HOMEBREW Digest #1999 Mon 01 April 1996
Rob Gardner, Digest Janitor
filtering (John W. Carpenter)
Coriander and orange peel boil experiment results (Bart Thielges)
HBRCP10 (RUSt1d?)
mail list (Leland Kriegh)
White hangers from Lalvin champagne (Douglas Thomas)
New address (Larry Scaringelli)
Holy Cow -- Las Vegas Brew Pub (singular) (p.) blatherwick" <blather at bnr.ca>
na brew (Wallinger)
clean out the closet (James Gifford)
Re: ANYONE (arne thormodsen)
Mini-Kegs (Robert Bloodworth)
re: false bottom questions (C.D. Pritchard)
+/-'s of 6-row malt?? ("David C. Rinker")
New fine European beer web page... (Serges Salivonchick)
First Wort Hopping Web Page ("Dave Draper")
Hand stuck in carboy (Rolland Everitt)
T.R.A.S.H. VI Winners (Ralph Colaizzi)
Temperature Controller (Ralph Colaizzi)
Duvel is good for you ! (Ludwig BERNHARD)
Announcement Dutch open homebrew competition (Jacques Bertens)
cleaning a real gross corny keg (Victor J Farren)
Recipe request ("FINLEY, BARRY CURTIS")
Hop s**t and trub... (Craig Stewart)
* POLICY NOTE: Due to the incredible volume of bouncing mail,
* I am going to have to start removing addresses from the list
* that cause ongoing problems. In particular, if your mailbox
* is full or your account over quota, and this results in bounced
* mail, your address will be removed from the list after a few days.
* If you use a 'vacation' program, please be sure that it only
* sends a automated reply to homebrew-request *once*. If I get
* more than one, then I'll delete your address from the list.
# digest, please make sure you send your request to the same service
# provider that you sent your subscription request!!! I am now receiving
# many unsubscribe requests that do not match any address on my mailing
# list, and effective immediately I will be silently deleting such
# requests.
Send articles for __publication_only__ to homebrew at hpfcmgw.fc.hp.com
(Articles are published in the order they are received.)
Send UNSUBSCRIBE and all other requests, ie, address change, etc.,
to homebrew-request@ hpfcmgw.fc.hp.com, BUT PLEASE NOTE that if
you subscribed via the BITNET listserver (BEER-L at UA1VM.UA.EDU),
then you MUST unsubscribe the same way!
If your account is being deleted, please be courteous and unsubscribe first.
Please don't send me requests for back issues - you will be silently ignored.
For "Cat's Meow" information, send mail to lutzen at alpha.rollanet.org
An archive of previous issues of this digest, as well as other beer
related information can be accessed via anonymous ftp at
ftp.stanford.edu. Use ftp to log in as anonymous and give your full
e-mail address as the password, look under the directory
/pub/clubs/homebrew/beer directory. AFS users can find it under
/afs/ir.stanford.edu/ftp/pub/clubs/homebrew/beer. If you do not have
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"help" (without the quotes) in the body of the message.
Date: Fri, 29 Mar 96 11:50:03 EST
From: jwc at med.unc.edu (John W. Carpenter)
Subject: filtering
In HBD 1997 Tom F. writes:
What do you use for sanitizing? I store mine in a light sodium hydroxide
solution and sanitize with a light bleach solution. I'm reluctant to
use iodophor for fear of staining my nice, bright white cartridge.
I just started filtering, 1 batch now, and I used iodophor to sanitize my
5 micron filter. The iodine concentration was between 12.5 and 25 ppm
according to the little test papers you can get. It was prob. closer to
the 12.5 ppm. At any rate, it didn't stain my filter. I pushed 5 gal
through the filter then filtered my beer into the keg that the iodophor
was in. I didn't rinse the filter after the iodophor, just connected it to
the source keg and kept on gettin' it. After filtering I backflushed with
water until my filter was clean. I took it apart a couple of times and
emptied the housing to speed things up. I just stored my filter in light
bleach soln. in the refrigerator. I guess it's OK to store it in bleach,
anyone see any problems here?
