HOMEBREW Digest #4281 Thu 26 June 2003

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  fat tax moving to beer ("Edward D")
  Re: Smoking, enough already ("-S")
  dunkelweizen (Jan-Willem)
  last three batches ("Haborak, Kevin")
  Masons, Elks and things that go bubble in the night.... ("Houseman, David L")
  loof lirpa ("Dave Burley")
  Yeast washing.. ("Eyre")
  Hmm.. how about some numbers? ("Eyre")
  RE: NHC report (Brian Lundeen)
  excessive right wing rants (Robin Griller)
  Re: Smoking, enough already (NO Spam)
  Re: Mash temp too high ("Kevin Morgan")
  Re: Malting buckwheat (Jeff Renner)
  Re: Freedom to brew. (Jeff Renner)
  Yeast for Barley Wine ("Lee and Ant Hayes")
  Upcoming Beer-Cheese Pairing - to benefit our 6% legislation!! ("Mark Nelson")
  Barrel aging beer - a data point ("zemo")
  Commander SAAZ Interplanetary Homebrew Blastoff 2003!! ("Glenn Exline")
  Guide question from a lurker. ("redbeard47.ny")

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---------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Wed, 25 Jun 2003 13:52:55 +0800 From: "Edward D" <edwardd at dodo.com.au> Subject: fat tax moving to beer NO Spam shows us a proposed law for a tax on junk food video games and TV advertising to pay for obesity prevention programs. Personally I don't think it will get anywhere and if it was to be proposed in my aria I would email the relevant bodies to tell them it is stupid but NO Spam stated that he believes alcohol would follow in the same way. Personally I would encourage a larger portion of the revenue generated to the government from alcohol sales be directed into alcoholism prevention and treatment. But then I also want to se a restructuring of alcohol taxes to be a flat $x.xx per standard drink rather than different amounts for beer, wine, fortified wine, spirits and liqueur. But that would be a simplification of the tax system and that hasn't happened without the destruction of the enforcing body ever (as far as I know). And I don't expect ether to actually happen now. Edward Return to table of contents
Date: Wed, 25 Jun 2003 02:42:33 -0400 From: "-S" <-s at adelphia.net> Subject: Re: Smoking, enough already The smoking thing devolved into a discussion of the merits of smoking, when the point was that there are good solutions that don't involve coercive taxes or telling people how to live. Michael Hartsock.says ... >By the by... The homeland security act[HSA] did more >to devastate personal liberty than the Clinton Admin >could shake a fist at. You're splitting hairs Michael. It's a bit like saying "your skunk smells worse than mine" in deciding whether Clinton or Bush2 has had the worst record of preserving individual rights. W/ Clinton we have the FDA Kessler appointment - an open attempt to ban nicotine. Then the successful tax & sue policy which is a permanent rip in the fabric of our gov't. The dismal law Clinton signed after the Atlanta Olympic bombing permitting wiretaps w/o warrant. Clinton was responsible for (a supposed) 100,000 more "police on the street" via some partial matching funds. Just exactly who wants this police state ? Clinton polluted and diluted the notion of rights by calling everything under the sun a "bill of rights"; "Taxpayers bill of rights", "patients bill of rights". The PBoR isn't related to rights at all, it's about transferring medical costs. I can't say whether Bush2's HSA, the arrests, and Guantanamo detentions are better or worse. Both of these clowns stink. -S Return to table of contents
