FORUM ON BEER, HOMEBREWING, AND RELATED ISSUES Digest Janitor: *************************************************************** THIS YEAR'S HOME BREW DIGEST BROUGHT TO YOU BY: Northern Brewer, Ltd. Home Brew Supplies 1-800-681-2739 Support those who support you! Visit our sponsor's site! ********** Also visit ********* Contents: Re: Schmitz Process ("William S Scott") RE: Food grade silicone sealant for weldless fittings ("Wayne Holder") Re: Future Of Homebrewing (Teresa Knezek) Oz homebrew scene (andrew.ryan-smith) re: LT future ("-S") Iodine Test ("A.J. deLange") re: Atkins and Fw: [HBDJ] humor ("-S") Silicone Sealant ("Pete Calinski") Re: Food grade silicone sealant for weldless fittings ("George Bulla") Brians views ("Groenigen, Jan Willem van") Koyoto, Grain Mills, Bottling from Keg (Calvin Perilloux) Re: brewing with families, hobbies (Jeff Renner) Which Mill? ("Beer Guy") (Off topic) Non-smoking laws ("Hedglin, Nils A") Beer to Go! ("Chip Stewart") RE: Bottling Keg Beer ("Mcgregor, Arthur, Mr, OSD-ATL") Family and Brewing ("Troy A. Wilson") Columbus brewpubs ("dave holt") Re: Bottling Keg Beer ("Steve Dale-Johnson") RE: Kids and Brewing & brewing with families, hobbies ("Mcgregor, Arthur, Mr, OSD-ATL")
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---------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Thu, 5 Jun 2003 23:30:39 -0500 From: "William S Scott" <> Subject: Re: Schmitz Process In HBD # 4263, David Sweeney asked about details on the Schmitz process. The only reference to the Schmitz process that I have ever encountered comes straight out of Vol. I of DeClerck's "A Textbook of Brewing" (p.274 of the 1994 reprint). It reads: "In the Schmitz process, a portion of diastatic extract is withdrawn at the start of mashing, while the remainder of the mash is allowed to saccharify by simple infusion and the whole then boiled. The starch from the more vitreous parts of the malt is thus dissolved and the temperature is then reduced to 70C in the tun by returning the unboiled portion of the diastatic extract which saccharifies the unconverted starch." That is the entire reference. I am left to assume that Herr Schmitz was a braumeister of the late 19th or early 20th century, so the method is not all that new. One of the reasons that I mentioned it in the article was the relative obscurity of the technique. I also felt that it offers many of the benefits of the triple decoction schedule with much less time and effort. As far as details go, I prefer to draw off about 1.5 gallons at 150 F, then add an infusion of at least this same volume prior to boiling. Thinning the mash a bit more also helps to prevent scorching. Just reduce your normal sparge volume to compensate for the extra liquid added to the mash. I store the wort in an insulated cooler to hold the temperature. This of course requires the mash to be cooled after boiling before the wort can be reintroduced. An immersion chiller works great for this task, as does a prepared amount of "brewing ice". Note that in the process as cited by DeClerk, the wort is drawn off "at the start of the mashing". I assume this was just after an acid rest in the 95-105F range, since it was solely the reintroduction of the drawn wort that quickly lowered the temperature to the saccharification range before many enzymes could be destroyed. Feel free to go this route if you are confident in your measurements of volume, temperature, and in your mathematical skills. I'm curious to hear what experiences and opinions others have concerning this little used mashing method. PROST ! Wm. Shawn Scott Fellowship of Oklahoma Alemakers McAlester, OK wscott at Return to table of contents
Date: Thu, 5 Jun 2003 22:31:43 -0700 From: "Wayne Holder" <zymie at> Subject: RE: Food grade silicone sealant for weldless fittings Parker writes: " I have a Weld-b-gone and some thermometer fittings for my stainless kettles. I remember reading a post long ago by a brewer who used some silicone sealant on his weld-less fittings which was supposed to be food grade and safe up to 450 degrees or somewhere near it. Wondering if anyone knows of this product or has other suggestions for water tight seals?" shouldn't need any silicone sealant if they are the "real deal". Wayne Holder AKA Zymie Long Beach, CA Return to table of contents
