HOMEBREW Digest #1294 Fri 10 December 1993

Digest #1293 Digest #1295

		Rob Gardner, Digest Coordinator

  ICE beer, mailing lists (Richard Nantel)
  Sake Connection Newsletter (The Rider) (Michael Fetzer)
  Eisbock/pear-banana aromas (korz)
  nomail ("Leslie G. Hunter"                  )
  Names/Beer festival (Paul Beard)
  Homebrewers in Cambridge, UK (Bob_McIlvaine)
  Pale Ale (Spencer.W.Thomas)
  Dream Tun (Spencer.W.Thomas)
  Can you say "ack!" ? (chris campanelli)
  burnt aftertaste ("Jeff M. Michalski, MD")
  Strongest Beers - the facts (Alan_Marshall)
  Maltier Pale Ale ("Robert H. Reed")
  Re: Equipment/pitching/filtering/hops (Jim Busch)
  Head Retention, Beer Labels, and less... (Earle M. Williams)
  Leinenkugel's true brew (John Williams)
  Re: SS Fitting (Dion Hollenbeck)
  Question Re: _Practical_Brewer_ (emeeks)
  Ngoma (esonn1)
  EKU KULMINATOR (Jack St Clair)
  mead list address (corrected) and signing up (Dick Dunn)
  Tres Equis (Jack St Clair)
  Shops in PGH? ("Justin J. Lam")
  Dream tun (Phil Duclos)
  Old Lucifer update (npyle)
  NA Beer (GNT_TOX_)
  America Online: CENSORSHIP ("J. Andrew Patrick")
  fruit flavorings (LLAPV)
  Filtration (Jim Cave)
  EKU-28 (Brian R Seay )
  Iodophor / rinsing (Tom Hamilton)
  Re: #1(2) Homebrew Digest #12... (robertw905)
  Fruit Extracts, Celebration Hopping (Mark Garetz)

Send articles for __publication_only__ to homebrew at hpfcmi.fc.hp.com (Articles are published in the order they are received.) Send UNSUBSCRIBE and all other requests, ie, address change, etc., to homebrew-request@ hpfcmi.fc.hp.com, BUT PLEASE NOTE that if you subscribed via the BITNET listserver (BEER-L at UA1VM.UA.EDU), then you MUST unsubscribe the same way! If your account is being deleted, please be courteous and unsubscribe first. Archives are available via anonymous ftp from sierra.stanford.edu. (Those without ftp access may retrieve files via mail from listserv at sierra.stanford.edu. Send HELP as the body of a message to that address to receive listserver instructions.) Please don't send me requests for back issues - you will be silently ignored. For "Cat's Meow" information, send mail to lutzen at novell.physics.umr.edu
---------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: 08 Dec 93 18:21:23 EST From: Richard Nantel <72704.3003 at CompuServe.COM> Subject: ICE beer, mailing lists Bob Talkiewicz mentions in HB1291> >A friend just brought me a couple bottles of this version of the new ice >beers. This Maximum is 7.1% alcohol by volume! >Still doesn't taste like much , but does have some kick. >This was purchased in Canada. The Canadian Beer industry has been for years protected from the influx of less expensive, American-made beers. With this trade arrangement coming to an end in 1994, the major breweries (Molson, Labatt) have been coming out with a `new' beer almost weekly. This is a last-ditch attempt to produce brand loyalty before the gates open wide. The latest trend is for high-alcohol brews. The newest addition is Labatt's XXX with 7.4% alcohol. Strangely enough, and to quote a German aquaintance, `you have 50 different beers and they all taste alike! The new potent brews are no exception. Thank goodness for some excellent Quebec microbreweries; most notably St-Ambroise and Hops Brau. Teddy Winstead writes>Could somebody please e-mail me the addresses for: >The Lambic Mailing List >The Mead Mailing List I too would appreciate these addresses. Thanks Richard Nantel Montreal, Quebec Canada Return to table of contents
Date: Wed, 8 Dec 1993 22:44:15 -0800 From: mfetzer at UCSD.EDU (The Rider) (Michael Fetzer) Subject: Sake Connection Newsletter Well, well! I'm amazed by the huge response I'm getting. Seems as if a lot of people are into Sake! I'll be passing a compiled list of all the real mail addresses I've gotten on to Fred Eckhardt on the 22nd, so you've got until then to get them in! Many people have only sent email addresses, at this point that doesn't help much. Maybe there's a way I can digitize a copy of it, or see if Fred's wordprocessor format is compatible with anything I can get my fingers on, and I will upload a copy. Several folks have suggested starting a sake mailing list... I do not have the ability to start one, nor do I know how to start a listserv operated mailing list. It seems most sake brewing fans are on usenet, reading rec.crafts.winemaking. Much more so that homebrew digest, altho sake is more of a beer than a wine... Maybe J-Food-L is the place to discuss such things? It has low traffic, but I'm not sure how many people there actually care about making sake, as opposed to drinking it and using it in their cooking? Anyway, send me your ideas and keep sending mailing addresses if you want to receive a sample of the newsletter! Mike - -- Michael Fetzer pgp 2.2 key available on request Internet: mfetzer at ucsd.edu uucp: ...!ucsd!mfetzer Bitnet: FETZERM at SDSC HEPnet/SPAN: SDSC::FETZERM or 27.1::FETZERM Return to table of contents