Date: Wed, 25 Jun 2003 00:27:17 -0700 (PDT) From: Jan-Willem <jwvgr at yahoo.com> Subject: dunkelweizen Michael Hartsock asked for advice on malt/yeast/mashing for brewing a dunkelweizen. Michael, I don't pretend to know everything about that, but I would go for a munich or dark vienna malt, instead of the pilsner. A malt bill of 40% dark vienna and 60% wheat malt gave me great results, and I understood that these malts are quite normal in these beers. I wouldn't go for roasted malts to get the color. As far as the yeast goes, most people I know go for wyeast weihenstephan. That one should give you plenty of bananas. In fact, I dislike it for that reason, and normally use recultured Schneider yeast, which I find more subtle. If you use Weihenstephan, I wouldn't go for temps higher than 20C. With the recultured Schneider (but I don't think you can get that on your side of the ocean) I'd go a little higher, say 22C. For the mashing, I had fine results with a 20' at 50C, 90' at 65C schedule, with 2.5 l water per kg grain. However, I prefer a single decoction schedule following the same temps. Just my experiences, I'm sure people will have different ideas. Good luck, Jan Willem Wageningen the Netherlands Return to table of contents
Date: Wed, 25 Jun 2003 04:20:32 -0700 From: "Haborak, Kevin" <KHaborak at golder.com> Subject: last three batches I think I'll do my last four since one was experimental and I usually don't brew anything close to it. I was trying out the super high gravity yeast to see if it just tasted like someone droped a shot of vodka in my beer. Give me a year and I'll let you know. a CAP ~4.5% a Koelschy ~4.0% an IPA ~7.0% Barley Wine ~ 22% -Kevin. Return to table of contents
Date: Wed, 25 Jun 2003 08:44:47 -0400 From: "Houseman, David L" <David.Houseman at unisys.com> Subject: Masons, Elks and things that go bubble in the night.... Dan Listermann said: "Speaking of age, a concern cropped up in my head about the ratio of gray heads to non gray. There were not enough young people there. I have a fear of becoming like the Masons, Elks, Eagles, etc. if we are not careful." No, Dead Heads...or rather Dead Freds....be afraid, very afraid. Dave Return to table of contents
Date: Wed, 25 Jun 2003 09:11:53 -0400 From: "Dave Burley" <Dave_Burley at charter.net> Subject: loof lirpa Brewsters: Dave Wilbur's article on Glow Beer had as part of the address the phrase "looflirpa". Reminds me of the time as a grad school teaching assistant of Chemistry I gave a quick discussion to my Freshman Chemistry class on the subject of optical rotation. I included the "history" of this Italian from Venice , Lufino ( aka "Loof) Lirpa who discovered optical rotation by looking at Venetian blinds through the crystals at the bottom of his wine glass. I then gave a merciless pop quiz on optical rotation. To discover what day I gave this lecture and pop quiz, answer the last question on the quiz. "What is Loof Lirpa spelled backwards?" Keep on Brewin' Dave Burley Return to table of contents
Date: Wed, 25 Jun 2003 09:30:07 -0400 From: "Eyre" <meyre at sbcglobal.net> Subject: Yeast washing.. So, I understnad the who yeast washing bit.. but from reading a few sites, you can keep these guys in the fridge for only about month.. now since I'm the ony beer drinker inthe house, I only brew about every month and a half. And that was at 5 gallon batches.. since I've stepped up to 10 gal now, I have a feeling I won't be brewing as often as that. Is there a way to keep 'em alive for longer, by.. rejuvenating them somehow, or is that not reccomended? Mike meyre at sbcglobal.net Return to table of contents
Date: Wed, 25 Jun 2003 10:12:00 -0400 From: "Eyre" <meyre at sbcglobal.net> Subject: Hmm.. how about some numbers? >Mike Eyre asked... >Off the top of your head, >what were the ABV %'s of your, say.. last three (3) homebrewed beers? Barleywine 1.090 OG still in primary English Style IPA 1.060 OG secondary Blonde Ale 1.046 OG bottles and tasting good. -!----- That doesn't really answer my question, friend. Do you have some % numbers to give me, so I can add you to the list here? Mike meyre at sbcglobal.net Return to table of contents
Date: Wed, 25 Jun 2003 09:39:02 -0500 From: Brian Lundeen <BLundeen at rrc.mb.ca> Subject: RE: NHC report You know, it's great hearing about all this beer related stuff that went on at the NHC, but I'm sure what everyone in here is dying to find out about is the headline event: The Great NHC Smackdown featuring Mark Ohrstrom and... Gosh, I can't even remember the surly little $%^&'s name. Ping Mark! Cheers Brian (coordinates lost due to hard drive failure, but still in Winnipeg) Return to table of contents