Date: Thu, 05 Jun 2003 21:54:32 -0900 From: Teresa Knezek <teresa at> Subject: Re: Future Of Homebrewing On or thereabout 6/6/03, David Craft spoke thusly: >As long as there are men, there will be men who... *ahem* hehehehe >Unless of course there is some genetic mutation we >don't know about......... Like women who feel the same way? ;-) (I just need to get my mini-keg collection going. That bottling business has GOT to go.... although my absolute dread of bottling *does* generally give all my beers a week or two longer in secondary, thanks to procrastination.) - -- ::Teresa : Two Rivers, Alaska:: [2849, 325] Apparent Rennerian "It has been my experience that folks who have no vices have very few virtues." -- Abraham Lincoln Return to table of contents
Date: Fri, 6 Jun 2003 09:39:00 +0100 From: andrew.ryan-smith at Subject: Oz homebrew scene " . . . I beleve that the hoby in western Australia will be redused to kit beers within 25 years. . . . " I think that the members of the Oz Craft Brewer internet group will disagree. You have a major expansion of good quality malts over there, headed up by Mr Yates and Wes Smith. Try searching for the group - I can't post the details, 'cos they're all at home. Maybe Mr Renner can help, as I know he's a regular poster to the Oz group. Rhyno CONFIDENTIALITY : This e-mail and any attachments are confidential and may be privileged. If you are not a named recipient, please notify the sender immediately and do not disclose the contents to another person, use it for any purpose or store or copy the information in any medium. Return to table of contents
Date: Fri, 6 Jun 2003 06:59:05 -0400 From: "-S" <-s at> Subject: re: LT future Mr.Listermann asks the ultimate question - what is the long term future of HBing. I think some of the attempts to answer the question are extremely interesting in there own right. Paul Mahoney (who shamelessly reprises my 'bello de gallico' -sig) notes, >While some indicators forecast a growth trend, I am >pessimistic about the overall direction of >homebrewing. I'm seriously pessimistic about the future of mankind, but HBing will be with us at least as long as death and taxes I think. >The overwhelming majority of our club membership is male, That's an excellent observation Paul (you can keep the -sig for that one) but the explanation behind it is as mysterious as the female 'race' itself. Why is HBing a mostly male behavior ? I have some ideas - but that's for another post. >I believe that we as homebrewers may have peaked. >[...] not easy to expand the base membership. Possible, but far from certain. The real question is what forces would motivate an increased interest. It's very clear after the US tobacco debacle that there is still a strong tendency by 'The State' and a large demographic of 'Do-Gooders' to save people from themselves and their perceived vices. Minority activities which cannot constitutionally be made illegal, are instead taxed and sued to the brink of extinction - it's the tyranny of the majority reprised as coercive taxation rather than prohibition. Tobacco is down for the count, fast-food and violent movies are on the target list and I have no doubt that alcohol is somewhere on the agenda for this sort of control by lawsuit and taxation. It's not hard to image Augie Busch and Adolph Coors getting grilled in senate hearings for contributing to underage drinking, alcohol related accidents, and then sued for the health care costs attributable to alcoholism. If this happens then HBing has a very bright future since commercial brewing will be heavily burdened and individual use left relatively intact. > In 2050 Pres. Chelsea Clinton's > administration bans beer due to its adverse health > effects No need - by 2012 a multistate coalition successfully sues BudMillerCoors for 500 billion dollars to cover fanciful "health care cost" estimates and NY, FL and CA enact a $1.50/beer tax. >This hobby is expensive and demanding. I agree that like nearly all hobbies it is a non-economic use of labor. OTOH I expect that if I purchased all my beer as MicroBrew I'd hit a $1200+/yr vs my 100+hr/yr time in the Hbrewery. Gardening, sewing and other productive hobbies don't have anywhere near that sort of $/hr economic return. The demanding nature of brewing is IMO one of it's strongest points as a hobby. It's not too hard to make good beer, but none of us has mastered the process so well that there is no challenge left. There are so many methods and