HOMEBREW Digest #663 Thu 20 June 1991
Rob Gardner, Digest Coordinator
Great advert... (Gary Mason - I/V/S PCU - 603-884[DTN264]1503 18-Jun-1991 2104)
New Book, Germany (jbergmann)
Burton salts (Rob Malouf)
shortening the siphon on a keg (Marty Albini)
Soda Keg Outlet Tubes (Rick Myers)
Cholesterol...and who does what (Michael Zentner)
homegrown hops alpha% ??? (CHARRIS)
Hop Bags & Scott Yeest (Oran Carmona)
Re: CatUs Meow (Darryl Okahata)
Re: Cholesterol, Strawberries, Brew Bags (Darryl Okahata)
L.A. Brewpubs (BLOMMEL)
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Date: Wed, 19 Jun 91 04:44:59 -0400
From: mason at habs11.ENET.DEC.COM (Gary Mason - I/V/S PCU - 603-884[DTN264]1503 18-Jun-1991 2104)
Subject: Great advert...
Perusing the latest issue of Classic and Sportscar (a delightful issue, BTW),
I ran across a great advert for Theakston. It is a centerspread with nought
but moody a photograph filling about eighty percent of the pages, and a hand
pump with Theakston badge and the words "Brewers in Masham, North Yorkshire
since 1827. Best Bitter, XB and Old Peculier."
The photo is of some bags of hops with the brewery name on, and the brewer
tending a long feedpipe into a brewing square. The caption on the photo reads
"The suppliers want this hop filter for their museum. We need it for our beer."
I think I just added a third brewery tour to my must list this September.
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Date: Wed, 19 Jun 91 08:53:00
From: jbergmann at aqlan.ssc.af.mil
Subject: New Book, Germany
Howdy All,
I've got two major topics. First is a new book called
_The_Absolute_Beginners_Manual_on_Homebrewing_Beer_, or 'The Beer Book' for
short. It is written by my recently retired Base Commander, Col. Dave Vogl.
He was Base Commander of Maxwell AFB, Al. since 1988, retired yesterday.
Anyway, like the title says, this book is for BEGINNERS!!!. It is perfect
for that person who is still hesitant about starting homebrewing or may be
slightly intimidated by Papazian or Miller. (I know I was; after first
reading TCJoHB, then Miller's book, I wondered if I was going to have to drag
out my college organic chem books :-) ). The book deals exclusively with
extract brewing, although he does mention the more advanced all-grain process
(about 1 page worth). There are sections on ingredients, equipment, soda
pop, a couple of recipes (the Recipe for Fun is super...), and several good
charts and conversion tables.
Again I stress that this is for beginners and those who are probabply
worrying too much about getting started. It would make a perfect gift for
these types of people. You can request a copy by writeing to:
The Beer Book Price is $10.00 + $1.00
329 Center Drive for shipping and handling.
Montgomery, Al. 36113
- - - - - - - --
On a totally unrelated note, I just received orders to Germany :-).
As a result, I will probably be putting my homebrewing on hold for about 4
years. If anyone has Norm Hardy's six(?) part posting on German beers and
stuff, I would be most grateful for a copy. I will be arriving there just in
time for Bad Dierkeim (sp?) and then it will be off to OktoberFest. I will
think about y'all while I'm there. Really... ;-).
Thanks for all the info over the past year and the introduction to a
wonderful pasttime.
Johnny Bergmann jbergmann at aqlan.ssc.af.mil
Automated Systems Division
Standard Systems Center "Is this TERMINAL fun??"
Gunter AFB, AL -Zippy the Pinhead
Disclaimer: Standard, The DoD, USAF, AFCC, SSC, AQAA and other initial
agencies have no knowledge of my ramblings.... jsb.
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Date: Wed, 19 Jun 91 10:03 EDT
Subject: Burton salts
I am planning on brewing a pale ale this weekend, and I was wondering if anyone
knows exactly what is in "Burton salts". I hate putting mystery additives in
my beer as much as I hate paying 40 cents for what might be just a tablespoon
of gypsum. I've seen the water analysis for Burton-on-Trent in the back of
Papazian, but it only list a couple of ions. I suspect there's more to it than
that. Does anyone know what is in that stuff?
