HOMEBREW Digest #286 Wed 25 October 1989
Rob Gardner, Digest Coordinator
RE: Homebrew Digest #285 (October 24, 1989) ("I have a memory like a...what's that thing you strain spaghetti with?")
The ``Golden Beer'' State: Part 2: San Francisco Bay Area (David L. Kensiski )
Tragedy (John S. Watson)
That's the Breaks! (Martin A. Lodahl)
Some simple answers (iwtio!korz)
oxidation (iwtio!korz)
Can yeast act on jelatin (sp?) (Kenneth Kron)
Glue for label (Francois Felix INGRAND)
Send submissions to homebrew%hpfcmr at hplabs.hp.com
Send requests to homebrew-request%hpfcmr at hplabs.hp.com
Date: Tue, 24 Oct 89 08:22 CDT
From: "I have a memory like a...what's that thing you strain spaghetti with?"
Subject: RE: Homebrew Digest #285 (October 24, 1989)
I don't know why it got sent out twice. Sorry.
- Ted
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Date: Tue, 24 Oct 89 09:38:58 PDT
From: david%cygnus. at Sun.COM (David L. Kensiski )
Subject: The ``Golden Beer'' State: Part 2: San Francisco Bay Area
The ``Golden Beer'' State
A Guide To California's Beer Hot Spots
San Francisco Bay Area
S Soloan Cellars
1580-0A Solano
R Marvin Gardins
1160 Old Country Road
B Bison
2598 Telegraph, 94704
(415) 841-7734
M Thousand Oaks
(415) 525-8801
B Triple Rock
1920 Shattuck, 94704
(415) 843-2739
S College Avenue Wine & Spirits
3185 College Avenue
P Henry's
2600 Durant
S Jacksons
3049 Ashby Avenue
P,R Raleighs
2438 Telegraph
R Skates on the Bay
100 Seawall Drive
H Oak Barrel Winecraft
1443 San Pablo Avenue
P Duke of Edinburgh
10801 North Wolfe Road
P,R Pete's Brass Rail
167 B North Hartz Avenue
P,R Jimmy O'Gils
6991 Donlon Way
P Lyon's Brewery
7249 San Ramon Road
B Emery Pub
5800 Shellmound, 95608
(415) 653-0444
M Golden Pacific
(415) 547-8270
B Brewpub on the Green
3350 Stevenson Blvd, 94538
(415) 651-5510
B Buffalo Bills
1082 B Street, 94541
(415) 886-9823
P,R Kensington Circus
389 Colusa
Larkspur Landing
B Marin
1809 Larkspur Landing Circle, 94939
(415) 461-4677
S John Perkins Wine Merchant
849 East Stanley Blvd
R Mrs. Coffee & Belgian Bistro
Nob Hill Shopping Center
H Custom Chem Lab
2127 Research Drive
Los Altos
C Pete's
(415) 964-7383
Menlo Park
S Beltramos
1540 El Camino Real
Mountain View
B Tied House
954 Villa Street, 94041
(415) 965-2739
B Pacific Coast
906 Washington Street, 94607
(415) 836-2739
S Toms Liquors
3354 Grand
S T Marasco Selections
2001 Mountain Bouelvard
Palo Alto
B Gordon Biersch
640 Emerson, 94301
(415) 323-7723
P Landon House
630 Ramona
R Haut Chocolates
6654 Koll Center Parkway, #333
P,R Union Jack
725 Main Street
H U Brew equipment
(415) 846-1991
Port Costa
P,R Warehouse Cafe
5 Canyon Lake Drive
San Carlos
P,R Cheshire
1494 El Camino Real
San Francisco
M Anchor
(415) 863-8350
P,C Nordstrom's Pub
1st Floor Nordstroms
B San Fracisco
155 Colombus Avenue
(415) 434-3344
B Sea Cliff Cafe
1801 Clement, 94121
(415) 386-6266
restaurant only
P Bloomers
3155 Scott
S Cannery Wine Cellars
2801 Leavenworth
S Coit Liquors
585 Colombus
S Cost Plus
2598 Taylor
P Dewey's
St. Francis Hotel, 335 Powell
P Edinburgh Castle
950 Geary
S Jug Shop
1567 Pacific
P,R Lehrs Greenhouse
750 Sutter Street
R Le Petit Cafe
2164 Larkin
S Mr. Liquor
250 Taravel Street
P Toronado
547 haight
H Home Brew Companay
2328 Taravel Street
San Jose
B Winchester
820 South Winchester, 95128
(408) 243-7561
R Hechburg Von Germania
261 North Second Street
P Brittania Arms #1
1087 South Saratoga - Sunnyvale
P Brittania Arms #2
5027 Almaden Expressway
R Mountain Mikes Pizza
1275 Piedmont Road
H Fermentation Settlement
1211 C Kentwood
San Leandro
M Lind
(415) 562-0866
opening Aug '89
H Brewmaster
2315 Verna Court
H Williams Brewing
(415) 895-BREW
San Mateo
P Prince of Wales
106 East 25th Avenue
San Rafael
P Mayflower Inn
1533 4th Street
H Great Fermentation of Marin
87 Larkspur
Walnut Creek
B Devil Mountain
850 South Broadway, 94596
(415) 935-2337
M Microbrewery or Brewery
B Brewpub or Brewstaurant
C Contract Brewery
P Pub
R Restaurant or Deli
S Retail Sotre
H Homebrew Shop
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Date: Tue, 24 Oct 89 10:40:59 -0700
From: John S. Watson <watson at ames.arc.nasa.gov>
Subject: Tragedy
Hi Folks,
Yesterday, I awoke to a noise that was kind of like a loud pop.
