HOMEBREW Digest #515 Thu 11 October 1990
Rob Gardner, Digest Coordinator
Ballantine IPA cap 66 resolved (Ihor W. Slabicky)
re: A bit of Homebrew History? (Dick Dunn)
Eis-Stoff (Dick Dunn)
Germany, Part 6 (Norm Hardy)
RE: Kegs (greg roody)
Soda canisters need a home.... (Charlie Woloszynski)
ice-wine (Dan Breidenbach)
Freshops (Russ Gelinas)
coupla things (Geoffrey Sherwood)
Distillation legality (Steven Kent Jensen)
Eiswine (Donald P Perley)
Beer Drinking Vessels (Jim Conroy)
RE: Raspberry stout (Paul Ford 312/702-0335)
oak chips and dry hopping (Rick Noah Zucker)
Mix & match raspberry stout? (Fred Condo, sysop)
Re: Ice? (Algis R Korzonas +1 708 979 8583)
Christmas beers? (Chris Shenton)
Re: Homebrew Digest #514 (October 10, 1990) (Kevin Karplus)
Ginger Measuring (bob)
Eiswein (Tad Blakeley)
Chilling time ("SDPHS2::SBSGRAD")
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Date: Tue, 9 Oct 90 17:07:05 -0400
From: iws at sgfb.ssd.ray.com (Ihor W. Slabicky)
Subject: Ballantine IPA cap 66 resolved
The riddle for Ballantine IPA cap 66 has been solved!
In a previous digest, gateh%CONNCOLL.BITNET at CUNYVM.CUNY.EDU wrote:
> It is puzzle number 66, and the pictures, as best can be translated into
> words, appear to be:
> First word: a sheep saying "Baaa..." + "'b" (?)
> Second word: K + what looks like a necklace (a lei) + 2000 lbs (a ton)
> Bob Klayton? Who is Bob Klayton?
Well, it really is Bob Clayton. You say "Huh"?
Well, it is Bob Clayton. Of course even Falstaff
does not know who Bob Clayton is, but cap 66 is
Bob Clayton.
BTW, there are 413 different rebuses (rebusi ? :-) )
in the list that Falstaff provided. You can get your
own list by contacting Falstaff:
Falstaff Brewery
Sales Department
P.O. Box 926
1025 Grant Street
Fort Wayne, IN 46801
(219) 424-7233
Anybody have a complete collection of these rebus caps?
Thanks, Gregg, for the cap :-)
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Date: 9 Oct 90 22:51:14 MDT (Tue)
From: ico.isc.com!rcd at raven.eklektix.com (Dick Dunn)
Subject: re: A bit of Homebrew History?
This question arrived just in time for us to lift one to celebrate an
important anniversary...
> My girlfriend recently came across a series of craft books called
> _The Family Creative Workshop_ (Plenary Publications Intl., Inc. 1974)...
> "At the present time, federal law prohibits the home brewing of
> beers made of fermented hops and malt. You cannot get a license
> to make your own brew as you can to make your own wine,...
> ...My question is this: was homebrewing as we
> know it now illegal back in 1974 when this book was published? I have
> been brewing for about 5 years and I have never had an inkling that
> making beer at home was a federal offense so short a time ago...
Yes! Homebrewing was illegal (by federal law) until 1978...and in some
states it was illegal even longer than that. I remember being at an AHA
convention sometime in the mid-80's [sorry; actual year lost in memory-
fog] when it was announced that Texas had finally legalized it. Utah, of
course, still forbids it.
The law legalizing homebrewing was signed on October 14, 1978. (You can
read about it in Vol. 1, No. 1 of _Zymurgy_.) For anyone who cares about
the tiny details, the legislation was really spearheaded by Sen Cranston
(D-CA); other co-sponsors were Schmitt (NM), Bumpers (Ark), and Gravel
(Alaska). Cranston also took some care to avoid a "registration" provision
in the law, else we would have had to tell BATF we were brewing.
I don't believe there had been any prosecutions under the law for quite
some time before legalization, if ever. However, there was a lot of simple
game-playing so as not to flout the law too openly. The main thing that
happened after legalization was that people started communicating, study-
ing, and learning about homebrew. The quality of the average homebrew has
improved about an order of magnitude since then.
Depending on where all this new-tax bullshit falls out, we may see another
quantum leap in interest in homebrewing.