John Carpenter, jwc at med.unc.edu
Chapel Hill, NC
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Date: Fri, 29 Mar 1996 10:16:50 -0800
From: Bart Thielges <bart.thielges at Xilinx.COM>
Subject: Coriander and orange peel boil experiment results
Last night, I completed an experiment to determine the proper boil times
for coriander and bitter orange peels, two ingredients thought to be in
Celis Grand Cru. Here are the results.
Executive summary - Boil the heck out of the orange peels, don't boil
the coriander.
Description of experiment : Two saucepans containing about 12 ounces of water
each were brought to a boil. About two tablespoons of sugar were added to
each to make the tasting solution closer to a completed beer. In one pan,
a teaspoon of ground coriander is added. In the other, a piece of orange
peel, perhaps 1/10 ounce was added. The orange peel was labelled "Belgian
bitter orange peel, curacao type" from Fermentation Frenzy in Los Altos, CA,
During the boil, 1 ounce samples were drawn at various intervals and set aside
to cool. Therein lies the primary flaw in this experiment - the solution
volume significantly lowered during the process due to the sampling and
evaporation. I attempted to counteract this in the last 30 minutes by adding
a little more water (4 ounces or so). Still, I think that the results are
useful. The samples were drawn at 1, 5, 15, 30, and 60 minutes after
the boil began. All samples were allowed to cool to room temperature and
then tasted. Here's my perceptions :
time coriander orange peels
- ---- ------------------------------ --------------------------------------
1 quite tasty - distinct flavor almost no orange flavor. little color
5 flavor significantly faded similar to the flavor of the 1
minute sample, perhaps a bit more
15 even less flavor orange flavor begins to come through
in earnest
30 little flavor more orange flavor, a bit of a sharp
60 tasteless sugar water strong orange flavor with a bitter
tinge. Definite orange color.
So my recommendations would be to use orange peels for a full hour boil
and add coriander at the very end.
I hope this info helps ! As a reminder, if you would like to join in the
Celis Grand Cru recipe project, please reply to me and I'll add you to the
mailing list.
Bart thielges at xilinx.com
Brewing equipment destroyed in this experiment - 0 (but lots of dishes to clean)
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Date: Fri, 29 Mar 1996 13:51:11 -0500
From: RUSt1d? <rust1d at swamp.li.com>
Subject: HBRCP10
My homebrew software database is complete (V1.0 anyway!) It is a full screen
editor with plenty of tables and calculators. Prints labels, brewsheets, and
recipe books.
"Homebrew Recipe Calculator 1.0 Shareware" is available at
If you stop by to grab it, sign my guestbook and say brew. It favors all
grain but extract brewers may like it too.
John Varady
Boneyard Brewing (A.G. Baby!)
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Date: Fri, 29 Mar 1996 14:13:41 -0600 (CST)
Subject: mail list
please remove me from your mailing list. thanks
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Date: Fri, 29 Mar 1996 12:21:04 -0800 (PST)
From: Douglas Thomas <thomasd at uchastings.edu>
Subject: White hangers from Lalvin champagne
Hello all!
I am currently on the second racking of some strawberry wine. A very
potent one indeed. To get this potency, I used Lalvin Champagne yeast,
with a tolerance somewhere near 18% and a good fruity nose. Well, my
first racking revealed to my unbelieving eyes, floating mats of what I
later had confirmed as yeast (i baked with one, and it made great,
sorta winey bread). Now that the wine has been racked, I have not
encountered any more mats, but have found some white stringy floaters.
Could it be that the yeast is trying to form more mats? If not, what are
they? The wine tastes fine so far. Has the typical green flavor, but no
off tastes or bouquet. Any ideas?
