FORUM ON BEER, HOMEBREWING, AND RELATED ISSUES Digest Janitor: pbabcock at *************************************************************** THIS YEAR'S HOME BREW DIGEST BROUGHT TO YOU BY: Beer, Beer, and More Beer Visit to show your appreciation! Support those who support you! Visit our sponsor's site! ********** Also visit ********* Contents: Stable Cultures, Brewer's Age (Slightly OT) (Alexandre Enkerli) Jeff Renner & sourdough cultures (Chet Nunan) Spirit of Belgium 2005 conference Jan. 14-16 Arlington, Virginia - a la carte ticket prices ("Rick Garvin") Another USPS Beer and Shipping data point ("Adam M. Bumpus") kegs and magnetic labels (Joe Yoder) "Oranging" Rate for Celis Clone (Bob Hall) RE: Corny ked labeling/tags, Broken glass and PET carboys ("Ronald La Borde") Re: Corny ked labeling/tags ("RYAN WILLIS") Confusing staining results / Viability test (help needed) ("Fredrik") Fridge magnets on a cornie (Calvin Perilloux) Re: Little room for beer... ("Meyer, Aaron D.") non-magnetic SS kegs ("Dave Burley") Re: Labelling Kegs (Kent Fletcher)
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---------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Thu, 16 Dec 2004 00:29:21 -0500 From: Alexandre Enkerli <aenkerli at> Subject: Stable Cultures, Brewer's Age (Slightly OT) Jeff Renner in Ann Arbor (at [0,0] ARC) talked about the stability of mixed cultures for sourdough. E.g., the starter he gave at a conference... > came from the famous Poilane bakery in Paris about 15 years ago, but, > while it started out producing bread very much in the French style, it > changed in a few months to a different, stable, character. Fascinating! Is there a good reference on this "microbiological stability?" Sorry if it's too basic for microbiologists and biochemists here but, to this cultural anthropologist, it's just...fascinating! Is it related to the stability of a single strain of yeast in a given brewery? Is it based on which bugs are dependent on which other bugs? Are environmental factors very influential? Might this apply to wort more than environment, in terms of brewing? Could this be applied to pLambic production? If so, does oak soaking help? Are there good methods to maintain a stable culture in wort? Is there a map of which cultures are stable in which locations? As for age... I'm 32 and the oldest floppies I remember were 5.25". Never used them, only those 3.5" ones. Haven't used any kind of floppy since the 1990s... Of course, I do remember the cassette tapes for Commodore 64s and ViC 20s (I had the latter). How does this relate to brewing? Well, think about what an entry-level PDA can do with brewing data in comparison with these computers which allegedly used 8" floppies... A while ago, brewers couldn't measure most of the things we take for granted. Soon, brewers will take for granted a lot of things we struggle with today. Chances are, computers will play a big part in that. And so will computer networks. Data *can* be fun! AleX in Montreal [555.1km, 62.8] ApparentRennerianCoordinates Return to table of contents
Date: Thu, 16 Dec 2004 04:57:07 -0800 (PST) From: Chet Nunan <katjulchet at> Subject: Jeff Renner & sourdough cultures Jeff, have you ever experimented with souring beers with these cultures? Lambicus San Franciscus? Return to table of contents
Date: Thu, 16 Dec 2004 08:38:47 -0500 From: "Rick Garvin" <rgarvin at> Subject: Spirit of Belgium 2005 conference Jan. 14-16 Arlington, Virginia - a la carte ticket prices The Spirit of Belgium 2005 conference is one month away. Due the very large meeting space we have this time around we are able to physically accommodate more people. We have held off offering tickets for individual events until now, despite enormous demand. Most of the Belgian beers we are bring in for the tastings and banquet are very rare and could not support a large event. We guarantee everyone has a chance to try every beer by limiting attendance. We are now offering individual tickets for single days, tastings and the banquet. The beer list is too long to post; most of the beers will be poured by their brewers or importers. Check out for details on tickets and beers. In 2005 we feature speakers from Belgium, England and all across the US. - Tim Webb - author of CAMRA's Good Beer Guide to Belgium & Holland and LambicLand - Jean-Louis Dits - owner and brewer at Brasserie a Vapeur - Peter Bouckaert - brewer at New Belgium and former brewer at Rodenbach - US brewers of Belgian-style Beer - Rob Tod, Phil Markowski, Bill Madden and Tomme Arthur - Discussions on Belgian Beer styles and homebrewing by Dave Logsden, Chris White, Phil Markowski, Jeff Sparrow, Stan Hieronymous - Full details at Cheers, Rick Rick Garvin - rgarvin at Mobile: 703-629-4671 Return to table of contents
