HOMEBREW Digest #5271 Sun 06 January 2008

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  Re: baking yeast ("John Stewart")
  re:Shipping Homebrew, use Ship 'N Store boxes, yeah (kloeffler)
  Baking yeast (Thomas Rohner)

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---------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Thu, 3 Jan 2008 09:41:47 -0600 From: "John Stewart" <john at johnstewart.com> Subject: Re: baking yeast Hello HBDers! Been a subscriber for some time. I used to brew now and again, but haven't in some years. I find the discussions here usually fascinating, frequently esoteric, and sometimes totally bewildering. Some of you guys are totally nuts. It makes me realize how bad a brewer I actually was. =) Just wanted to comment on this thread: > From: David Scheidt <dscheidt at panix.com> > Subject: Re: baking yeast > > As for no knead breads go, I'm not impressed by the one that was in NYT a > year or so ago. It's something of a forgotten fact that any dough with > suffeicently high hydration, will develop the gluten, if allowed to set > for a long enough time. It was only with the invention of the mechanical > mixer that kneading to develop the gluten became the universal way of > making bread. It saves time and space, and so money. I subscribe to Cook's Illustrated, a truly amazingly good cooking magazine. No ads, just extremely well tested recipes and equipment reviews (they also have a TV show on PBS, America's Test Kitchen, also very good). Their latest (Jan/Feb 2008) issue includes "No Knead Bread Recipe 2.0". They took that New York Times no knead bread recipe, tested it with 5 inexperienced bakers, and then improved it based on the results. Two additional ingredients they added, to add depth and character to the bread, are a tablespoon of vinegar (to replicate a sourdough type flavor) and 3 ounces of mild lager (to add a complexity of flavor not delivered by the instant yeast). I've made a few loaves myself now, never having baked before, and I think it's some of the best bread I've had. And oh so easy and cheap (I'm sure the largest expense is running my oven for 2 hours). If anyone wants the complete recipe, drop me a line at john at johnstewart dot com. Definitely worth picking up this issue, though (also the French Onion Soup recipe in the same issue resulted in the best I've ever had). johnS Return to table of contents
Date: Thu, 03 Jan 2008 18:00:17 +0000 From: kloeffler at comcast.net Subject: re:Shipping Homebrew, use Ship 'N Store boxes, yeah I'll second the use of the cardboard/styrofoam inserts that are available. My wife and I are wine lovers (sorry, beer has taken a back seat to wine), and we frequently buy wine from California wineries (and Michigan ones too). They all ship in these types of containers and never once have we had an issue. You might want to check ULINE for these shippers as well. My latest catalog had multiple types. Check: http://www.uline.com/ you can try: http://www.uline.com/Group_237.asp for the exact page the different shippers are on. You don't need a $500 minimum from them. Karl Loeffler Chesterfield, MI Return to table of contents
Date: Sat, 05 Jan 2008 10:10:16 +0100 From: Thomas Rohner <t.rohner at bluewin.ch> Subject: Baking yeast Hi brewers and bakers I've started baking bread even before i started brewing beer. The learning curve in my baking endeavours took longer than in brewing. This is because i read many good books on brewing, but none for baking. I have found out that there are many books about baking on the market, even more than about brewing. The quality of most of this books is quite low. They have tons of receipes, but fail to cover the basics. So i baked many breads from out of these "bad" books, but i wasn't really happy with them. Sure they tasted ok, but i knew it could be better. Then i got some input from the internet community, that enlightened me. This website also has a book listing. I ordered one of those books and i'm very happy with it. The website is in german only, but the book is in english. The link is: www.petras-brotkasten.de The book is: "Bread" by Jeffrey Hamelman Another good link on baking videos: http://www.pbs.org/juliachild/video.html Now to the original yeast question: According to this book, a certain proportion of the wheat starch is damaged during milling. It's around 8-9% in north america and around 7% in europe. This is due to different milling techniques. This damaged starch is converted by amylase enzymes present in the flour. I think the accessability of this damaged starch is similar to gelatinized starch in the mash. After being converted to sugar, the yeast does what it can do best. This happens mainly in the main rise / primary fermentation. Longer primary fermentations with less yeast or the use of a preferment will enhance flavour and keeping quality of a bread. I know, this was a little off topic, but baking and brewing are quite close cousins. Happy brewing and baking Thomas Return to table of contents
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