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---------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Tue, 21 Sep 2010 10:26:33 -0400 From: Paul Hethmon <phethmon at> Subject: DudaDiesel Followup I posted a couple of weeks ago about experiences with the plate chillers sold by DudaDiesel ( Based on the feedback here and our local club list, I went ahead and purchased one. To recap, the Shirron plate chiller is about 0.4 sq meters, the Blichmann is about 0.6 sq meters. I ended up purchasing the 0.69 sq meter model that Duda sells: $146 delivered. This past Saturday, our local club had a brewout at my house and I got to use it for the first time. My tap water is flowing at about 76 right now. Using a gravity feed to the plate chiller and then to the fermentation bucket on the floor, I was able to chill the wort to 80 degrees in around 10 minutes. I didn't measure my chilling water flow, but it was running about half open. So, I'm happy with my purchase. In corresponding with the guy who owns Duda Diesel, he felt the chiller I bought was 70% oversized. He also felt the shape of the chiller was important for the efficiency of it as well. I had asked that question since if you go by surface area alone, he had a few other models a bit cheaper. So I hope that's useful to someone here. thanks, Paul Hethmon Tennessee Valley Homebrewers Knoxville Tennessee Return to table of contents
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