styles that no one can master them all. NO ONE even understands the process - it's the subject of ongoing research. That's an almost perfect formula for a rewarding hobby - open ended challenges, yet rewarding results available with a modest effort. A hobby only gets boring when the challenges are gone or no improvement is possible. I still suspect that throwing vegetables in the mash is the act of an Hbrewer who is frustrated by his inability to improve. === My crystal ball remains quite cloudy but a couple guesses on HBings future are .... On brewing in general ... /For a lot of reasons I think the cost of hops could easily become a major factor in beer price and this would drive the development of alternatives! The hops market is highly consolidated and ripe for cornering. /Barley will remain cheap as will water. /Traditional yeasts will remain cheap tho' the development of GMO brewing yeasts with significant advantages may take a solid foothold in the next 20yr at a reasonable price premium. /Brewing waste disposal costs (on the commercial scale) will inevitably rise as a proportion of brewing costs. On HBing ... The biggest impediment to HBing as a hobby is not the time, expense or chance of failure. The problem is that it's friggin' big and messy. It's generally agreed that 5gal or 20L is about the minimum practical size for regular batch production, but the average kitchen is just barely able to accomodate a 5gal mash and boil and cooling. Anyone who has spilled a quart of fresh wort on the floor of a living space, had a boilover on the kitchen rangetop, or had an active fermentation 'blowoff' unexpectedly knows exactly what I mean by messy. Solving these practical problems will undoubtedly be a big part of HBings future. In short I think there is a good opportunity for someone to design a Model-T/Volkwagen of a brewing system along the lines of a RIMS plus boiler. I'm not trying to dictating the solution here - it could be gas or electric powered, it could be for indoor or outdoor use, maybe w/ automatic control, maybe not. To make it non-messy. reasonable priced, reliable, easily cleaned, repairable AND be flexible in brewing features are the challenges. Stepwise upgradable/modular would be great too. HB fermenters are in very serious need of redesign. There is IMO no really good small scale fermenter design on the market today, as the list of desirable features is quite large and difficult to meet. Stirring, yeast harvest, open/closed/pressurized fermentation(w/ head pressure control), blowoff control, sanitation, corrosion resistance, neat racking, temp control and monitoring and visual inspection all pose design challenges. Then there is the issue of weight, handholds, safety from breakage ... . SG, pH or CO2 loss monitoring would be heaven. Will it happen ? When ? Tour Phil's Phabulous Phactory for answers. -S Return to table of contents
Date: Fri, 06 Jun 2003 11:31:06 +0000 From: "A.J. deLange" <ajdel at> Subject: Iodine Test Further to the comments on the iodine test by -S (with which I agree) I've found the best way to separate the liquid from the grist is to use a teaspoon or tablespoon to lift some of the liquid from the mash and then drop this on a white plate. Then I place a drop of iodine solution next to the puddle of wort. As it spreads, it will contact the wort and flow into it. I then examine the interface area under bright light. Any particles are plainly visible by this method and the colorations are pretty easy to see. I'm not sure that they tell me much, though. I got this method from one of the texts but I don't remember which one. I do remember that iodine is poisonous so if the white plate is from Mum's set of dinner plates be sure to rinse it thoroughly before putting it back. A.J. Return to table of contents