Date: Thu, 16 Dec 2004 09:40:19 -0600 From: "Adam M. Bumpus" <adam at> Subject: Another USPS Beer and Shipping data point I'm sure that many of you have ordered from B3 in the past and may remember the rather distinctive packing tape they use to seal their boxes. The tape is white with red lettering that reads "Beer, Beer and More Beer, This package contains NO alcohol". This morning SWMBO attempted to reuse a box from B3 to send a Christmas gift to my grandmother in Chicago. She was informed by the postal clerk that such a package could not be accepted because USPS will not ship alcohol. Apparently, the presence of the word 'Beer' anywhere on the outside of the package will disqualify it from being sent through the postal service. Eventually the matter was resolved by placing Priority Mail logo tape over the offending B3 tape. This naturally converted the contents back into Christmas gifts, reversing the earlier magic transformation into beer when they were sealed into a box containing the word beer on the outside. Adam Return to table of contents
Date: Thu, 16 Dec 2004 09:48:28 -0600 From: Joe Yoder <headduck at> Subject: kegs and magnetic labels Brewers: Brian suggests using flexible magnetic labels for kegs. It is unlikely that this would work very well, since most kegs are stainless steel, which does not attract magnets. Joe Yoder Lawrence, KS Return to table of contents
Date: Thu, 16 Dec 2004 10:46:57 -0500 From: Bob Hall <rallenhall at> Subject: "Oranging" Rate for Celis Clone I've grown attached to Celis White over the holidays and would like to try a clone. I have two 5 gal. recipes. The first, from BYO, calls for 1 oz. of bitter orange peel, 1 oz. of sweet orange peel (no indication as to dried or fresh for either ... can fresh be used?), and 1 oz. crushed coriander. The second recipe, from North American Clone Brews, calls for .25 oz. dried bitter orange peel and .25 oz. crushed coriander. This seems like a big difference, but as I've never done a Belgium I'm not sure if the difference is as distinct as it appears. Any advice as to "oranging," "coriandering," or cloning a Celis is appreciated. Happy Holidays! Bob Hall Napoleon, OH Return to table of contents
Date: Thu, 16 Dec 2004 10:29:49 -0600 From: "Ronald La Borde" <pivoron at> Subject: RE: Corny ked labeling/tags, Broken glass and PET carboys >From: "Dan Hansen" <dan at> >Subject: Corny ked labeling/tags > >Has anyone come up with a system that easily label their >kegs? Whooee, we beezz busy makin tags it seems! I have used some homemade plastic tags permanently tie-wrapped onto the handle. Then I use the round sticky dots to stick onto the plastic tags. When I PBW a keg, on goes a sticky dot with PBW written on it. Sanitize the keg, another dot, etc... When all is done, I just scrape the dots off and leave the plastic tag tie-wrapped on until the next cycle. Hey, a thought just came to me! Well, another thought anyhow. I once read about garden tags made from beer cans! Yes, cut open a beer can, cut out a rectangle and fold it upon itself shiny side out, crimp all the edges over itself, and now you have a nice free (almost) metal tag. Only problem is how to get a beer can. Anyone on HBD ever have a beer can? :>)) ================================== >From: Seth Boquet <sboquet at> >Subject: Broken glass and PET carboys > >I'm interested in hearing suggestions for any non-breakable >inexpensive fermenters. Cheap? Get any old bucket or plastic container, or even a cardboard box and put a plastic food grade disposable bag in it. Then you can gather the top and place the stopper and rubber band or tie all tight and when fermentation is done, toss it! =================================== >From: Danny WIlliams <dbwill at> >Subject: Re: Collapsed inner tubing in CFC > > The old tubing had collapsed in no less than six > places. Some as short as 1", and th worst a full 3' > section was squashed flat. > What the hell happened? I have a somewhat different scenario about this. I suspect the tubing was flattened when first constructed. I think when you coiled the chiller, the radius was a bit too small and the tubing was severely flattened at that time. Then, as you used it, some sedimentation caused the flow to be even more restricted until you finally found it unusable. Just a guess. Ron ===== Ronald J. La Borde -- Metairie, LA New Orleans is the suburb of Metairie, LA Return to table of contents
Date: Thu, 16 Dec 2004 16:48:26 +0000 From: "RYAN WILLIS" <montanaredeye2 at> Subject: Re: Corny ked labeling/tags Re: Corny ked labeling/tags My local beer shop (closed) in Redmond Oregon had some labels which were used as a marketing tool. They were a vinyl label 2x 2. You could write on them with a pen and then take them off your fermenter and stick them on a keg. very reusable. when you got done with the batch (sniffle) you could take windex and wipe the pen ink off the label. I would use each label about 2-3 times before it would lose it stickyness. things a include on the label.. Name of Beer and Date brewed Batch name... Promash number.... S.G. 1.065 -or whatever F.G. 1.012 -After kegging Kegged on... Awards My shop closed this last week. I'll call and see if he had an of them left. They come in a roll of about 200. If he has any more i write and sell a few. Return to table of contents
