HOMEBREW Digest #4283 Sat 28 June 2003

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  re: brewery names (was: Re: Left turn) (Robert Marshall)
  Durst dark wheat malt (Robert Sandefer)
  Carbonation question (Robert Sandefer)
  Brewery Names (Drew Beechum)
  Re: Food and Beer/Vegas 2004/Sulfur Sticks (Phil Sides Jr)
  Re: Chamomile in beer (Phil Sides Jr)
  Keg Balancing Question ("Dan Listermann")
  RE:Subject: Left turn / Brewery Names.. ("Sven Pfitt")
  Brewery Name (Lee Ellman)
  Chamomile Beer ("Dave Burley")
  Brewery names ("Houseman, David L")
  Keg Balancing Question ("Jay Spies")
  RE: sulfur sticks and commies (Brian Lundeen)
  chamomile and water chemistry (Marc Sedam)
  re: Chamomile in beer (NO Spam)
  concerning OT posts (Alan Meeker)
  Burton Water Salts/hop bitterness ("Mike Maag")
  Sulfates and bitterness (BrewInfo)
  Passion for homebrewing (BrewInfo)
  temps for bottles.. ("Eyre")
   (J & B Gallihue)

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---------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Thu, 26 Jun 2003 22:50:26 -0700 (PDT) From: Robert Marshall <robertjm at hockeyhockeyhockey.com> Subject: re: brewery names (was: Re: Left turn) Mine is NNY Brewing Company. Nope, its not northern New York, its No-Name-Yet!! Another one I played around with several years ago was Ursis Horribilis (latin: Grizzly Bear) Brewing Company. This was the name I used after graduating from the University of Montana (Go Griz!). Robert - ----------------- Date: Thu, 26 Jun 2003 20:14:57 -0700 From: David <jdlcr at flash.netdex.com> Subject: Left turn ...I was wondering what might be the story behind all the various brewery names many of you post out there. Here is mine: BM Brewery, Cloverdale, CA. This started out as a joint effort by me (Brandt) and a friend (Mills) in response to a brew starter kit I got for Christmas from my wife. The first batch hooked us and we have brewed near 100 batches since. Oh yeah, our catch phrase...BM Brewery...#2 To No One! Sorry...couldn't help myself, David Brandt Return to table of contents
Date: Fri, 27 Jun 2003 02:26:24 -0400 From: Robert Sandefer <melamor at vzavenue.net> Subject: Durst dark wheat malt In Digest #4281, Jeff Renner mentioned the utility of Durst dark wheat malt in brewing a dunkelweizen. Hey, Jeff, what is (or was) your source for this malt? Thanks. Robert Sandefer Arlington, VA Return to table of contents
Date: Fri, 27 Jun 2003 02:51:55 -0400 From: Robert Sandefer <melamor at vzavenue.net> Subject: Carbonation question Recently I have noticed several sources (e.g., Ray Daniels' Designing Great Beers) that suggest wheat beers benefit from higher-than-normal carbonation pressures (e.g., 3.6-5.1 volumes of CO2). My question is: (a) how many CO2 volumes are in a 5-gal batch primed with 3/4 cup of corn sugar; and (b) how much corn sugar would be required to reach the 3.6-5.1 volumes of CO2 level in a 5-gal batch? Thanks. Robert Sandefer Return to table of contents
Date: Thu, 26 Jun 2003 23:54:34 -0700 (PDT) From: Drew Beechum <drewbage1847 at yahoo.com> Subject: Brewery Names David asks about our various brewery names. Mine is the Stout Guy Brewing Company of Los Angeles. Two Reasons: 1) When I started this hobby a few years back, I was a stout nut. Liked em all, well, ok.. most of them. Since then.. well, I'm a Belgian nut and really a Saison nut. Somehow the Saison Guy Brewing Company lacks the panache of Stout Guy. 2) Heck.. find a picture of me on the web (maltosefalcons.com is our best bet) and you'll see it's really obvious way the Stout Guy appellation fits this guy. :) - -- Drew Beechum Los Angeles, CA Return to table of contents
Date: Fri, 27 Jun 2003 07:42:48 -0400 From: Phil Sides Jr <altoidman at altoidman.com> Subject: Re: Food and Beer/Vegas 2004/Sulfur Sticks From "Paul Gatza" <paul at aob.org>: >The 2004 conference is set for the Riviera on the strip in Las Vegas on June >16 to 19, 2004. The local committee is chaired by Tyce Heldenbrand and >members of SNAFU. Tyce will be looking for support from brewers from all >over Southern California, Nevada and Arizona, as well as the clubs who >travel greater distances to participate in every conference. Imagine >hundreds of kegs of homebrew, hundreds of homebrewers having a great time >and the playground that is Vegas. Should be some fun. Reminds me of that Frank Zappa song "Billy The Mountain": It's off to Las Vegas to check out the lounges Pull a few handles, And drink a few beers... Phil Sides, Jr. Silver Spring, MD Need a good laugh today? Join Altoidman's Humor List - http://www.altoidman.com Return to table of contents
