HOMEBREW Digest #711 Wed 28 August 1991

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		Rob Gardner, Digest Coordinator

  Central Mass Brewclub. (Greg_Habel)
  stuff (Russ Gelinas)
  Re: ???Aluminum Kegs/Mead/Chemistry??? (Chris Shenton)
  Yeast infection? (agar plate culture) (Chris Shenton)
  please add to list (Davin Lim)
  An interesting epitaph... (Keith Winter)
  3.2 beer (Jon Binkley)
  Calling Tim(?) from .cms.udel (Chad Epifanio)
  The magic of brewing. ("DRCV06::GRAHAM")
  DC beer (Eric Simmon)
  Judge Ye Not All Extracts As Altered (Chad Epifanio)
  Re: Homebrew Digest #710 (August 27, 1991) ("Norbert Vicente")
   ("Roger Deschner")
  Root Beer (larryba)
  Re : cidery tastes (Conn Copas)
  Holland info (STAFINIAK)
  Rapids and good looks (florianb)
  Molasses (Chuck Cox)
  Re: Beer proof plug information request (Dieter Muller)
  Re: Utah Brew (Dieter Muller)
  That Satanic Mead (FATHER BARLEYWINE)
  re: beer plug request... (ANDY HILL)
  Aluminum kegs -> stainless HBD 710 (John L. Isenhour)

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---------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Tue, 27 Aug 91 07:45:28 edt From: Greg_Habel at DGC.MCEO.DG.COM Subject: Central Mass Brewclub. Awhile back I asked if anyone knew of a brewclub in the Central Mass area. The responses I received confirmed that there are no brewclubs in the Central Mass area. Extra extra read all about it! A home brewers and vintners supply shop from Upton Mass is looking to start up a club. So far there are 4 people interested and we are looking for more before the club is officially started. You may contact Scott or David at (508) 529-6014 or 1-800-626-2371 if you are interested in joining. By the way their prices are excellent and they are willing to get anything you need. Looking forward to meeting more homebrewers. Greg. Return to table of contents
Date: Tue, 27 Aug 1991 9:58:27 EDT From: R_GELINAS at UNHH.UNH.EDU (Russ Gelinas) Subject: stuff Ok, if you go north from Iowa, you end up in Minnesota. I was right the first time. That's enough of that. Martin L., you may be right, I might be confusing Rapids with Carolina Bio. Supply re. individuals vs. businesses. I'm definitely confused this week. Lack of sleep I guess. I've got a half-batch that's been fermenting 16 days now, with Wyeast Chico Ale yeast. It's still in the primary, and it's about done. It's also about time for another batch, and I'd like to reuse the yeast. F. Barleywine's mysticism aside, I don't want to just pour the wort onto the yeast cake in the carboy; there's a solid line of crud about halfway up that I'd rather avoid. So I was thinking of bottling the half-batch, and setting aside the first and last bottles (to be sure I get the one with the most yeast, if you follow my logic), and pitch those into the next batch. Isn't that the way it was done (more or less) for centuries, before yeast cultures were made available? Having the yeast in bottles would also loosen up the timetable (somewhat) for the new batch. And it does add a nice touch of that mysticism, sacrificing some current brew for the future (hmmm, vaguely pagan mysticism at that, how appropriate). Russ Return to table of contents
Date: Tue, 27 Aug 91 11:11:07 EDT From: Chris Shenton <chris at endgame.gsfc.nasa.gov> Subject: Re: ???Aluminum Kegs/Mead/Chemistry??? On Tue, 27 Aug 1991, KENYON%MOE%erevax.bitnet at pucc.PRINCETON.EDU said: Chuck> I have kegged a batch of beer in Aluminum Anheuser-Busch kegs. The Chuck> problem is, on both occasions the kegged beer came out substantially Chuck> darker (more amberer??) than I had anticipated. Darker in fact, Chuck> than some of the same batch that I had bottled alongside the keg Chuck> brew. Are you sure that it's aluminum, not stainless? I thought that's why brewers liked them -- they're *stainless*. You might want to check some of the past HBDs for some discussion on how to determine what it is... Anyone else? tell if I'm wrong here -- I've got a couple BUD kegs which I've been blithely assuming were painless (sic) steel. If it is *not* aluminum, then forget it (:-) and stop worrying. As for more useful information -- like why your beer's turning amber, I can't offer anything helpful. Sorry. - -- If I don't smoke, someone else will. -- Erik Satie Return to table of contents
