,779 kg Flaked Barley 0,779 kg Yeast: Irish Ale 1084 O.G. 1087 F.G. 1042 Step mashing at 50C, 60C and 71C, during 90 minutes. Sparge at 80 C Some people back in my country think that the pilsen malt might be of poor quality. Could this be the source of the problem as well? Tks. Patrick (From Argentina) **************************************************************************** This email may contain confidential material. If you were not an intended recipient, Please notify the sender and delete all copies. We may monitor email to and from our network. **************************************************************************** Return to table of contents
Date: Wed, 25 Sep 2002 15:28:42 -0400 From: Richard Foote <rfoote at mindspring.com> Subject: Traquair House Ale Clone Recipe Brewerz, I am seeking any helpful input into developing a Traquair House Ale clone. So far... My plans are to do a parallel mini boil of the first runnings and combine this with the main boil with about 1/2 hr left in a 90 minute total boil. Jackson and Daniels indicate pale ale malt and roasted barley in the grist. These same sources, and the Traquair web site, verify use of EKG as the sole hop. As to yeast, please see the following excerpt from their web site: "The wort is now cooled and pitched with bottom fermenting yeast under controlled temperature. It is then fermented in oak over a period of seven days. The beer is then transferred into cold storage tanks or barrels and matured over a period of weeks." Bottom fermenting yeast? Assuming a good Edinburgh ale yeast would be the way to go, I've already started some YCKC Scotch Ale yeast. Can anyone shed any light on this? Any comments on a good TH clone are welcome. TIA, Rick Foote Brewing and Puzzling in Murrayville, GA Return to table of contents
Date: Wed, 25 Sep 2002 16:58:37 -0700 (PDT) From: Kent Fletcher <fletcherhomebrew at yahoo.com> Subject: GFI - electrical safety Just wanted to share an experience and remind homebrewers out there about Ground Fault Interuptor (GFI) protection devices. I know this subject has come up before, but it bears repeating. In case somebody is not familiar with the terminology, a GFI monitors the ground circuit and interupts the flow of elctricity in the event that there is a ground fault - that is current going directly to ground. The sole purpose of a GFI is to prevent shock or electrocution. The devices are quite sensitive and very fast operating, and will stop the flow of electricity BEFORE you feel the shock. In newer or remodeled homes, you'll find GFI outlets in the kitchen and bath as well as outdoor receptacles. You can also get GFI circuit breakers, which may make it easier to protect several outlets. The other day I had a ground fault with a submersible pump. The pump was NOT plugged into a GFI. The pump was running normally, by all appearances. When I came into contact with the flow of water from the hose I got a healthy 120 volt, 60 hertz jolt, as I completed the path to ground. I can repair the old pump (compression fitting on power cord leaked), but I bought a new one and postponed my brew for a day to install a GFI at my brew stand. Please remember, this doesn't just apply to RIMS and HERMS setups. If you use line voltage for ANY purpose (fans, reading lamps, boomm boxes, computers, et al) while you are brewing, you NEED a GFI. Kent Fletcher Brewing in So Cal Return to table of contents
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