Date: Fri, 27 Jun 2003 07:45:27 -0400 From: Phil Sides Jr <altoidman at altoidman.com> Subject: Re: Chamomile in beer From Chad Holley <em2hurley at yahoo.com>: >I've got a question to throw out to the collective. 2 >years ago I planted some chamomile in my garden. It's >now taken over half my yard. Since there's only so >much tea I can drink, I'd like to make some good use >of the flowers. Anyone ever try some in one of their >brews? I was tossing the idea around of creating an >all grain chamomile Hefe. comments? Suggestions? It's great in a witbier... like you'd use a finishing hop (late in the boil). Phil Sides, Jr. Silver Spring, MD Need a good laugh today? Join Altoidman's Humor List - http://www.altoidman.com Return to table of contents
Date: Fri, 27 Jun 2003 08:11:20 -0400 From: "Dan Listermann" <dan at listermann.com> Subject: Keg Balancing Question Steve G asks about keg balancing using a clamp on the serving line instead of many, many feet of line. This works very well. We have developed a special clamp that constricts the hose over a five inch length with two thumb screws. It allows you to effectively "dial in" your foam level within reason. The constriction is over a long length and, in squeezing the hose, there are no sharp edges to generate cavitations. Anyone can try this using two small pieces of wood and a "C" clamp or two. We are calling our new product "Phil's Phoam Phixer." As an added bonus, the plates are stainless! Dan Listermann Check out our E-tail site at www.listermann.com Free shipping for orders greater than $35 and East of the Mighty Miss. Return to table of contents
Date: Fri, 27 Jun 2003 08:21:21 -0400 From: "Sven Pfitt" <the_gimp98 at hotmail.com> Subject: RE:Subject: Left turn / Brewery Names.. David <jdlcr at flash.netdex.com> ponders teh names of our breweries... ...SNIP.... >To move to other areas of brewing concern, I was wondering what might be >the story behind all the >various brewery names many of you post out there. >Here is mine: BM Brewery, Cloverdale, CA. This >started out as a joint >effort by me (Brandt) and a friend (Mills) in response to a brew starter >kit I got >for Christmas from my wife. The first batch hooked us and we have brewed >near 100 batches since. >Oh yeah, our catch phrase...BM Brewery...#2 To No >One! > >Sorry...couldn't help myself, >David Brandt Well, I've been making wine since one had to have a license from the ATF (no charge, just head of houshold had to register), and beer about four years less. When I moved into my current house a bit over a year ago, there was a building out back that looked like a small garage that had been converted into a storage building. I had planned to put the brewery in it along with my Ironhead Sportster and call it the Ironhead Bar and Grill, but ended up putting the brewery and bike in the garage under the house. Got no bar, and the grill is out near the front pourch, so it is just an Ironhead Brewery... Steven, -75 XLCH- Ironhead Nano-Brewery http://thegimp.8k.com Johnson City, TN [422.7, 169.2] Rennerian "There is no such thing as gravity, the earth sucks." Wings Whiplash - 1968 Return to table of contents
Date: Fri, 27 Jun 2003 09:28:42 -0400 From: Lee Ellman <lee.ellman at cityofyonkers.com> Subject: Brewery Name The name of the bus route to our neighborhood seemed like a good name so the 10 square feet of space in my kitchen and dining room became TUDOR WOODS BREWERY. For some odd reason my wife doesn't like the name - something about the neighborhood not really being known under that name but I've made the labels so that is that! I may branch out and co-opt the historic Yonkers Brewery name just so that I take their old beer name for their dry lager. "YB Dry?" Return to table of contents