Doug Thomas
thomasd at uchastings.edu
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Date: Thu, 28 Mar 1996 13:58:06 -0700
From: Larry Scaringelli <scarin at primenet.com>
Subject: New address
Notifying you of my new email address
scarin at primenet.com
sorry i didn't notify you sooner I hope you didn't get bounced mail from the
old address
Nothing can tear you apart
If you keep livin' straight from the heart
Though you know that you're gonna hurt some
The magic will come J.Buffett
scarin at primenet.com
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Date: Fri, 29 Mar 1996 16:17:00 -0500
From: "peter (p.) blatherwick" <blather at bnr.ca>
Subject: Holy Cow -- Las Vegas Brew Pub (singular)
kcollins at seidata.com writes:
>Does anyone out there know of any brewpubs/microbreweries within the
>Las Vegas area?
I visited Las Vegas recently and was only able to dig up 1 Brew Pub.
(I was desperate for decent beer, and searched hard!)
"Holy Cow"
NE corner of Las Vegas Strip and Sahara Ave
(just a bit north of the Las Vegas Convention Center)
phone (702) 732-COWS (or 732-2697)
They make a great Red Ale and Pale Ale, and pleasant Hefe Weiss. Also
have at least one special "Brew Master" beer on tap (I had a wicked
"Hacker Pale Ale"). Good food and service. Tours available sometimes
(but you can just wander upstairs and have a look any time). Well worth
a visit, even if they weren't the only place around.
Check around a bit and you might be able to find some discount
certificates (look for cows with sunglasses) -- I found a free beer
certificate at the Budget rent-a-car place as I was checking out on my
way home... :-/
BTW, There's NO SHORTAGE of other trouble to be found in Vegas!
Peter Blatherwick
(blather at nortel.com)
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Date: 29 Mar 96 21:22:41 GMT
From: homebrew at metrolink.net (Dean)
Subject: ANYONE
Does anyone ever read this news group. If you do, leave a message.
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Date: Fri, 29 Mar 1996 21:21:35 -0600
From: Wallinger <wawa at datasync.com>
Subject: na brew
jim mitchell askes about non-alcoholic beer. i too am working on na =
brew. my father is now on medication for arthritis that prevents him =
from drinking alcohol. so he has taken to drinking na, and i have taken =
to brewing it.
i have read with dismay the attempts to heat the finished beer to drive =
off the alcohol, or to freeze the beer to drain off the alcohol. the =
descriptions suggest that the result is not adequate.
so, i am taking another tack (as i do in most of my activities). i have =
brewed a 1-gal and then a 5-gal batch with carapils (dextrine) malt. =
with the first batch i confirmed that carapils extract does not ferment. =
my father rated it equal to the european offerings. so my 5-gal batch =
simply scaled up to strike a gravity of 1.006 by extracting what was =
there from 2 lbs of carapils malt. i expected 1.008-1.010, but what the =
heck. i boiled the all grain extract (wort) just like a regular all =
grain batch, adding hops along the way.
the 5-gal result is a drinkable beer, but not quite as good as some of =
the european offerings. the taste is slightly grainy and a bit thin =
(which i think is do to my poor extract efficiency leaving only 1.006 =
og). i have not given up. my next attempt may include just enough pale =
malt to end up with 0.5% alcohol (legally na) and ferment it to see if =
the beer improves.
wade wallinger
pascagoula, mississippi
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Date: Fri, 29 Mar 1996 22:57:00 -0600 (CST)
From: James Gifford <brewer at server.elysian.net>
Subject: clean out the closet
Let's face it, all that *really* matters is that you like and enjoy it!
I've made a couple of welfare beers, and they came out decent. They
wouldn't do well in competetion, I wouldn't know what style to call them
anyway. But I did enjoy drinking them. Brew on, and enjoy!
- --
Jay Gifford
Brewer at elysian.net
- --If this were an actual tagline it *might* be funny.
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Date: 29 Mar 1996 23:43:27 GMT
From: arnet at cup.hp.com (arne thormodsen)
Subject: Re: ANYONE
Dean (homebrew at metrolink.net) wrote:
: Does anyone ever read this news group. If you do, leave a message.
No, I never read or post to this group. I don't even use "news". In
fact I've never had access to a computer. I don't even exist, this
note is a figment of your deranged imagination.
- --arne
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Date: 30 Mar 96 06:59:54 EST
From: Robert Bloodworth <100334.664 at compuserve.com>
Subject: Mini-Kegs
>I respect that concern for private
>property and obeying the rules, but I have to wonder whether mini-kegs are
>actually shipped back to Germany for refill.
