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---------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Thu, 26 Feb 2009 12:04:53 -0800 From: "Mike Bennett" <mjb at> Subject: RE: Lot analysis data for Weyermann malts? Kai Troester <kai at> wrote: > Does anyone know of a source where I can buy bags of Weyermann > malt AND get lot analysis data for them? I've had EXCELLENT customer service and support from F. H. Steinbart 234 SE 12th Avenue Portland, Oregon 97214 USA 503.232.8793 Their retail prices are a little high IMO, but it could be because I'm so used to paying wholesale as a pro brewer. > I have been buying my malt from Crosby Baker through my LHBS. > While I?m willing to pay the premium for this excellent German > malt (I pay ~$60 for the 55 lb bag) I don?t understand why I > cannot get the lot analysis data if I?m paying this price. I've had nothing but bad experiences with C&B in the past. Considering the service That I've gotten from them as a pro, I'm not surprised they didn't hang up on you as soon as they found out you were a home-brewer. > Granted a home brewer should not have to worry about detailed > data like this but let me be the judge of this. You may be disappointed when you finally get your lot analysis, at least with the specialty malts. 98% of the time, they are little more than a color analysis. - -- Mike Bennett Professional Brewer (retired) St. Barts (Home) Brewing mjbennett69<at> Return to table of contents
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