HOMEBREW Digest #5244 Tue 23 October 2007

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  Oops ("A.J deLange")
  San Francisco ("Keith Anderson")
  Basic Brew (Richard Lynch)
  Re: Basic Brew (Scott Birdwell)
  Basic Brew ("LYLE C BROWN")

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---------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Mon, 22 Oct 2007 23:30:37 -0400 From: "A.J deLange" <ajdel at cox.net> Subject: Oops The second set of coefficients I posted yesterday gives the deviation of the density from 1 i.e. you must add 1 to the resulting value when these coefficients are inserted into a polynomial. Or you can just add 1 to K0 making it 1.000030942 which is what I meant to do. The first set of coefficients is OK in this regard. Return to table of contents
Date: Tue, 23 Oct 2007 08:35:55 -0400 From: "Keith Anderson" <keithxanderson at gmail.com> Subject: San Francisco Jay White asks: >I'm heading out for a business/vacation trip next week and I'm and looking >for >suggestions of where to go for some good grog. So far I have Russian River >Brewing and Rogue's Ales Public House in San Francisco and perhaps Anchor >Brewing. Welcome to hear what others recommend. Wineries too! >Thanks - Jay >Or perhaps you can give me some hot spots to hit? >Thanks - Jay >white139 at comcast.net Hi Jay, Just got back from San Francisco a few weeks ago which makes 3x for me. The Anchor Brewing tour is great if you can make it there during the week and get a reservation made. They do an in depth tour of the facilities and basically have a free open bar at the end. ~8oz glasses of all their beer on tap (plus refills if you like!) which is more than you can drink unless you plan on camping out there and walking back to where you are staying. It is in the Potrero neighborhood which isn't close to most of the tourist attractions so you kind of have to go out of your way to get here. Russian River is a decent (2hr?) drive out of San Francisco and would be a good choice if you are already doing winery tours. The long drive prevented me from going since there is so much so do in the city. Rogue is a small-ish bar with a great tap selection and lots of Rogue merchandise but not a memorable place. Worth going for the beer and shirts alone if you like Rogue beer but wouldn't go out of your way to get there if you are not. The Toronado is a great beer bar in lower haight and worth checking out for the tap selection alone. It is kind of a run-down dive bar but the place has an amazing selection of everything (check out the website). I'd go in the afternoon to avoid the crowds and metal music. The sausage grill next door has the best sausage sandwiches i have ever had and they will bring them to you in the bar to eat. The Magnolia brewpub is in Upper Haight and has great beer and pub type food. It is a long walk (lots of hills!) between Toronado and Magnolia but if it is nice out and you want to see the sights it goes quick. I haven't made it to Zeitgeist but hear it is great also. This is in the mission district and is a dive bar with a great tap selection. Friends tell me to go there on a nice day and sit outside, drink beer, and get food from the BBQ. Keith Return to table of contents
Date: Tue, 23 Oct 2007 08:08:14 -0700 (PDT) From: Richard Lynch <rlny7575 at yahoo.com> Subject: Basic Brew Hey Matt, In response to your Basic Brew: I too, like to make a quick, easy, and cheap brew (I named my "Lowfunds' Pale Ale") once in awhile. I do a mini-mash to save little more money, since grain gives you the highest fermentable sugar/money ratio -but all extract is probably pretty close in terms of money I've spent. Northern Brewer is offering 3lb bags of Organic DME for $10.50 right now, btw. Here's what I typically use for my budget brews: Sugars: ~ 5 lbs. of Amber DME (if your not going to steep crystal) If you've *got* to save money you can use dextrose (corn sugar), or even table sugar to no ill effect, just don't overdo it - stay under 10% of the total weight of your fermentable sugars and you shouldn't notice the flavor difference. Yeast: Coopers Dried Yeast - This is my maybe my favorite dry yeast because it's cheap, it smells *awesome* when you rehydrate, gives a nicely rounded, ever-so-slight bready-woody-fruity flavor to the beer, and clears pretty well. -or- Safale US05 - I think this was called US56 at some point. Gives a really clean smooth, soft flavor. I'd steer clear of Danstar Nottingham yeast - It made my beers to dry and harsh tasting. Hops: You can get away tweaking the sugars, but without hops your not going to make something which tastes like beer, so: Whatever is strong (high alpha-acid%) for bittering so you need less, although I've had bad results from using Galena - it can give harshly bitter and metallic taste. Cascades are usually pretty cheap and easy to find, and are an excellent choice of aroma hop if you want that citrusy, grapefruity IPA flavor. Centennial, Goldings, Hallertau, and Fuggles are also all very nice aroma hops for ales I've found. Good luck! Rich Return to table of contents