Date: Fri, 6 Jun 2003 07:35:02 -0400 From: "-S" <-s at> Subject: re: Atkins and Fw: [HBDJ] humor Alan Meeker notes ... >Found this message in my SPAM box. >>> First, as I've said before, you absolutely can lose weight on the Atkins >>> diet - no question. What got me going against Atkins were his bogus claims >>> for why the diet works. It is simply another type of lowered calorie intake >>> diet. Two new studies have once again affirmed this fact. Here's another for the spam filter, Alan. I think it's the most recent issue of the New England JoM that compares Atkins favorably to some low fat diets. That's the third study to at least partially support the diet in the past year. For what little it's worth I don't believe the explanations behind Atkins either, but I've lost 26.5lbs/12.0kg since Xmas on Atkins with only the modest beer drinking concession to drink highly attenuated styles (and count the non-alc carbs). I think the success of this diet has a lot more to do with disrupting eating habits while still permitting significant latitude in choosing foods rather than Dr.Atkins more ornate explanations. I'm not proselytizing but Atkins seem to be an effective and reasonable diet regime with increasing support in the lit despite the phony explanations proffered. YMMV. -S Return to table of contents
Date: Fri, 6 Jun 2003 08:14:17 -0400 From: "Pete Calinski" <pjcalinski at> Subject: Silicone Sealant Parker Dutro asked about sealant. I love DAP 8641 sealant. I buy it in the caulking gun size. It is food grade and stands up to temperatures of 400F. To spot it amongst all the different sealants at the local home store, it is in a blue tube and is labeled "silicone" not "silicone II". Look at the fine print on the back for FDA# or #8641. The digits of the UPC also include "8641". Comes in clear or white. I use it everywhere I want to seal anything. You can get small tubes at a real premium but I found the caulking gun size is much more economical. Just leave a "glob" on the end of the spout when you are done. If the glob keeps the air from going back into the spout, you can just peel it off next time and have fresh sealant right at the tip. Hope this helps. Pete Calinski East Amherst NY Near Buffalo NY *********************************************************** *My goal: * Go through life and never drink the same beer twice. * (As long as it doesn't mean I have to skip a beer.) *********************************************************** Return to table of contents
Date: Fri, 06 Jun 2003 08:39:07 -0400 From: "George Bulla" <chip_bulla at> Subject: Re: Food grade silicone sealant for weldless fittings Parker Dutro writes: "I remember reading a post long ago by a brewer who used some silicone sealant on his weld-less fittings which was supposed to be food grade and safe up to 450 degrees or somewhere near it. Wondering if anyone knows of this product or has other suggestions for water tight seals?" Parker, I was looking for the same type of sealant about a month ago. I found it at one of the local home stores. What you want is DAP's "100% Silicone Sealant" - UPC No. 7079808641 (the last 4 digits are what to look for on the UPC symbol). This is the 10.1 oz. tube that fits into the caulking guns. You can get further info from the DAP website at, such as technical bulletins and MSDS information if you want. Hope this helps. Good Brewing, Chip Bulla Apex, NC Return to table of contents
Date: Fri, 6 Jun 2003 15:08:45 +0200 From: "Groenigen, Jan Willem van" <janwillem.vangroenigen at> Subject: Brians views Brian wrote about smokers: "They do not have the right to kill others. I think most people are coming around to accept this mind set (well, in the US and Canada anyway, there's still a lot of stupid people around the globe)." Since he was not very specific in his qualification "stupid", I'll react as a citizen from a country with a slightly less strict smokers legislation than the U.S. Brian, smoking is on the rise mainly in developing countries, especially in Africa and Asia. People over there have something else on their minds than smoking, they are FAR more likely to die from malaria, aids, lousy health care, malnutrition or war than from second-hand smoke. So, I wouldn't call them stupid when they don't exactly have the same priorities as us in the developed world. Maybe in 20 or 30 years time, they'll have the luxury to worry about such things. As far as the developed countries, e.g. in Europe, go: again, it's a matter of priorities. In this part of Europe, we tend to spend more money on better health insurance for the poor, development aid, environmental legislation, and we think that gun control might save lives. Now, I'm not trying to open a debate on these things, but I think it would be fair to accept that people in the world may have different priorities as to what is good for publich health, without necessarily being studid. The life expectancy of people in most EU countries, including countries like France and Italy and even Greece, where many people smoke, is considerably higher than in the U.S. Notice that I talk about different priorities, not different aims, though. Take care, (non-smoking) Jan Willem Wageningen The Netherlands dr. ir. J.W. (Jan Willem) van Groenigen Alterra Soil Sciences Center P.O. Box 47, 6700 AA Wageningen The Netherlands tel. +31 (0)317 474784 Return to table of contents
