HOMEBREW Digest #561 Fri 04 January 1991
Rob Gardner, Digest Coordinator
Underaged beer at brewpubs (Chris Shenton)
Imported from where? (gateh)
Ancient brew needs help (gateh)
mail order catalogs (GS) <mb at Princeton.EDU>
Homebrew mailing list (retsulc XAV eht ni renosirp dleh gnieb m`I !pleH !pleH)
Mashing, Ageing, and Cask Conditioning (Norm Hardy)
Beer Bread (techentin)
micro in MO (chip upsal)
grav. grief & question (chip upsal)
Send submissions to homebrew%hpfcmr at hplabs.hp.com
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Date: Thu, 3 Jan 91 12:28:38 EST
From: Chris Shenton <chris at asylum.gsfc.nasa.gov>
Subject: Underaged beer at brewpubs
>>>>> On Fri, 21 Dec 90 15:58:47 -0800, noah at cs.washington.edu (Rick Noah Zucker) said:
Rick> ... they do not age their beers very long by our standards. He serves
Rick> the lagers after four weeks, the light ales after one, and something
Rick> like a porter after two.
Rick> He said that as professionals ... they could control temperature and
Rick> pressure, they did not need to age things as long as we would
The idea sounds seductively appealing, but I think it's bull. Most -- if
not all -- of the ten or so brewpubs I've been to have had beer that tasted
young. In nearby Baltimore, the stuff at Sissons tastes plain *raw*, with a
watery bitterness typical of a brew that hasn't matured enough. To a lesser
extent, same with the Baltimore Brewing Company, but they seem to lager
them for a while. Even my favorite, Big Time Brewing in Seattle, had a
slight edge to it.
Rick> One point to raise about the aging of beer in brewpubs is that
Rick> they may not have the space.
That's true, but they are never going to make world class beer without
proper aging. I love to try the brews at brewpubs, but I can't quite
stomach them for extended drinking. I'd rather have a well lagered Dark
Horse (microbrew, not brewpub).
Any of you ever been to England? What's the ``Real Ale'' like? I know it's
still fermenting, and on the Beer Hunter, they said one batch of Bass was
at it's peak taste after 18 days, although they didn't say whether that was
after the start of fermentation, or after being kegged, or... Does real ale
taste raw? or smooth?
Rick> Prince Luitpold of Bavaria. Was he the one on the Beer Hunter?
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Date: Thu, 3 Jan 91 13:30:16 EST
Subject: Imported from where?
> Unfortunately, it doesn't appear that beers are required to list where
> they're brewed. Like I pointed out with Guinness, it says imported, but
> it doesn't say anywhere on the bottle "canada" or "bahamas". Obviously
> the importing company is trying to imply that it is coming all the way
> from Ireland.
Even worse than that, it is my understanding that a fair number of
"imported" brews are actually brewed in this country, and that they may use
the "imported" label because some of the ingredients are imported. During a
visit to Europe I thoroughly enjoyed the Heineken (sp?) in Amsterdam,
however was very disappointed by the same on tap in England. It appears that
they ship the ingredients and brew English Heineken in England, and the same
applies for the U.S., etc.
At least that's what I remember...
Gregg TeHennepe | Academic Systems Coord., Acad Comp | Yes, but this
gateh at conncoll.bitnet | Connecticut College, New London, CT | one goes to 11...
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Date: Thu, 3 Jan 91 13:39:19 EST
Subject: Ancient brew needs help
I have an unusual situation which is probably unresolvable, but it never
hurts to ask...
A year ago this fall I brewed a batch of very dark stout, all of which
seemed to go well. I then moved, and moved the batch (in the secondary) to
my new place, where it sat through the year, in a closet, at high temps in
the summer. I finally got back to it (and brewing) this past fall, and upon
tasting and smelling it seemed okay (not infected or soured), so I thought I
might as well try throwing it in a keg and priming and see what happens.