But anyway, lift a glass to legal homebrew this Sunday (assuming, sigh,
that you can drink on Sunday where you are:-)
Dick Dunn rcd at raven.eklektix.com -or- raven!rcd (303)494-0965
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Date: 10 Oct 90 02:14:12 MDT (Wed)
From: ico.isc.com!rcd at raven.eklektix.com (Dick Dunn)
Subject: Eis-Stoff
Tony Klein wrote about Eiswein...
> Hmmm, how very interesting. A while back my parents took a trip
> to the 'old country' (Austria). They brought back with them some 'Eis[wine]'
> (I don't know how to spell it) which they claimed was made from grapes that
> had been allowed to freeze on the vine. I was dubious about this - seems
> to me that allowing grapes to freeze will ruin them...
No, this is for real. In Germany there's a specific category, Eiswein.
What happens is that the grapes are left on the vine until they get the
first real frost, at which point they pick them (boy, that sounds like
fun--sub-freezing harvest) and crush them. The ice crystals are left
behind, so the crush contains concentrated juice. Eisweins are generally
pretty substantial dessert wines (because the concentration leaves a lot of
sugar; it can't all be fermented out). They're also uncommon, because (as
Tony was speculating) you can't just let grapes go through arbitrary
freeze/thaw cycles without damage.
> So my question: Do you figure it's called 'ice wine' because it's distilled
> (fortified) via freezing as mentioned above? No frozen grapes involved?
No, the freezing is before fermentation, to concentrate the juice. This is
one way to do it. Another way, which also adds some interesting flavors,
is to rot the grapes on the vine. No, really! The "rot" is the mold
Botrytis cinerea; it pierces the grape skin so that water evaporates. This
gives you Sauternes in France, [Trocken]beerenauslese in Germany, etc.
Check out a good book on "wines of the world" - best is Johnson, next maybe
Sutcliffe, then Parker or Finigan.
But it doesn't work for beer, 'cause freezing barley is just stupid, and
rotting it gives you a different drug (Claviceps purpurea, which to a first
approximation gives you LSD...and that's just too wild a digression for
this thread:-). So instead, you can make the beer, fermenting it until the
yeast stop, then freeze it to remove some water and concentrate the rest.
This is the Eisbock process.
For the sake of completeness, the remaining way to "fortify" such a bever-
age is to add some measure of distilled spirit. This is what's done with
sherry and port; their fermentation is stopped by adding what amounts to a
young brandy, enough to kill the yeast.
Dick Dunn rcd at raven.eklektix.com -or- raven!rcd (303)494-0965
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Date: Tue, 9 Oct 90 19:03:10 PDT
From: polstra!norm at uunet.UU.NET (Norm Hardy)
Subject: Germany, Part 6
The three weeks spent in Germany were wonderful times. Good friends, good
food, good times, good scenery, and GREAT beer.
From July 9 - 31 I got my third chance to experience the best in beer making.
Even so, there were many more styles of German beer untried. Not being a
wheat beer fanatic, I didn't have any. Swabian beers escaped me, Florian.
Rauch beers didn't mess up my olfactory nerves. But I had fun.
Two non-German beers I liked very much were Budweiser Budvar and Pilsner
Urquell, both worth Czeching out. The Budwieser bills itself as a Helles
Lagerbier and is less bitter than the Urquell. Both are a level of smoothness
better than the German beers which are 5 levels of smoothness better than
anything else. The Germans have high regard for these beers and are willing
to pay 40-60% more to drink them.
My favorites from the trip: Andechs Doppelbock and Helles, Veltins Pils,
Schlosser Alt, Kuppers Kolsch, Bitburger Pils, Spaten Pils, Monchshof Kloster
Schwartz Pils, and Moravia Pils. Holsten Alcohol-Frei was my choice for
no-test fuel.
Homebrew comments: to capture the smoothness of these beers you must have
access to a refrigerator and be willing to lager (age) for up to 2 months
before bottling. Alts and Kolsch's would need to age up to a month. Use
the best yeast available and have a good supply ready to pitch. Don't over
mash or sparge to capture the malt flavor without the graininess that often
comes along for the ride. Hops usage should be judicious, allowing for
60 minutes of boiling for bittering (after 30 minutes of unhopped boil) and
some time for aroma and flavor at the end of the boil.