Date: Fri, 6 Jun 2003 07:57:27 -0700 (PDT) From: Calvin Perilloux <calvinperilloux at> Subject: Koyoto, Grain Mills, Bottling from Keg On Prohibition, Smoking, and Kyoto, Thomas Rohner replies: > You may not like the smoke of a cigarette or cigar besides you. > I dont like the car and truck fumes, especially while cycling up > a hill. So, what about the Kyoto protocol. Would be something to > save a lot of lives in the future. Kyoto, as far as I know, was more about carbon dioxide than the smelly soot and unburned hydrocarbons you're choking on. My tiny Fiat Uno (we called it the "Zero") in England that barely passed the UK's slack emissions inspection was no doubt more Kyoto-compliant than my pickup truck here in the USA due to CO2 alone, but I know which one *I* would rather follow on my mountain bike! What I want to know, is do I get Kyoto credits for installing a CO2 recapture device on my fermenters. ;-) But this is way off the brewing topic, really. As for mill questions: I use a Valley Mill. I bought it years ago and sold it on in Australia, when I moved on, but I was pleased enough with it that I ordered another one within months. The grain hopper is a nice feature, though in my own opinion, I'd like it maybe 50% bigger so that most of my recipes would require just one "load". The notched settings are a nice feature for replication of a crush. When I do wheat, I set it narrower, then have no trouble getting it exactly back to where it was previously set for barley. Roy Lewis asks about bottling beer from a keg. It works, Roy, but you do lose some carbonation, and also, the longer you let the beer sit, the more oxidation you'll have. I have noted in my beers when I've done that: Loss of hop aroma, lower carbonation in the short term (one day). Staling might occur over a longer time. The better way to do it is with a good counter-pressure filler, and you can purge the bottle with CO2 and then fill under pressure (and cap quickly). Even with that, I have noted that the beer just doesn't seem to keep as well as bottle-conditioned. For a barbecue, your method is probably fine; for a competition, use bottle conditioned, or make a few "comp bottles" with PrimeTabs or similar. Calvin Perilloux Middletown, Marlyland, USA Return to table of contents
Date: Fri, 06 Jun 2003 10:40:16 -0400 From: Jeff Renner <jeffrenner at> Subject: Re: brewing with families, hobbies I'm one of those exceptions - been brewing for about 30 years. I can't remember exactly when I started, but I remember it was when I was an impoverished grad student. When our son came along in '75, I slowed up considerably, but strangely, when our daughter was born in '79, I got back into brewing on a regular basis and did my first all-grain around then. I continued to do a fair amount of extract brewing for another few years, but by the mid 80s I was doing only all-grain. How did I do it? I was a stay-at-home dad (with a small but growing at-home business), and once the kids were both in school, I'd just set aside a day for brewing maybe 8-10 times a year. It sure helps to have a supportive wife. Now they are both grown and gone (to California :-( ), and, of course, there is no problem except that they both are fans of my beer and my wife isn't a beer drinker. It was great when they were living in town going to school and they would come over for a beer or we would meet them in town at the local brewpub. And one of the real bonuses was brewing up four or five 1/4 bbls for each of their wedding receptions. So there is brewing life after kids. My advice is to keep your hand in brewing, even though you can't do it as much as you might like, so that when the kids are older, you don't have to start over. Maybe you can get the spousal unit to help by taking the kids somewhere on a Saturday. Of course, that means reciprocating so s/he can have time too. Jeff (going to California next month for two weeks to visit the kids!) - -- Jeff Renner in Ann Arbor, Michigan USA, JeffRenner at "One never knows, do one?" Fats Waller, American Musician, 1904-1943 Return to table of contents