Now I have a nicely chilled barrel of extremely flat, very sweet fluid. My
assumption is that there are no more active yeast with which to prime, and
so I started wondering what would happen if I threw a little activated yeast
in the barrel and let them work on the priming malt. I have nothing to
lose, as I've already considered the batch a loss, so I'm interested in any
thoughts anyone might have as to any possibility of rescue for this batch.
Cheers! - Gregg
Gregg TeHennepe | Academic Computing Services | This is the life
gateh at conncoll.bitnet | Connecticut College, New London, CT | you have -V. Reid
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Date: Thu, 3 Jan 91 15:52:02 EST
From: Matthias Blumrich (GS) <mb at Princeton.EDU>
Subject: mail order catalogs
Hello. I have found some good references to mail order brewing supply
houses in the HBD, and I would like to know if there is a list of these
places somewhere so I can collect LOTS of catalogs. My e-mail address
is: mb at cs.princeton.edu. Thanks in advance.
- Matt -
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Date: Thu, 3 Jan 91 16:11 EDT
From: retsulc XAV eht ni renosirp dleh gnieb m`I !pleH !pleH <YOSHIKAMI%USUHSB.BITNET at CUNYVM.CUNY.EDU>
Subject: Homebrew mailing list
I found out from a friend about homebrew mailing list services. Please add me.
Thank you
DY ;-)
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Date: Thu, 3 Jan 91 19:59:00 PST
From: polstra!norm at uunet.UU.NET (Norm Hardy)
Subject: Mashing, Ageing, and Cask Conditioning
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Date: Thu, 3 Jan 91 23:12:20 -0600
From: techentin at Mayo.edu
Subject: Beer Bread
I have seen several postings over that past few months asking for
recipies for cooking with beer. I discovered one while visiting
relatives over the holidays that is so easy I just have to share it.
Mix in a bowl: 3 cups self-rising flour
3 tablespoons sugar
12 ounces beer
Pour batter into a greased bread pan and bake for
50 minutes at 350 degress F.
The self rising flour is important. It contains baking powder which
reacts with the beer to make the loaf rise. It bakes up pretty ugly
and lumpy, and by homemade bread standards (we make a lot) it isn't
anything to brag about, but it is extremely easy to make and it does
fill the house with that "baking bread" aroma.
I used Michelob Dry for the first loaf (I hadn't brought enough homebrew
with me to use on such things), and the resulting bread was a little
crumbly, but tasted very good with butter or as toast.
The second batch I made at home using a bottle of seriously overhopped
lager. I beat the batter in the mixer for five minutes to improve the
bread's texture. The texture was better and the hop flavor gave the
loaf a very interesting character. I will soon try a left-over bottle
of Christmas ale to see if I can produce a spiced bread.
Happy baking.
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------
Bob Techentin Internet: Techentin at Mayo.Edu
Mayo Foundation, Rochester MN, 55905 USA (507) 284-2702
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------
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Date: 04 Jan 91 00:53:33 EST
From: chip upsal <70731.3556 at compuserve.com>
Subject: micro in MO
The past Zymurgy mentions the Boulevard Brewing Co. of Missouri. This
is a new Micro -- Missouri's first -- run by John McDonald. Has anybody
heard of It? Where is it? Where can I get the brew?
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Date: 04 Jan 91 00:53:30 EST
From: chip upsal <70731.3556 at compuserve.com>
Subject: grav. grief & question
In hbd560 mcnally at wsl.dec.com writes about posable sparging woes. One
sparging technique I have read about -- Nancy Vinyard, I beleve --
reccomended draining out the liquor from the mash; then add sparge water
at 170F to the grains; then stir the mess around and let settle; drain
off again; repete untill you have all the sweet wort you are after.
This technique is reported to increase the gravity of the sweet wort. I
have not tried it myself however.
Danny ask why the liquor industry gets around labeling.
From what I understand this issue has come up before our mighty
lawmakers before. Nothing concreate has been done becouse the above
mentioned industry has a mighty powerfull lobby.
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