Personal homebrew comments: I just bottled a wonderful Munich style lager
that I would like to think rivals Andechs (I aim high). Here was the recipe
7 lbs Klages, 3 lbs Vienna malt, 6 oz Safeway Pearl Barley (soaked overnight
in the fridge, then mixed to a starchy glue in the blender and thrown into
the mash; it adds good body and flavor but clears out nicely over time and
cold temperature).
1.5 oz Hallertauer cones boiled 60 minutes, .25 oz boiled 10 min, and
.25 oz simmered after the boil 10 minutes before the cooling started.
Wyeast 2206 with 40 oz yeast starter. Pitched at 76f and visible action
seen in 5 hours. The fermenter was then put into the fridge for 23 days
before racking.
OG 1.052, FG 1.015. 49 days before bottling.
In conclusion (its about time!) I have to say that the AHA needs to do a
better job training the judges to correctly understand the beer styles
they rate. How many of them have been to Germany and actually tasted ON
TAP these beers? Some I'm sure but not enough yet. No, I am not a judge
at this time. Maybe next year.
Norm Hardy
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Date: Wed, 10 Oct 90 06:09:38 PDT
From: greg roody <roody at whzguy.enet.dec.com>
Subject: RE: Kegs
I ordered a cornelious keg from Alternate Beverage ($19.95 plus
shipping). It arrived still pressurized with a small amount of syrup
in it. I guess that qualifies for "as is from the soda manufacturer"
condition. The only peroblem I have with it is I cannot get the gas
inlet connector off to change the o-ring, but as long as it isn't
leaking I'll avoid the heroics to remove it. I alsso ordered a bunch
of other things and all arrived as promised.
Now, here is a new question:
What were the previous contents of the used 6/7 gallon carbouys
that some beer supply stores sell? They look
suspiciously like chemocal carbuoys - especially since
you can still see the D.O.T. symbol location. I just
hope it wasn't something nasty like mercury or chromic acid.
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Date: Wed, 10 Oct 90 09:12:16 EDT
From: chw at barnardstar.bellcore.com (Charlie Woloszynski)
Subject: Soda canisters need a home....
I have eight (8) Coke canisters for anyone who can offer them a good home.
I recently moved into an apartment (from sharing a house) and there is
no room for these canisters. I had hoped to try kegging in these canisters
but, alas, I realized it was not going to suit my drinking habits (I like
to take my many creations intermixed, even in the same evening).
So, for those readers in the greater NJ/NY area, offer them a home
and they are yours (small brides accepted).
Charlie Woloszynski
chw at aries.bellcore.com
P.S. These were obtained from a soda distributer, and hence need cleaning
and (probably, though I am not sure) new gaskets.
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Date: Wed, 10 Oct 90 08:52:15 -0500
From: dbreiden at mentor.cc.purdue.edu (Dan Breidenbach)
Subject: ice-wine
I'll stick with the English spelling.....Tony Klein, your parents were right.
Ice-wine is not made by freezing wine. PBS has a lovely series called
"Vintage: a history of wine". I don't know anything about broadcast times
and I don't remember the host's name, but the show was featuring German wines
and a bit on ice-wine was included. Grapes for ice-wine are allowed to freeze
on the vine. These grapes are picked (at midnight if you're a purist) and
treated like regular grapes except that very little juice can be extracted.
Thus, ice-wine is very expensive--and suppossedly very good. (I've never
tried it.)
I don't know enough about winemaking to discuss the perils of freezing
grapes. I do have a friend who made a delightful wine from pure frozen
concentrated juice. I gather that the scarcity and cost of real ice-wine
adds to its mystery and the general lack of knowledge.
Danny Breidenbach
I hope someday to work at a place that requires me to have a disclaimer.
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Date: Wed, 10 Oct 90 10:47 EST
Subject: Freshops
I just received the Freshops price list for the Sept.1990 harvest! Yahoo! The
only problem is that I can't figure it out. It looks like you now get a
discount for quantity, regardless of the type of hop, and there seems to be
a minimum of 3/4 lb., but they also list the price for 1/4 lb. Has anyone
else gotten the price list, and if so, does it make sense?
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Date: Wed, 10 Oct 90 07:30:43 PDT
From: sherwood at adobe.com (Geoffrey Sherwood)
Subject: coupla things
Re: Dave Miller _Complete_Handbook_of_Homebrewing_
He does have a lot of good info, but I subtitle it:
_The_Complete_Paranoia_of_Homebrewing_. Sanitization is important, but
I think he goes overboard. Ditto with ingredient selection (eg,I have found
crushed malt to work *just fine* (at least for adjunct usage) though he
says the only way he would recommend is do crush it yourself). If what you
are after is perfect repeatability, fine, be paranoid. If you are a beginner
(or intermediate) who just wants to brew good beer, Papazain is a much
better source of philosophy (relax...). Again, Miller has good info but he
has to be taken with a *large* grain of salt. IMHO.