Date: Thu, 16 Dec 2004 18:16:42 +0100 From: "Fredrik" <carlsbergerensis at> Subject: Confusing staining results / Viability test (help needed) Hello everyone, Maybe someone on here can help me on this. I try my best to understand the yeast but having no bio background I sometimes feel limited. Since I got a microscope a year ago I've tried to always examine the yeast in microscope, to get to know my yeasts and to learn. I've found it extremely useful and has been able to confirm things that previsouly was only theory. So far I've found both viability testing as per the methyleneblue staining as well as glycogen estimating from iodine staining very easy to perform, also the results I've see have so far has made sense, and the method seem pretty reproducable - until recently(!) when I ran into some pretty weird results. Though I don't know all details I am aware of the distinction between ability to reduce methylene blue and the ability to complete one initial budding cycle as I would assume that the effort to reduce the dye is far less than to complete a budding cycle. Also it has been reported in various places that incertain states, viable cells fail to metabolise the dye, for example very recently released buds that are under maturation tend to be stained though alive. I have also seen reports that itns't not reliable below 90% etc. This is fair enough, but that said, I still haven't found any typical numbers for the magnitued of deviations? Qualitative results are of limited value, I need numbers. What would the worst case deviation between methods be? I will do some future tests on this myself but so far I haven't gotten around to it and this is bugging me. Also it is way too interesting to let pass without reaching at least a likely explanation. Before I present the problem and to illustrate the method and show one test I've done so far, here is a slurry-in-the-fridge-viability-drop test I did during 82 days: Background/Details ---------------------------------------------- The yeast/WY3463 was collected immediately after a 3-4 day primary of a 1.064 leffe clone attempt. At this point the viabiltiy was about or above 95% as per the mehtylene blue/microscope method. Then the sediment, around 1 liter was put into a close PET bottle with some headspace, so oxygen access was unavoidable, though most of if was flushed by release CO2. It was put in my fridge at 5C. The yeast was not washed or anything. I just put the sediement including residual beer into the PET as was - this was part of the experiment. It was capped (pressure released manually periodically) and on each sampling I, stirred the bottle carefully to homogensize the sample well and poured a small sample that was further diluted stirred and coloured. So at each sampling some O2 was probably let into the bottle, most probably affecting the result. The results is here I still have the experiment going becaseu I want to see how it flattens, but this is the current dataset. To me this "made sense". - ------------------------------------------------------------------- Now to the point that confused me and is the reason for this post: I recently opened a 19 month old WY2565 that has been in the fridge. In order to not screw up the results. I opened the 50ml smack pack without popping the wort bag. It had 31 ml slurry (24ml wort bag), since I am going to dobulecheck my counting method I will omit the cell density data. Beucase it may or may not the incorrect. (I have found low counts on two wyeast packs, so the make sure it's not something wrong with my method I have will get a new counter chamber next week and I will double check the counts. Due to this I avoid writing anything about the cell counts) Now what shocked me was that viability appeared to be 86%. Now this doesn't make any sense at all, right? I have never checked viability of a smack pack before, and it's obvious that it would last way better than my fridge slurry because it was optimally packaged and no O2 etc... but 86% after 19 months? I just don't believe it unless someone can hammer it into my head. So the question is, why does the method fail? (I emailed wyeast longe time ago to hear their opinion, but they seem to not care to respond) Another data point. I made a ~5 million/ml/P (?estimtate) starter of this 19 month old yeast, that got going after 2 days. So the yeast is alive, which it should be, but 86% is just amazingly good, so good I can't believe it. I have a number of more or less speculative theories that may or many not explain this, but I ask for your