HOMEBREW Digest #562 Mon 07 January 1991
Rob Gardner, Digest Coordinator
Re: Homebrew Digest #561 (January 04, 1991) (Steve Thornton)
Homebrew and the Friendly Skies (S94TAYLO)
Patriotic Duty (S94TAYLO)
forwarded story (Darryl Richman)
Homebrew Digest #560 (January 03, 1991) (James Brewer)
Real Ale (Marc San Soucie)
keg pressure, carbonation (Ken Johnson)
Newsletter (S94WELKE)
LA H2O (dreger)
Aging (Norm Hardy)
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Date: Fri, 04 Jan 91 09:20:12 EST
From: Steve Thornton <NETWRK%HARVARDA.BITNET at mitvma.mit.edu>
Subject: Re: Homebrew Digest #561 (January 04, 1991)
I've also experienced underaged beer at brewpubs. Particularly the
Commonwealth Brewery in Boston, where the tap beers--all five(?) of
them--taste raw and grainy. It's seems to be worse on busy Friday or
Saturday nights (when they are pouring the stuff out as fast as they
can?) The bottled stuff they sell on site and in stores (Golden Export)
is quite good, though.
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Date: Fri, 4 Jan 91 09:46 EST
Subject: Homebrew and the Friendly Skies
Does anyone know a) what the FAA regulations are on transporting alcohol,
in particular homebrew, which of course has no label or liquor stamp, and
b) if the regs prohibit homebrew's transport, how one can circumvent these
(short of bribery, as I am poor) restraint of relaxation.
Please help!
Al Taylor
Uniformed Services University
School of Medicine
Homebrew Club (unofficial)
Bethesda, MD
s94taylor%usuhsb.bitnet. at cunyvm.cuny.edu
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Date: Fri, 4 Jan 91 10:19 EST
Subject: Patriotic Duty
Now I am noone's straightlaced stuffed-shirt, but I do know a little about
Army regulations and the Saudi customs. I would tell Cathy Young's friend
to forget about setting up a still in The Sandbox. A still itself is illegal
anywhere, especially on a military reservation. In a host country that
absolutely prohibits the mere presence of alcohol, let alone production
capability, the offense becomes significantly more serious.
If her friend does build this still, and gets caught, he might be home much
sooner than originally scheduled.
Very rarely this serious,
Al Taylor,
Bethesda, MD
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Date: Fri, 4 Jan 91 14:36:53 -0800
From: darryl at ism.isc.com (Darryl Richman)
Subject: forwarded story
>From: Dan Fink <76424.3373 at CompuServe.COM>
>Subject: Homebrew Poisons GIs
>This story appeared in papers all over the US around Dec.22. I phoned in a correction to the AP NYC office, and they said they would
>correct it (mistaking HOMEBREW for MOONSHINE!) in any followup stories.
>Note that this story also appeared in other papers around the country...DF
> DATE: SATURDAY December 22, 1990
> SOURCE: Associated Press
> Eight American soldiers have been poisoned by home-brewed alcohol and
> hospitalized since Sunday, one in very serious condition, the U.S. military
> command said.
> The soldiers from the 101st Airborne Division are the first known
> casualties of home-brewed liquor since U.S. forces were deployed in Saudi
> Arabia, a Moslem country that bans all alcohol.
> Today's statement from the U.S. Central Command said the soldiers, who were
> not identified, suffered from methanol poisoning, which is a problem
> associated with faulty home-brewed alcoholic beverages.
> Methanol poisoning, which can lead to blindness or death, was a serious
> problem during Prohibition in the 1920s.
> The eight soldiers from the 372nd Transportation Company, 29th
> Transportation Battalion, 101st Combat Support Group, are all recovering, the
> command said.
> Since U.S. troops arrived in Saudi Arabia in early August, a small number
> have been disciplined for having alcoholic beverages.
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Date: 4 Jan 91 15:52 -0800
From: James Brewer <brewer at geop.ubc.ca>
Subject: Homebrew Digest #560 (January 03, 1991)
I was wondering whether anyone could help me out with a question ?
After mashing for a long while we, the fairview brewing cartel,
perform a starch test on the mash. We find that when we add
iodine to the wort we obtain a negative result, indicating a
lack of starch. If we place the iodine on a grain and crush
the grain a little, a positive result is obtained. Would one
expect this ? Is our grain not finely enough ground ? would
one expect ahazy wort if the grains were too finely ground ?