Date: Wed, 8 Dec 93 13:43 CST From: korz at iepubj.att.com Subject: Eisbock/pear-banana aromas Ed writes: > For anyone who wants to taste a _real_ ice beer, try EKU Kulminator >Urtyp Hell 28 from Germany (That's the entire name of the beer, honest!). >It is concentrated by freezing as are the North American "ice" beers. According to Jackson, EKU fiercely denies that freeze distillation is used in the making of Kulminator. It indeed is a very strong doppelbock. If it was made using freeze distillation, then it would be called an Eisbock. The AHA has an Eisbock category and if memory serves, there was one in the medals this year -- you might look up the brewer's specifics there. ******** David writes: >I am having a problem that perhaps you folks out there in HBD-land could >help me with. In short (hopefully), my last two brews came out with the >same flavor, but I used different ingredients. <recipes deleted> >In both brews, I used a 1400 mL yeast starter (very active) and >fermentation started in about 5 hours. Previously, I had used only only >500 mL starters, with fermentation in 24 hours. > >The problem is that both beers have a pronounced flavor component to them >- -- sort of a pear/banana-like aroma and taste (IMO, but it is hard for me >to judge). My guess would be that this is either a characteristic of the pitching yeast or you have a monsterous wild yeast infection somewhere in your system. Does your starter smell like this? If yes, then you've found your source. You may try a lower fermentation temperature as ester production (esters give the fruity aromas/flavors to beers) tends to be lower at lower temps. If you still get too much of these esters for your taste from the lower temps, then I guess you'll have to change yeasts. If it is a wild yeast infection in your system (unlikely because of your reported quick starts), you need to check your sanitation procedures and/or replace scratched plastic equipment. Al. Return to table of contents
Date: Thu, 09 Dec 93 07:34 CST From: "Leslie G. Hunter" <KFLGH00%TAIMVS1.BITNET at TAIVM1.TAIU.EDU> Subject: nomail set homebrew NOMAIL Return to table of contents
Date: Thu, 9 Dec 1993 08:54:19 -0500 From: paul.beard at gatekeeper.mis.tridom.com (Paul Beard) Subject: Names/Beer festival My beers will be universally known as Workingman's Reward, whether they be lagers, ales or porters. My brother-in-law actually silk-screens his bottles and I will be asking him how he does it. Then its to the drawing board/computer for a logo design and I'll have a unique gift idea for years to come. What I would like to see is a local beer festival with brewers donating product for tasting (at a price - for charity); maybe some judging, but more just a good time for a good cause or two. Does anyone have experience with this type of thing? Paul Beard AT&T Tridom, 840 Franklin Court, Marietta, GA 30067 404 514-3798 * FAX: 404 429-5419 * tridom!paul.beard/beardp at tridom.com Return to table of contents
Date: Thu, 09 Dec 93 08:59:08 EST From: Bob_McIlvaine at keyfile.com Subject: Homebrewers in Cambridge, UK Are there any homebrewers in HBD land from the Cambridge, UK area? I'm actually trying to get in touch with some old work mates. Regards, Mac Return to table of contents
Date: Thu, 9 Dec 93 09:28:07 EST From: Spencer.W.Thomas at med.umich.edu Subject: Pale Ale Adding malt at mash-out will not contribute to malt flavor, but will very likely give you starch haze. For a maltier flavor, try one or more of the following: 1. Switch base malts (e.g., Maris Otter, DeWolf-Cosyns Belgian Pale, Hugh Baird) 2. Mash longer (1.5 to 2 hours) 3. Add lightly-kilned malts (Munich, Vienna, toasted malt -- make it yourself at 350 for 15 minutes or so) in small amounts 4. Decoction mash. =S Return to table of contents
Date: Thu, 9 Dec 93 09:31:27 EST From: Spencer.W.Thomas at med.umich.edu Subject: Dream Tun A friend uses a pico-brewery(tm) system (3 converted SS half-barrels). He's insulated the mash-tun with what looks like strips of cedar (from 2-bys, probably). This apparently works pretty well. With three kettles, he's got one for hot liquour, one for mash, and one for boiling. =S Return to table of contents
Date: Thu, 9 Dec 93 07:59 CST From: akcs.chrisc at vpnet.chi.il.us (chris campanelli) Subject: Can you say "ack!" ? I had a chance over the weekend to try Noche Buena. I'm sure glad I wasn't the one who paid money for it. Return to table of contents
Date: Thu, 9 Dec 93 09:06:26 -0500 From: "Jeff M. Michalski, MD" <michalski_jm at rophys.wustl.edu> Subject: burnt aftertaste Hello homebrewers, In September I brewed my version of a Christmas ale (strong and hoppy). The grain bill is as follows: 6 lb pale 3 lb klages 1 lb dark crystal (caramunich) 1 lb chocolate 1 lb carapils 1/4 lb black patent Near the end of the boil I also added 1 lb of dark brown sugar. OG 1072, FG 1021 (wyeast 1056). It has been in a soda keg after completing primary and secondary fermentation for at least 6 weeks. It has an overwhelming burnt taste to it! The initial flavor is strong malt and ETOH (and a lot of hops!) but the charcoal flavor that follows is enough to scare away my guests. My question is will this heavy roast flavor soften with age? I am tempted to pull off the tap and let it sit till next year (there certainly are enough hops and ETOH to let it withstand the wait). Certainly next year I am changing the amount of dark grains. JEFF M. MICHALSKI michalski_jm at rophys.wustl.edu Return to table of contents
