HOMEBREW Digest #432 Tue 05 June 1990

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		Rob Gardner, Digest Coordinator

  More about hops tea (more or less)... (Mark Stevens) <stevens at stsci.edu>
  Cider and Red Star (Eric Pepke)
  Colorado Area Brewpubs (Rick Myers)
  Colorado Springs Brewpubs (Peter Klausler)
  Vanilla Beans (S_KOZA)
  Follow-up (Doug Roberts)
  HBD #431, hazy wheat dream (florianb)
  No more beer babble, Cider Probs (Jay S. Hersh)

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---------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Mon, 4 Jun 90 09:26:58 EDT From: (Mark Stevens) <stevens at stsci.edu> Subject: More about hops tea (more or less)... In homebrew digest #431, Russ Gelinas suggested adding whole hops to the wort in the last 1-3 minutes of a boil and then steep them with the heat off. During a tour of the Wild Goose Brewery (Cambridge Maryland), brewmaster Alan Pugsley explained that they use a device called a "hops percolator" to dry hop their Wild Goose Amber. Aromatic hops (Tettnang & Bramling) are dumped in (in leaf form) and steeped in 110 degree water. [My notes say that Pugsley said they steep for 6 hours, but that seems an awful long time--perhaps I misunderstood the length of time]. According to Pugsley, the product is a bright green liquid with an incredibly powerful hops aroma. The hops tea is then added to the wort in the primary fermenter, i.e., it never goes into the brewing kettle. Pugsley said that this gives the brewery greater control over the consistency of the brews and avoids the problem of losing aromatics. About 30% of the total hops content of each batch is added during this dry-hopping stage. Those of you who have sampled Wild Goose can back me up on this--Wild Goose has one of the sharpest hops characters of any commercial beer I can think of. Great Stuff. Always nice to see how the pros do it... Cheers, - ---Mark Stevens stevens at ra.stsci.edu Return to table of contents
Date: Mon, 4 Jun 1990 10:07:05 EDT From: PEPKE at scri1.scri.fsu.edu (Eric Pepke) Subject: Cider and Red Star I just tasted my first batch of apple cider made with Red Star California Champagne yeast. The result is quite nice. Unlike Pasteur Champagne yeast, the CC yeast seems to be less attenuative, leaving a residual sweetness. There is also less sharpness in the taste. The result is much more like the "fine" ciders I remember from England. Eric Pepke INTERNET: pepke at gw.scri.fsu.edu Supercomputer Computations Research Institute MFENET: pepke at fsu Florida State University SPAN: scri::pepke Tallahassee, FL 32306-4052 BITNET: pepke at fsu Disclaimer: My employers seldom even LISTEN to my opinions. Meta-disclaimer: Any society that needs disclaimers has too many lawyers. Return to table of contents
Date: Mon, 4 Jun 90 8:17:34 MDT From: Rick Myers <cos.hp.com!hpctdpe!rcm at hp-lsd> Subject: Colorado Area Brewpubs Full-Name: Rick Myers >From: "Gary F. Mason - Image Systems - MKO2-2/K03 - 603884[DTN264]-1503 01-Jun-1990 1812" <mason at habs11.enet.dec.com> >I am traveling to the Springs next week. I don't see any listings in the >"Master Brewpub List" for that locale. Does anyone know of any there? If >not, what would be the closest, and how far is that anyway? Colorado Springs (Southern Colorado, for that matter) does not have any brewpubs/microbreweries (yet!). The nearest brewery is Wynkoop in Denver (~75 miles north of C. Springs). I have never been there, but a buddy of mine has. He is real picky about the beers he drinks, and he likes most of Wynkoop's. Their address is: Wynkoop Brewing Company 1634 Eighteenth Street Denver, CO 80202 (303) 297-2700 There are also two microbreweries in Boulder (~35 minutes from Denver), Boulder Brewery, and Walnut Brewery. I've been to neither of those, too. I shouldn't be saying this yet, but, the Antler's Hotel here in C. Springs is opening a brewpub in October, after they finish remodeling the building. The brewmaster owns a local homebrew shop (Mayjor Kelley Homebrewing Supplies) here is C. Springs. I don't think he has any experience brewing on this large of a scale, but the Antler's folks were real anxious to get a brewer as soon as possible - well, as soon as they open, I'll sample and report back to the Digest... - -- *===========================================================================* Rick Myers Hewlett-Packard Colorado Telecommunications Division 5070 Centennial Blvd. Colorado Springs, CO 80919 (719) 531-4416 INTERNET: rcm at hpctdpe.hp.com *===========================================================================* Disclaimer: standard Return to table of contents
Date: Mon, 4 Jun 90 08:45:53 MDT From: pmk at craycos.com (Peter Klausler) Subject: Colorado Springs Brewpubs > I am traveling to the Springs next week. I don't see any listings in the > "Master Brewpub List" for that locale. Does anyone know of any there? If > not, what would be the closest, and how far is that anyway? Brewpubs in Colorado Springs? That's a laugh. There are none. No music, theatre, restaurants, vegetarians, or books, either. The major cultural activities are somewhat more like: - throwing (partially) empty Coors cans at road signs - pawnshop browsing - cutting tops off front-range mountains for strip-mining - gun fondling - grafitti - running red lights (unenforced in the Springs) - shooting holes in signs which prohibit firearms in Nat'l Forests - shooting prairie dogs - blowing up prairie dogs - littering - daytime television Not the most amenable environment for establishing a brewpub, or even a yuppie fern-bar. (So maybe there's some advantage to the Springs, after all.) If you must stay in town, the best excuses for bars are "Old Chicago", downtown (as it were), and the "Golden Bee", near the Broadmoor Hotel by Cheyenne Mountain. At the first you can find a decent selection of imported bottled beer; at the second you may enjoy English ales, served cold and expensively. Given these choices, homebrewing is a natural alternative; one must mail-order supplies and use bottled water, however. Nearest brewpub is in Denver, to whose downtown you may flee in a short 75 minute drive from the Springs'. Try the Wynkoop brewery near the train station. Return to table of contents
