FORUM ON BEER, HOMEBREWING, AND RELATED ISSUES Digest Janitor: pbabcock at *************************************************************** THIS YEAR'S HOME BREW DIGEST BROUGHT TO YOU BY: Beer, Beer, and More Beer Visit to show your appreciation! Support those who support you! Visit our sponsor's site! ********** Also visit ********* Contents: Uerige Sticke recipe ("Doug Moyer") response to Fredrik and question about WLP005 (Kurt Thorn) Dry Hopping ("PAUL SMITH") true London yeast: mixture of powdery and flocculant strains (Cindy & Geoff Harrison) Vote for the HBD! ("Bill Smith") Sea Water? (Alexandre Enkerli) Re: Dry Hopping Questions (Tony Brown) Beer and Pretzels ("Chris \"Pacman\" Ingermann")
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---------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Mon, 3 Jan 2005 00:29:10 -0500 From: "Doug Moyer" <shyzaboy at> Subject: Uerige Sticke recipe Today I had a bottle of Uerige Sticke. (And, no, I'm not interested in hearing how much better it is fresh at the brewery. Good for you.) Anyone with a reasonably good recipe? p.s. cool bottle! Brew on! Doug Moyer Troutville, VA Star City Brewers Guild: Shzabrau Homebrewery: Return to table of contents
Date: Mon, 3 Jan 2005 21:41:40 -0500 From: Kurt Thorn <Kthorn at> Subject: response to Fredrik and question about WLP005 First, in response to Fredrik's comments about yeast viability and yeast shape: As far as the viability counts go, I feel like you're probably doing pretty well if your results from staining and cfus agree to within a factor of two. Some of the more flocculant brewing strains are probably so clumpy as to make either method somewhat suspect (although when I looked at WLP007, which is quite flocculant, under the scope it doesn't look clumpy at all). In general, when I do cell counts in my professional life, I assume that anything that could be a budded yeast or two cells stuck together I count as one cell. If I see three little spheres stuck together I assume its two cells (one budded and one unbudded). I saw a clever correction for sticking in one of Lee Hartwells classic cell cycle genetics papers, but I don't remember it now. If you're really serious, you can try and reduce clumping by vigorous shaking or sonication, or you can try adding EDTA, but these often don't help that much. Also in the 'really serious' department - molecular probes makes a nice yeast viability staining kit ( but it requires a fluorescence microscope. In general, it's not clear to me why a two-fold difference in cell counting is going to matter much in brewing. As for the rod-shaped cells, it's entirely possible that they're normal yeast. Some yeast mutants have trouble controlling their shape, and I see no reason why some brewing strains might not have the same problem. If you send me a photo I can let you know if I think they look like yeast or not. Now, on to a new question: I brewed a batch of an English-style pale ale two weeks ago, and fermented it with White Labs WLP005 British Ale Yeast. It has a pronounced estery nose that I wasn't expecting. It seems to be mellowing with age, but does anyone have any experience with this? I thought at first that it might have been fermented too warm, but the temperature was probably between 66 F and 70 F, and mostly at the lower end, I expect. Finally, thanks for all the recommendations for books on mashing. I have some reading to do! Kurt kthorn at Return to table of contents
Date: Tue, 4 Jan 2005 06:54:17 -0500 From: "PAUL SMITH" <pksmith_morin1 at> Subject: Dry Hopping "Date: Thu, 30 Dec 2004 08:55:56 -0500 From: "Doug Moyer" <shyzaboy at> Subject: RE: Dry Hopping Questions Tony asks about the green hop gunk floating in his fermentor after he dry hopped with pellets. I like to use pellets for dry hopping. (I use whole hops exclusively in the boil.) Since I ferment in carboys, it is a royal pain to put whole hops into the secondary. (Unless you get plugs, which you can cut in half, but I haven't seen a good assortment in plugs.) I usually rouse the beer once or twice a day. This causes the floating hop pieces to sink partially. After a week of rousing, the hop bits gradually settle to the bottom. If