Date: Thu, 9 Dec 1993 09:55 EDT From: Alan_Marshall <AK200032 at Sol.YorkU.CA> Subject: Strongest Beers - the facts In HBD #1293, darrylri at microsoft.com D> > Oh, and it is reputed to have the highest alcohol content of any commercial D> > beer. (Maybe, maybe not). I know it is around 12%, and it packs a wallop! D> D> No; EKU 28 has the highest OG of any regularly available beer. But D> Hurlimann's Samichlaus, brewed from a slightly lower OG, is a bit more D> fermentable and so has a higher alcoholic result (and a more drinkable D> product, IMHO). This, in spite of the boastful claims on the EKU 28 D> label ("Das starkste Bier der Welt"). Samichlaus used to be the strongest. It has been passed three times. The following is posted occasionally (i.e. whenever a "Molson XXX is the strongest" claim/flame war starts) to alt.beer: The following reflects my latest revision to the Beer Records FAQ's section on the Strongest Beer. I have revised it to reflect the authenticated current record holder, the past record holder it surpassed, and the pending record holder, subject to authentication. (Those wishing to hasten the record authentication process can do so by sending me a case ;-) I have included Samichlaus and EKU Kulminator 28 in a section called "Other Notables" as their names will often come up in arguments about the world's strongest beer. I will not repost the entire FAQ (bandwidth considerations). Copies of the Beer Records FAQ are available from me by email (ak200032 at sol.yorku.ca). Suggestions and Corrections are always accepted. Flames: Relax, just have a brew! Thanks to Conor O'Neill and Sean Lamb for their updates! ------------------------------------------------------- Strongest Beer: Current: The Guinness Book of Records has just accepted a newer contender: Uncle Igor's Famous Falling over Water, brewed by the Ross Brewery, in Bristol, UK, which is 17.3% abv. <Supplied by Conor O'Neill -- conor at inmos.co.uk> Past: Roger & Out, brewed at the Frog & Parrot in Sheffield, Great Britain, from a recipe devised by W. R. Nowill and G. B. Spencer, is 16.9% abv., and was the old record-holder (GBR, 1992) Pending: It has been recently announced that the Boston Beer Company (marketers of the Samual Adams line of beers) will be marketing a 17.5% "Triple Bock" beer in the near future. While Sean Lamb posted that this would be 17.5% by weight, I would like to see some confirmation on this. Its abv would be in the low 20% range which would be far in excess of anything else. Other notables from the recent past: Samichlaus Dark 1987 (Brauerei Huerlimann, Zurich, Switzerland) is the strongest lager at 14.93% abv. (GBR, 1992) Michael Jackson also refers to this as the "world's strongest beer" Michael Jackson also refers to EKU Kulminator 28 as having the highest gravity (28 degrees guaranteed, but some have been as high as 30.54 degrees). The alcohol content is 13.5% abv. Return to table of contents
Date: Thu, 09 Dec 1993 10:23:16 -0500 (EST) From: "Robert H. Reed" <rhreed at icdc.delcoelect.com> Subject: Maltier Pale Ale A post was made in HBD #1293 regarding making a Pale Ale with a maltier character: I have found that some of the Wolf-DeCosyns grains such as CaraVienne and Aromatic will enhance the malty character of beers. Without making a comment on the quality of M&F base malts, I would also suggest experimenting with the Wolf-DeCosyns Pale malt as your base malt: I believe these grains are some of finest grains you can buy. My experience with the Caravienne malt is that it adds a very pleasing smooth caramel character to your brew and the aromatic adds a wicked, munich-like character to the aroma and flavor of your beer. I believe their Biscuit malt or home-toasted pale malt adds an interesting malty/toasty character as well. Rob Reed Return to table of contents
Date: Thu, 9 Dec 1993 10:38:55 -0500 (EST) From: Jim Busch <busch at daacdev1.stx.com> Subject: Re: Equipment/pitching/filtering/hops > From: John_D._Sullivan.wbst311 at xerox.com > Subject: Pale Ale > I'm an all-grainer who likes a BIG tasting pale ale, not necessarily in OG or alcohol level, but very malty and very hoppy. Of course the hoppy part is easy, and some yeasts have helped with the malty part. I use M&F pale 2-row and mash at around 155degF. My idea is to add 1/4 or 1/2 lb pale at mash out, to add flavor. What would be the pros and cons of this? Or is there something else I haven't considered? I would skip the addition at mash out in favor of using Munich (imported) and caramel malts in the mash. My high gravity beers (diluted into the fermenter) were attenuating too much, and the addition of Munich and caramel helped. > From: npyle at n33.stortek.com > Subject: Dream Tun > I favor using a hot water heater for sparge (hot liquor tank), and use the kettle to mash in. Transfer the mash to the dedicated lauter tun with some kind of false bottom (perf sheet works great), insulate the lauter tun. The disadvantage is you need a way to transfer the mash. > From: John Eustace <3JCE1 at QUCDN.QUEENSU.CA> > Subject: Pitching Rates > > Hi all, > I have a question I'd like to ask concerning pitch rates for lagers. I've > 5 gallon batches, but now we're talking about pitching to 180 gallons. > > Using the formula for lager pitching in the yeast faq, I have determined that > I need to pitch .72 gallons of slurry. The rule of thumb is one million cells/ml/degree plato of wort. Pitch yeast up in a ten to one ratio to grow the slurry, let ferment each step, decant off the beer, and use the slurry. For a micro making lagers be sure to use at least 1 lb of thick slurry per BBl of wort. It is better to do cell counts, but this requires a little lab equipment. John Mallet wrote a good article on counting cells in the New Brewer Magazine. You dont want to put 18 gallons of starter into 180, so decant off and use the fresh slurry. Bill Szymczak: > which in the limit at dt -> 0 becomes a differential equation. > The solution (assuming