Date: Tue, 23 Oct 2007 10:53:28 -0500 From: Scott Birdwell <defalcos at sbcglobal.net> Subject: Re: Basic Brew Michael O'Donnell is trying to help Matt produce better tasting beer. Here are his comments below: > Matt, if you are really looking to minimize cost, I'd suggest that you > switch to all-grain. Lots of people will say that going to fancy > liquid > yeast is critical, but I'd definitely stick with dry yeast over > skipping > hops (Your recipe will make Zima, I think. Ok if you are just looking > for some fermented ethanol, but not really beer.) > > Here's a dirt-simple and cheap recipe. > Buying 9 lbs of base malt and a pound of crystal malt will set you > back > about $15 > 4 oz of cascade hops will go for ~$6. > Add a package of dry yeast for $2 and you've got 5 gallons of > drinkable > beer for <$25. In fact, if you go to www.morebeer.com or > northernbrewer.com, you'll find plenty of all-grain kits for <$20... > about 10-20% cheaper than a comparable extract kit. > > Going into your homebrew store and choosing the the hops and grains by > what is cheap is another way to make it cheaper (but, given that the > whole thing is only $20, about the most you might save is a $1 here or > there)... If Magnum hops are cheaper than Cascade or Glacier hops > are on > special sale, buy whichever. Your beer will taste different, but it > will > still be OK. I guess you can save money by going all-grain, but you better be patient and better have lots of time to brew. Extract and grain can easily be brewed in an hour and a half to two hours, while all-grain tends to take four to six hours. Currently, the raw ingredients for all-grain brewing are noticeably less expensive than extract and grain, but the gap may be closing in the near future. Grains are currently going up in price by 40 - 80% across the board. Bio-Fuel production has enticed malting barley farmers to dump barley in favor of cheap, profitable corn. Poor crops, especially in Europe, are driving international pricing sky high. Hops are even worse, with the price doubling, even tripling on certain varieties. Some varieties (Magnum being one, may not be available at any price. We've been in a hop shortage for a couple of years now and the strategic national hop reserve is depleted. We've spent approximately $5,000 with one hop broker alone over the past 12 months, and they are telling me they have nothing to sell me for the next year! Poor weather, combined with hop farmers giving up because of low profit margins are driving these prices. Now obviously the extract manufacturers are buying grain and hop products, too. Therefore the extract will be going up, too. However, these manufacturers, like many of the breweries, are contracting for malt and hops for years to come and with their buying power, they will be hit a less hard than your typical local homebrew shop. Processing, packaging, and shipping costs play a bigger role in extract production, too, so if the price of grain goes up 50%, the price of extract may go up 10 or 15%. Stay tuned for developments. This seems to be the topic on the tip of everyone's lips in our industry right now. It's not a good thing, but it's the way it is. Scott Birdwell DeFalco's Home Wine & Beer Supplies Houston TX Return to table of contents
Date: Tue, 23 Oct 2007 20:00:53 -0400 From: "LYLE C BROWN" <beerking1 at verizon.net> Subject: Basic Brew Matt, You ask about making a "basic brew," which can mean many things to many people. It would help if you gave us some indication what style or what your primary goal is. Some might think of a "basic" stout, or a "basic" pale ale, while others may think you are looking to make the cheapest beer you can (presumably still drinkable). Then again, you may be looking to find the simplest beer to make. You mention using the only yeast available at your local shop, but don't specify anything about it. Is it dry or liquid? Brand? As long as you are not using the "free" packet attached to the lid of the can of extract, it is probably alright, but again, it depends. Although it will save you money, I would omit the dextrose in favor of more malt. It will thin out your beer, and detract from the fine malt flavors. You are not using too much, so if that is what you are after, that is OK. Again, it depends what style of beer you prefer. Give us a little more details and I am sure there are many here who can assist. Lyle C. Brown Beerking1 at verizon.net Return to table of contents
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