Date: Tue, 27 Aug 91 11:17:18 EDT From: Chris Shenton <chris at endgame.gsfc.nasa.gov> Subject: Yeast infection? (agar plate culture) I snarfed some unfiltered weizenbier from a brewpub and marked up an wort-agar plate with it a couple days ago. Now I find a couple funny looking areas on it, dark blue-green in the center with white surrounding areas looking kinda furry. I assume this is *not* what I want? Seems kind of early to see any signs of life that I *want*; I would have thought it would take about a week to see desired critters. Can I just let it hang out for a while and see if I get colonies along the streak line I made, or will the plate get infected by these invaders? Anyone care to describe what a weizenbier yeast from Weihenstephen looks like? (furry, not green in the center, etc?) Thanks. - -- I would not be without suffering; I owe so much of my art to suffering. -- Edvard Munch Return to table of contents
Date: Mon, 26 Aug 91 10:58:52 MDT From: raid5!limd at devnull.mpd.tandem.com (Davin Lim) Subject: please add to list Hi! Please add me to the HBD mailing list My address is raid5!limd at devnull.mpd.tandem.com Return to table of contents
Date: Tue, 27 Aug 91 8:57:28 PDT From: winter at cirrus.com (Keith Winter) Subject: An interesting epitaph... A friend here at work showed me a picture he took when he was in the UK a while back. I thought it might be of interest to the digest folks. I'm not sure I understand some of the phrasing and terminology, but I think by 'small' they mean 'weak'. I wonder if weak beer had a tendency to become infected on hot days during that time period (?). Anyway, here it is: In Memory of Thomas Thetcher a Greadier in the North Reg. of Hants Militia, who died of a violent Fever contracted by drinking Small Beer when hot the 12th of May 1764. Aged 26 Years. In grateful remembrance of whose universal good will towards his Comrades, this Stone is placed here at their expence, as a small testimony of their regard and concern. Here sleeps in pease a Hamphshire Grenadier, Who caught his death by drinking cold small beer. Soldiers be wise from his untimely fall And when ye're hot dring Strong or none at all. This memorial being decay'd was restored by the Officers of the Garrison A.D. 1781. An honest Soldier never is forgot Whether he die by Musket or by Pot. ****************************************************************************** Keith Winter, Cirrus Logic, Inc., Milpitas, CA (winter at cirrus.com) ****************************************************************************** Return to table of contents
Date: Tue, 27 Aug 91 10:14:08 -0600 From: Jon Binkley <binkley at beagle.Colorado.EDU> Subject: 3.2 beer In digest #708, Chuck Coronella wrote: >Here in Utah, the beer sold in most stores (except in state operated liquor >stores and some private clubs) is by law limited to 3.2% (by volume) >alcohol. I understand the same is true with a few other states. In Colorado, grocery stores are limited to selling 3.2% alcohol *BY WEIGHT* beer. I can't swear to it, but I'm pretty sure the other states that deal with 3.2 beer measure in % by weight also. >I guess >this must create a significant hardship for the smaller breweries, since I >am unable to find beers from any microbreweries and most imports. Let's be >generous and assume that the smaller breweries have dedicated brewmasters >who are unwilling to compromise. Anyway, we have available all your >favorite brands- Bud, Old Milwaukee, Coors, Miller, Kestone, etc. as well >as some imports- Heineken and Molsen are two that come to mind. These are the only ones available in our grocery stores as well. Liquor stores can sell more potent stuff, but not on Sundays. (Funny though, I can't seem to find anything in the State constitution which would validate Sunday being treated differently from any other day of the week!) >My question is this- what is the percent of alcohol in most of these beers >otherwise? Well, first of all, 3.2% by weight is about 3.9% by volume. This is pretty close to the figures I've heard for the Standard American Lager, and actually higher than the Standard American Lite. Now this is pure speculation on my part, but I'd wager that the 3.2 Bud carried at 7-11 is identical to the "high-point" Bud carried at Liquor stores; I'd bet the family farm (if there was one) that Bud Lite is the same at both localities. From personal experience, I got just as drunk in college drinking 3.2 beer as I did drinking the stuff from Liquor stores. Luckily, since I started homebrewing I haven't had to deal with any of it! Jon Binkley Return to table of contents