the initial temp T(0) = 212F) is > > T(t) = Ti + (212-Ti)*exp(-R*t/N) . > > The amount of time t required to reduce the temperature from > 212 to T is > > N (212-Ti) > t = - log|------| > R ( T-Ti ) > Neat! Diff_eqs on the digest. I knew I had that class for some reason. > non-blow-off batch better). Some incorrectly identified the two > batches and some "punted" and said no difference. All agreed > that if there was a difference it was minor. Therefore, > despite the wide variations in fermentation times, both batches > came out nearly identical with the blow-off having little or no effect. > Of course, this is just one data point and your mileage may > vary. I had these beers and they were indeed *very* similar. It was a good experiment. > From: COYOTE <SLK6P at cc.usu.edu> > Subject: Filtering/ BarneyWine > > Jim sez he thinks a 5 micron filter is going to remove cells. > Most bacteria are on the order of 1 micron. yeast fall more in > the 3 micron range. Cells can aggregate and "act" bigger. > But I would contend that a 5 micron filter is definitely not > going to "sterilize" a beer. And from my understanding (NOT experience) > it will not REMOVE the body of a beer. It may well "thin" things > a bit. At 3 microns there is more cell removal, but still not > sterilization. The discussion had nothing to do with sterilazation per say, .5 micron will result in *sterile filtered beer*. I can assure you that 4/5 microns removes 90+% of the yeast biomass. I would bet the number is closer to 96+%. The local micro filters to 4 microns and there is never any residual yeast evident to the eye, nor do they throw sediment from yeast. If you want to strip your beer of proteins, go ahead and try a <1 micron filter, I have read the head retention drops by a factor of 4. > count in a keg. I force pressurize, so I don't "need" them there, > but I like my B-vitamins, so I don't plan to get rid of them ALL. It also changes the flavor of the beer, bringing out more malt/hop notes absent from the affects of yeast cells. I am still experimenting on the effects of hop aroma wrt filtering. > - ------------------------------------------------------ > Barney's Blebbing BarleyWhine: (planofaction) > > 10# 6 Row Pale Malt Why would you ever want 6 row malt in this beer?? > 10# 2 Row Pale malt Why not 20 #s 2 row? > 4# 2 row vienna This will be overwhelmed by the caramel/biscut/roast that follows. Besides, the beer should have immense body due to the amount of malt used. > 2# aromatic munich-belgian > 2# Biscuit-" > 1# Crystal- 60L > 1# Crystal- 120L > 1/2 cup roast Personal preference is to skip the roast. > > Mash. Pull first 6.5 gallons of sparge. Begin boil. > > add: 6# Williams english dark extract > 2# Brown sugar Wow, you want black beer , right? I would go with the lightest dry extract to be found. > > Boil Hops: 1 oz Chinook (13a), 1.5 oz Centennial (10a) > 1/2 Boil: 1 oz Cascade (7.3a), 0.5 oz N. Brewer (7.6a)='93! > Finish: 1 oz Homegrown Cascade- alpha unknown! :) but stinky! > > Abbey Ale yeast culture. Warm initial ferment. (65-70). > Then cooler into secondary...maybe even down to the 50 deg basement! Interesting! A "Belgian Imperial Stout"!! > > Bottle with 1 cup molasses. Age for a LONG time. :) molasses may indeed lengthen the aging period. Maybe do half with sugar as a comparison. If you have any way to add oxygen do so. As gravity increases, the amount of O2 that can be saturated decreases. > From: Delano Dugarm 36478 <ADUGARM at worldbank.org> > Subject: Hop Teas and Dry Hopping ~# > > I am brewing a hoppy pale ale, something like Sierra Nevada's > Celebration ale. I started with a 1065 O.G. wort, and hopped as > follows: > > 1 oz Centennial (9.6%) 60 min. > 1 oz Mt. Hood (?%) 60 min. > 1 oz Cascades (5.4%) 10 min. If the Hood are from me, they are 6.3%. > > I fermented with WYeast American Ale, of course, keeping the > temperature mostly below 65. The question I have is how to > finish it. The last time I made this I dry hopped with an ounce > of Cascades for a week before bottling, and it turned out quite > well. My only complaint was that it didn't have the _depth_ of > hop taste that Celebration has. I'm leaning towards dry hopping > again, but noted a suggestion that you steep hops in a hot water > and add this tea at bottling time for greater flavor and aroma. I would add more flavor hops at 30, 20 min to end of boil, and stick with the normal dry hopping. You will increase hop flavor at 20 min additions. I prefer cask hopping/dry hopping over my hop tea attempts. Good brewing, Jim Busch Return to table of contents
Date: Thu, 9 Dec 93 8:44:48 MST From: Earle M. Williams <earlew at drc.usbm.gov> Subject: Head Retention, Beer Labels, and less... I cracked the top on a bottle of Nut Brown Ale last night, aged two weeks, and i noticed that while the carbonation was good, there was very little head. I tried pouring the beer from about 4 inches (10 cm) and it foamed up nicely, but within about 10 seconds it had settled to a slim memory of a thick foamy head. I hadn't really tried for a thick head in this beer, but it got me to thinking about past brews that had similar characteristics. Is there something I can add or delete to my brews that would encourage more head? I would appreciate some comments, with or without puns. :> I'v put together some slick beer labels using Corel Draw (for the PC) using the clip-art that comes with the package. *Very Impressive*! I noticed the software selling for about $US140 at a warehouse membership store. The collection of clip-art (on CDROM) that comes with this software makes the purchase more than justifiable. I was playing with the hop utilization numbers to try and quantify the hoppiness of my last batch, and i realized that I had no clue as to the amount of hops in the canned extract. Anyone have any general or specific ideas as to how much is added to canned extracts? This was an Australian Draft from Cooper's - the first time I've used it, and I hope all works well. Is the hops in the extract altered further by my wort boil, or is it going to remain pretty constant? I'm wondering if it's possible to quantify the added BU's from canned extract. Maybe put it in terms of BUL's, or BitteringUnit-Liters. Just wondering.... Hoppy Christmas, Earle Return to table of contents
Date: Thu, 9 Dec 93 11:06:11 EST From: jwilliam at uhasun.hartford.edu (John Williams) Subject: Leinenkugel's true brew Subject: returned mail for beer Status: R Mail error was: 550 <beer>... User unknown - --- returned mail follows --- To: beer Subject: Leinenkugel's real brew HB I have a friend who wants to serve Leinenkugel at a Christmas party. I remeber seeing something in the past month about some of the Leinenkugel beers being brewed at the original brewery and some not. Could whoever posted that or has a copy of the post mail it to me? Thanks. Return to table of contents
Date: Thu, 9 Dec 93 08:22:07 PST From: hollen at megatek.com (Dion Hollenbeck) Subject: Re: SS Fitting >>>>> "Mark" == x-4378 <SIMPSON> writes: Mark> Howdy Brewpeople! Mark> I am trying to rebuild my SS sparge keg, which currently has a Mark> brazed-on galvanized, screw-in fitting for my 1500 watt, Mark> electric hot water heating element, low density type (ala Rodney Mark> Morris' RIM system). I would like to remove the fitting and Mark> replace it with a stainless steel boss fitting, as I am having Mark> corrosion problems. Anybody out there have a good source for Mark> large SS fittings??? I would suggest a 1 1/4" to 1" bushing. If you have a SS beer keg, it is made from 304 stainless and it is imperative that you get your fitting in 304 also. You should weld it with 308 wire. One source for this is McMaster-Carr in Santa Fe Springs, CA. I do not have their current phone number since I am at work, and can only look at a catalog several years old. However the part numbers are still good: 1 1/4" x 1" Hex Bushing 304SS #4460K16 $9.96 The price should not be too much more than the old price. One thing to keep in mind is that the heater elements have NPSM threads (National Pipe Straight Machine) while the bushings are NPT (National Pipe Taper). The 1' threads are both 11 pitch, so they will fit, but not all bushings will fit your heater. If someone while making the bushing ran the tap in too far or not far enough, then you will not get a snug fit in the threads by the time your rubber washer is snug. You may have the threads bottom out too soon and let your washer flap loose. If the first one does not work, exchange it for one which does work. I was fortunate enough to have a SS supply store here locally when I went to buy these parts and I went through several fittings before finding one which would fit. In fact, the first one I tried did not fit, so I assumed that *none* would fit, so I bought a 1 1/4" x 3/4" and reamed out the inside to 1" and cut 11 pitch straight machine threads in it. Only then did I find out later that most fittings *do* fit NPSM to NPT. The only drawback is that McMaster-Carr may not sell to an individual. They mostly deal with businesses. You may be able to get them to send it COD, or to give them a credit card number. If you have any questions, I have made a heater chamber a'la Morris RIMS, have a working RIMS system and have done SS welding on my kegs for thermometer connections. I would be more than happy to help out. dion Dion Hollenbeck (619)455-5590x2814 Email: hollen at megatek.com Senior Software Engineer megatek!hollen at uunet.uu.net Megatek Corporation, San Diego, California ucsd!megatek!hollen Return to table of contents
Date: Thu, 9 Dec 93 11:54:16 EST From: emeeks at tx.ncsu.edu Subject: Question Re: _Practical_Brewer_ Hi folks-- Last week I stumbled across a copy of _Practical_Brewer_, a textbook published by the Master Brewer's Association of America, at a local used book store. The price was only $5, so I snatched it up. It seems to provide a good overview of how the "big boys" manufacture beer. However, I noticed that this edition was published in 1978. Has there been a revised and updated edition since then? It seems to me that a newer edition might have a chapter or two on microbrewery operations. Anyone have a newer edition, and if so, could we compare chapter titles? Email welcome. Thanks! - --Ed Meeks (emeeks at tx.ncsu.edu) Return to table of contents
Date: Thu, 9 Dec 1993 12:01:43 +1000 From: esonn1 at cc.swarthmore.edu Subject: Ngoma Hi hombrewers, I recently tasted some African beer called Ngoma. The beer tastes great (also has quite a kick to it), but I have a few problems with it. First, it's very expensive ($33 a case) and second, I think it must be pasteurized because it claims to be brewed and bottled _in_ Africa. Does anyone know what type of beer this is? Anyone tried to copy it? I would be most interested in a recipe. I'm an extract brewer now, but I'm looking forward to doing a partial mash as Norm described in the HBD, so all extract or partial extract recipes are in order. Thanks in advance and thanks for reading such an obscure posting. Eugene esonn1 at cc.swarthmore.edu Return to table of contents