Date: Mon, 4 Jun 90 10:29 EST From: <S_KOZA%UNHH.BITNET at mitvma.mit.edu> Subject: Vanilla Beans Hi All. A brewing cohort is interested in putting up a malty, somewhat sweet and lightly hopped Vanilla Ale. The question we're unsure of is: How many beans should he use or should he consider using a high quality extract? Any experiences? Stephan M. Koza Return to table of contents
Date: Mon, 4 Jun 90 11:11:51 MDT From: roberts%studguppy at LANL.GOV (Doug Roberts) Subject: Follow-up I would like to take the opportunity to supply some feed-back regarding a couple of suggestions that have been made in this list which I have found to be extremely useful. 1. To whomever suggested lightly soaping the stove top prior to boiling your wort: Nice idea! I wiped a light film of dishwashing detergent on the stove top prior to making my last batch, and it really did make cleaning up easy afterwards. I inevitably spill a few drops of wort onto the stove top during a boil where it caramelizes and bonds to the stove. The soap pre-treatment now prevents this: crud just wipes off afterwards. 2. I have a batch of Scottish Ale fermention in my spare "beer room" upstairs, where the temperature topped 81 degrees, yesterday. The beer, however, is happily fermenting away at 65 degrees. I put the carboy in my mashing pot, put water in the pot, and pulled an old tee shirt over the carboy and down into the water. Water wicks up the shirt and evaporates, cooling the carboy & beer. Looks like I'll be able to brew all summer! - --Doug ================================================================ Douglas Roberts | Los Alamos National Laboratory |I can resist anything Box 1663, MS F-609 | except temptation. Los Alamos, New Mexico 87545 | ... (505)667-4569 |Oscar Wilde dzzr at lanl.gov | ================================================================ Return to table of contents
Date: 04 Jun 90 12:43:33 PDT (Mon) From: florianb%tekred.cna.tek.com at RELAY.CS.NET Subject: HBD #431, hazy wheat dream Cher sez: >Regarding the tendency for American judges to mis-judge wheat beers due to >haziness combined with ignorance: is there anything to be done about this? Yes. Force feeding with Old Bohemian. But let's not carry this thing too far. Why, just last night... Last night I had a dream that I made a beautiful wheat beer intending to send it off to the AHA contest next year. It was fermented cold and lagered several months until a gang of my German friends came over to visit. They kidnapped me, forced me to don expensive feet equipment and pushed me down nearby icy mountain slopes. This was alarming and made me nervous. It made them thirsty. Later, they took me back home and guzzled all but two of my wheat beers which I managed to stash behind an aging six pack of Budweiser I had bought long ago when I worked in a feed mill. After the Germans left, I took the remaining bottles of wheat beer, filtered them to remove the haze, added a pinch of cloves to both, and re-capped them. Then I sent them away to the AHA contest. The judge turned out to be a visiting professor of brewing science from Munich, who criticized my brew for being too clear for a real wheat beer, and assigned it a score of 19, not good enough for the bronze certificate. He had the additional gall to inquire whether Mt. Hood or Mount Bachelor had the better snow in April and could he crash on my sofa sometime. The dream recurred twice during the evening. I'm going to interpret this much synchronicity as a message to begin brewing a wheat beer now for next year's competition. If it's dismissed on account of having too much haze, there's a certain professor who works full time at the AHA who's going to hear from me. Return to table of contents
Date: 04 Jun 90 19:32:47 EDT From: Jay S. Hersh <75140.350 at compuserve.com> Subject: No more beer babble, Cider Probs I have been very patient with this but after reading the 100th page of scores and banter from J. Melby et al regarding the results of his various tastings I must protest. Mr Melby do we all have to hear about every beer you drink, especially in such gory detail. This is after all a homebrew digest, a forum for discussion of homebrew questions and concerns, not a beer-o-the-month club newsletter. Could you please limit your postings in the future to a BRIEF summary and forward scores (which many will claim are meaningless anyway) and other comments to those who are interested. Many of us want to converse about homebrew. I have noticed you cross post these diatribes on rec.food.drink, where I think they have more of a proper place. To Eric(?) Pepke. I have made cider with Red star Champagne and had similar results, extremely bitter since all the sugar fermented out. The solution I used was to check the gravity and pop the cider into the frig (after racking it back into the bottles off of the yeast). This had 2 effects. It took the cider off the settled yeast, and it caused the still active yeast to settle out due to temperature drop. It was necessary to repeat rackings, but the high alcohol content and cold temperature protected against contamination. This has worked well for me the past few tries. Chuck Cox..... Nerdiest Homebrew, hardly fits the pictures perhaps dirtiest homebrew, nah.... we'll come up with something! - Jay Hersh too busy to drink a thousand beers and babble about them, let alone read about someone else doing the same Return to table of contents
End of HOMEBREW Digest #432, 06/05/90 ************************************* -------
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