HOMEBREW Digest #5220 Thu 09 August 2007

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  Re: fermentation temps ("-s@adelphia.net")
  55 gal SS barrels (Davis.Joe)
  fermentation temps ("Peter A. Ensminger")
  Chlorine - rinse & repeat. ("-s@adelphia.net")
  Re: Vinegar (Dean)

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---------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Wed, 08 Aug 2007 08:37:27 -0400 From: "-s at adelphia.net" <-s@adelphia.net> Subject: Re: fermentation temps MattB wrote: > 1. Steve says "The belgian style yeasts are completely the wrong > thing." I don't know if this is because he thinks they're generally a > poor choice at high temps, or more because the flavors they create > could be confusing for a new brewer. Anyway, I'm not sure I agree. > Danny, if you are a fan of Belgian style beers and plan to brew them > often, I wouldn't hesitate to use WY3522 Ardennes at high temps on your > first batch. But if you aren't a big Belgian style beer guy, then I do > think using these yeasts will only confuse things. > It's probably an over-generalization on my part. Belgian ale yeast often have a big ester profile and (I'm pretty sensitive to this one) sometimes heavy fusels. I have a vivid recollection of getting a nice cherry note from one of the WYeast belgians (Pro'ly WY1388) many years ago and then the same yeast produced a rude solventy ester aroma and notable fusel flavor at higher temps. I've read other reports of substantial shifts in flavor profile from belgians wrt temperature. I'll defer to Matt's experience w/ WY3522. It's rated to 85F, (but with a note that it produces a phenolic flavor at higher temps) so it probably is a good choice for a hi-temp belgian style. My thought was that if you will brew at high temps and you don't want a yeast that will go all wobbly, then you will want to choose one that is clean and produced low fusels at lower temps. Note that yeast that tolerate high gravity ethanol levels also tend to be stable to higher temps. That points to choices like WY1056, WY1084 (with concern abt diacetyl) and WY1028 (more yeast flavor but ...). I don't have any recent experience dry brewing yeasts aside from a DCL dry lager. I can't comment on dry ale yeast choices. I agree with Matt's comment for even higher pitching rates than I suggested - I just didn't want to scare off the newbies ! An XLpack per 2.5gal sound good. -S Return to table of contents
Date: Wed, 8 Aug 2007 10:31:09 -0500 From: Davis.Joe at epamail.epa.gov Subject: 55 gal SS barrels Steve, Don't give up yet.. I'm in roughly the same situation.. I also have three 55 gal SS barrels that I am planning to use in a 1bbl brewing system. My plan is to rig them up so they can be rased and lowered with cables from my (heavy duty) swing set. this will allow me to do all liquid transfers by gravity flow (no pumps required). The gas burners will be attached to the barrels, and will also go up and down. I'm still trying to convince SWMBO that this is a good idea.. Joe Return to table of contents
Date: Thu, 09 Aug 2007 00:48:33 -0400 From: "Peter A. Ensminger" <ensmingr at twcny.rr.com> Subject: fermentation temps 3 suggestions for Danny (from Florida) whose apartment temperature is very warm. 1) Belgians. Ommegang (Cooperstown, NY) ferments their Belgian style beers at ~80F and "warm conditions" at 80+F. See: http://www.evansale.com/ommegang%20article.html . I have fermented my own Belgian styles with Wyeast-1214 at 75-80F and have been happy with the results. 2) English/American ales. Another option is Danstar Nottingham dry yeast. This strain is often criticized as being "too clean". Regardless, I like it and have been happy with fermentations in the mid-70's Fahrenheit. 3) Weizenbier. I routinely ferment my Weizenbier with Wyeast 3068 in the mid-70's Fahrenheit. This temperature gives a nice balance of clove and banana. Below 70F results in too much clove character. Hope this helps! Peter A. Ensminger Syracuse, NY Apparent Rennerian: [394, 79.9] Return to table of contents
Date: Thu, 09 Aug 2007 06:19:55 -0400 From: "-s at adelphia.net" <-s@adelphia.net> Subject: Chlorine - rinse & repeat. Craig S. Cottingham notes ... >> > Bleach on glassware works well as a cleaner & sanitizer, but of course >> > requires rinsing. >> > > I can't let that "of course" slide without comment. > > There are two numbers at work here. First is the concentration of > chlorine which is effective as a sanitizer. Second is the > concentration of chlorine which can be detected by human senses, > [...] > > I don't remember the value of the first number, and I have no idea > what the second number might be. I strongly suspect that the second > number is highly subjective, which immediately throws into question > the validity of "of course". > Chlorophenolics, which may readily result from bleach in beer, are detectable at a fraction of 1ppb - so the flavor impact is potentially serious. > Charley Talley state that the concentration of chlorine which is > effective as a sanitizer is below the taste threshold Baloney ! We can all taste ~2ppm in muni tap water. Tap water is clearly NOT an effective brewery sanitizer. 'Don't need steroids to smack that lousy idea out of the park. Let me suggest a "third number" about chlorine which is possibly the most important reason to rinse. Chlorinate organic compounds are potentially quite bad for your health. Numerous studies show elevated cancer rates in chlorinated tap water drinkers, and there are concerns abt the lifelong accumulation of chlorophenolics in human fat tissue - their release during weight loss raising coronary heart disease potential. Yeah PCBs are the real bad boys in this story but chlorinated surface water and beer create sufficiently naughty compounds too. Now PLEASE keep your heads on straight - chlorinating tap water saves many lives and many gallons of beer but I still don't want to consume any excess. Unfortunately rinsing under sanitary conditions is a minor PITA. What about drinking chlorinated tap water ? I'm with W.C.Fields there. -S Return to table of contents
Date: Thu, 09 Aug 2007 13:19:18 -0400 From: Dean <dean at deanandadie.net> Subject: Re: Vinegar Hello John & the HBD, As I understand it, the type of vinegar does not matter, just the acidity. - --Dean Date: Wed, 8 Aug 2007 12:03:49 +1000 From: "John Kennedy" <John.Kennedy at readybake.com.au> Subject: Vinegar Hi Guys, Dean, that's great news that you posted about the Vinegar, thanks for the tip, dose it matter whether the vinegar is clear or brown? I tried contacting you direct but had no luck, I wanted to pass on another health tip for you, it's not beer related, and you can contact me at ednajon3851 at hotmail.com Regards, John Kennedy Return to table of contents
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