Date: Tue, 27 Aug 91 09:20:58 PDT From: chad at mpl.UCSD.EDU (Chad Epifanio) Subject: Calling Tim(?) from .cms.udel Sorry I didn't get back to you, Tim. I lost your e-mail address. Here is the address for Alternative Beverage: 114-O Freeland Lane Charlotte, NC 28217 ORDER LINE: 1-800-365-BREW ADVICE LINE: (704)527-9643 - --Chad Epifanio Return to table of contents
Date: 27 Aug 91 12:36:00 EDT From: "DRCV06::GRAHAM" <graham%drcv06.decnet at drcvax.af.mil> Subject: The magic of brewing. I couldn't resist commenting on the latest "brewing is magic" thread. Thank you Father Barleywine, you inject just the right amount of insanity whenever it's needed. [grin] I love the science of brewing. I love learning of the many chemical reactions and the exotic sugars and proteins that go to make up a delicious brew. However, when I put kettle on stove and open up some ingredients, I forget the science and enter into the magic world of the 11th century alchemist. If I had a cone hat with stars and moons on it, a la Merlin, I'd wear it when I brew. I use the science to plan things, but the execution is strictly under the control of the netherworld. Although I cannot prove it scientifically, I am convinced that the universe responds to attitudes. I am in total agreement that my attitude towards my beer will influence its outcome. (This is going to convince you that I'm a certified loon.) I can command away the microbes that could damage my brew, and command to action those that make it what it should be. (Do I really mean that ... well ... I'm not discounting it completely.) Although I'm not nuts on the most popular of the homebrew books, the advice to "relax" is the best that could be given. Oh yes, be sure you talk nicely to the yeast. (In fact, they really like Bach and Vivaldi, especially the concerti grosii.) See, I told you that I was crazy ... but that is all right because I make good beer. Dan Graham, Beer made with the Derry air. Return to table of contents
Date: Tue, 27 Aug 91 13:28:30 EDT From: simmon at eeel.nist.gov (Eric Simmon) Subject: DC beer Ok so I'm from DC and think I know of a few good places for beer. There is the Brickskeller with all their bottled beer, or the Four Providences for a good slow pour Guiness, or you can go up to Baltimore for some good brewpubs. Does anyone know of any other good local (ie. MD VA DC) pubs or bars, specifically ones serving good KEG beers! BTW Old Dominion Brewing Co just came out with a new beer. It is a light ale (called, oddly enough, Dominion Ale). I tried it last night and was suitably impressed. I don't know where else it is available except for Chevy Chase Liqours, Though I am sure it will be readily available soon (Chevy Chase just got their first case in on friday, the bottles were marked Aug 21) Eric Simmon simmon at eeel.nist.gov Return to table of contents
Date: Tue, 27 Aug 91 10:38:55 PDT From: chad at mpl.UCSD.EDU (Chad Epifanio) Subject: Judge Ye Not All Extracts As Altered Dave Wrote: >> As a final $0.02 worth, I just opened the first bottle of an amber >>lager I made using a John Bull hopped **lager** extract. This actually came >>as part of a lager "kit" that included an unmarked package of yeast and an >>unmarked package of "wort finings" which I later found out was Irish Moss. >>I used Whitbread dry lager yeast instead and I added some pellet hops, >>just to be sure. >> Overall, the beer had some good qualities. Very crisp and clean, not >>too sweet. But I noticed a distinct odor and taste that I couldn't quite >>put my finger on. I gave the glass to my wife, who is NOT a beer drinker, >>and asked her what it smelled like. Her unbiased reply was "fruity, like >>cider". !!!!!!! >> I added no other malt (dry or otherwise) and I certainly added no >>sugar (except for the 3/4 cup for priming). >> As I recall from the discussion