the beer is still too full of bits, I'll transfer to a tertiary fermentor for additional settling. (To stop the dry hopping - don't want one dimensional beer, or rotting hops...) As to filtering, any filter material you use will clog immediately if it is fine enough to filter out the yeast. Not a worry. You might try a hop bag (properly sterilized) attached to the end of your racking cane. Brew on! Doug Moyer Troutville, VA" You might also try crash cooling. On day 2 or 3 of your dry hop, crash your ferment to just above freezing. This is commercial practice and works beautifully to bring the hop slurry down, pulling a good deal of break with it. Paul Return to table of contents
Date: Tue, 04 Jan 2005 11:39:54 -0500 From: Cindy & Geoff Harrison <gharriso at> Subject: true London yeast: mixture of powdery and flocculant strains Regarding mixed strains of English yeasts: in my rather fallible memory banks, I recall that Worthington White Shield, for a long time the last regular production bottle conditioned beer in England, was famous for using a mixed strain, one which was a fast starter and another which perked along and then flocculated, I think. Traditional White Shield was from Burton-Upon-Trent. Otherwise, I've read about traditional English yeasts being of mixed strains in a general sense, in that they hadn't been purified. I don't ever remember reading anything about London breweries specifically, or characteristically and purposefully using mixed strains? Geoff Harrison Kraueuseners Houghton, MI The Harrisons 1120 E. 7th Ave. Houghton, MI 49931 Return to table of contents
Date: Tue, 04 Jan 2005 17:24:22 +0000 From: "Bill Smith" <billsmith11 at> Subject: Vote for the HBD! Chef 2 Chef is a web site for food, chefs, restaurants, wine and beer. They have a popularity contest where you can vote for your favorite web sites and they have a favorite beer web site category. I nominated The HBD. There's some great hb links in the list including The Brewery, ProMash and SkotRat's. You can go to and vote. You probably won't find HBD on the first page right away so click on the "[26-50] [51-75] [76-100]" links to find it. You can only vote once a day so be sure to come back everyday! You can also go and vote for your favorite beers at There certainly are some Red Hook homers running up the score. Hoppy New Beer, Bill Smith Return to table of contents
Date: Tue, 4 Jan 2005 12:37:50 -0500 From: Alexandre Enkerli <aenkerli at> Subject: Sea Water? A friend sent some info about a French brewery which brews using sea water. They claim some iodine aroma in their brews so they probably don't treat the water much. Here's the brewery's website (in French): Given the importance of brewing water, it'd be interesting to know the effect of sea water on brewing. By any chance, did any HBDer try a sea water beer? If so, was there any head retention? Was the bitterness very sharp? If you brewed one, how was conversion? Was the mash blue?? ;-) Sante'! AleX in Montreal [555.1km, 62.8] ApparentRennerianCoordinates Return to table of contents
Date: Tue, 4 Jan 2005 18:09:10 -0500 From: Tony Brown <speleobopper at> Subject: Re: Dry Hopping Questions I just opened my first bottle and it is very tasty! What I did was...boiled a filter bag and placed it in the bottling bucket. When I racked into the bottling bucket all of the beer went through the filter bag. I made sure to keep the hose below the surface of the beer in the bucket to prevent aeration. This apparently let the yeast in and the hop sediment out. It only took 4 days to carbonate. Yum! Thanks to everyone for their help! Return to table of contents
Date: Tue, 4 Jan 2005 19:08:18 -0800 (PST) From: "Chris \"Pacman\" Ingermann" <maltmasher at> Subject: Beer and Pretzels Mmm mmm mmm... I came across Jeff Renner's pretzel recipe I had printed out a long time ago and decided to finally give them a try tonight. Man o man are they good. I've got a little work to do on making them look a little better but the taste is phenomenal. Have a look at them: Thanks Jeff! ===== Chris "Pacman" Ingermann Damn Brewing's Fun!!!! Muncie, Indiana Return to table of contents
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