HOMEBREW Digest #5919 Tue 20 March 2012

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  Homebrew taste (Thomas Rohner)

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---------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Tue, 20 Mar 2012 09:37:58 +0100 From: Thomas Rohner <t.rohner at bluewin.ch> Subject: Homebrew taste Hello all I think Scott is right, abandon plastics, if you can. When i started brewing, i was pretty happy with the results. My first brews were with english ale yeasts. Then we switched to all grain and gradually it dawned on me, that this distinctive taste/aroma wasn't the yeast signature. We switched to bottom fermenting yeasts and some "clean" top fermenters like Wyeast 1007. For us, it wasn't economical to use glass or stainless as our fermenters, so we use HDPE. (We brew 15gal and intend to double this year) One night, i met this guy in a bar and he told me, he has a brewmaster degree. We talked for a while and i told him my troubles. He asked me about the sanitizer we used and told me, that this is most likely the culprit. Since he was working for a company, that sells sanitizer for the food industry, he offered me a sample of his suggested sanitizer. (What a coincidence ;-) We started using it and woosh, our lagers started to have that clean, crisp aroma. (only more hop aroma, than most storebought stuff) The problem was our HDPE fermenters in combination with a aromatic sanitizer. We also sniff into our fermenters, before we use them. When the start smelling too much, we give them a good long bleach soak, then rinse them with hot water and don't use them for some time.(We put them in the back of out fermenter storage...) When we finally use them, the smell like... nothing. This works for us, but if you can ditch plastic, do it. Cheers Thomas Return to table of contents
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