here about sugar in extracts, the >>group that did the research would not name the extracts except to say they >>were lager extracts. My experience with John Bull (I believe it is called >>the Master Lager Kit) would certainly verify this. Al added: >The implication here (that John Bull adds corn sugar) may be undeserved. >Just because a beer is fruity or because someone attributes some quality >of "cider" to it, does not mean that there is corn (or other) sugar added >to the extract. Dave failed to mention the fermentation temperature. The >fact that the can says "lager" does not mean if will automatically be a >lager. >What makes it a lager is the fermentation temperature. A "lager extract" >fermented with a bottom fermenting (lager) yeast at 70F will taste like an >ale. No doubt about it. ^^^ Date: Tue, 27 Aug 91 10:57:29 PDT From: "Norbert Vicente" <norbert at hprnhv.rose.hp.com> Subject: Re: Homebrew Digest #710 (August 27, 1991) Full-Name: "Norbert Vicente" Who do I contact for cancelation of this newsletter. - -- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ##################### ~ Norbert Vicente (916) 785-5388 ~ ###### /_ _ #### ~ Roseville Site Organization ~ ##### / / /_/ ##### ~ 8020 Foothills Blvd.,Roseville, CA 95678 ~ #### / ###### ~ HPDesk: Norbert (hprpcd) /HP5200/UX ~ ##################### ~ Unix to Unix: norbert at hprpcd.rose.hp.com ~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Return to table of contents
Date: 27 August 1991 12:50:42 CDT From: "Roger Deschner" <U52983 at UICVM.uic.edu> Subject: In HBD 710, Thomas Manteufel described a special glass carboy he found with a spigot near the bottom, and wondered what he could plug it with. I am a crumugeon about some things. Sanitation is a tough enough struggle (I've made quite a bit of contaminated beer myself) for homebrewers without adding all sorts of gee-gaws to collect crud in. I'd just be nervous about it - one of the beauties of the glass carboy is its perfectly smooth interior finish, which cannot hide anything if you follow relatively simple cleaning and sanitizing procedures. This gizmo would complicate all that. What do you have against siphoning? Return to table of contents
Date: Tue Aug 27 09:56:12 1991 From: larryba at ingate.microsoft.COM Subject: Root Beer I recently had some delicious root beer made by a local microbrewer, Thomas Kemper. The ingredients listed Sassafras extract and vanillia as the only flavors. There was other stuff as well: carmel color, corn sugar, maltodextrin, phosporic acid and carbonated water. Several months ago I talked with the Kemper head brewer) and he said that the sassafras extract comes from only a few licenced processors since the raw stuff is apparently quite carcinogenic. I presume the maltodextrin is responsible for the lush creamy mouth feel and head. The rest is standard pop ingredients. The point is, do y'all have any recommendations for the flavor essence for root beer? I looked in my local supermarket for some "hires extract" that my dad used way back when and all they had was some totally artificial and loaded with odd chemical components stuff from Shilling (i.e. no sassafras in it at all!) This stuff from Kemper was *GREAT* and I would love to have a keg of it next to my ales in the fridge (there is always room for one more tap!) Thanks, in advance. Larry Barello Return to table of contents
Date: Tue, 27 Aug 91 17:46:12 bst From: Conn Copas <C.V.Copas at loughborough.ac.uk> Subject: Re : cidery tastes There are at least three different classes of substances which can give beer a fruity flavour : esters, aldehydes and fusel oil (higher alcohols). Esters are generally well-received in ales and are encouraged by the use of certain yeasts and also by high gravity ferments. In fact, some brews are fermented at double strength, then later diluted, for this reason. Esters can also be a product of maturation, according to the principle that alcohol + organic acid gives ester (slowly). Some acids esterify more effectively than others, with some winemakers advocating additions of succinic acid for this purpose. Could be an interesting experiment in beer : you might possibly wind up with some appealing fruit flavours, or you might wind up with a vinous tasting