Date: Thu, 9 Dec 93 09:47:24 PST From: Jack St Clair <Jack_St_Clair at ccm.hf.intel.com> Subject: EKU KULMINATOR Text item: Text_1 In HBD#1292, Ed kopek passed on some date regarding EKU Kulminator Urtyp Hell 28 as being the epitome of 'Ice Beer' and I just wanted to add to his comments. First, the 28 in the title refers to the percent of alcohol in the beer. That's right folks, 28% = 56 proof. The bier is billed as "Die Starkest Bier Das Welt" (sp) or "The strongest beer in the world". It is generally served right out of the freezer as an after dinner liquor in small two-ounce classes (or the equivalent metric size). It pours like, and looks like, maple syrup with absolutely no head. It puts a nice finishing touch on a heavy meal. It is not meant to quaff in bottle quantities. Ed is right, it does pack one helluva wallop While in Berlin, we did use it to fortify other biers with the predictable results. Ruined good bier for the sake of a quick buzz. If you want to slip someone a "Mickey", EKU Kulminator Urtyp Hell 28 is one good way to do it. At any rate, try it! It certainly is unique. Jack St.Clair Portland, Oregon Jack_St_Clair at ccm.hf.intel.com Return to table of contents
Date: 9 Dec 93 10:40:36 MST (Thu) From: rcd at raven.eklektix.com (Dick Dunn) Subject: mead list address (corrected) and signing up Shirley Mae Thompson wrote: > ...there is a mead digest at "mead-lovers-request@ ekletex.com"... ^^^^^^^ Please - it's mead-lovers-request@ eklektix.com. Pardon some babble...If you're trying to sign up, please be sure you pro- vide a valid address in the body of your message UNLESS you're sure your mailer puts a good one in the header. This means one of the following: - ! format address with a machine name registered in the uucp maps - ! format path relative to a well-known host - at format (DNS) address but NOT: - mixed ! at format - this is guaranteed NOT to work - % at format - this *might* work but it's a bad bet Signup requests are examined by a human, so any plausible format of the body of the message is OK. Sorry for the off-topic posting, folks. I've had to toss some signup requests because I could neither decipher nor reply to them. - --- Dick Dunn rcd at eklektix.com -or- raven!rcd Boulder, Colorado USA Coordinator, Mead-Lover's Digest Return to table of contents
Date: Thu, 9 Dec 93 10:10:25 PST From: Jack St Clair <Jack_St_Clair at ccm.hf.intel.com> Subject: Tres Equis Text item: Text_1 In HBD#1291, Russel Gelinas asked the question regarding "XXX" out of Mexico. Tres Equis "XXX" does indeed exist and is made by the same company as Dos Equis "XX". It is very hard to find in the good ol' U.S. but can be found in some obscure Mexican Restaurants. I ask for it every time I go into a Mexican establishment and sometimes get lucky. "XXX" is a good beer that just didn't catch on here in the states. Since I haven't had it in a while, I don't know if it is still being produced or exported. Some help here would be appreciated. I remember it being quite available in Alamogordo, NM and in El Paso, TX back in the sixties. We used to get it in Juarez, Mexico on a regular basis. Any one knowing any more about this beer might be able to help. Private post OK. Jack St.Clair Portland, Oregon Jack_St_Clair at ccm.hf.intel.com Return to table of contents
Date: Thu, 9 Dec 1993 13:39:10 -0500 (EST) From: "Justin J. Lam" <jl62+ at andrew.cmu.edu> Subject: Shops in PGH? Any good recommendations for supplies in the tri-state area (WV,OH,Pgh PA?) I plan to visit Country Wines on Babcock Blvd this weekend, but I've never been there. Any help or suggestions would be appreciated. Slammer. Slammer+ at CMU.EDU Return to table of contents
Date: Thu, 9 Dec 93 11:52:16 MST From: pjd at craycos.com (Phil Duclos) Subject: Dream tun I tried using steam to heat my mash tun last time and liked it a lot. I used a carefully converted pressure cooker. The result was rapid, even heating with a lot of convection in the liquid. I felt better about this method than the direct flame method and consequently did little stirring. My false bottom traps a gallon or so of liquid so I normally worry about carmelization. The mash also wasn't diluted as is normally the case with hot water additions. I use a keg for the mash/lauter tun but I suspect that this method would work well with a coller setup too. I liked the setup so well that I chopped my brew rack up to accomodate the steam heat setup. However I did away with the pressure cooker and built a steam generator instead. Its basically a large diameter copper pipe with a burner under it. I ran across a lateral burner from a hot water heater (as opposed to a circular one) so it fits nice. The water supply is from my hot liquor tank and the generator really only needs to be filled once. Fire it up and steam is quickly generated. Open the valve to the mash tun and you're heating. It is important to watch that you don't run out of water, the burner is hot enough to destroy the copper pipe if it is empty. There is also a pressure relief valve on the output of the generator however the pressure does not rise above 2 psi when heating the mash. I have yet to insulate the mash tun, but that's next on the list. Please be careful with pressure cookers and high pressure steam - They are dangerous! So be careful. phil pjd at craycos.com Return to table of contents
