HOMEBREW Digest #5890 Mon 09 January 2012

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		Digest Janitor: pbabcock at hbd.org


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  Higher Gravity Milling Procedure ("Dave Burley")
  Off-target gravity (Pat Casey)
  Gluten and Barley ("Spencer W. Thomas")
  re;  target gravity / thermometers ("Bill & Sara Frazier")
  fermentation temp ("Mike Patient")
  Target Gravity ("Dunn, Scott C FLNR:EX")

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---------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Mon, 9 Jan 2012 00:41:07 -0500 From: "Dave Burley" <Dave Burley at charter.net> Subject: Higher Gravity Milling Procedure Keith, I see my response to your question on lower gravity was rather cryptic. I published my milling method here many years ago. This emulates a two roll mill. Here's how I mill. Load the malt into the hopper with the nip ( or gap) closed , turn on the motor and open the gap until you just get a full flow. This will produce a cracked malt. Typically 6 pieces often still in the husk.. Close the nip once again and load the hopper. with the cracked malt. Turn on the mill and open the nip to get a good flow. Believe it or not, this method is faster thsan a single pass at a narrow gap. Plus you will experience superior fluid handling throughout and a higher gravity. Keep on Brewin' Dave Burley. Return to table of contents
Date: Mon, 09 Jan 2012 17:13:20 +1100 From: Pat Casey <pat at bmbrews.com.au> Subject: Off-target gravity Check the accuracy of your hydrometer, and measurement of volumes and weights. I've found these to be the main culprits for off-target gravities. If the hydrometer has a hairline crack and has liquid in it then it will sit lower and give a lower gravity. Check that it reads 1.000 in water at the calibration temperature. The accuracy of measuring jugs can be highly variable, especially where the volumes are printed on the jug. Filling them with a kg of water I have found marked volumes ranging from about 800 to 1200 ml - should be one litre. The best way to measure volumes is with a tape measure and calculator. Metric units make this very easy. Say what you like about RM Nixon, in this regard he was on the money. For round vessels, pi times the radius (in cm) squared gives the number of mls per cm of depth. Use a stainless one metre ruler as a dipstick. Check the accuracy of thermometers with a water and ice slurry, 0 degrees, and boiling water, 100 degrees. Pat Absolute Homebrew Return to table of contents
Date: Mon, 09 Jan 2012 10:13:36 -0500 From: "Spencer W. Thomas" <hbd at spencerwthomas.com> Subject: Gluten and Barley I found the paragraph below at "WHFoods.com" ("The World's Healthiest Foods") on the barley page, http://www.whfoods.com/genpage.php?tname=foodspice&dbid=127 It suggests that, for some people, barley might not cause problems due to "gluten." However, the Wikipedia article on gluten-free beer says that hordein in barley can cause problems for celiac sufferers. Barley and the Gluten Grains Barley is a member of a non-scientifically established grain group traditionally called the "gluten grains." The idea of grouping certain grains together under the label "gluten grains" has come into question in recent years as technology has given food scientists a way to look more closely at the composition of grains. Some healthcare practitioners continue to group wheat, oats, barley and rye together under the heading of "gluten grains" and to ask for elimination of the entire group on a wheat-free diet. Other practitioners now treat wheat separately from these other grains, including barley, based on recent research. Wheat is unquestionably a more common source of food reactions than any of the other "gluten grains," including barley. Although you may initially want to eliminate barley from your meal planning if you are implementing a wheat-free diet, you will want to experiment at some point with re-introduction of this food. You may be able to take advantage of its diverse nutritional benefits without experiencing an adverse reaction. Individuals with wheat-related conditions like celiac sprue or gluten-sensitive enteropathies should consult with their healthcare practitioner before experimenting with any of the "gluten grains," including barley. =Spencer in Ann Arbor Return to table of contents
Date: Mon, 9 Jan 2012 11:17:00 -0600 From: "Bill & Sara Frazier" <bsfrazier at att.net> Subject: re; target gravity / thermometers Keith - Here's the method I use to predict starting gravity. It may help you. After you have brewed several batches of beer determine the Points per Pound per Gallon "PPG" efficiency of your method. Measure the starting specific gravity of the beers you have made. Use only the last two digits of the specific gravity in the calculation. For a starting gravity 1.052 [use only the 52] Example; A beer that used 11 pounds of grain, finished with 5.1 gallons of boiled wort and 1.052 OG. The calculation; PPG = [52] x 5.1 / 11 = 24.1. Run the calculation for all your beers. Take an average. Use the average to predict the OG for your next beer. For your next beer say you want to make 5 gallons of an easy drinking ale with a starting gravity of 1.044. The calculation; [OG] x gallons / PPG = needed pounds of grain. Example; 44 x 5 / 24.1 = 11.7 pounds of grain. I've used this system to determine the pounds of grain necessary for my beers. I use a no-sparge mash method so my efficiency is much lower than other brewers but I still can predict the needed pounds of grain to achieve a desired starting gravity. - ------ With respect to thermometers I've never found a floating thermometer that read accurately at freezing and boiling temperatures. You need an accurate thermometer for your mash. Buy a laboratory grade thermometer from a lab store such as Cynmar, Science Mall or Lab Depot. When you receive the new thermometer check it in an ice bath and also boiling water. It should read accurately at both extremes. If not send it back. Return to table of contents
Date: Mon, 9 Jan 2012 13:45:55 -0500 From: "Mike Patient" <mpatient at rta.biz> Subject: fermentation temp Hello All, I was wondering what methods people are using to get the temperature of their fermentation. In the past, I've just been putting my carboy in a water bath at the temp I target. This is yielding too high of a fermentation temp because the fermentation can get up to 10F higher than the surroundings. I could make the bath colder, but I am sure it isn't linear for different temperatures, and as well throughout the fermentation. What's everyone else doing? Mike Return to table of contents
Date: Mon, 9 Jan 2012 13:24:06 -0800 From: "Dunn, Scott C FLNR:EX" <Scott.Dunn at gov.bc.ca> Subject: Target Gravity Hello Keith: Your last note gave me a thought. If you are doing your mash out with 5 gallons. I suspect you are batch sparging. This might be where the big difference is. Continuous sparging will generally extract more sugar than batch sparging. I hope this helps Scott C. Dunn RPF Return to table of contents
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