FORUM ON BEER, HOMEBREWING, AND RELATED ISSUES Digest Janitor: pbabcock at *************************************************************** TODAY'S HOME BREW DIGEST BROUGHT TO YOU BY: Sponsor The Home Brew Digest! Visit to learn how Support those who support you! Visit our sponsor's site! ********** Also visit ********* DONATE to the Home Brew Digest. Home Brew Digest, Inc. is a 501(c)3 not-for-profit organization under IRS rules (see the FAQ at for details of this status). Donations can be made by check to Home Brew Digest mailed to: HBD Server Fund PO Box 871309 Canton Township, MI 48187-6309 or by paypal to address DONATIONS of $250 or more will be provided with receipts. SPONSORSHIPS of any amount are considered paid advertisement, and may be deductible under IRS rules as a business expense. Please consult with your tax professional, then see for available sponsorship opportunities. *************************************************************** Contents: Weyermans/Slake Heat ("A.J deLange") 1st Round NHC Judging - NE Region ("David Houseman")
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---------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Sat, 28 Feb 2009 08:08:53 -0500 From: "A.J deLange" <ajdel at> Subject: Weyermans/Slake Heat Weyermans does post representative malt analyses on their website. Though this is not, I'm sure, what Kai is looking for it does give one a rough idea of what to expect from each of their products. * * * * * * * * * * * When thinking about slake heat start by considering that the ratio of surface area to volume is inversely proportional to the linear size of the mash. For small (5 gallon batch) mashes the ratio is quite high and the slaking heat is likely to be lost through the larger surface before its effects are noticed. Since the heat released is from the hydration reaction the amount is going to depend on how hydrated the malt already is i.e. its moisture content. This can vary appreciably depending on how long the malt has been stored and under what conditions. The rate of heat release will depend on how rapidly hydration takes place and this in turn must depend on the fineness of the grind and the method of hydration (grain into water, water into grain, Steele's masher etc). Finally, the manifestation of the released heat, a rise in temperature, will depend on the thermal mass of the mash which is a function of the grist to water ratio and the specific heat of the malt which is quite variable. Given all this it is going to be pretty hard to come up with a formula which accurately models temperature rise from slaking heat. The formula F = (St+RT+0.5h)/(S+R) is simply a rearrangement of a statement of the first law for a unit mass of malt with its specific heat in units of the specific heat of water (i.e. water is 1 degree F per BTU): (F-t)S +(F-T)R - 0.5h = 0 which simply says that an energy conservation tally must include half of h for each unit mass of malt. Thus 0.5h is the amount of energy released when malt is slaked. Why the 0.5? It may relate to the differences between laboratory measurements of slaking heat made on a dried basis (t may be worth noting that the ASBC does not have an MOA (Method of Analysis) for determining slaking heat potential) or be a fudge factor related to some of the other considerations I mentioned. When I was helping Jeffrey on this for ProMash there was a lot of discussion as to how to handle slaking heat. I argued that just sticking this formula into the program wasn't adequate and we were talking about doing some measurements to see if we could come up with a better one but this involved springing for a moisture balance which I wasn't ready to do and then Jeffry's life got complicated so it never happened. I had some notes by I can't seem to turn them up so it's all a little hazy and I don't remember whether he actually stuck this formula in as an interim thing or not. Practically speaking I never noticed slaking heat until I started doing mashes involving 70 - 100 lbs of grain. Even then I see it sometimes and sometimes I don't (though I am never particularly looking for it). What I am calling slaking heat is a rise in mash tun temperature that occurs after all the grain has been added to the mash water absent any addition of heat. The largest rise that I have seen that I might attribute to slaking heat has been a little less than 1 C. A.J. Return to table of contents
Date: Sun, 01 Mar 2009 20:18:47 -0500 From: "David Houseman" <david.houseman at> Subject: 1st Round NHC Judging - NE Region The Northeast Regional judging for the 1st Round of the National Homebrew Competition will be held the weekend of April 17-19 at the Yards Brewery ( in Philadelphia. Yards is located at 901 N. Delaware Avenue in Philly. Check out MapQuest or Yahoo! Maps for location and directions. For those of you have judged this competition before expect this location to be even better than last year there as Yards is now in production and the facility is completed and open for business. For those of you who haven't this is a great opportunity judge in the largest home brew competition in the world. We expect to be judging on Saturday and Sunday, although the number of flights and time needed to judge will depend on the number of entries we receive and the number of judges who commit to judging. We may do some judging on Friday night if needed depending on the number of entries and judges who are available on Saturday and Sunday. While the details haven't been fully worked out expect to start judging on Saturday AM at 9am, on Sunday at 10:00 and IF we judge on Friday night, it will be about 7:30pm. Friday night might be a great time for pub crawl for those coming from out of town. Details will be provided closer to the date of the competition. Again, we will be judging Cider in addition to the Mead and Beer categories. This will be a chance to try some of the best ciders made in the US. Those of you who attended last year's cider training session will want to put their training to practice. Just reply to me to be put on the list to judge. Let me know which day(s) you will be available, what categories you want to judge, do not want to judge and can't judge because you plan to enter those categories. We will make an attempt to honor your requests if at all possible but someone has to judge the least favorable categories and not everyone can judge the most popular ones. So reserve the weekend of April 17-19 and plan to judge in Philadelphia. If you have not done so already, let me know that you can judge. If you know someone who'd like to steward, let me know as well; we can use several. Site Director: Nancy Rigberg NRigberg at Judge Coordinator: David Houseman david.houseman at Return to table of contents
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