Date: Thu, 9 Dec 93 11:47:45 MST From: npyle at n33.stortek.com Subject: Old Lucifer update John the Coyote wrote: >I wonder if I'll have to pitch champ. later to deal with all the fermentables. Hope it don't stall! Some know what a bother that can be! (so how's it doing now norm?) I forgot to report on Old Lucifer after things got better (isn't that just like the media? Only reporting the bad stuff). Well, after pitching wine yeast (dry, straight out of the packet) things did not progress any for several days, maybe a week. Then fermentation picked up and it went from 1.036 to 1.022 in a couple of weeks (OG was 1.085). Things settled down and I bottled at 1.022 after a total of 10 weeks fermentation. Its a fine Bwine now. I bottled it without priming sugar for several reasons. I like my barley wines low in carbonation. Most of my homebrews continue to increase carbonation over months (if they last that long). I pitched 2 different ale yeasts and a wine yeast so there are lots of different types of guys in there looking for sugar. I plan to keep some of this stuff for several years. I've read competition judge's comments that said "reduce priming sugar" on barley wines more than once. So, of course it is dead flat now, but it should be great Christmas of 94, and 95, and 96... Anyway, my lesson learned is pitch, pitch, pitch, and aerate, aerate, aerate for high gravity brews!!! Cheers, Norm Return to table of contents
Date: Thu, 9 Dec 93 14:59 EST From: <GNT_TOX_%ALLOY.BITNET at PUCC.PRINCETON.EDU> Subject: NA Beer Anyone know of a good way to make non-alcoholic beer. I have a friend at work who doesn't drink, and I was wondering if any of the great beer styles of the world can be brewed without alcohol. Return to table of contents
Date: Thu, 9 Dec 1993 15:06:30 -40975532 (CST) From: "J. Andrew Patrick" <andnator at genesis.Mcs.Com> Subject: America Online: CENSORSHIP <GNT_TOX_%ALLOY.BITNET at PUCC.PRINCETON.EDU> writes about America OnLine in HBD #1292: >There is a brewing forum on America OnLine in the "Wine and Dine" >section. They keywork "Wine" will get you there. We have about 10 >message bases and coming soon will be an interactive database >containing HBD. I must STRONGLY urge HBD readers not to waste their time with the AOL Beer Forum. The head of the Wine and Dine forum there, Mr. Craig Goldwyn, is a egotistical prude who has no hesitation in using blatant censorship to remove postings that he finds not to his own personal liking. I was very active in the AOL Beer Forum, until a recent reorganization caused several of my lengthly postings to be deleted with neither my knowledge, not my consent. When I expressed by outrage at this by saying I was "pissed off", Craig Goldwyn said he had to delete THAT posting because it used "profanity". He also went ahead and deleted several follow-up posts I made because they "no longer made sense" after the original posting was gone. He also deleted several messages from other members criticizing his censorhip. I thought that this sort of blatant, transparent censorship went out with the Berlin Wall! He also deleted messages I left there that he claimed contained "libellous statements" concerning Jim Koch's Boston Beer Company. In actual fact, all statements I made concerning the BBC were backed up by hard evidence from the Home Brew Digest, Boston Globe, and regional Brews Papers. I think the deletions had more to do with a direct verbal threat from Jim Koch to file a libel suit than any lack of credibility in my sources. I have ceased all postings to the AOL Beer Forum, and will not change this policy until I receive a public apology from Mr. Craig Goldwyn. +--------------+---------------------------------+--------------+ |Sysop | Andrew Patrick | Founder| |Home Brew Univ| AHA/HWBTA Recognized Beer Judge |Home Brew Univ| |Midwest BBS |Founder and Sysop,HBU BBS Network| Southwest BBS| |(708)705-7263 |Internet:andnator at genesis.mcs.com| (713)923-6418| +--------------+---------------------------------+--------------+ Return to table of contents
Date: Thursday, 9 December 93 15:50:23 CST From: LLAPV at utxdp.dp.utexas.edu Subject: fruit flavorings Howdy, In HBD #1293, Matthew Evans asks about the fruit flavorings offered in HopTech's catalogue. I've tried a raspberry fruit flavoring from St. Patrick's of Texas. My brother & I used it in a wheat beer we brewed this fall. I don't know if it is the same stuff that HopTech is marketing, but I can give my opinion of it. The flavor came out fine, & was definitely raspberry-ish, but was lacking a little. Also, I felt that the flavor softened after a few weeks in the bottle, almost disappearing. Also, even though it was obviously red in color, it added very little color to the beer itself, which disappointed me because I was hoping for a drink with color. Overall, I'd have to say that it's an easy & cheap shortcut to producing a fruit beer, but if you are shooting for something high quality, I'd use fruit instead. It's real handy if you only want to make a few bottles of a fruit beer & the rest a regular beer (which is why we tried the flavoring). It's also suggested that you can add the flavoring to your glass instead of bottling. Even though I haven't tried this but once (when trying to determine how much in each bottle to add), I think it might be fun to get an idea how a Sierra Nevada Blueberry Pale Ale or Guiness Raspberry Stout might taste. Hmm... now that I've piqued my own curiosity... Alan, Austin Return to table of contents