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Date: Fri, 4 Jan 91 15:29:26 PST
From: marcs at SLC.COM (Marc San Soucie)
Subject: Real Ale
Chris Shenton writes:
> Rick Noah Zucker wrote:
> > ... they do not age their beers very long by our standards.
> > ...
> > He said that as professionals ... they could control temperature and
> > pressure, they did not need to age things as long as we would
> The idea sounds seductively appealing, but I think it's bull. Most -- if
> not all -- of the ten or so brewpubs I've been to have had beer that tasted
> young.
Agreed. The better beers out here appear to be those which have been aged a
little longer. McMenamin's, the local chain of pubs, tend to underage their
beers, which taste young.
> Any of you ever been to England? What's the ``Real Ale'' like? I know it's
> still fermenting, and on the Beer Hunter, they said one batch of Bass was
> at it's peak taste after 18 days, although they didn't say whether that was
> after the start of fermentation, or after being kegged, or... Does real ale
> taste raw? or smooth?
"Real Ale" is just plain old beer, made the same way our local brewpubs make
it. CAMRA, the Campaign For Real Ale, has made a thing of insisting that
pubs serve (and brewers brew) cask-conditioned ales, non-pasteurized and
non-filtered. While some American micro-brew-pubs do not cask-condition,
choosing instead to serve direct from aging tanks, there is basically no
difference between garden-variety (isn't it nice to be able to talk about Real
Beer that way?) American microbrew and garden-variety English Real Ale.
One could argue, even, that much bottle-conditioned homebrew meets most of
CAMRA's requirements for Real Ale, which makes us all Real Ale Brewers, as long
as we aren't using lager yeasts...
Marc San Soucie
The John Smallbrewers
Portland, Oregon
marcs at slc.com
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Date: Fri, 4 Jan 91 17:49:22 PST
From: kjohnson at argon.berkeley.edu (Ken Johnson)
Subject: keg pressure, carbonation
I recently filled two kegs with brew and decided to artificially carbonate
instead of dealing with more yeast sediment. I tried bubbling the CO2 from
the bottom at 15-50 psi, and it still didn't carbonate after a three days.
(My pressure guage may be off) Two weeks later the brew is only slightly
carbonated, yet I get a monstrous head in the glass. My beer fridge isn't
working right now, so everything is room temperature.
1.Does the beer have to be refridgerated to hold the carbonation.
2.Is there something about the C-kegs that gives a giant head upon dispensing
robbing the beer of carbonation.
3.Has anyone had this problem before, and how did you fix it.
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Date: Sat, 5 Jan 91 00:30 EST
Subject: Newsletter
Please put me on the distribution of your newsletter on homebrewing.
- --Scott Welker, USUHS (Al Taylor sent me)
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Date: Sat, 5 Jan 91 18:15:39 PST
From: dreger at seismo.gps.caltech.edu
Subject: LA H2O
Does anybody out there, brewing in Los Angeles know the H2O analysis for
the area ? Has anyone had their water tested before and after filtering
to see the effects of the filter on mineral content ?
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Date: Sun, 6 Jan 91 07:20:23 PST
From: polstra!norm at uunet.UU.NET (Norm Hardy)
Subject: Aging
Some of the brewpubs in Seattle try to condition (age) their ales before
kegging (or in come cases before serving). The Big Time Brewery, winner of
3 gold medals at the GABF (and no fluke to be sure), has them in a sub 40f
conditioning room in serving tanks. Brewer Ed Tringali makes the batches
early enough so that they can be aged somewhat before serving. Sometimes
demand pushes the timetable up a bit.
Funny story: a friend of mine supplied A-B with some new brewing kettles
some years back; enough kettles to double the output of beer. It was later
that he noticed that A-B had not added one lagering tank to their plant.
A-B had apparently found ways to speed up the aging to push the beer to the
market faster. True story.
Some homebrewers have started to cold condition the secondary fermenations
(fermenTations) of ales. In a fridge at 40f the wort clears off quickly and
the flavors mellow a little bit. For some types of ales this is not
recommended because of the flavor profiles necessary. Personally I have
enjoyed the ales better this way. Back at 60f the bottles carbonate
just fine.
Norm Hardy
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