HOMEBREW Digest #5210 Thu 19 July 2007

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		Digest Janitor: pbabcock at hbd.org


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  Vinegar ("A.J deLange")
  Cloudy beer with oats ("Spencer W. Thomas")
  refermentation in bottle (KEITH R BUSBY)
  Re: Dark Beer, Headaches and Hangovers ("Jason Bryant")
  Reply: -S@adelphia, also refractometers. (Joe Katchever)
  Brewing line cleaning brushes ("Art & Liz  McGregor")
  End of Month  Special ("Glenda Cummings")

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---------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Thu, 19 Jul 2007 03:55:04 +0000 From: "A.J deLange" <ajdel at cox.net> Subject: Vinegar Now you guys have me confused. Distillation to me means separation by virtue of differences in volatility (the fact that the BATFE defines concentration of alcohol by freezing as distillation notwithstanding). As it takes 118 C to get the vapor pressure of acetic acid to 1 atm a distillation should kill most bacteria irrespective of whether a column is used (reflux) or not. In any case the HOCl should do the rest of the job if any living thing survived into the product. An interesting aspect of all this which has not been mentioned is that the efficacy of HOCl is often specified in terms of the ORP of the solution rather than its concentration and/or pH. In the US if the ORP is 650 mV or greater a hypochlorite rinse is deemed effective in killing bacteria. In Germany it's 750 mV. A.J. Return to table of contents
Date: Thu, 19 Jul 2007 01:24:45 -0400 From: "Spencer W. Thomas" <hbd at spencerwthomas.com> Subject: Cloudy beer with oats Art writes of an extract beer he made recently with oats that got and stayed cloudy. Art, the oats really, really need to be mashed with some malt. Otherwise you're pulling all sorts of starch into your wort. Which *will* cause cloudy, persistently cloudy, beer. Crystal malt needs no mashing. Chocolate and black malts need no mashing. Carapils needs no mashing. You can even get away with steeping small amounts of regular malt and they'll "mash" on their own. But rolled oats have absolutely no enzymes to help convert that starch. If you're making an oatmeal stout ... no problem ... the dark color covers up the haze. But in a pale beer ... no way. So, next time, do yourself a favor with the oats. Mix them at least 1-1 with some crushed pale malt. Steep both together at about 160-170F for 20 minutes, and strain out the liquid. You'll get much clearer results. =Spencer in Ann Arbor P.S. I just had my first taste of a beer called "Signature Ale", which is a joint venture of De Proef (Belgium) and Port Brewing (US). It is a highly-hopped pale beer fermented with several yeast including Brett. This is a kick-a** beer. It reminds me a bit of fresh Orval, which is one of the few Belgian beers I know of that combine lots of hops with brett. You can read the brewers' descriptions here: http://rarebeerclub.beveragebistro.com/rbc_v04n06.html My understanding is that this beer will be available in stores soon if not already. A posting about the Seattle International Beerfest lists it as one of the beers that will be tasted there (on tap, yet! Hmm... Maybe I should check for cheap tickets to Seattle. :-) Return to table of contents
Date: Thu, 19 Jul 2007 06:11:14 -0500 From: KEITH R BUSBY <kbusby at wisc.edu> Subject: refermentation in bottle I have a tripel in secondary, where it has been for about 5 weeks. It dropped clear already after 10 days. I want to bottle condition it with a second yeast. How much fresh yeast for 5 gals? Is one large smack pack enough or do I need to build up? And the usual amount of priming sugar? TIA, Keith Keith Busby Douglas Kelly Professor of Medieval French Department of French and Italian The University of Wisconsin 618 Van Hise Hall Madison, WI 53706 (608) 262-3941 (608) 265-3892 (fax) Return to table of contents
Date: Thu, 19 Jul 2007 08:12:01 -0400 From: "Jason Bryant" <smokeykhan at gmail.com> Subject: Re: Dark Beer, Headaches and Hangovers I have an anecdote to report. It is not very scientific. Back when I was going through my Navy "C" school, my roommate and I would drink cheap beer all the time. One time we picked up a 12 of Natural Ice (6% cheap stuff from AB). I drank two of these one evening and went to bed. The next morning I felt like crap. A hangover didn't even cross my mind because I only had 2 beers! That evening I had another couple beers. The next morning I felt like crap again. The light bulb goes off and I realize that the beer is giving me a hangover. The next time we get beer we get something like Icehouse and the problem goes away. (I know, I know, at this time I had never had a craft beer. I had never even heard of an IPA.) Alright, the relevant info to the conversation is that Natty Ice is a very light colored beer and it gave me a hangover with ease. Jason, Norfolk, VA Return to table of contents
Date: Thu, 19 Jul 2007 08:28:18 -0500 From: Joe Katchever <joe at pearlstreetbrewery.com> Subject: Reply: -S at adelphia, also refractometers. Hi -s. White commercial vinegar is commonly made by diluting food grade acetic acid with purified water. One would assume that the purified water used in production was sterilized and obviously the pure acetic acid has no bacterias present. Only a breakdown in plant QC would result in any bacteria being present in a sealed jug of vinegar. One could plate it up and see or just observe a sample under a microscope to find out. As far as propping a yeast up from a Michelob: I *highly* doubt it.Michelob is a pasteurized beer from A-B. A-B's quality control processes are flawless and their standards are exacting. Perhaps you propped up from a yeast strain from the outside of the Mich bottle? I do think you're into something with beer-based salad dressing. I'm gonna try that. Cheers, Joe Karlin Missippi river valley. Return to table of contents
Date: Thu, 19 Jul 2007 20:03:55 -0400 From: "Art & Liz McGregor" <a.l.mcgregor at verizon.net> Subject: Brewing line cleaning brushes Hi Everyone, I bought some homebrewing line cleaning brushes a number of years ago, but they have worn out and none of the homebrew stores carry the same type anymore. The line brush had a length of thick plastic line (a bit thinner than weed wacker line) attached to a loop on the end of the small brush. You push the plastic line through the tubing or racking cane, and when it pops out the other end, you pull the brush through to clean the tubing or racking cane. The plastic bristles were clear, and relatively soft and did not scratch the inside of the plastic tubing. The brushes may have been advertised in Zymurgy in the late 90's. I've looked online, and at homebrew stores for similar brushes (~3/8 inch diameter), and have not seen anything similar except shorter ones that are on twisted wire about 6-12 inches long, and harder black bristles. Other ones I've seen are longer (up to 5 or 6 ft), continuous bristle brushes that you push through as far as possible, then pull back out. Thanks in advance. - ---------------------------------- Hoppy Brewing, Art McGregor <A.L.mcgregor at verizon.net> (Northern Virginia) Return to table of contents
Date: Fri, 20 Jul 2007 01:23:24 -0800 From: "Glenda Cummings" <ballads at alumni.cgu.edu> Subject: End of Month Special Have you ever hoped to have a expensive Watch? We have the soulition for you! We have all the top quality for a very small fraction of the cost. www.passtt.com Return to table of contents
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