Date: Fri, 27 Jun 2003 09:53:44 -0400 From: "Dave Burley" <Dave_Burley at charter.net> Subject: Chamomile Beer Brewsters: Chad Holley contemplates making beer with his overgrowth of Chamomile. New to me but it certainly should be a relaxing beer when you combine hops and chamomile. Probably would rank right up there with the Sealy commercials. Be sure you drink it in bed. {8^) Keep on Brewin' Dave Burley Return to table of contents
Date: Fri, 27 Jun 2003 09:59:39 -0400 From: "Houseman, David L" <David.Houseman at unisys.com> Subject: Brewery names And interesting question from David Brandt. I call mine The Groundhog Brewery in honor of that under appreciated predictor of Spring or Winter. Plus one of Phil's cousins lives in my back yard and helpful by eating the dandelions in the Spring. He also represents the little-celebrated national holiday we should take a moment and reflect upon. There's little else to celebrate in the dead of Winter so let's lift a glass of homebrew to Groundhog Day. And like Bill Murray in the movie of the same name, we can continue to lift that glass, over, and over and over...... Dave Houseman Groundhog Brewery Return to table of contents
Date: Fri, 27 Jun 2003 10:28:57 -0400 From: "Jay Spies" <jayspies at citywidehomeloans.com> Subject: Keg Balancing Question All - Steve G spaketh thusly about keg setups: >>>>I'd like to avoid using 6' of line in my little freezer if possible. <<<< Steve, do what I do. Take the 6' of line and coil it up, then zip tie it in a few places. Works for me. Don't think hose clamps are gonna cut it... Jay Spies Charm City Altobrewery Baltimore, MD Return to table of contents
Date: Fri, 27 Jun 2003 09:52:23 -0500 From: Brian Lundeen <BLundeen at rrc.mb.ca> Subject: RE: sulfur sticks and commies Paul Gatza writes: My experience is that when using sulfur sticks, expect the next several liquids that spend time in the barrel to become sulfury. I would only use them as a last resort, and would consider moving the barrel toward lambic uses rather than using a sulfur stick. Me: I would like to know more about your experiences. Winemakers have been doing this for ages without problems. One must be careful to prevent any material from the burning stick from falling into the barrel. This will contribute to a sulphur problem. Is it possible that happened in your experiences? Comrade Avis writes: Seriously, any brewers in the Ottawa/Gatineau region are welcome to join the MoB (as well as those in outlying regions such as Toronto or New Brunswick seeking a "virtual" brew club). We're not really communists. Me: No, technically they are all a bunch of "raving socialists", but from our perspective, there's very little difference. Hey, it isn't called the RIGHT wing for nothing. ;-) Of course, based on some recent discussions in another forum, my "right wing" is still way left of a lot of people's. Cheers Brian, in Winnipeg PS Congrats to Mark in Kalamazoo, still the undisputed HBD Smackdown champion of the woooooooooorld! Return to table of contents
Date: Fri, 27 Jun 2003 11:07:39 -0400 From: Marc Sedam <marc_sedam at unc.edu> Subject: chamomile and water chemistry Man...all that talk about the wonderful NHC made me jealous. I was even in Chicago two weeks ago, but couldn't swing a return. For those of you thinking about next year, don't deny the power of Vega$. My wife, the loving and patient person she is, tolerates my brewing obsession. I asked her this morning if she'd be interested in going to the NHC in Vega$, to which she immediately responded "yes...we needed an excuse to go to Vegas." Try it on your own SWMBO. I will, however, be at the Oregon Brewers Festival in Portland next month. Also a must-visit on any serious beer enthusiasts list. As for using chamomile, there's no better recipe (IMHO) for using it than in a witbier. I just made a wit and cherry wit split batch with an ounce of dried chamomile flowers in 10 gallons. VERY nice flavor and not too far off a Celis White. It was supposed to be their secret ingredient. On to water chemistry...a few years back I wrote a "For Geeks Only" article for Zymurgy on this topic, where an IPA was brewed using soft, sulfate, and carbonate water profiles. These beers were scored using the AHA judging sheets. The sulfate batch did win out, but probably not in a statistically significant way, over the soft water. I always felt that sulfate water "enhanced" bitterness but doesn't "increase" it. So I'm not surprised at Al's results. The dH2O batch probably had a slightly harsher bitterness that's perceived as "more." The sulfate batch may have a smoother, more integrated, bitterness that could be perceived as "less." This is consistent with the experiment I did and other batches of beer I've brewed. - -- Marc Sedam Chapel Hill, NC Return to table of contents