Re: beermaking illegal
I don't think keeping beer making illegal was an oversight at all. The
feds did not want you to make ANYTHING from malted barley (I believe even
MALTING barley without a license was illegal). The reason? Barley malt
can be used to make more than beer (especially if you have an old still
around!). That is the way I heard it, anyway.
geoff sherwood
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Date: Wed, 10 Oct 90 11:03:32 -0400 (EDT)
From: Steven Kent Jensen <sj1f+ at andrew.cmu.edu>
Subject: Distillation legality
About two months ago I had occasion to look at the laws on distilling.
All information is from 1988 tax codes.
Home distillation of beverage alchohol is illegal. Also illegal under
this law are other methods of increasing the alchohol content, such as
Steven Jensen
The preceding is my personal interpretation of the codes. This should
not be in any way interpreted to be a definite legal statement of the
law as it stands.
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Date: Wed, 10 Oct 90 11:18:13 EDT
From: perley at easygoer.crd.ge.com (Donald P Perley)
Subject: Eiswine
>(I once spotted a bottle of "Eiswine" in the local liquor store - icicles
>and snowdrifts on the label, hefty price tag (~$12 for a little bottle)
>imported from Germany.)
>So my question: Do you figure it's called 'ice wine' because it's distilled
>(fortified) via freezing as mentioned above? No frozen grapes involved?
>More interesting information would be, well, interestingly informative.
The grapes are picked after partial freezing, which performs the same
function as freezing bock beer or hard cider. It pulls fresh water out,
leaving everything else concentrated. It is usually done in conjunction
with botritus, which also sucks out water.
Ice wine is a risky proposition, as you can lose everything if the weather
doesn't cooperate. $12 for a half bottle is pretty cheap too. Most
of it costs much more. As it is, ice wine, as well as trockenbeerenauslese,
are usually low profit items for the winery due to the risk as well as
extra labor, lower yields, etc. They are mostly done for the prestige.
-don perley
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Date: Wed, 10 Oct 90 11:42:22 ECT
From: Jim Conroy <AS2JXC%BINGVMA.BITNET at CORNELLC.cit.cornell.edu>
Subject: Beer Drinking Vessels
Just yesterday I received a catalog of Beer Vessels from an outfit called
Originals International
29 Chestnut Ridge Road
Mahopac, NY 10541
(914) 225-2784
Their catalog, an 8 page foldout glossy, has glassware and mugs in the
$9 - $476 price range. (OK one is $476 top end is really $180)
Their description of the offerings ...
"Orginal Brewery Glasses, Crystal Goblets and Mugs
Imported, hand-selected, and gift packaged by ORGINALS INTERNATIONAL
All galsses are shipped with autehenic brewery coaster, Certificate,
and brewery story"
They do have a collection of "Bavarian Weissbeer Glasses" apx 10. from
different breweries.
I saw a display at the Hunter Mt. Bacvarian Alps festival this summer.
I have not delt with OI in any manner than adding my name to their mailing
list, their produts do look intresting.
Jim Conroy
SUNY Binghamton
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Date: Wed, 10 Oct 1990 12:17:31 CDT
From: CS_PAUL at gsbvxb.uchicago.edu (Paul Ford 312/702-0335)
Subject: RE: Raspberry stout
RE: Eiswein
I'm no wine expert, but I'm pretty darn sure the Eiswein is not made
by freezing wine. Instead it's the juice, while still in the
grapes, that gets frozen and consequently concentrated. You end up
with a _very sweet_, but not more alcoholic, wine. Actually the
freezing is sort of icing on the cake, I think these grapes are
pretty shrivelled by the time the frost hits.
The Germans and Austrians have a series of names for their
succession of fancier, sweeter wines : Spaetlese (late pick),
Auslese (selected pick), Trockenbeeren(sp?) Auslese (dry berry
selected pick), Eiswein (ice wine), maybe there are some others.
