HOMEBREW Digest #5405 Thu 28 August 2008

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		Digest Janitor: pbabcock at hbd.org


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  Disturbance in the Froth, you say? ("Pat Babcock")
  I can't follow John Palmer's RA numbers in a recent Zymurgy article? ("stevesveil-hbd@yahoo.com")

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---------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Thu, 28 Aug 2008 08:44:58 -0400 (EDT) From: "Pat Babcock" <pbabcock at hbd.org> Subject: Disturbance in the Froth, you say? Greetings, Beerlings! Take me to your lager... Well, many have noticed that the HBD seems to have "blinked out" of existence. To wit the HBD might respond: the rumor of my demise is highly exaggerated... The HBD networks have moved to a new provider, and you are experiencing the transition issues. Here's why it seems to be taking so long: Since our old provider was so slow, the TTL (time to live) records in our DNS were set to 48 hours - this meant that other DNS servers would touch ours every 48 hours to ensure they were up to date. Unfortunately, it also means that your local DNS server likely is still dealing with the old DNS record, which now point off into the ether. The "48 hours" I'm talking about here *should* be expired sometime Friday, 29 August; however (there're always "howevers", aren't there?)... Since we host our own DNS servers, I also had to update the IP addresses associated with those servers with our registrar. That means that when many reach out to touch our DNS servers, they may get only air if the change in IP address for our DNS servers has not propagated through yet. This appears to not be much of an issue as I had remote utilities reporting the proper address within hours of the change. Some ISPs will take longer to update, some already have it. Finally, and as usual, the persnickety HBD server is coughing up some of its own problems, which I am working steadily to resolve. These problems may cause "within site" referencing errors when visiting the HBD, including access to Brews and Views, The Recipator, The Fleamarket, and the admin controls of any mailing list hosted here. The GOOD news is that sendmail seems to be humming along just fine. I am redeploying the machines in our network and, once completed, our new ISP will create reverse DNS records for our IP space - something our last ISP claimed to have done, but something that apparently never functioned while we were on board. This *should* fix all of the domains which were bouncing the HBD traffic out of hand because (a) we're finally off of the Covad network, whose IPs many ISPs automatically reject (they have/had a lot of "unsecured" dial-ups, and a lot of rogue domains on their DSL, from what I understand...) and (b) reverse DNS resolution is used by many mail servers today to authenticate the incoming mail. If you have a domain hosted by the HBD network, you should be OK in a short period of time, if not already. If you are such a person (domain hosted; not just a website), please be sure to email me next week, as I'll have some changes you'll need to make with your registrar once I finish redeploying machines on the etwork - I'm planning to separate DNS from any other processes, so the you nameservers will need to be changed with your registrar. Plus, in terms of those Brews and Views fans, this line should prove to be about 16 times faster than the old connection, and a much lower monthly cost. With that all said, please have a safe and enjoyable weekend - holiday weekend, here in the states! Hopefully, when we come up on the other side of it, all will be well once again with the HBD network! All the best! Pat Babcock Chief of Janitorial Services Home Brew Digest, Inc. Return to table of contents
Date: Thu, 28 Aug 2008 08:22:47 -0700 (PDT) From: "stevesveil-hbd at yahoo.com" <stevesveil-hbd@yahoo.com> Subject: I can't follow John Palmer's RA numbers in a recent Zymurgy article? Hi all, In Zymurgy magazine (volume 31 No 4 July/August 2008) John Palmer has a nice article titled "The Role of Residual Alkalinity". However in table 6 "Water: Classic Cities and Their Beer Styles" there is a "RA (ppm as CaCO3)" column that I can't calculate the results for. Well I do calculate the RA for Pilsen Ok but none of the other cities. I'm just learning about water chemistry for brewing and this is confusing me. Maybe I'm not fully understanding something? I'm using the last ra equation from A.J. deLange post #4976 Sunday 19 March 2006. ra = alk - 50*([Ca]/20/3.5 + [Mg]/12.15/7) ppm as CaCO3 where: ra is in ppm as CaCO3 alk is in ppm as CaCO3 Ca is in ppm Mg is in ppm For example in table 6 John list Dortmund as Ca (ppm) = 225 Mg (ppm) = 40 Total Alkalinity as CaCO3 (ppm) = 220 RA (ppm as CaCO3) = -3 When I calculate using these values I get ra = 36. That not even close to John's RA (ppm as CaCO3) = -3! Can someone please help me understand where I've gone wrong?, Thanks, Steve Seeley Shingle Springs, CA (between Sacramento and Tahoe off highway 50) Return to table of contents
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