Date: Thu, 9 Dec 1993 15:15:22 -0800 (PST) From: Jim Cave <CAVE at PSC.ORG> Subject: Filtration There has been some limited dialogue on the digest lately about the relative advantages/disadvantages about filtering beers. I regularly filter some of my beers, depending how quickly I use them, how much time I have and for what purpose they will be used. I have also been able to compare various beers which have been filtered with unfiltered "control kegs" from the same batches. Invariably, I have found that filtered beers have a cleaner, more professional quality and are brilliantly clear, however, these beers are less stable, the latter feature I believe due to a couple of aspects of home filtration systems. I think I remember that I read in Dave Miller's book on Pilsners, that this type of beer benefits from filtration, by removing "green beer" qualities. However, he notes that the life of the beer is reduced by stripping the beer of it's yeast. I concur with this. I find that a home-filtered pilsner that has been kept at serving temperature noticeably deteriorates after about a month to 6 weeks, depending on how much is left in the keg. If one thinks about it, the home filtration system is affected by our abilities to first, sterilize it and then minimize oxidation. Since effective filtration depends on maximizing the surface to volume ratios of the filtration screen to beer volume, there is a potential for a "surface" with a lot of bacteria and a lot of oxygen, as well as a lot of "paper", as in my situation. I try and sanitize everything but the pads--I just don't want to risk ruining the beer with a sanitizer taste. I then "wash" the pads with lots of sterile, de-aerated water, to remove as much "paper taste" as possible. I keep beer on the yeast for as long as possible. In the case of lagers, this is cold storage (32 F) for as many as 6-8 months. At these temps., bacterial action and yeast autolysis are minimized. I also "lager" ales which must be kept longer term. I don't bother filtering dark lagers, Wits (and other belgians) or English ales. I do filter pale and amber lagers (including pale bocks) and American pale ales, particularly if they are to be consumed at parties. These are all chilled prior to filtering to bring out the chill haze. If this is not done, chill haze is not removed. I then either drink the beer as quickly as possible or keep it very cold. Jim Cave Vancouver, B.C. Canada "Drink only beer" Return to table of contents
Date: Thu, 9 Dec 93 18:47:49 -0600 From: Brian R Seay </G=Brian/I=R/S=Seay/O=MAC/PRMD=ALCATEL/ADMD=TELEMAIL/C=US/ at alcatel.aud.alcatel.com> Subject: EKU-28 Subject: Time:6:48 PM OFFICE MEMO EKU-28 Date:12/9/93 before my curiosity makes me waste eleven bucks, has ANYONE out there ENJOYED EKU-28? In HBD 580, it was referred to as "vile". Return to table of contents
Date: Thu, 09 Dec 93 18:26:15 PST From: Tom Hamilton <tlh at ISI.EDU> Subject: Iodophor / rinsing Hi, does anyone know how long iodophor will retain it's sanitizing abilities after being diluted in water? Does it evaporate out of solution similar to chlorine? Also to George Fix if you're reading this: do you recommend rinsing iodophor with cheap beer as you did with rinsing dilute chlorine? Or will tap water rinse and/or drip dry suffice? cheers, Tom Hamilton Return to table of contents
Date: Thu, 09 Dec 93 22:23:25 EST From: robertw905 at aol.com Subject: Re: #1(2) Homebrew Digest #12... Please stop sending the Homebrew Digest. Thank you Return to table of contents
Date: Thu, 9 Dec 93 8:50:31 PST From: Mark Garetz <mgaretz at hoptech.com> Subject: Fruit Extracts, Celebration Hopping Matthew Evans writes: >Subject: HopTech Fruit Extracts >I just got the catalog today from a company >called HopTech. Mostly they just sell hops, >but they did have some concentrated fruit >extracts. They are sold in four ounce bottles >and contain enough "stuff" to make about 15 >gallons of fruit beer. They don't have any >sugars in them, so you add them to the beer >right before bottling. Anyone ever heard of >this stuff or tried it yet. It is a lot >cheaper than the real fruit itself, so it would >be a good cost savings, but the question is, >will it be good to taste? In the interests of HBD protocol, I will let others comment on how these extracts taste. I just wanted to clear up Matthew's quantities. Our Peach and Raspberry come in 4 oz bottles. Blueberry Cherry and Pear come in 2 oz bottles. With the exception of the Cherry, they are enough to make 5 gallons, not 15 as Matthew states. This is at our recommended usage levels, your mileage may vary, but so far no one has mentioned that these were wrong (in fact, microbreweries have confirmed that they are good levels). The Cherry is more concentrated and will do about 20 gallons. All sell for the same price. *********** Delano DuGarm writes: >My only complaint was that it didn't have the _depth_ of >hop taste that Celebration has. I'm leaning towards dry hopping >again, but noted a suggestion that you steep hops in a hot water >and add this tea at bottling time for greater flavor and aroma. >Any suggestions on this issue would be greatly appreciated. Add another addition of hops at the end of the boil and let the wort steep with them for 20 minutes. (If you use an immersion chiller, it'll accomplish the same thing.) Also, use more hops when you dry hop. Mark Return to table of contents
End of HOMEBREW Digest #1294, 12/10/93