Rob Malouf
acsgrpm at ubvms.cc.buffalo.edu
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Date: Wed, 19 Jun 91 9:20:08 PDT
From: Marty Albini <martya at sdd.hp.com>
Subject: shortening the siphon on a keg
> From: GERMANI%NSLVAX at Venus.YCC.Yale.Edu
> It is suggested that, when using a soda cylinder, you
> cut the last 1/2 inch off the liquid outlet tube that sticks down to the
> bottom of the keg so you don't suck the yeast off the bottom. However, the
> keg that I have (Coke type) has the tube and fitting connected right on to
> the cylinder, not the lid. I see no way of getting the tube out to cut it,
> short of undoing the whole fitting. Is this what is done, or is everyone
> smart enough to know not to get this type of keg?
That's what you do, but read on...
> If I don't cut the tube, will I just be able to suck the sediment off the
> bottom with the first few glasses?
> If I suck the sediment out too early
> will I have problems carbonating? (I definately prefer natural carbonation).
No. The yeast in suspension do all the work; the ones
on the bottom just sort of lounge around (hey, what would
*you* do in a bathtub full of beer? 8<:^)
- --
____________________________________________Marty Albini___________
"Thank god for long-necked bottles, the angel's remedy."--Tom Petty
phone : (619) 592-4177
UUCP : {hplabs|nosc|hpfcla|ucsd}!hp-sdd!martya
Internet : martya at sdd.hp.com
US mail : Hewlett-Packard Co., 16399 W. Bernardo Drive, San Diego CA 92127-1899 USA
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Date: Wed, 19 Jun 91 11:21:49 MDT
From: Rick Myers <hp-lsd!hpctdpe!rcm>
Subject: Soda Keg Outlet Tubes
Full-Name: Rick Myers
> Date: Tue, 18 Jun 1991 12:16 EST
> From: GERMANI%NSLVAX at Venus.YCC.Yale.Edu
> Subject: Wort bombs and Question about Kegging.
> This time I'm going to make my first attempt at kegging. I've seen a lot
> stuff pass through the net on this topic and I have a question that I haven't
> seen addressed. It is suggested that, when using a soda cylinder, you
> cut the last 1/2 inch off the liquid outlet tube that sticks down to the
> bottom of the keg so you don't suck the yeast off the bottom. However, the
Personally, I would recommend NOT cutting the tube, unless you can
easily get a replacement. I purchased a used (for homebrew) soda kegging
setup, and the previous owner had already cut the tube off. By doing this,
there is always about 1 quart of beer wasted. If you artificially
carbonate, there is no sediment, but there is wasted beer. With primed kegs,
the first glass of beer pulls out most of the yeast anyway, so why cut?
Just be sure that is what you really want to do, because once you cut
it, you can't make it longer again without replacing it.
Since CO2 is cheaper than dextrose or malt, I always artificially
carbonate - plus I feel the beer has a slightly 'cleaner' taste than
when primed (less yeast in suspension?), and the beer is ready to drink
- --
Rick Myers rcm at col.hp.com
Colorado Telecommunications Division
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Date: Wed, 19 Jun 91 12:28:13 -0500
From: zentner at ecn.purdue.edu (Michael Zentner)
Subject: Cholesterol...and who does what
I was going to stay clear of this discussion, but I feel like
I have to add to the following, from Jay Hersh:
>Tim I must be some kind of alien, cause I eat chocolate every day, and while I
>moderate my consumption of ice cream in recent years, I still eat it an average
>of 1-2 times per week, yet I have the lowest cholesterol of anyone I know (self
>satisfied smirk). I think a good exercise regiment, and otherwise reasonable
>diet help a bit.
with which I agree, except that it seems like everyone has overlooked
one thing. Another important factor affecting your cholesterol
level is genetics. Just because one guy can get away with eating
chocolate all the time does not mean another guy with exactly the same
excercise habits can get away with the same diet. Also, it seems that
given you have high cholesterol, your potential for developing cholesterol
related diseases is also somewhat governed by genetics. Maybe some of
the Med people on the list can comment on the validity of this. I take
it as an extrapolation from statistics on smokers, where not every chain
smoker develops lung cancer.
And then there's the happiness factor. It just seems that people who are
never happy tend to age rapidly. You can be afraid of ingesting/inhaling/
coming in contact with everything around you for one reason or another.
Maybe it's just me, but if I can't do some of the things that "aren't
good for me", I'd likely not have much fun, and not be very happy either.
Ultimately, beer is not good for you. You can get all the good stuff from
beer (vitamins,proteins, etc...) by ingesting malt/yeast/hops in other
forms which would probably be healthier than beer, but there's the beer
enjoyment factor. I guess my point is, sure, excercise and eat sensibly,
but obsessing on "clean living" can't be good for most people...so once
in a while, eat that steak and have the chocolate pie. I'd rather trade
the enjoyment for the few extra years.