beer. Just to contradict myself a little, I have noticed that hop aroma degrades with maturation. I have always been under the impression that this aroma was primarily due to esters. Possibly not ? Aldehydes are a precursor to alcohol (ethanol) during yeast metabolism. In other words, they are present in green beer, but should vanish with maturation. They taste a fraction sickly and are poisonous. Fusel oil is encouraged by certain yeasts, warm ferments, and nutrient deficiencies. It too is sickly and reputedly toxic. Both aldehydes and fusel oil are thought to be implicated in hangovers. If you will pardon an anecdote, the last time I was in Munich, I had 1 litre of what looked and tasted like a very young draught hefe weizen with dinner. The dinner was not particularly exotic (after all, this WAS Germany) and I had no other intoxicants (honest to God) ! Next morning, my head felt like trolls had danced on it during the night (to steal a phrase). Back to the point. When people complain about 'homebrew flavours', 'bubblegum flavours' and maybe 'cidery flavours', I suspect they are often referring to aldehydes and/or fusel oil. This suspicion is reinforced if the brew drinks cleaner with maturation. Back onto toxicity. I now take the point that unhulled adjuncts have a place in brewing. But this has led me to question whether the rolling/flaking process has any effect on cellulose content in the cereal. If not, one is introducing one of the precursors to methanol into the brew; yet another nasty substance. Just when you thought it was safe to ... RDWHAHB ? Conn V Copas tel : (0509)263171 ext 4164 Loughborough University of Technology fax : (0509)610815 Computer-Human Interaction Research Centre Leicestershire LE11 3TU e-mail - G Britain (Janet):C.V.Copas at uk.ac.lut (Internet):C.V.Copas%lut.ac.uk at nsfnet-relay.ac.uk Return to table of contents
Date: Tue, 27 Aug 91 15:37 EST From: STAFINIAK at hermes.psycha.upenn.edu Subject: Holland info I know a friend of a friend who is visiting Holland for a while. I'd like to ask him to bring back some interesting brews (particularly if they are not available here in the States). Also, any yeast strains that may be available there but not here? Where can they be found? Any info would be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance! Paul Stafiniak at HERMES.PSYCHA.UPENN.EDU Return to table of contents
Date: Tue, 27 Aug 91 13:30:19 PDT From: florianb at chip.cna.tek.com Subject: Rapids and good looks Regarding the Rapids discussion. I haven't had any trouble at all getting parts from Rapids. They have seemed like very helpful and cheerful people (over the phone). Then again, as I mentioned, I haven't had any trouble getting Pepsi to sell me kegs, either. Perhaps it's just my good looks... Return to table of contents
Date: Tue, 27 Aug 91 16:38:08 EDT From: chuck at bose.com (Chuck Cox) Subject: Molasses Anybody out there ever fermented molasses? I am doing some research for an acquaintance who is looking into starting a Rum micro-distillery. If you know anything about the fermentation or distillation of Rum, please let me know, I've got several questions. Please don't waste bandwidth about legalities, I am fully aware of the laws involved, and we will not be breaking any. - Chuck Cox - uunet!bose!chuck - Hopped/Up Racing Team - Return to table of contents
Date: Tue, 27 Aug 91 15:42:55 MDT From: dworkin at Solbourne.COM (Dieter Muller) Subject: Re: Beer proof plug information request : I also have to find something to allow me to drain this without : spewing beer all over basement while I connect a hose to the nipple : (unless I just want it to shoot out and I'll catch it in a bucket, : kind of a bad idea for several reasons). Well, it *is* period. This isn't rec.org.sca? Oops. : Any ideas, jokes, puns, flames, personal slanders, spelling or : gramatical corrections? But not sorry. You *did* ask for it, after all. Dworkin Please don't get us wrong, man, this is just a song, man, no matter what we say -- FC dworkin at solbourne.com Flamer's Hotline: (303) 678-4624 Return to table of contents
