HOMEBREW Digest #588 Mon 04 March 1991
Rob Gardner, Digest Coordinator
framboise, dry, Raspberry stout (Bill Crick)
Burlington, VT beer place (11PDAVIS)
Wort chilling ("Gary Mason - Image ABU - 603-884[DTN264]1503 02-Mar-1991 1444")
Women and Beer (Jeffrey Marc Shelton)
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Date: Thu, 28 Feb 91 11:35 CDT
Subject: CIDER
In HDB #583 (which was sent to me today, thanks guys!) Don Graham
asks about the making of cider. I tried to send this to you directly Don, but
our mailer doesn't like your address.
We use one package of either M&F or Red Star Ale yeast for 5 gallons of
cider. We start the yeast in some warm sugar water about 1 hour before
We add 1/2 to 3/4 c of regular sugar to each gallon jug. We have found
that this gives the tase that we like. More than thins will result in a more
potent brew, without much added sweetness. Less than this results in VERY dry
final product. The final alchoholic strength is 5-7%. Plenty strong for us.
After pitching the yeast we put a stopper and fermentation lock in each
jug. The stopper is secured with some duct tape (just to make sure).
Fermentation (bubbles through the lock) usually starts in about 10-12 hours and
continues for 7-10 days. The yeast settles to the bottom, making it really easy
to filter out.
We have never tried carbonating the stuff, so I don't know how well that
the jugs would take the pressure. Just a feeling though, I wouldn't try it.
We also don't know how well it keeps, as it is never around for very
long. We use pastuerized cider as a starting point (we don't trust the murky
natural stuff) and keep it refridgerated after the fermentation is done.
I hope this helps. Feel free to ask anything else (this is our 15
minutes of fame!).
Mark W Castleman
Sterling C Udell
Big Dog Brewing Cooperative, Des Moines IA
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Date: Thu, 28 Feb 91 14:19:26 EST
From: William Boyle (CCL-L) <wboyle at PICA.ARMY.MIL>
I just want to thank everybody who sent me information on
getting started. The name and numbers of the suppliers is
great, and the basic equipment list and procedure will help
get me started in the right direction. I already sent for a
few catalogs, and I'm starting to collect bottles and other
things I will need. Once again thanks!!
Bill Boyle
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Date: Thu, 28 Feb 1991 16:54:26 -0500
From: hplabs!bnr-vpa!bnr-rsc!crick (Bill Crick)
Subject: framboise, dry, Raspberry stout
I think the 40C step in the dry Bud recipe is an acid rest. I forget
what an acid rest does???
Anybody with some experience with Framboise care to post a recipe,and
About the Raspberry stout from grain. I'd suggest you add ten pounds of
rasperry to any high gravity, high body, 40HBU hopped stout.
I made Raspberry Imperial Stout from Zymrgy. It is real thick, and
clingy. Sort of like carbonated Kaluha. It had almost a kilo of dark
grains, and 4 kilos of dark extract!! Plus crystal malt.
Bill Crick Brewius, Ergo Sum!
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Date: Fri, 1 Mar 91 23:11 EST
Subject: Burlington, VT beer place
In #586 Darryl Davidson asked about places to go for beer in Burlington
and the Boston area.
Well, it's been too long since I've hung around Boston (except I'd
recommend the Harvard Square area, in general; then check the music section of
the Pheonix for Irish music), but if you're in Burlington....
Definately check out the Deja Vu Cafe on Pearl St. An extensive
selection, plus enough clientelle to minimize the risk of "over-ripe" bottles.
Take time to enjoy the woodwork, too; rumor has it the builder took more than a
year to get it right. I've heard that Burlington has a brewpub now, but it's
new since I left. I'm sure the folks at the Deja will be happy to give you
If you can make it to the White River Junction area, you might want to
tour the Catamount brewery. They make several different brews, but they all
have too much hops for my taste.
The Burlington area has a homebrewers club, but I don't have their
address with me. If you can find William Mares in the phonebook he can tell
you. You might be able to find it at the brewpub, too.
Hope you enjoy New England. Dress warm. And let me know what you find
for beer places, either directly or thru the list. I don't get back home often
enough to be able to keep up them myself. *sigh*
Life is too important to be taken seriously.
Have fun!
Pete Davis
Gallaudet University
P.O. Box 2705
Washington, DC 20002
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Date: Sat, 2 Mar 91 11:45:00 PST
From: "Gary Mason - Image ABU - 603-884[DTN264]1503 02-Mar-1991 1444" <mason at habs11.enet.dec.com>
Subject: Wort chilling
There have been several comments about chilling from the boil; allowing to
settle (cool) for six hours or so; racking to secondary; and pitching. I
wonder why those folks don't pitch, then allow to settle (which I will be
doing in about two hours). Even if you don't have problems the way you are
doing it now, wouldn't the added insurance of the yeast growth in the cooled
wort be worth it? You would also be getting another six hours head start on
the drinking 8') Seems like six of one, half a dozen of the other to me.
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Date: Sun, 3 Mar 91 19:19:45 -0500 (EST)
From: Jeffrey Marc Shelton <js8f+ at andrew.cmu.edu>
Subject: Women and Beer
In reading the responses that people sent me (thanks to everyone who
did) about what selection/atmosphere/prices/etc. they wanted in their
Dream BrewPub, there were references to the fact that there are a lot of
women who do not like beer and that perhaps I should also sell wine in
order to draw the husband/wife, boyfriend/girfriend crowd.
From my personal experience of those people that drink, about 85% of
the men I know like beer, but only about 50% of the women do. I can't
seem to find any distinguishing characteristics between those that drink
beer and those that do not (i.e. those that don't are more picky
eaters.) This somehow leads me to the conclusion that this phenonemum
is more of nurture instead of the nature. Somewhere in childhood,
(discounting those that would not like beer anyway) females are
"trained" not to like beer.
This brings into some important marketing aspects that I might wish
to consider. For example, I know that more women are drinking "light"
beer now that it is available. Is this because it tastes
better/different than regular beer (I am not under this impression) or
that it has been marketed differently and comes across as being more
"socially" acceptable (less calories, etc.) The would be a case of
nurture. Say that in my BrewPub I sell a beer hypothetically called
"For Women Only." (This is an extreme case, in reality I would not be as
blatent in naming the beer "For Women Only.") Do you think that women
would be more inclined to like the beer and frequent my establishment
more even though the beer is of a similar type than others I sell? How
about if it was a Pale Ale instead of a Lager?
Any comments either supporting or contridicting these statements?
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