HOMEBREW Digest #6055 Fri 27 September 2013

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  Re: Beers of Recent Antiquity (Patrick Babcock)

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---------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Fri, 27 Sep 2013 09:49:29 -0400 From: Patrick Babcock <patrick.babcock at gmail.com> Subject: Re: Beers of Recent Antiquity Greetings, Beerlings! Take me to your geriatric lagers... > I'm not sure if you'll remember this beer or not, but way back in 2002 (at > the MCAB in Cleveland) I gave a sweet stout to Jeff Renner to hand off to > you when he returned to Ann Arbor. You emailed me when you tried it and > said that you enjoyed it. Actually, I remember it well! > Well, I just found the last few bottles of it several months ago. I also > chilled one down and gave it a try. Like your stout, it doesn't really hold > a head any more. Other than being quite a bit more dry, and getting a > vinous character, it's still very drinkable! Glad I'm not the only one "losing" beer in my basement. Admittedly, the stout came from a shelf that I had intentionally stored beer onto for aging and sampling over time - I had just forgotten it was there. Never intended it to produce teenagers and beyond! On another shelf, elsewhere in the basement, I have a 4 pack of Thomas Hardy that I've drunk two of: one when it was new, one at, I think, 15 years old. Will be drinking the third at 20, and the last at 25, if I stick to my plan. The keg of porter? Totally blind-sided me. I honestly thought it full of water. Might have to save that for the next time I attend an AABG meeting before I broach it. Then again, with my attendance record, that might add a few more years to its age... - - -- See ya! Pat Babcock HBD Chief of Janitorial Services Return to table of contents
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