Date: Fri, 6 Jun 2003 11:27:02 -0400 From: "Beer Guy" <beerguy at> Subject: Which Mill? Chris Hofman asked about which malt mill his wife might buy him . . . Well Chris: I just ground up 22 # of grain in a borrowed Corona last night (thanks Mark!) and I'm convinced that you could get a better workout at a gym, but 45 minutes of turning the handle was plenty for me. Whew! Good luck with the choice. I can't think of a better gift (or at least I can't write about it here). Henry Return to table of contents
Date: Fri, 6 Jun 2003 09:17:24 -0700 From: "Hedglin, Nils A" <nils.a.hedglin at> Subject: (Off topic) Non-smoking laws Hi, Sorry this is off topic, but just wanted to make a quick comment. Thomas Rohner said "I don't think that the U.S. and Canadian smoking laws make that much sense. [...] How many people die because of air-pollution and other enviromental issues? I think more than by passively smoking. [...]" I certainly agree that environmental pollutants probably kill a lot of people, but there was the following story on National Public Radio 2 months ago. Smoking Bans May Cut Death Rate from Heart Disease: April 1, 2003 A new study indicates that banning smoking in public places does appear to reduce the number of deaths related to second-hand smoke. The research, presented at an American College of Cardiology meeting, found that in Helena, Montana, deaths by heart attack significantly dropped after smoking was outlawed in bars and restaurants. Unfortunately, they have an audio link to the story so don't give the details in text. But, after the whole state of Monata banned smoking in public places, I think it was something like the incidents of heart attacks dropped by 50% within 6 months. Of course part of that could be attributed to smokers smoking less, but I'd think a good portion of it is due to 2nd hand smoke. Nils Hedglin Sacramento, CA [1978.7, 275.3] Apparent Rennerian In Heaven there is no beer, that's why we drink it here, And when we're gone from here, our friends will be drinking all the beer. Return to table of contents
Date: Fri, 06 Jun 2003 12:45:39 -0400 (EDT) From: "Chip Stewart" <Charles at> Subject: Beer to Go! I have a six-pack of Non-Alcoholic beer bottles I use to do just this. That way, I can take a six pack to the park, concerts, etc. Where practical, however, I use my 1.5 gal. keg - just hook it up to the 5 gal. keg with a jumper and transfer away. With my neoprene bag with shoulder stap (from Kohl's, thanks to someone from this forum) 12 gram CO2 charger, and 4" cobra tap, I'm good to go. > On Thu, 5 Jun 2003, Roy Lewis <rlewis at> inquired on the subject of Bottling Keg Beer: > > I have not moved over to kegging my beer since I like the portability > of bottles. If I were to keg my beer and the day of an event where > I wanted to take a 6 pack of bottled beer, can I fill up some bottles all > the way to the crown and cap them and have decently carbonated beer > still after 10 hours or so. Anyone tried this? Chip Stewart Gaithersburg, MD, USA Charles at Support anti-Spam legislation. Join the fight Return to table of contents
Date: Fri, 6 Jun 2003 13:26:29 -0400 From: "Mcgregor, Arthur, Mr, OSD-ATL" <Arthur.Mcgregor at> Subject: RE: Bottling Keg Beer In HBD 4264, Roy asks about Bottling Keg Beer I have bottled beer from kegs, and capped with crown caps to give away as gifts. Never had a problem. Used a Counter-Pressure Bottle Filler design from Ken Schwartz or someone (uses a stopper, ball needle, tire valve extension, and tire air head), and use CO2 from the tank. A friend came up with a carbonator type design bottle cap using ball valves (from inside of balls). He had some made with food grade rubber, and you cut them to size, modify a plastic soda bottle cap and use with 2 liter soda bottles. They're great for taking to places where beer is not preferred in the open. The bottle looks like coke/pepsi for stouts/porters, sprite/7-up/ginger ale for pale ales. Only problem is that he may not be able to sell them due to similar patents from carbonator or other items, so he has apparently given up on trying to market. It's too bad because I think he was looking at a Brewer's dozen (13) for $10-20. Much cheaper (but not as easy to use) as the carbonator. Hoppy Brewing, Art McGregor Lorton, Virginia [424.1, 123.3] Rennerian Return to table of contents