My sketchy understanding of the process involved in producing these
wines is based on some conversations, in very halting German, at the
Wachau Wine Festival this summer in Krems Austria. The grapes
actually start to dehydrate resulting in sweeter and sweeter juice
the longer they are left on the vine. Maybe somewhere along the way
the noble rot stuff starts happening too. At some point they start
picking individual grapes rather than the whole bunch, I guess
that's when they become Ausleses instead of mere Spaetleses. All
this is apparently very weather dependent so some years are better
than others for these wines, especially the Trockenbeeren and
I sampled an Eiswein at Krems, 1/16 liter of the stuff is a lot.
Really, really sweet. I think French Sauternes are made in a
similar manner.
Paul Ford (cs_paul at gsbacd.uchicago.edu)
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Date: Wed, 10 Oct 90 10:29:51 -0700
From: noah at cs.washington.edu (Rick Noah Zucker)
Subject: oak chips and dry hopping
I would like to use oak chips and dry hopping in my latest
batch. However, neither of my two brewing books (Papazian and Reese)
says anything about it. So, I would like some advice on how much to
use and when to add them. I am basically brewing Propensity Pilsener
Lager from TCJOHB. The only important difference is that it will be
brewed as an ale with yeast cultured from a Sierra Nevada bottle.
Rick N. Zucker
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Date: Wed, 10 Oct 90 09:59:15 PDT
From: fredc at pro-humanist.cts.com (Fred Condo, sysop)
Subject: Mix & match raspberry stout?
Bill Crick says:
>I started a batch of the Raspberry Imperial Stout from
>Zymrgy. I split the batch into two primaries, and a I
>planned to use two yeasts, I started them both, and put one
>in each. One fermenter has a packet of Red Star Pastuer
>Champagne yeast... The second has a packet of Cordon Brew
>(?) ale and stout yeast... Does anyone know what will happen
>when I mix these two together in secondary? Will one yeast
>dominate? Which one?
It seems a shame to mix them. Keep them in separate secondaries and bottle
them separately, and you'll have two different, wonderful brews. Depending
on the OG, you could get one dry (Pasteur) and one sweet (ale). If you mix
them, the Pasteur would probably dominate, if the alcohol content has
stopped the less tolerant ale yeast.
Note that I'm assuming...
. OG above 1.075
. Red Star Pasteur is more tolerant than Cordon Brew ale/stout
(I've never used either)
. You didn't have a particular result in mind when you decided
to mix the two fermentations in secondary.
But, even if my first two assumptions are false, I'd keep the two separate,
to see (taste) the different results.
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Date: Wed, 10 Oct 90 13:31:51 mdt
From: hplabs!hp-lsd.cos.hp.com!ihlpl!korz (Algis R Korzonas +1 708 979 8583)
Subject: Re: Ice?
Shaun Vecera asks:
>2. There was a question posted last month about putting ice in your
>strainer while sparging. I didn't see any responses, so here's the
>question again: Can you get away with this cheap wort cooler, provided
>you sterilize your ice cube trays and cover them while in the freezer?
Well, yes and no. Ideally, you would like to get a good cold break,
which has been achieved (by someone in this digest -- who I don't
remember) by simply adding ice to the kettle after the boil, or more
conventionally, by using an immersion chiller, or by using a counterflow
chiller. The ice or immersion method has the additional advantage that
you can leave a large amount of trub in the kettle. I first read about
this in a posting by Darryl Richman, well over a year ago. After you
get the good cold break, you would like to filter out the coagulated
proteins, etc. through your filter bed as you sparge in your lauter tun.
If you put the ice in your strainer (your lauter tun in this case), you
will have a pretty messy filter bed and a lot of trub will pass through
into your fermenter.
Another problem is that if you are doing a full boil, as you would if
you were doing all-grain, you would be adding water in the form of
melting ice.
I say yes because it is much better to chill your wort any sanitary
way, rather than simply letting it sit on a countertop till it's cool
enough to pitch.
If you are doing an extract batch, might I suggest adding the ice to
the kettle and then straining into the fermenter? That may be the
cheapest way to cool quickly. Also, as Noonan has suggested, it's
a good idea to cool the wort before aeration (pouring into the fermenter)
to reduce oxidation.
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Date: Wed, 10 Oct 90 15:29:29 EDT
From: Chris Shenton <chris at asylum.gsfc.nasa.gov>
Subject: Christmas beers?
Anyone care to send/post your favorite spicy beer recipe? I've done a
couple all-grain batches, and would like to get a tasty Xmas beer going so
it has time to mellow.