Date: Fri, 27 Jun 2003 11:46:42 -0400 From: NO Spam <nospam at brewbyyou.net> Subject: re: Chamomile in beer Never actually tried it, or heard of anyone who has. It sounds feasible. People make Heather Ale, for example. It also sounds like it might make for a good mead. I'm not much of an herbalist, but I think Chamomile is supposed to be known for its calming effect. Its used as a tea, and in alot of herbal teas that are sold as sleepy time teas, or sleep aids. So I wonder if just for that reason, you wouldn't want to use it in an alcoholic beverage. You wouldn't want to drink a glass or 2 and go to sleep or get real sleepy every time. But there's no reason why you couldn't try it. Bill Return to table of contents
Date: Fri, 27 Jun 2003 12:19:31 -0400 From: Alan Meeker <ameeker at mail.jhmi.edu> Subject: concerning OT posts I for one don't see much of a problem with so-called off-topic posts on the HBD. (Then again, I've probably posted more than my share of OTs!) I really don't see anything wrong with them, so long as they don't become the predominate species on the digest, and as long as they don't interfere with the posting of the pure brewing posts by taking up too much bandwidth. This hasn't seemed to be much of a problem, especially as we head into the Summer months when the volume of posts seems to be fairly low. For instance, yesterday's digest featured only 17 posts, and of these only 3 were truly off topic (2 of the three were the calls to police OT posts!). There are also logistical problems with screening for off topic posts. Not only would it cause a burden on the time and efforts of the HBD janitors, the whole question of what truly constitutes "OT" will, by necessity, be fairly subjective. What may seem OT to one person may not to another. OT posts often have their roots in a thread that was originally clearly related to brewing. This then branches out into a less clear gray area where the relevance to the original topic becomes less distinct, sometimes losing all connection to the topic of brewing. For instance, the homebrew consumption question leads to a discussion of alcoholism which then splinters off into topics such as genetics vs. environment, personal responsibility, and sin-taxes. Typically, by the time the thread gets out this far it fairly quickly burns itself out. I, for one, find that the OT posts spice things up a bit on the HBD. It makes this forum seem more vibrant and alive. The use of topic headings in the posts makes it relatively easy to avoid those that one is un-interested in, OT or otherwise. I think that a little exercise of the Page Down key is not too much of a price to pay to allow the free flow of ideas and opinions on this forum. -Alan Meeker Baltimore, MD Return to table of contents
Date: Fri, 27 Jun 2003 13:09:11 -0400 From: "Mike Maag" <maagm at rica.net> Subject: Burton Water Salts/hop bitterness Al K. wonders why Burton Water Salts in the boil does not seem to result in increased perceived hop bitterness. (Great to hear from you Al!). I thought the documentation of hop bitterness in relation to sulfate was (mostly) in relation to the sulfate being in the mash water. Perhaps some compound formed in the mash is transferred to the boil and reacts with the hops to result in perceived bitterness. Mike Maag, currently chilling 10 gal of Weinstephan Hefewiezen clone to pitching temp. Return to table of contents
