HOMEBREW Digest #5270 Wed 02 January 2008

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  Re: baking yeast (David Scheidt)
  Re: Rye Hefe ("Craig S. Cottingham")
  Re: Rye Hefe (Denny Conn)
  Shipping Homebrew, use Ship 'N Store boxes, yeah (Scott/Linda Bruslind)" <analabor@peak.org>

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---------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Tue, 1 Jan 2008 03:21:42 -0500 From: David Scheidt <dscheidt at panix.com> Subject: Re: baking yeast > Date: Fri, 28 Dec 2007 09:30:17 -0800 > From: "Matt Wallace" <dubious.chewy at gmail.com> > Subject: behold the starch-busting power of...yeast? > > Hello HBDers, > > So I've recently baked my first few loaves of yeast bread (btw, I > highly suggest the no-knead bread recipe that was flying around the > internet a year or so ago- it's a beautiful thing). > > It is my understanding that the beauty of a nice crusty loaf is the > result of fermentation by saccharomyces cerevsiae...just like in beer. > But where's the sugar? One passage in a baking book I've read (The > King Arthur Flour Baker's Companion) says there's no need to add sugar > to your bread dough, because the yeast can break down enough starches > themselves to fuel a nice rise and develop flavor. To what extent > does this go on in beer fermentation? Do the yeast have their own > starch busting enzymes? Could a very generous pitch balance out a > high or low temperature mash? While the yeast used for baking bread and brewing beer are the same species, they're very different beasties. They're both bred specifically for their intended purpose, and do that very well. They do poorly at other things. There are a number of traits that baking yeasts have been bred for: activity, temperature insensitivity, tolerance to dehydration, and the ability to go after starches are the most interesting to the home baker. With a good modern yeast -- and any packaged yeast sold comerecially in the US is pretty good -- there's no need to have any sugar at all. They'll decompose the starch themselves. I'm a fan of instant dried yeasts, which are sold in the supermarket as bread machine or "Rapid-Rise" yeast. Yeast plant for yeast plant, they're no more active than any other yeast, but they're denser, so there are more of them per teaspoon. They're also somewhat more likely to be alive than active dry yeast, so by mass you get a bit more yeast. Control for that, and they're no more rapid than other yeast. They're big advantage for me, and the typical home baker, is their ease of use. There's no need to rehyrdrate them before use; mix them in the flour, and you're set. They've also got a long shelf life: two years in an unopened package at room temperature, much longer in a freezer. If you're at all serious about baking, buy it in bulk. I can get two pounds of IDY at Sam's for about $4. My grocery store wants $8 for a four ounce jar. As for no knead breads go, I'm not impressed by the one that was in NYT a year or so ago. It's something of a forgotten fact that any dough with suffeicently high hydration, will develop the gluten, if allowed to set for a long enough time. It was only with the invention of the mechanical mixer that kneading to develop the gluten became the universal way of making bread. It saves time and space, and so money. Return to table of contents
Date: Tue, 1 Jan 2008 11:37:04 -0600 From: "Craig S. Cottingham" <craig.cottingham at gmail.com> Subject: Re: Rye Hefe On Dec 31, 2007, at 06:05, leavitdg at plattsburgh.edu wrote: > I recently put 2 lb of rye with 4 lb of wheat, and 4 lb of 2 row > base pale malt, > and wonder how much more one could use and still get it converted? > Perhaps I > could increase the rye, and decrease the wheat? But how far could > one go > before these were not converted? If you're worried about having enough enzymes on hand to convert the mash, you could always try swapping some or all of the 2-row with 6- row malt. With all that wheat, I don't think you'd notice the extra protein. - -- Craig S. Cottingham craig.cottingham at gmail.com Return to table of contents
Date: Tue, 01 Jan 2008 09:41:00 -0800 From: Denny Conn <denny at projectoneaudio.com> Subject: Re: Rye Hefe Hi Darrell, If you're using rye malt, you should have no worries about conversion. I haven't run across any rye malt that doesn't have at least enough diastatic power to convert itself. So you don't have to worry about having enough pale malt to covert the rye. --------->Denny - -- Life begins at 60....1.060, that is! Return to table of contents
Date: Tue, 01 Jan 2008 14:23:19 -0800 From: "Analysis_Lab (Scott/Linda Bruslind)" <analabor at peak.org> Subject: Shipping Homebrew, use Ship 'N Store boxes, yeah Our business depends on brewers being able to send us finished beer samples, and it's kind of dicey regarding the private carriers. I've had conversations with UPS reps where they state, unequivocally, that no alcohol is to be tendered for transport by them. Yet, my driver is OK with it as he drops boxes off, everyday. It could be a 'don't ask, don't tell,' state of mind. FedEx and DHL have always been cooler about beer shipments, and FedEx Ground is the lowest price carrier in the 5-50 pound parcel range. I think all the carriers have been in some kind of legal trouble regarding abetting delivery of alcohol to minors, and UPS's stated policy is a predictable overreaction. If you ship beer, we have some tips. Some of them are covered on our website under 'logistics' **http://www.analysislaboratory.com/index.php?page=logistics We like to see plastic in our lab, for safety reasons; but, you're likely to want to send glass. So, we submit for your consideration the benefits of 'foam in a box' shipping cartons. We buy/send to our customers 12 pack 'Ship N Store' kits from California Glass. http://www.calglass-pcc.com/catalog/index.htm The styro insert is around $4.50/ea and the cardboard goes for about a buck. We reuse the heck out them, 2-3 cycles for the cardboard and more for the foam. There is a laydown style that works for 22oz bottles (made for 750ml wine bottles.) With a $500 minimum order it's a good project for a club. Other distributors must be nationwide, but I've never inquired. We see some slightly different boxes coming from brewers in Nashville and Florida , so somebody else is making them besides Cal-glass/Saxco. Seems like a little too much time/effort spent extolling the virtues of the 'Ship 'N Store?' We've never seen anything better. Happy New Year, Scott Bruslind Lebanon, OR 97355 (1938, 288 AR) Return to table of contents
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