Date: Fri, 6 Jun 2003 13:15:59 -0500 From: "Troy A. Wilson" <troy at> Subject: Family and Brewing As a father of 4 I have learned how play with my kids, spend time with my wife and still brew. My kids range in age from 3 to 12. I began brewing before I had kids, starting with extract kits, and, of course, slowing down when my wife and I started having kids. I would schedule time to brew, coordinating childcare with my wife. My brewing buddy and I have since moved on to all grain brewing. I set up the rig in my yard, set out a table with all the tools and ingredients, and play with my kids between the times when the brew needs my attention. Sometimes I even mow the lawn. To say you can't brew because of kids and family is a copout, an excuse to not brew. I agree with Dave Holt: "Homebrewing, it's more than hobby, it's a lifestyle." I'm passionate about brewing and my wife supports my hobby. She figures it's better than skydiving. Troy A. Wilson troy at There are only 10 types of people in the world: Those who understand binary and those who don't. - --- Outgoing mail is certified Virus Free. Checked by AVG anti-virus system ( Version: 6.0.488 / Virus Database: 287 - Release Date: 6/5/2003 Return to table of contents
Date: Fri, 06 Jun 2003 11:43:33 -0700 From: "dave holt" <brewdave at> Subject: Columbus brewpubs All three brewpubs, Barley's, Elevator, and Columbus are within a short distance of each other. It is possible to hit all 3 in an evening. My choice would be Barley's. Better beer than the other two IMHO. Food is decent. As stated, Elevator is kind of ritzy/fancy. They did have a decent number of beers to chose from or sample. Columbus Brewing has a decent Pale and Brown. It is a trendy place, a place to be seen. IMHO, the rest of their beers have the same 'house' flavor, nothing stands out. Pubcrawler is back up. Barley's and Elevator are on N High St with a couple of blocks of each other. Columbus Brewing is a few blocks further south off of S. High St. I would recommend Schmidt's on E Kossuth further down for dinner. It is in the German Village area. Good place for German food and a beer. Elevator makes German Village Gold lager for Schmidt's. Dave Holt brewing in Arizona, family from Ohio Return to table of contents
Date: Fri, 06 Jun 2003 12:43:31 -0700 From: "Steve Dale-Johnson" <sdalejohnson at> Subject: Re: Bottling Keg Beer Roy Lewis <rlewis at> asked about bottling kegged beer. I do this regularly and have still not found it necessary to invest in a counterpressure filler. I just fill the sanitized bottles from a tap (turned sideways to reduce the foam) so that beer or foam comes right to the top, and cap immediately. I have stored beers like this for weeks with no staling or other ill effects, but YMMV. The upshot is that you have sediment free beer to boot. If it is intended to be consumed day of bottling, you don't even have to sanitize - just make sure the bottles are as clean as any glass you'd drink out of. Steve Dale-Johnson Brewing at (1918, 298) Miles Apparent Rennerian Vancouver, BC, Canada. Return to table of contents
Date: Fri, 6 Jun 2003 16:30:24 -0400 From: "Mcgregor, Arthur, Mr, OSD-ATL" <Arthur.Mcgregor at> Subject: RE: Kids and Brewing & brewing with families, hobbies Hi Everyone, Just thought I would add my experiences on the subject. I actually got the idea of working in the brewing with kids problem from another fellow on the HBD (I can't recall his name right now) back in 1994 I think. He also had young kids, and ended up getting up early on Sat/Sun and brewed and was done by the time kids got up. I use that same process, get the specialty grains, supplies and equipment ready the night before, get up at 0530, make coffee, steep or mini-mash specialty grains for 30-45 minutes, get extract ready in larger pot, boil, and cool the hot wort by placing the pot into an ice water bath in the kitchen sink. Dump into the cooled wort into the primary, add yeast and clean up. Usually I get done before all the kid are up, or done to point where I have the wort in the primary and yeast added, and then clean up the brewing equipment later. The big problem now is trying to schedule brewing around soccer games on the weekend :^) Hoppy Brewing, Art McGregor Lorton, Virginia [424.1, 123.3] Rennerian Return to table of contents
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