HOMEBREW Digest #5342 Wed 11 June 2008

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  Mouthfeel=body=viscosity? (Fred L Johnson)

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---------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Wed, 11 Jun 2008 08:06:10 -0400 From: Fred L Johnson <FLJohnson52 at nc.rr.com> Subject: Mouthfeel=body=viscosity? I am constantly frustrated in trying to translate people's perception and description of tastes, aromas, and tactile impressions of beer (and other foods for that matter) into something that is objectively measurabIe. I grant you that we probably cannot easily "calibrate" of our senses to a set of standards, so there is some limitation to being able to describe the taste, smell, and feel of a beer in objective terms. Nevertheless, we've managed to come up with a bittering measurement (International Bittering Units) that have served us pretty well, and I would like to see other parameters of our brews be described in objective, measurable terms as we do with gravity and bittering levels. In that regard, I have a couple of simple questions: Is what is often described as "mouthfeel" in a beer the same as "body" in a beer? And are these no more than the simple tactile sense of viscosity? If so, one could actually measure/quantify "mouthfeel" or "body" of a beer with a viscometer. At any rate, I'll bet body, mouthfeel, and viscosity are highly correlated. And continuing in that vein, I would guess that the majority of the viscosity of a beer is due to residual sugars and the relative amounts of water and alcohol in the beer. And for that reason, there should be a relatively simple, direct relationship between the specific gravity plus % alcohol content of a beer and its viscosity (i.e., mouthfeel and body). Comments? Flames? All are welcomed and encouraged! Fred L Johnson Apex, North Carolina, USA Return to table of contents
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