FORUM ON BEER, HOMEBREWING, AND RELATED ISSUES Digest Janitor: pbabcock at *************************************************************** TODAY'S HOME BREW DIGEST BROUGHT TO YOU BY: No "sponsor-level" donation yet this year Support those who support you! Visit our sponsor's site! ********** Also visit ********* DONATE to the Home Brew Digest. Home Brew Digest, Inc. is a 501(c)3 not-for-profit organization under IRS rules (see the FAQ at for details of this status). Donations can be made by check to Home Brew Digest mailed to: HBD Server Fund PO Box 871309 Canton, MI 48187-6309 or by paypal to address DONATIONS of $250 or more will be provided with receipts. SPONSORSHIPS of any amount are considered paid advertisement, and may be deductible under IRS rules as a business expense. Please consult with your tax professional, then see for available sponsorship opportunities. *************************************************************** Contents: Re: removing hot break/cold break material (Randy Ricchi) No Chilling (rickdude) RE hot break (David Root) No chill brewing comment (Joshua Pack)
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---------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Wed, 04 Apr 2012 08:26:37 -0400 From: Randy Ricchi <rricchi at> Subject: Re: removing hot break/cold break material I use pellet hops, and an immersion chiller. I usually brew 8 gallon batches, boiling in a stainless half barrel. After chilling, I put the boiler up on a table and stir like crazy (sanitized spoon) until I get a really good vortex. I cover the boiler and let it sit for an hour and a half. I then siphon clear wort out to the fermentor (a 10 gallon SS pot), pitch the yeast, Oxygenate (pure O2), put the lid on, and ferment. The break material and pellet spooge and wort left behind is usually 2 to 3 quarts so out of an 8 gallon batch I'm getting 7.25 to 7.5 gallons of clear wort in the fermentor. Not sure how many years I have been doing it this way, but it's been a long time. Works for me. Return to table of contents
Date: Wed, 4 Apr 2012 08:43:30 -0400 From: rickdude at Subject: No Chilling I am really looking forward to the results of David's chill/no-chill test. But more than that, I'm thinking I might try it out for a Pre-Prohibition Pilsner. Rick Return to table of contents
Date: Wed, 4 Apr 2012 06:37:35 -0700 (PDT) From: David Root <david_root2000 at> Subject: RE hot break Mike asked about transferring hot break. I use whole hops. I have a 6" long 1/4" copper line going IN from the drain cock (ball valve) on the bottom of my 1/2 keg with the top cut out. I drilled a small hole across the end of the tube. I then insert a small wire about the size of an unfolded paper clip into the hole. Then I put on a copper pot scrubber or Curly Cate. The hops and copper scrubber make for a filter. Gravity drains my kettle. David Return to table of contents
Date: Wed, 4 Apr 2012 17:29:53 +0000 From: Joshua Pack <Joshua.Pack at> Subject: No chill brewing comment >From what I understand about No Chill Brewing, this does not mean you just let it sit around for a few days. They use the practice a lot in Australia. The idea is to get a heat resistant container that you can seal airtight. You take your brew directly from the boil to the sanitized container and seal it. The heat of the wort should kill anything in the container that he sanitizer missed. Seal the container and store it somewhere at a stable room temp. This should give you a culture free wort just waiting for a yeast to pitch in. When you are ready to pitch and ferment, just take the wort from you container, toss it in a primary, top up with water if you were partial or extract brewing, pitch yeast and oxygenate. There are some folks that have waited up to one year to start fermenting with no issues, but the consensus seems to be 3-6 months max before throwing away the air-sealed, non-fermenting wort. They actually have food grade plastic cubes for just this thing. Makes it easy if you're brewing at a buddies house and don't want to transport a primary and all that it entails. All that being said, my grandfather used to brew beer back in the day and his primary was a large crock pot with no lid and a cheese cloth over the fermenting beer. He got good beer. He also had issues with strange flavors and exploding bottles. Basically he had a bet that his yeast could outcompete with anything else that might have gotten into his wort. Sometimes he won and he had great beer. Sometimes he lost and cleaned up exploded bottles. But he almost never got the same beer twice. Joshua Pack Return to table of contents
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