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Date: Wed, 10 Oct 90 12:57:50 PDT
From: Kevin Karplus <karplus at ararat.ucsc.edu>
Subject: Re: Homebrew Digest #514 (October 10, 1990)
Eiswein is indeed made from grapes that froze on the vine---I believe that
these very late harvest grapes have a higher sugar content and make a fairly
strong sweet wine. The stuff is expensive because for the same reason that
late harvest wines are expensive---there is a significant chance of grapes
rotting if you leave them on the vine too long, especially if the
weather doesn't cooperate.
If there are any vintners out there with more info on Eiswein, feel free to
correct me, or amplify on my remarks.
I don't believe that freeze-distillation is used commercially anywhere, because
the fusel oils are concentrated along with the ethanol. Fractional
distillation produces a much safer concentrated spirit.
Kevin Karplus
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Date: Wed Oct 10 17:05:38 1990
From: semantic!bob at uunet.UU.NET
Subject: Ginger Measuring
A quicky (or two):
How many table/teaspoons of coarsely grated ginger in an ounce of ginger?
- OR -
How many table/teaspoons of ginger mush in an ounce of ginger?
-- Robert A. Gorman (Bob) bob at rsi.com Watertown MA US --
-- Relational Semantics, Inc. uunet!semantic!bob +1 617 926 0979 --
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Date: Wed, 10 Oct 90 16:31:25 PDT
From: Tad Blakeley <mblakele at jarthur.Claremont.edu>
Subject: Eiswein
from Tony Klein <ncrons!klein at RELAY.CS.NET>
And now I say:
Hmmm, how very interesting. A while back my parents took a trip
to the 'old country' (Austria). They brought back with them some 'Eis[wine]'
(I don't know how to spell it) which they claimed was made from grapes that
had been allowed to freeze on the vine. I was dubious about this - seems
to me that allowing grapes to freeze will ruin them. But they
did not know any more details since they were not interested in the
whole manufacturing process .... So I concluded that the story was somehow
messed up in translation and left the matter as yet another unsolved
question of these modern times.
According to _Welt-Atlas des Wines_, Hans Ambrosi,
Eiswein: Weintrauben bei Lese und Kelterung zu Eis gefroren.
Ambrosi calls this the "Gesetzliche Mindestanforderungen," so I assume
that he is paraphrasing the West (now simply) German law. Free translation:
The grapes must be frozen on the vine and pressed while still frozen.
Neglecting ugly rumors about vintner freezers, the traditional process
for Eiswein calls for a long, hot summer (like this one was in Germany)
and a cold snap just as the grapes are ready. There hasn't been much
Eiswein since 83 (global warming? :-), so the prices are high. I've
drunk three glasses of Eiswein in my life, thanks to the cellar of a
generous professor; if you have the supply and the money, I recommend it.
Eisbock is, as was elsewhere stated, made by freezing bock.
One can also bring "winter wine" up to about brandy proof through this
-- tad
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Date: 10 Oct 90 17:32:00 WET
From: "SDPHS2::SBSGRAD" <sbsgrad%sdphs2.decnet%sdph1 at ucsd.edu>
Subject: Chilling time
From: "Sparky" <sslade at ucsd.edu> (Steve Slade)
Date sent: 10-OCT-1990 17:21:53 PT
My partner and I just finished the first stage of brewing for our Xmas ale
last night, so I now have real chilling time data to share with the net.
We keep things real cheap and simple, since we don't have much spare time
or money...We brew in an aluminum pot (2.5 gallons) on an electric stove (
worst of all possible worlds, I know!). When the boil is complete we
carefully lower the brewing kettle into a large plastic garbage can which
is about 1/4 full of ice water. The pot is held in place by a couple of
bungie cords which stretch from the pot's handles to the garbage can's
handles. The wort chilled to 46 C in 10 minutes and was down to 27 C in
about 17 minutes. This seems to be a faster chill than others have quoated
using immersion chillers, which is the main reason I have not bothered
making one yet. So in the spirit of RDWHAHB, I say relax, chill the wort
in your garbage can, and spend the wort chiller money on a few more batches
of homebrew!
Sparky (Steve Slade)
Internet: sslade at ucsd.edu UUCP: ...ucsd!sslade
Bitnet: sslade at ucsd.bitnet DECnet/SPAN: SDPH1::SBSGRAD
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