The 5 ltr Mini-Kegs are known as 'Party-Cans' here in Germany. There is no
deposit and they are most definitely not refilled. They cost the brewery
pennies and Fass-Frisch is milking homebrewers in the US and elsewhere at $5 or
more a pop.
One filled with a decent beer (e.g. Wahrsteiner, Frueh Koelsch, or Czech Bud)
costs about $10-14 here in Cologne.
I refill them all the time because it's easier than kegging and they fit easily
into the small german refridgerators for lagering.
Question for the HBD: Has anyone out there tried to build an adapter to force
carbonate beer in one of these 5 ltr cans?
By the way, be careful not to scratch the coating off the metal around the
opening when removing the stopper. These cans are ordinary sheet metal with a
non-toxic coating. Remove the coating, and they rust.
I prime the cans with 25-35 g of sugar for a full 5 ltr can. Leave about an
inch of air space to aid in fast carbonation. Good luck.
>From Steve in HBD 1995:
>I use about a cup of bleach in the dishwasher in a normal cycle. I
>too, was skeptical at first of the sanitization possibilities, but
>since I start with fairly clean bottles anyway, I figured what the
>heck - I hated my old bottle sanitizing method so much anything was
>worth a try.
Bleach is very corrosive against stainless steel at higher concentrations and
temperatures. I would suggest reducing the amount of bleach if you don't want
to ruin your dishwasher. Short soaking in dilute bleach, a rinse with a jet
washer and drip dry is also easy and should work just as well.
Bob Bloodworth
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Date: Sat, 30 Mar 96 09:47 EST
From: cdp at chattanooga.net (C.D. Pritchard)
Subject: re: false bottom questions
Rob Emenecker <remenecker at cadmus.com> posted in 1997:
>For a lauter tun I am using 5-gallon food grade buckets with a false bottom
>(ala Phil). The damn thang keep raising up on me as I was adding foundation
>water...I had to recirculate nearly TWO GALLONS OF WORT.
Same experience I had- I call it a phloating phalse bottom. Tis a pity the
instructions that come with the thing don't include a warning... Scrap
brass fastened to the false bottom helps as does jiggling it about in the
foundation water to dislodge the air bubbles adhearing to the holes in the
thing. I now use a slotted copper manifold instead- it's much better and
C.D. Pritchard cdp at chattanooga.net
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Date: Sat, 30 Mar 1996 10:03:11 -0500 (EST)
From: "David C. Rinker" <dcrink at widomaker.com>
Subject: +/-'s of 6-row malt??
Greetings all,
I am gearing up to brew a Belgian Wit and planning on using unmalted
wheat to make up about 45% of the grain bill. Concerned about the
possibility of a stuck sparge, I was thinking of using a 6-row pale malt
to make up some (or all) of the remaining bill. This would guarantee a
better filter bed and would also increase the mash's diastatic power.
Unfortunately, any discussion of the pros and cons of 6-row is scarce
and, so far, Noonan's in BLB is the best I have been able to find. As
many of your know, his evaluation of this type of malt is
less-than-flattering and rather curt. Here are his misgivings and my
1)He says that this type of malt's high protein content will cause problems
with "clairity and stability"--What does he mean by stability? Won't a
good protein rest(s) do the trick here?
2)The finished beer will be darker and heavier tasting--Why is this?
6-row is generally rated as only contributing 1.7L/lb/gal.
3)The husk to endosperm ratio will lead to "harsh flavors"--Is he merely
referring to tannins here? Won't attention to mash pH obviate any
problems here?
Any additional info would be greatly appreciated.
FWIW, I found a fantastic source for hard-to-find brewing ingredients. It's
the Mountain Malt&Hop Shop in Syracuse, NY, ph# 1 800 295-MALT. They
have a lot of good stuff including dried bitter orange peel for sale by the
ounce! They fellow I talked to was very kind and helpful. No
affiliations etc.