Mike Zentner
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Date: Wed, 19 Jun 91 10:30 PDT
Subject: homegrown hops alpha% ???
Many of my homebrewing cohorts grow their own hops as our Pacific Northwest
climate makes this an easy horticultural challenge. I have gotten as much
as 5 lbs. (dried weight!) of hops from 2 prolific Hallertaur and Northern
Brewer vines in my yard.
The question that often comes up, is whether there is any way for the home
hopgrower to measure, or even crudely estimate, the alpha% of our homegrown
At present, most of us just guess using the lower end of the published range
for the strain that we "believe" was the source of our original rhizomes.
But since some of these vigorous vines are of questionable heritage we'd like
something a little better.
Any suggestions?
Craig Harris
charris at u.washington.edu
charris at max (BITNET)
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Date: Wed, 19 Jun 91 09:57:23 PDT
From: ocarma at unssun.nevada.edu.nevada.edu (Oran Carmona)
Subject: Hop Bags & Scott Yeest
I was talking with a fellow brewer last night and he mentioned using a muslin
bag to keep his hops in during the boil. I got to thinking about this and was
wondering what effect this would have on extraction rates with regards to
bitterness. I was under the impression that the mechanical action of the boil
was necessary to optimize extraction of alpha acids in the hops. Wouldn't the
bag interfere with this? I would be most curious to see this discussed.
Same person mentioned using a new (to me anyway) brand fo ale yeast made by
Scott (sp?). It is supposed to be a *very* clean fermenter that produces a
minimum of fermentation by-products. From what it sounds like, this would be
ideal for summer brewing condition (for those of us without refrigerator space).
Has anyone out there used this stuff? Care to comment?
// Oran Carmona - CompuServe 76306,33 // I feel like a wet parking
// Internet - ocarma at unssun.nevada.edu // meter on DARVON!
// // - Zippy
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Date: Wed, 19 Jun 91 16:06:29 PDT
From: Darryl Okahata <darrylo at hpnmxx.sr.hp.com>
Subject: Re: CatUs Meow
> But now I'd like to try some partial mashes and do some full grain mashes.
> I was wondering about grain mills I've tried the bowling pin craking
> method for some speciality grains that I've added to some of my extract
> brews along with using a mortar & pestle but the latter creates too much
> dust, the former is a pain in the a**. I've got a catalog from Great
> fermentations that has a grain mill listed at 49.95 but it doesn't say
> what type of mill this is...does anyone know? Is it a Corona Grain mill,
> if not is it better than the Corona.
I've got a copy of Great Fermentations of Santa Rosa's 1991 catalog
(they're just a couple of miles from me), and the only mill that I can
find listed is the "Corona Grain Mill" ($49.95). Do you have the
catalog for "Great Fermentations of Marin"?
Also, if you crush your own grain, do it far away from where you
boil the wort, bottle, etc.. The grain husks contain acetic acid
bacteria (or is it lactic acid bacteria?), and you may not want to take
the chance of contamination via grain dust in the air.
-- Darryl Okahata
Internet: darrylo at sr.hp.com
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Date: Wed, 19 Jun 91 16:18:02 PDT
From: Darryl Okahata <darrylo at hpnmxx.sr.hp.com>
Subject: Re: Cholesterol, Strawberries, Brew Bags
> Everything I've heard about these Brew Bags is that they are a gimmick. An
> awful contraption that leads people to believe that they can make beer at home
> as if it were cake mix, and produces beer that most homebrewers would do a
> spit take with. All indications are that this is a disservice to homebrewing
Actually, a "bag o'beer" is what got me started in homebrewing.
Someone gave me one as a present, and it turned out OK, although very
flat (even by British standards). It did, however, have a slightly tart
taste that increased with time (read: probable acetic acid bacteria
contamination). You are probably right in saying that the produced beer
is "not good".
However, I suspect that all of the books/kits/recipes that call for
half malt/half cane sugar are doing a larger disservice. I've seen bad
recipes, etc. a lot more often than I've seen brew bags (I've only seen
the brew bags carried in only one store).
-- Darryl Okahata
Internet: darrylo at sr.hp.com
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Date: Wed, 19 Jun 1991 19:41 CST
From: BLOMMEL at sask.usask.ca
Subject: L.A. Brewpubs
Hi, Does anybody know of any good brewpubs in L.A. - around the Garden Grove,
Anaheim (etc) area?? My husband and I are planning a trip down to L.A. and
thought we'd try out a few pubs while we're down there this Christmas.
Thanks in advance,
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