Date: Wed, 25 Jun 2003 10:53:18 -0400 From: NO Spam <nospam at brewbyyou.net> Subject: Re: YEAST FOR BARLEY WINE I currently have a barleywine in primary with Wyeast 1275 Thames Valley. The trick with any high gravity beer is to pitch sufficient yeast. I had previously brewed an English Style IPA using the 1275, then I just racked the Barleywine directly on top of the yeast cake from that, after transferring the IPA to secondary. The styles are even similar enough that any left over hops, etc, would not be a problem. I've done this before with this yeast. I like it. My BW was only 1.090. Still it was going like gang busters within about an hour after racking. I've found 1275 to be pretty neutral as far as English yeasts go. In most of my beers, it seems to be on par with 1056, very clean. I've used 1275 for Mild Ale, English Pale Ale, Bitter, IPA, and Barleywine. It's one of my favorite strains. Bill Return to table of contents
Date: Wed, 25 Jun 2003 10:54:56 -0400 From: Robin Griller <rgriller at chass.utoronto.ca> Subject: excessive right wing rants Hi all, Is anybody else getting as tired as I am of the seemingly endless long winded free market, neocon crud arriving in the digest day after day recently? Writing from a land of socialized medicine some of it is *very* funny, I have to admit, but enough already....can't believe I'm saying it, but enough with the narrow minded political drivel, let's get back to beer. Robin Return to table of contents
Date: Wed, 25 Jun 2003 11:09:01 -0400 From: NO Spam <nospam at brewbyyou.net> Subject: Re: Smoking, enough already One final thing to add to -S's comments on Clinton: Bill Clinton was also responsible for dramatically expanding a program that is taking jobs out of this country by the millions annually, and brining in millions of workers from overseas annually to take American jobs. Those of us who are in computers, communications, or high tech fields should be real familiar with the H1B and L1 visa programs, which Clinton built up. And his wife also recently had a big part in it too, by bringing in a large company known as TATA consulting and setting them up with a large corporate center in Buffalo, NY. TATA is the #1 outsourcer of American jobs to India, and in the top ten among importers of foreign workers. They pay people in India $400 per month to do jobs that Americans here get a whole lot more to do. America is now losing over 70,000 high tech jobs per MONTH to companies like TATA, with help from organizations like the ITAA (who contributed MILLIONS to the Clintons) and NAASCOM, who represent over 700 India based companies. I left the computer field 3 years ago, and I blame a large part of this problem on the Clintons - then AND now. Thanks, Bill and Hillary. Return to table of contents
Date: Wed, 25 Jun 2003 12:41:42 -0400 From: "Kevin Morgan" <kevin.morgan2 at verizon.net> Subject: Re: Mash temp too high Thomas said: >Has anyone ever mashed too high, say in the mid 70's, by accident? >Did the wort only partially attenuate or not ferment at all? >What was the outcome for you? Regards, Thomas Adelaide SOUTH AUSTRALIA I do this on occasion, intentionally to give a higher final gravity and more mouth feel. Kevin.......Brewing in south jersey (USA) Return to table of contents
Date: Wed, 25 Jun 2003 13:14:11 -0400 From: Jeff Renner <jeffrenner at comcast.net> Subject: Re: Malting buckwheat "John Misrahi" <lmoukhin at sprint.ca> writes from Montreal, Canada >One of the (somewhat) local micros makes a very good buckwheat amber ale. I >have 1.5 kilograms of unmalted buckwheat groats. Anyone ever try >malting these at home before? You don't need to malt buckwheat if you don't want to. You can just grind it and do a cereal mash or just toss it in the mash, depending on the gelatinization temperature of buckwheat starch. A google search may turn that up. Buckwheat is a natural for toasting in the oven before you use it. Check the archives or one of a number of brewing books on roasting your own grains. You could