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Date: Sat, 30 Mar 1996 15:22:42 -0500 (EST)
From: Serges Salivonchick <salivans at cpbgppp46.epix.net>
Subject: New fine European beer web page...
Hello fellow beer enthusiasts... For those of you that enjoy tasting
'real' beers, you might want to have a look at the web page I am setting
up at http://www.early.com/~cmg. The page is its infancy and so far only
lists the beer of one importer - All Saint's Brands - but I plan to add
more in the near future. The page has a product locator to help you find
these beers in your area. Have a look at let me know what you think.
S. Salivonchick
cmg at early.com
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Date: Sun, 31 Mar 1996 09:17:04 +10
From: "Dave Draper" <david.draper at mq.edu.au>
Subject: First Wort Hopping Web Page
Dear Friends, I have put together a short web page containing an
augmented version of the summary of the FWH article that I posted
recently. I have expanded certain sections of the post to address
some of the questions that were raised, and which I addressed in my
second FWH post; and I have included a brief section at the end
containing some of the comments and opinions that have come up here
since then. The page is accessible via my beer page:
What I would also like to call for is some input from those of you
Out There who have used the FWH technique already. What I'd like is
to have the page also act as a sort of repository for brief
descriptions of applications of this technique and your subjective
assessment of how successful you think it was. What I have in mind
is putting together a little table consisiting of the following
info: brewer, style made, amount & variety of FWH added, other
hopping details (bittering additions, dry-hopped or not, etc), target
IBUs, OG, FG, and comments. Real simple stuff--just so folks can, as
the data accumulate, get a sense for how well it works on a homebrew
scale, which styles it seems to work best for, that sort of thing.
I will simply keep an eye peeled for FWH posts here in HBDland, and
add the results to the page as they are posted, so I am asking anyone
who posts on the procedure in future to include the data above.
Those of you whom I know for sure have already brewed FWH beers
include Eric Miller, Tracy Aquilla, John Palmer, Andy Walsh, and Jim
DiPalma. For those of you who have already got the complete data, if
you guys would be willing to email me these details, I'd be very
grateful--your results (along with those on my first attempts, to be
reported within a couple weeks here) will be the first on the page.
If you'd rather just post it once here and have done (e.g., Tracy, I
know you've got stuff in the pipe that you will be posting here
eventually), that's fine too. Whatever you're willing to do.
Thanks for all input, and hope you all find the thing useful.
Cheers, Dave in Sydney
"That's all very well in practice; but will it work in *theory*?"
- ---Ken Willing
- ---
David S. Draper, Earth Sciences, Macquarie University, Sydney NSW Australia
Email: david.draper at mq.edu.au WWW: http://audio.apana.org.au/ddraper/home.html
...I'm not from here, I just live here...
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Date: Sun, 31 Mar 1996 07:41:55 -0500
From: af509 at osfn.rhilinet.gov (Rolland Everitt)
Subject: Hand stuck in carboy
After bottling a batch yesterday, I washed my carboy, as I
always do, by putting a couple of quarts of strong, hot ammonia
solution in it, and shaking vigorously, followed by several hot
rinses. I made a serious error and used cold water for the last
rinse. When I shook the carboy (with my hand sealing the opening),
the vacuum suddenly created was strong enough to suck my hand
into the neck up to my wrist, where it remains firmly (and
uncomfortably) lodged.
I don't want to break the carboy if I don't have to, but this
is a serious inconvenience, as you can imagine (for example,
I am forced to dictate this message to a friend). Has anyone
had a similar experience? I remember the copious stopper-
stuck-in-carboy thread a few months ago, and I am really hoping
for similar concern about my predicament. Please write soon.
Is my hand ruined?
Rolland Everitt
af509 at osfn.rhilinet.gov
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Date: Sun, 31 Mar 1996 10:10:51
From: Ralph Colaizzi <rcolaizzi at gnn.com>
Subject: T.R.A.S.H. VI Winners
Three Rivers Alliance of Serious Homebrewers
Sixth annual homebrew competition. T.R.A.S.H. VI
Congratulations to these Winners!