Date: Tue, 27 Aug 91 15:44:51 MDT From: dworkin at Solbourne.COM (Dieter Muller) Subject: Re: Utah Brew jeg: I have read that Utah has a 3.2% law that covers *all* types of jeg: beer. Even malt liquors have to be less than 3.2% alcohol. jeg: Seems to me that would make for some pretty weak stouts. I believe that only applies to beer *sold* in Utah, not *produced* in Utah. Alternatively, that Irish Stout has a lot more kick to it than any other 3.2% beer I've ever had. Maybe it's all just fusel oils.... Dworkin Please don't get us wrong, man, this is just a song, man, no matter what we say -- FC dworkin at solbourne.com Flamer's Hotline: (303) 678-4624 Return to table of contents
Date: Tue, 27 Aug 1991 18:18:22 EDT From: FATHER BARLEYWINE <rransom at bchm1.aclcb.purdue.edu> Subject: That Satanic Mead Geez Looueez, what a recipe for mead! As you might have gathered, I'm replying to Chuck's recipe for cherry mead and the resultant nasty suphur odor. Chuck, try: 1) Cutting the addition of grapefruit juice to naught, and using lemons or limes (3 - 5) instead. 2) Boil the stuff...I've had no problem with boiling up the mead constituents (honey, water, and citrus juices) and then adding the fruit after it has cooled a bit. 3) Ack! Dispense with the Campden tablets. What an idea, sterilizing components for a brew that tasted great before Pastuer was a sparkle in his father's eye. Honey has all sorts of nasty antibiotics in it (when was the last time you found mold on your honey?) including, of course, high sugar content, and if your yeast isn't kicking ass on all competitors very soon after hitting the meniscus, you need to get some different yeast. 4) Dispense with the acid and pectic enzyme. Unnecessary and probably expensive. 5) On the yeast note, try using champagne yeast. If you prime it a bit, the mead has a delightful small-bubble sparkle that will tickle away your troubles (and champagne yeast will ferment out enough alcohol to savage any remaining ones). Personally, I like both wine (flat) and sparkling meads. Frankly, I could drink mead continually, sing off key, and bathe in it too. Mead is truly the drink of the gods, while beer is the soothing nectar of their resulting well- wishes for the prosperity of mankind. Besides, mead is _really_ easy to make (especially after killing yourself to produce a fine all-malt extravaganza). Hope I helped a bit... Father B. Return to table of contents
Date: Wed, 28 Aug 91 11:26 M From: ANDY HILL <VIOLATOR at MATAI.vuw.ac.nz> Subject: re: beer plug request... hiya this may sound dorky but what about putting some hose on the 'nipple' (ooooooeeerrrrr!) and then blocking it with a couple of bulldog clips? i s'pose you would need hose that would be a bit more flexible than the average food-grade stuff (thinner perhaps?). in our lab (molecular bio) we use these things like thumbscrews for closing off hoses (and for torture...) maybe a vice or something may work the same. if you know someone who works in a lab they may be able to get some glass taps which slot in to bits of hose, this may also work but i'm not too sure what the pressure would be like inside the hose. good luck Andy Return to table of contents
Date: Tue, 27 Aug 91 23:11:33 CDT From: hopduvel!john at linac.fnal.gov (John L. Isenhour) Subject: Aluminum kegs -> stainless HBD 710 KENYON%MOE%erevax.bitnet at pucc.PRINCETON.EDU writes: > Subject: ???Aluminum Kegs/Mead/Chemistry??? > 1) On two occasions I have kegged a batch of beer in Aluminum > Anheuser-Busch kegs. They're pretty easy to get open, you've just got > to remove a coil spring on top (after carefully depressurizing, of If you are talking about the newer style of kegs (from your description, it looks like it), they are stainless steel. *If* you could purchase them, you could cut the top off (except for the handles) and have one heck of a brewpot. There was an article in _Zymurgy_ a coupla years ago on disassembly of the top, careful about that spring! The older Hoff-Stevens stainless kegs can be repurchased. They can be cut (with caution) with a steel cutting blade on a circular saw, grind or file the edges when done. - -- John L. Isenhour inet: hopduvel!john at linac.fnal.gov renaissance scientist and AHA/HWBTA certified Beer Judge Return to table of contents
End of HOMEBREW Digest #711, 08/28/91 ************************************* -------
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