go for amber or even a little darker. Sounds like fun. We did have a bad bottle of Rogue Soba ale at the NHC (soba is Japanese for buckwheat, I think). It reeked of diacetyl - nothing to do with buckwheat, I'm sure. We tried another bottle that wasn't as bad, but nothing to write home about. Rather bland, I thought, especially for Rogue. buckwheat was the first listed ingredient, so it may have been the predominant grain. About the NHC - I can't add anything to what was written except to second it. Fantastic! Make plans now for Vegas in '04! Jeff - -- Jeff Renner in Ann Arbor, Michigan USA, JeffRenner at comcast.net "One never knows, do one?" Fats Waller, American Musician, 1904-1943 Return to table of contents
Date: Wed, 25 Jun 2003 13:08:23 -0400 From: Jeff Renner <jeffrenner at comcast.net> Subject: Re: Freedom to brew. Michael Hartsock <xd_haze at yahoo.com> asks >I'm pondering a dunkles Hefe. What I want is >something smooth and malty with strong banana fruit >esters. What specialty grains are recommended to get >the dark color without tasting roasted? Good question. I've tasted way too many roasty Dunkles, both wheat and all barley. The answer here is Munich malt and dark wheat malt. I know that Durst makes both (including two colors of Munich, 20 and 40 EBC). Others may as well. >What yeast and temperatures are recommeded to get a good flavor >profile? I'll leave this part to someone else with more experience but will make a comment or two. I haven't made a hefe in a while and always used YCKC yeast (RIP). Getting the balance between the flavors can be tough. I aimed at upper 60s F. For clove flavor (which you didn't mention), a rest at 112 will develop more precursors. Jeff - -- Jeff Renner in Ann Arbor, Michigan USA, JeffRenner at comcast.net "One never knows, do one?" Fats Waller, American Musician, 1904-1943 Return to table of contents
Date: Wed, 25 Jun 2003 20:09:23 +0200 From: "Lee and Ant Hayes" <anleo at worldonline.co.za> Subject: Yeast for Barley Wine There was a question regarding the best yeast for barley wine. A non-intuitive option is a lager yeast. Apparently this is what they use for Thomas Hardy. Secondly lager yeast seems to be closely related to Champagne yeast (-S can you back me here?) so it can tolerate alcohol better. I fermented a 1,114 barley wine down to 1,024 using DCL S-23. So far it tastes great - very little in the way of esters. Ant Hayes Johannesburg Return to table of contents
Date: Wed, 25 Jun 2003 15:17:17 -0400 From: "Mark Nelson" <menelson at mindspring.com> Subject: Upcoming Beer-Cheese Pairing - to benefit our 6% legislation!! This is a quick note to let any Georgia-based homebrewers know about an upcoming beer-and-cheese pairing. Details are below, and I hope to see a bunch of you there! Mark >>> Georgians for World-Class Beer has made final arrangements for the next event to benefit our legislative efforts related to the restrictions on gourmet beer here in Georgia. Whole Foods Market, 5 Seasons Brewing, Merchant du Vin, Thunderhead Distribution and ArtCanyon.com are all coming together to help us present a world-class beer and cheese tasting. On Sunday, July 13, 2003 at 4PM at 5 Seasons Brewing we will match 10 different world-class beers with artisan cheeses to show that beer and cheese is truly a match made in heaven. Seating will be limited! Please visit our web site at www.beerinfo.com/worldclassbeer and follow the links to purchase tickets on-line. Or call 5 Seasons at 404-255-5911 to make reservations. They will need your name and credit card number to reserve your space. Be sure to tell them it's for the beer and cheese tasting. The cost is a donation of $25. PS. 5 Seasons Brewing is located in The Prado at 5600 Roswell Road, just inside I-285. Be sure to stick around afterward for their regular Sunday schedule of live jazz, great food, and handcrafted beers. PPS. For all you true beer geeks, here are the beer/cheese pairings: - Celebrator Double Bock (gruyere) - Sam Smith's Imperial Stout (brie) - 5 Seasons pale ale (aged white cheddar) - Dogwood Winter '02 (aged provolone) - Dogwood Winter '01 (parmigiano reggiano) - Troubador Belgian Golden Ale (smoked gouda) - Traquair House Scotch Ale (Banon) - Fullers Vintage Ale (English stilton) - Chimay Grand Reserve (Chimay beer-washed-rind cheese) - 5 Seasons wheat or wit ale (fresh goat cheese) Return to table of contents