American Ale
1 Anthony Gromek, 2) Robert Joseph, 3) Jay Marchetti
American Lager
1) Curt Speaker, 2) David Zalewski, 3) M.Lemire/C.Wyke
1) Paul Sullivan, 2) Greg Walz, 3) Bill Campbell
Belgian/french Ale & Belgian Lambic
1)Delano Dugarm, 2) Steve Jones, 3) Chuck Boyce
Barley Wine
1) Sharbaugh/Mulviltill, 2) Paul Devine, 3)Rolf Erickson
California Common
1) Michael Escourt, 2)Brent Talbot, 3) John Szarek
1)M.Benson/P.Devine, 2)Greg Walz, 3) Ed Bloom
Classic Pilsner
1)M.Gignac&G.Rooker, 2) Bob Wolff, 3) Rhett Rebold
English Bitter
1) Mark Samolis 2) Donald Bruckner,3) Russel Salter
Fruit Beer
1) Robert Dawson, 2) Delano Dugarm, 3)Robert Joseph
Fruit Mead
1) Robert Joseph, 2)Robert Dawson, 3) Ken Whitney
German Ale
1) Richard Schutte, 2) Peter Breil, 3) Fred Hardy
German Lager
1) George Fix, 2) Helmut Schumacher, 3)Richard Allen
German Wheat - No First Place Awarded
2)Neumans/G.Geidel, 3) Clncy/smpls/Vancupa
Herb and Spice Beer
1)Anthony Gromek, 2) John Chernoff, 3) Tony Knipling
Mild/Brown Ale
1)Clncy/smpls/Vancupa, 2) Don VanOllefen, 3)David Weeks
Traditional/herb/spice Mead
1) Fred Hardy, 2) Ken Whitney, 3)Ted Woycio
English Pale Ale
1) Robert Dawson, 2)L.&J. Steinmetz, 3) Gary Matz
1) Steve Jones, 2) Tony Knipling, 3) J.Hauck/M. Heigl
Scotch Ale- Special Award
1) Steve Jones, 2)Rhett Rebold, 3)M.Benson/P.Devine
Smoked Beer/ Specialty
1) Robert Joseph, 2) Richard Rosowski, 3) Richard K.Moore
1)J.Boggess/Clay Pool, 2)Clncy/smpls/Vancupa, 3)Ted Woycio
1)Rich Rosowski, 2) George Fix, 3)Bill Campbell
1) J. Boggess/ Claypool- Imperial Stout
2) George Fix - Munich Helles
3) Delano Dugarm - Belgian Triple
Ralph Colaizzi
rcolaizzi at gnn.com
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Date: Sun, 31 Mar 1996 10:09:36
From: Ralph Colaizzi <rcolaizzi at gnn.com>
Subject: Temperature Controller
The T.R.A.S.H. Homepage now has plans and a schematic for a
refrigerator temperature controller designed by Greg Walz.
The url is: http//members.gnn.com/rcolaizzi/trash.htm
Thanks,Greg for sharing this design.
Ralph Colaizzi
Ralph Colaizzi
rcolaizzi at gnn.com
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Date: Sun, 31 Mar 1996 19:01:05 -0300
From: lbernhard at magic.fr (Ludwig BERNHARD)
Subject: Duvel is good for you !
Hello !
I'm from North of France, near Belgium where there's a lot of realy good stuff !
One of my favorite beer is DUVEL !!
Does somebody taste it ?
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Date: Sun, 31 Mar 1996 22:24:13 +0200 (MET DST)
From: jacbier at pi.net (Jacques Bertens)
Subject: Announcement Dutch open homebrew competition
Homebrew club "De Roerstok" organizes the 12th Open Dutch homebrew
competition which is the largest homebrew competition in the Benelux (the
Netherlands and Belgium) and probable in Europe. About 350 entries are
expected. The competition will be held on 25 may 1996 at the trappistbrewery
"De Schaapskooi", Tilburg, the Netherlands (one of the six trappistbreweries
in the world - five in Belgium and one in the Netherlands) .
