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---------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Tue, 28 Aug 2007 08:23:04 -0700 (PDT) From: Matt <baumssl27 at> Subject: more belgian yeast 1. WLP530 is not a brettanomyces. Using brett as a primary fermenter is a very strange experimental thing that only a few people are doing these days. Both White Labs and Wyeast sell some brettanomyces, but those strains are named as such. Your WLP530 is a saccharomyces very similar to the yeast used at Westmalle, Achel, and Westvleteren. 2. "I was curious mainly to know whether or not brewers filter the primary/secondary yeast before introducing another strain." The purpose of adding more yeast is generally not to change the character of the beer (unless the second strain is brettanomyces) but to provide fresh, healthy yeast that will reliably carbonate the beer in the bottle. Sometimes this "bottling yeast" is the same strain as the primary, and sometimes it's not. Anyway the primary yeast is generally removed not by filtration (which can harm the beer's character) but by either natural settling or unnatural settling (centrifuge). And the only real reason it's removed is that you don't want near-dead yeast in your bottles. For lower gravity Belgian beers many homebrewers don't add bottling yeast at all, treating these beers just like any other ale. 3. I would be surprised if Val Dieu used anything other than a single strain. But be aware that their bottling strain could be different from the primary strain that creates the character you like. Some breweries use a different strain for bottling due to convenience, secrecy, or having a primary strain that doesn't perform well in the bottle. Anyway, adding your Val Dieu culture at bottling will probably not make your beer taste much more like Val Dieu--for that you'd need to use their yeast for primary fermentaion. The book "Brew Like a Monk" answers a lot of these kinds of questions, talks about various ways to use WLP530 and other yeasts, and even talks about the Val Dieu beers. You might want to check it out. Matt Return to table of contents
Date: Thu, 30 Aug 2007 17:07:44 -0700 From: Todd Rambeck <ph4ls3ph4c3 at> Subject: Michael Jackson has passed away... His books, and TV show - The Beer Hunter - are what got me interested in both beer, and homebrewing. WE ARE diminished!! Return to table of contents
Date: Fri, 31 Aug 2007 07:10:21 -0400 From: Fred L Johnson <FLJohnson52 at> Subject: Chris White's recommended pitching rate A couple of weeks ago on The Brewing Network's Sunday show podcast, Chris White--or maybe it was his brother, Mike--of White Labs Yeast Company stated a few times that most of us are over pitching our ales when we pitch at the rate of 1 million cells/mL/degree Plato. He says that half that usually produces a better flavor profile. On the White Labs web site, the figure of 1 million/mL/degree Plato is often mentioned. On the podcast, White said the 1 million rate is a lager pitching rate. He claims Sierra Nevada pitches half this amount for their ales. I have always tried to pitch at least at the 1 million rate and usually a bit more, with the (mis)understanding that this was the recommended minimum. This is the first time that I've hear that 1 million/mL/degree Plato could be OVER pitching. As I think back to my early brewing days in which my starters were small or even nonexistent, I produced some very good beers back then and frankly have been a little disappointed in what I've been brewing more recently. Perhaps I'll cut back on my pitching rate. Comments? Fred L Johnson Apex, North Carolina, USA Return to table of contents
Date: Fri, 31 Aug 2007 07:18:21 -0400 From: "Jones, Steve (IT)" <stjones at> Subject: Fermentabilty of Wort WRT mash thickness On Brews n Views there was a comment made quoting John Palmer on this: "The grist/water ratio is another factor influencing the performance of the mash. A thinner mash of >2 quarts of water per pound of grain dilutes the relative concentration of the enzymes, slowing the conversion, but ultimately leads to a more fermentable mash because the enzymes are not inhibited by a high concentration of sugars." This seemed counter to a discussion here years ago (when there was much more traffic here) that was about this same thing (but also including Temperature). I believe that -s was involved, and I have some data in a spreadsheet from that discussion. It has 2 tables - one with mash temps of 140F, 151F, and 155F, and shows the amount of each type of sugar (including dextrines) extracted from that mash. It also showed %extract, and %fermentables. The second table showed these same parameters and values at mash thicknesses of 1.4, .81, and .61 qts/lb. The last table showed an average of %fermentables for each of the 9 combinations and ranked them, showing that the most fermentable wort was produced at 140F and .81 qts/lb. Does anyone remember that discussion, and the source of the data? I can post the tables if anyone is interested. Steve Jones, Johnson City, TN State of Franklin Homebrewers Return to table of contents
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