Date: Wed, 25 Jun 2003 16:34:12 -0500 From: "zemo" <zemo at ameritech.net> Subject: Barrel aging beer - a data point A note about the NHC Commemorative Beer: In the early summer of 2002, several now-anonymous brewers from Brewers Of South Suburbia, Chicago Beer Society and Urban Knaves of Grain made 60 gals of Russian Imperial Stout with donated ingredients. 12-5 gal cornies of the RIS were collected after secondary fermentation to fill the 50 gal bourbon barrel from Heaven Hill Distillery, Bardstown, KY. [The barrel head is featured in the background of the label.] The barrel had been purchased in Dec '01, and had been sitting empty in the brewery of Govnor's Public House (Lake of the Hills, IL), until it was rinsed with hot water before it was filled. Since a few brewers made 10 gal batches, the barrel was filled with portions of each batch, with 10 gals being reserved in cornies for future mixing. The barrel was filled in August '02 and sat in the brewery until bottling in May '03. At that time, a firkin was filled to be served at the NHC banquet and the reserved 10 gals were returned to the barrel; then, 480 bottles were filled. Early on, it was discovered that, due to lack of proper barrel sanitation [by me], a lactic infection had soured the beer. After tireless sampling, the committee decided that it was necessary to doctor the beer to make it more palatable. A panel of sour men helped to formulate a combination of CaCO3 (reduce acidity), lactose (sweetening) and vanilla extract (smooth out oakiness) to improve taste. [For good measure, a 1.5L bottle of Kentucky bourbon was also added directly to the barrel before firkin-filling or bottling.] Doses of each, plus yeast and priming sugar, were added to cornies that were filled by pump from the barrel. Bottles were filled from the cornies with minimum pressure using Phil's Phillers. [It took under 2 hrs for 10 people forming two bottling lines to fill the bottles.] In retrospect, I wish I'd spent more time maintaining the barrel: from proper sanitation (burning a sulfur stick); to keeping it topped up (I mistakenly thought it was better to keep the cornies filled, rather than the barrel). The alcohol content is an estimate: OG was most likely over 1100, FG was 1032. The consensus is that it will age well and maybe mellow out. If you give the bottle a swirl every now and then, it may just carbonate. 8^)> Zemo Chicago Beer Society www.chibeer.org Return to table of contents
Date: Wed, 25 Jun 2003 18:15:20 -0400 From: "Glenn Exline" <gexline at cfl.rr.com> Subject: Commander SAAZ Interplanetary Homebrew Blastoff 2003!! What is the Commander SAAZ Interplanetary Homebrew Blastoff? It's an A.H.A. Sanctioned homebrewed beer and mead competition sponsored by the Spacecoast Associates for the Advancement of Zymurgy (SAAZ). Beers are judged in accordance with BJCP rules and style guidelines. This year two Best of Show prizes will be awarded. One for Beers, and one for Meads and Ciders. Further information on rules and entry guidelines can be found on the SAAZ website (http://www.saaz.org). This year we have a NEW ELECTRONIC VERSION of the entry form. It lets you fill out and print multiple entry forms, including bottle labels, and mailing labels on your PC. No more filling in entry forms by hand!! Please check it out, and good luck! Webmaster at SAAZ.ORG Return to table of contents
Date: Wed, 25 Jun 2003 22:12:38 -0400 From: "redbeard47.ny" <redbeard47.ny at netzero.net> Subject: Guide question from a lurker. Just a quick question, I won a trip with a guide, how much is normal to tip? I don't even know what he usually charges. Bob. Beer, it's not just for breakfast anymore! Return to table of contents
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