More information about this competition (in Dutch) can be found at webpage
* *
* Jacques Bertens, Loon op Zand, the Netherlands *
* Brouw ze, roer ze en Proost! (Dutch: brew, stir and cheers!) *
* http://www.pi.net:80/~jacbier/home.html *
* *
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Date: Sun, 31 Mar 1996 18:39:42 -0500
From: Victor J Farren <wigwam at jhunix.hcf.jhu.edu>
Subject: cleaning a real gross corny keg
I just bought a used Corny keg that used to have the lemon-lime
soda Slice, in it. I have tried to clean it using just Clorox and
water. I have let it soak for days on two seperate occasions, but I
can't get the sweet smell out of it. Is there a better cleaner that I
can use. I have never used B-bright or idiophor (?) so I have no
experience with these products. Will they work better than Clorox? Is
there anthing else I can use? Thanks in advance...
Victor F.
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Date: Sun, 31 Mar 1996 20:51:22 EST
Subject: Recipe request
I just opened my first bottles of my first batch of homebrew and
I am extremely pleased with the outcome. The only problem that I have
with the brew is that I was expecting a lighter bodied brew, with
not quite as much hop distincion. With all of the talk on the list, I
assume that most subscribers would frown upon my taste in beer. Don't
get me wrong, I love brews like Sam Adams and Bass Ale, but for an
every day brew that everyone in the house likes, I'd have to make
a more typical American brew. Since I'm not the only person that
invested in the equipment and supplies, I need to make everyone else
a batch of their favorite brew, a Michelob clone. Can anyone help
me out here? I don't even have a clue as to make clones, since I've
only brewed one batch of brew, which was a kit of pale ale. I want to
brew my next batch by getting away from the kit and adding my own hops,
etc. I guess that I want more control of the outcome, not have a kit
determine what the brew will taste like.
I hope that someone out there can give me a recipe for the typical
American beer (preferably a Michelob clone)
Thanks in advance
Barry Finley
Biological Sciences
University of Georgia
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Date: Sun, 31 Mar 1996 01:18:56 -0400 (AST)
From: Craig Stewart <foghorn1 at darwin.nbnet.nb.ca>
Subject: Hop s**t and trub...
Ladies and Gentlebrewers......
This first (potentialy last) batch of stout has been an unmitigated (is
that a word?) disaster! For the first time in my <short> brewing history
did a blow off tube carry more than a thimble full of crap out of the
carboy! I should have POURED it out of the carboy, it would have been
less painfull. This was also the first time that I tried a 4 litre yeast
starter that had chugged away fir a couple of days prior to B-day. I
also tried out Irish Moss (seaweed). A 'nice clear beer' I was told. I
expected trub, not as much as I got though! I simply figured that this
would settle to the bottem and I could siphon off it when the time came.
WRONG AGAIN! This 'stuff' seemed to combine with the disintigrated hop
pellets (hate them, but can't get the whole ones around here. Plugs make
a diff?) and was like trying to siphon wet concrete! Anyway, I ended up
with about 3 1/2 gal in the secondary. The good news is, that with all
of my troubles so far, I don't seem to have an infected batch on my
hands. Any sugestions as to what I can do so that I don't go bald, or
put a large dent in my supply of brew, and in so doing and in so doing
becopming rather intoxicated? I started this hobby because I enjoy good
beer. I didn't expect it to drive me to drink! I bought a 'hop bag'
with my supplies for the next batch. I'm skeptical about how well this
will work. The bags are made out of cheese cloth. That MIGHT filter out
the trub, but I'm not sure. I'm on the verg of trying a German style
Wheat Beer, but damn, I don't want this nightmare to happen again. So,
in closing:
- --
Non-Disclaimer: Any resemblance between the above views and those of my
employer, my terminal, or the view out my window are purely coincidental.
Any resemblance between the above and my own views is non-deterministic.
The question of the existence of views in the absence of anyone to hold
them is left as an exercise for the reader. The question of the existence
of the reader is left as an exercise for the second god coefficient. (A
discussion of non-orthogonal, non-integral polytheism is beyond the scope
of this article.)
flames to /dev/null
Craig Stewart
foghorn1 at mailserv.nbnet.nb.ca
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