HOMEBREW Digest #5933 Thu 05 April 2012

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		Digest Janitor: pbabcock at hbd.org


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  Fining on a large scale? (Aaron Hermes)
  "Decoction" by Ron Pattinson (Aaron Hermes)
  No Chilling/ Sealing (Pete Calinski)
  Question about mash yield ("Mike Sherretz")

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---------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Wed, 4 Apr 2012 22:52:28 -0400 From: Aaron Hermes <aaron.hermes at gmail.com> Subject: Fining on a large scale? I have recently had the opportunity to brew a commercial batch at a local brewery, and although the beer tastes and smells great, the yeast is not dropping out like I would have hoped. The batch was brewed on the de facto pilot brew system (single run through the brewhouse, with the "small" fermenter), and as such, is too small for them to mess with their normal filter setup (losses would be too great, etc). I've used gelatin on a few homebrew batches in the past, once the beer is kegged in 5 gal corny kegs, but don't know if the math is the same on a larger batch. Should I literally multiple the amount of gelatin I've used in a homebrew keg scenario by 160 (roughly 780 gallons in the batch) and be OK? Or does it not scale linearly? Is there anywhere else I should look for references on using gelatin (or other fining agents) on a commercial scale? Thanks! aaron Return to table of contents
Date: Wed, 4 Apr 2012 23:31:36 -0400 From: Aaron Hermes <aaron.hermes at gmail.com> Subject: "Decoction" by Ron Pattinson I didn't expect I'd submit two questions to the collective on the same night, but they're different enough that I don't want them to be lumped together... Has anyone downloaded/read Ron Pattinson's e-book "Decoction"? I'm curious, but disinclined to read an e-book (I'd rather get good ol' hard copy). If it's really good, I'll suck it up and and deal with reading it on my computer, but if it's not worth it, I'll gladly save the eight dollars. Does anyone have opinions either way? aaron Return to table of contents
Date: Thu, 5 Apr 2012 08:30:44 -0400 From: Pete Calinski <pete.calinski at gmail.com> Subject: No Chilling/ Sealing Humm... "Air tight sealing". That brings to mind the science demonstration where they boil some water in a can then seal the can. Everybody waits and watches the can collapse under room pressure as the gas inside cools. I think that would mean a typical attempt to keep the bad stuff out would be tough because room air is going to be drawn in. My $0.02. Pete Return to table of contents
Date: Thu, 5 Apr 2012 23:55:39 +0800 From: "Mike Sherretz" <m.sherretz at yahoo.com> Subject: Question about mash yield I have been brewing since the early 90's but mostly partial mash or extract recipes. I recently took the plunge into all grain and have been surprised by the "apparent efficiency" of the mash. My latest Schwartz bier had an efficiency of 91%. I expected an OG of 1.052 and was surprised to see 1.062. This was followed with a Nevada Pale Ale also in the 91% range and then an American Lager with Corn mash also in the 91% range. Today, I made an Irish Red Ale and it came out as expected at 72% efficiency. This is the same as my first couple all-grain batches and in the range most people seem to get. Can anybody tell me where to look for what's going on? Why can't I get a predictable efficiency from my mash? I mash in a 6 gallon ss pot placed inside a 10 gallon ss pot with water and a ring to hold the bottom of the inner pot up so it is completely surrounded by water and no scorching possible. After mashing ( sometimes overshot by a couple degrees but never over 162), I pour the mash into my preheated cooler with a false bottom and recirculate until clear, then drain and batch sparge until I get my boil volume of 6.25 gallons (for a 5 gallon batch). Am I somehow extracting more starch and not sugar that raises the OG and FG? Mike Sherretz Return to table of contents
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