Date: Fri, 27 Jun 2003 13:13:47 -0500 (CDT) From: brewinfo at xnet.com (BrewInfo) Subject: Sulfates and bitterness Mike wrote (and Cc'd me): >I thought the documentation of hop bitterness in relation to sulfate was >(mostly) in relation to the sulfate being in the mash water. Perhaps some >compound formed in the mash is transferred to the boil and reacts with the >hops to result in perceived bitterness. I had thought about that. I will try to find the time to brew up a pair of small batches, one with distilled and one with the sulfated water. I hope that the difference is as stunning as I expect it to be. Learning that you can't get the affect by adding it in the boil would be of interest in itself... it would be quite an impact on the water additions that extract brewers add, wouldn't it? Al. www.brewinfo.com P.S. I'm going to fix this in the viewgraphs on my website, but for those of you who have already gotten copies, AJ deLange emailed me and pointed out that his post regarding activated carbon filters removing calcium and other ions was *specifically* regarding Brita filters that, in addition to having activated carbon, also have some ion exchange media which will mess with your calcium concentrations. Sorry about the misinformation. I did notice (and posted on HBD about 1997 or 1998) that my Brita filter was changing my pH. I don't think it was ever resolved, but ion exchange (kind of like the ion-exchange water softeners I mention in my lecture) will indeed account for that pH change that I saw. Return to table of contents
Date: Fri, 27 Jun 2003 14:28:01 -0500 (CDT) From: brewinfo at xnet.com (BrewInfo) Subject: Passion for homebrewing I would just like to mention that rubbing shoulders with actual homebrewers again at the AHA Conference has rekindled the passion for homebrewing in me. Kids happened in 1999 and then again in 2002 and time had gotten too scarce to brew regularly as I used to. Also, my fatherly duties had prevented me from attending homebrew club meetings (at one time, I was an active member of three clubs, coincidentally, the same three clubs that were the sponsors of the 2003 AHA Conference: BOSS, CBS, and UKG) and even AHA Conferences. Well, several years of losing touch with flesh-and-blood homebrewers resulted in my forgetting the very best part of homebrewing: sharing homebrewed beer with fellow brewers. While the physical part of brewing was still fresh in my mind, the spiritual part, wonderfulness of the communion, had faded. While I don't forsee having an increase in free time in the near future, I do still know that I have the passion and that when the kids happen to be at the grandparents on a day that coincides with a homebrew club meeting, I'll make an effort to stop by, if even for an hour. I will try to arrange vacation in June to attend the AHA Conference, and I'll put reassembling my brewery at the new house higher on the priority list (I intend on setting up shop in the basement, with the requisite exhaust hood and fresh air supply, rather than have to haul all my equipment into the driveway as I do now). Finally, I would like to remind everyone that *has* the time to brew regularly to never take it for granted. Al. www.brewinfo.com P.S. I will *try* to read and be involved in HBD again... soon. Return to table of contents
Date: Fri, 27 Jun 2003 16:34:47 -0400 From: "Eyre" <meyre at sbcglobal.net> Subject: temps for bottles.. I've been keeping my bottles in the upstairs bedroom since last fall. Usually it's around 65 to 70 degrees up there, but with summer approaching, it's starting to get hotter. What's the max temp that bottled beer should be kept at? It's always dark in there, because I have the shades down.. so that's not an issue, it's just temps I'm concerned with. I mean, let's say it get's to 80 degrees.. or 90 degrees? What are the effects of that? Mike meyre at sbcglobal.net Return to table of contents
Date: Fri, 27 Jun 2003 23:17:38 -0400 From: J & B Gallihue <jgallihue at comcast.net> Subject: Chad, I have tried Chamomile in Belgian Wit Bier. I read somewhere it will give the beer an extra background spice. I think it does that and it is positive, if understated. Too much Chamomile can be harsh. Try making Chamomile tea w/ come coriander and some orange to see what you think. Someone once told me Hoegaarden uses it in their Wit but I haven't checked that out. Joel Return to table of contents
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