HOMEBREW Digest #5474 Mon 22 December 2008

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  Re: Re: Using a coolship to get enough HSA ("steve.alexander")
  egg nog / eggnog recipe (Jeff Renner)

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---------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Mon, 22 Dec 2008 03:25:11 -0500 From: "steve.alexander" <-s at roadrunner.com> Subject: Re: Re: Using a coolship to get enough HSA bill keiser claims .... > <http://www.brew-dudes.com/hot-side-aeration/124> > I'm fairly new to brewing and I confess, I didn't even know what HSA > meant until I googled it, and found this article that explains the > chemical reasons for it. > In addition to this, from my slightly longer winemaking experience, I > know that in the initial stages of fermentation, oxygen is good for the > yeast, but as soon as it slows down, we use airlocks and CO2 to exclude > too much oxygen from oxidizing it. The oxygen entrained in hot wort binds chemically to the wort in minutes and is not available for yeast growth. No - HSA is IMO universally bad; nothing good comes from it. Kunze's German brewing textbook puts that case against coolships bluntly, "Rapid wort cooling is nowadays performed exclusively with plate heat exchangers". And, "wort aeration at high temperature results in extensive oxidation. As a result the wort becomes darker and more bitter". He goes on to advise wort oxygenation only at cold temperatures only and after pitching. He mentions coolships as an antiquated methods that can only remove a fraction of the break. > After that, aging wine likes > micro-oxygenation, typically/historically supplied through the pores of > wood barrels. Now they can supply it withan aeration stone similar to > those found in an aquarium. Some use a small airpump but pure oxygen is > better. It's not clear why nitrogen should be problematic for wine. I have doubts this is true, but it's certainly not impossible. Micro-oxygenation of wine is real and it occurs in the barrel and in a (naturally) corked bottle. I have very serious doubts that pumping O2 into a barrel or through a stone is a good winemaking technique. The slow introduction of oxygen favors the oxidation of phenolic materials and at least for red wines, this can be desirable. The red wine may contain a large amount of tannoids from the grape skins and wine gains additional phenolic tannins from oak cooperage. As I noted in another recent post, oxidized phenolics polymerize and when large enough the polymers become less astringent and also less soluble (they sediment after long time periods). Sulfites inhibit the phenolic oxidation too. So it would take some convincing evidence to explain why introducing extra phenolics from a barrel then actively oxidizing them (and other things) produces an improved outcome. -S Return to table of contents
Date: Mon, 22 Dec 2008 14:00:09 -0500 From: Jeff Renner <jsrenner at umich.edu> Subject: egg nog / eggnog recipe It's almost too late, but there is still time for me to make my annual egg nog / eggnog recipe (both spellings for search engine hits) posting. It has been very popular with homebrewers, as well as members of the bourbon discussion group straightbourbon.com. I hope you'll make and enjoy it. It's my dad's recipe, and it been part of my family's holidays for more than sixty years. Rather than repeat it, here is a link to a recent post, which includes some details about its history that I discovered after earlier posts. http://hbd.org/hbd/archive/4423.html#4423-7 I'm hoping to get back to being more active on HBD in the new year. Cheers for the holidays. Jeff. - --- Jeff Renner in Ann Arbor, Michigan USA, jsrenner at umich.edu "One never knows, do one?" Fats Waller, American Musician, 1904-1943 Return to table of contents
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