advice here. 1) First, what is the typica deviation in the straining method? If what I see is due to the limitation of the method? The cells look deeply dormant somehow where the core is shrinked? can someone confirm? I suspect the core is staing but not the entire cell - why? Is the elongated shape normalt for kolsh strain? Here are some pics (activated - with ome wort) I suspect this shows that the core are staine on some cells but not on all. I'm sorre for the crappy pics but it's the best I can get with my hobby quality microscope at this magnification. Oh, yeas, why the werid seemingly inconsistent budding pattern in the pics - someone? this kolsh strain is the weirdest stuff I've seen. What is up with this strain? Is this normal? I know it's not what I'm used to see with other ale strains. I have studied mostly nottingham, and they make more sense, only by simple visual inspection you can see that the kolsh is really different. ( For the issues mentioned above am eventually going to try to correlated this with cfu numbers from plating - on my todo list :-( I am also waiting for a "industral standard" hemacytometer I've ordered to arrive, so far I have used a home made procedure, that I do think should work good enough. But because I have repeatadly found low counts in smack packs (out of spec) I am going to get a real cell chamber so I can double check my method. However most counts I've made has made sense. ) Any insights on yeast morphology on starvation/storage or input on the methylene blue method is highly appreciated. Also any input what's up with this weird koelsh strain. I have yet no expereince with lager or wine strains. Koelsh doesn't seem like a typical ale strain anyway judging from what I've seen. /Fredrik Return to table of contents
Date: Thu, 16 Dec 2004 09:29:31 -0800 (PST) From: Calvin Perilloux <calvinperilloux at> Subject: Fridge magnets on a cornie >From the latest HBD regarding labels on cornie kegs: > How about using some flexible magnetic material such as this: > > I have a larger piece like this on my refrig [...] Works great on the fridge. But I dunno about on a stainless steel cornie keg, since magnets don't stick onto 300-series stainless steel very well. Calvin Perilloux Middletown, Maryland, USA Return to table of contents
Date: Thu, 16 Dec 2004 12:38:12 -0600 From: "Meyer, Aaron D." <Aaron.Meyer at> Subject: Re: Little room for beer... >> Since keg discussion is in vogue, does the collective >> have any hints on how to use/chill kegs in an >> apartment without overtaking the one and only large >> refrigerator? >'m a huge fan of cold plates. If you can't drill holes in your fridge (likely >not, right?), drop into your favorite Big Box Store, Salvation Army, or St. >Vincent DePaul (or other thrift store) and find one of those little cube >fridges. Pop a coldplate in, drill any necessary holes, ad faucets and, voila! >A draught system that takes little space. Hell, if you don't mind keeping it >iced, you could even pop a cold plate into a cooler to the same end. I am in a simmilar situation with a small keggerator that only holds a single soda keg. I can see using this suggestion if the keg was pre-chilled and then taken to a party, but does it work for a longer term serving setup with the keg at room temp? Will the warm keg last as long as a chilled keg and will it have any off flavors from continued warm storage? Do I use a CO2 pressure to hold the carbonation at the room temp: 68F or the serving temp: 44F? Does anyone have experience with this type of setup? It would be great have 3 kegs running off one jockey-boxed fridge... Return to table of contents
Date: Thu, 16 Dec 2004 10:16:18 -0500 From: "Dave Burley" <Dave_Burley at> Subject: non-magnetic SS kegs Brewsters: Brian Milan suggests that a magnetic strip would be a good idea for a keg label. I guess so, if you tape it on. I have to admit I never tested my kegs with a magnet, but check out 310 and 314 SS are non-magnetic. 304 SS if cold worked a lot can become magnetic, but normally isn't. I believe 310 and 314 are used in food grade applications and is probably the material of construction of the keg. The Metallurgist John Palmer can clarify this. Keep on Brewin' Dave Burley Return to table of contents
Date: Thu, 16 Dec 2004 16:44:04 -0800 (PST) From: Kent Fletcher <fletcherhomebrew at> Subject: Re: Labelling Kegs On the topic of keg labeling, Brian suggested: > How about using some flexible magnetic material > such as this: > > I have a larger piece like this on my refrig that > we use as a message board with a dry erase marker. > Works great! Only problem with that idea, Brian, is that most Stainless Steel alloys, including those used for kegs, are non-magnetic, so there's nothing for the sign to stick to. Kent Fletcher Brewing in So Cal Return to table of contents
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