HOMEBREW Digest #97 Thu 09 March 1989
Rob Gardner, Digest Coordinator
Yeast Culturing Question Info (rogerl)
Re: Killer Party Ale (a.e.mossberg)
finding bottles and bottling kegged beer (hplabs!amdahl!uunet!ingr!tesla!steve)
Send submissions to homebrew%hpfcmr at hplabs.hp.com
Send requests to homebrew-request%hpfcmr at hplabs.hp.com
Date: Wed, 8 Mar 89 10:26:17 EST
From: rogerl at Think.COM
Subject: Yeast Culturing Question Info
From: dw <Wegeng.Henr at Xerox.COM>
>Now for the question. Awhile back there was some discussion about alternate
>sources for the Freeze Shield that comes with the kit, and on yeast
>propagation using these kits in general. At the time I didn't save the
>information, but now I'm interested. Did anyone save any of this
>information (maybe the original authors are listening)? The tubes that came
>with the kit have Fisher Scientific on their label, so I suspect that I can
>buy more tubes from them.
The closest thing I could find in issues of the Brewsletter from the
beginning of the year was Mike Meyer (meyer at tcville.HAC.COM) asking
about freezing yeast. This was Posting #54. His issue was more
related to yeast left in a refrig that froze. If there was postings
about the Freeze Shields it might have been before I started receiving
the newsletter.
At least this is one pointer. Maybe he got some more responses
directly and not through the net.
Good Luck,
Roger Locniskar
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Date: Wed, 8 Mar 89 10:52:08 est
From: a.e.mossberg <aem at mthvax.miami.edu>
Subject: Re: Killer Party Ale
Mike Fertsch--
Lyle's Golden Syrup is hardly an "unusual" ingredient or a "shop brand". It
is a very well-known product from Britain. Perhaps meccad.ray.com is in the
boonies? Lyle's Golden Syrup is a brand of cane sugar syrup. BrewMagic is
-- you guessed it -- enzymes. It was pretty obvious, and it is also a very
widely distributed brand. I'm surprised you didn't ask me the alpha acid
of the hops too.
Party Killer Ale is somewhat close to Carlsberg Elephant Malt Liquor.
Now, on one hand you have these people who want each little detail in a
recipe, because apparently a beer is not worth making unless they can
specifically duplicate it down to a chemical level.
Then you have these other people who keep saying "experiment", "try different
things", "be creative".
And curiously, they're the same people, just on different days.
Sounds like a job for sci.psychology to me.
And whatever happened to the AHA credo "Relax, Don't worry!" ?? It seems
oft quoted enough!
I wonder if these people also write to restaurants ala "Regarding the recipe
your chef printed in the newspaper last week, she did not specify the
variety of oregano used nor its harvest date. Were the eggs hen's or duck's?
Does "cooking sherry" refer to fino or cream? The recipe says "cook
for 25 minutes" yet my perusal of the article suggests that 32 minutes 17
seconds might be a better figure. And finally, the article did not say if
the recipe was good, or if I might want to try it. How on earth am I to
know these things if you don't explicitly state them?"
a.e.mossberg aem at mthvax.miami.edu MIAVAX::AEM (Span) aem at umiami.BITNET (soon)
Number of the last 10 presidential elections that were won by the taller
candidate: 8 - Harper's Index Oct. 1988
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Date: Wed, 8 Mar 89 9:21:26 CST
From: hpfcla!hplabs!amdahl!uunet!ingr!tesla!steve
Subject: finding bottles and bottling kegged beer
This topic has died down, but I finally found time to write. These are my
secrets for finding bottles. Not regular 12 oz bottles, but 16 oz brown
bottles and champagne bottles. To get a lot of nice 16 oz brown bottles, make
a friend who works at a Japanese restaurant or Sushi bar, and offer them a
dollar or two (or some homebrew) per box of Sapporo Draft 16 oz bottles. They
come 12 bottles to the box, and they are nice strong bottles. The only bad
thing about them is that the labels are foil, and can be difficult to remove,
but I have had good luck by letting them soak over night in water. Don't use
bleach, or you will leave deposits on the bottles from the reaction with the
chlorine. This has been discussed here before. One big advantage of these
bottles is that they are the same height as regular 12 oz longnecks, so you
don't have to re-set your capper to use them. To get a lot of champagne
bottles, go to a Sunday morning champagne brunch at a local hotel, and ask
the waitress to save the bottles for you. Bring a crown cap to make sure they
are bottles you can use. If they will save bottles for you while you eat, you
can have 15-20 bottles to take home, and the cases they came in.
Has anyone developed a good method for transferring kegged beer to bottles?
I tried the method I have seen described, which calls for chilling the beer
and the bottles, and dispensing the beer at low pressure into the bottles, but
I got a lot of foam, and the bottled beer was very flat. I'm open for ideas.
Steve Conklin uunet!ingr!tesla!steve
Intergraph Corp. tesla!steve at ingr.com
Huntsville, AL (205) 772-4013
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