Then there was this interesting sound, like a water fall.
And as I slowly became more conscious, I remembered that I made some
barley wine the day before. The horror, the HORROR!
So I raced to the kitchen to find my carboy spewing rawish wort
all over the place. It looks like about a gallon of the wort had blown out.
I guess I was lucky to be around when it happened, because I was
able to replace the discharge tube, and clean things up before it soaked
into the apartment below. I also added another gallon of spring water
to the carboy to replace the lost wort (risky, but I felt that since the
original spring water was ok, this would be also. Though the barley wine
would be weaker, 12 pounds of sugars as aposed to 15 at the start [see below],
it would still end up plenty strong. As of this morning the yeast
is still very active, so I didn't shock it or anything).
So the BIG question I have is, how do I prevent this tragic event from
happening again? Do I filter it better before it goes into a carboy?
What do you folks use? Cheescloth? Coffee filters?
Other questions that I've had lately:
1) Why does my specific gravity (measurements?) always come out
much lower than number given in the recipe?
For example, barley wine I made had (with 5 gallons water) contained:
12 pounds of California light malt extract syrup
2 pounds honey
0.5 pounds crystal malt
1.0 cup chocolate malt
With this amount of ingredients I'd expect a specific gravity of
over 1.100. But my reading at 70 degrees F was 1.056!
Lots of other times I've made worts which the s.p. comes out much
lower than that given in the recipe, 1.022 and I get 1.012,
or 1.042 and I get 1.032.
What gives? Bad hydrometer? Do different malts syrups contribute
differently to the s.p?
2) For yesterdays barley wine I used champagne yeast.
How will this effect the final flavor of the beer?
Thanks all,
John S. Watson
ARPA: watson at ames.arc.nasa.gov
UUCP: ...!ames!watson
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Date: Tue, 24 Oct 89 8:34:20 PDT
From: Martin A. Lodahl <pbmoss!mal at hplabs.HP.COM>
Subject: That's the Breaks!
Mike Kahn asked a few cogent questions in HBD 285:
"One, what is the difference between a bitter and a pale ale?"
The container, Mike. A pale ale is, by and large, a bottled bitter.
The term "Bitter" generally is used (with a few notable exceptions,
such as Fuller's ESB) to denote a kegged or casked ale.
"Two, what is malt extract?"
Concentrated wort. The major weakness in the process of brewing
with extracts is that we can't control either the composition or
process involved in producing the extract, which makes our final
result less predictable than if we were starting from grains alone.
"Three, what exactly is Irish Moss and what is its purpose?"
It is a species of algae, known to the processed food industry as
carageenan. My understanding of its purpose is to enhance protein
flocculation, and possibly to aid in fining. I've only used it
once, and it didn't seem to make enough of a difference (in fact, I
couldn't detect any difference at all) to justify fooling with.
In the same issue (one of the classics!), Patrick T. Garvin asked:
"Could someone post an explanation of what hot and cold breaks are?"
The breaks, as I understand it, are formed when protein clumps
("flocculates") and precipitates out of the wort. Some of this
occurs during the boil (the "hot break", surprisingly enough), and
seems to need both the high temperature and the "kick" of a vigorous
boil to really do its thing. A larger volume of flocculation (in my
batches, anyway) occurs when the temperature is reduced after the
boil, and the faster it's reduced the greater the (cold) break.
These proteins are possible culprits in elusive "off" flavors, and
are definitely major causes of chill haze. You're better off
leaving them in the bottom of the boiler.
- Martin
= Martin A. Lodahl Pac*Bell Minicomputer Operations Support Staff =
= pacbell!pbmoss!mal -or- mal at pbmoss.Pacbell.COM 916.972.4821 =
= If it's good for ancient Druids, runnin' nekkid through the wuids, =
= Drinkin' strange fermented fluids, it's good enough for me! 8-) =
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Date: Tue, 24 Oct 89 13:53:29 mdt
From: att!iwtio!korz at hplabs.HP.COM
Subject: Some simple answers
>From: Mike Kahn <mike at stat.washington.edu>
>Subject: Some (hopefully) simple questions
>One, what is the difference between a bitter and a pale ale?
A bitter _is_ a pale ale. Pale ales are ales that are paler than
brown ales. The two pale ales that come to my mind are: Bitters
and India Pale Ale or IPA. The most concentrated description
of styles I've ever seen is in the National Homebrew Competition
entry form which can be found in several Zymurgy issues each year.
>Two, what is malt extract? For example, is light, unhopped malt extract
>simply concentrated light, dry malt? If not, what is different?
Dry malt extract is malt extract syrup without the water.
I don't know the exact percentages for conversion, but dry
malt extract has a little more fermentable sugar by weight
than syrup (because the water weighs a finite amount).
Personally, I use the two interchangably, pound-for-pound,
and don't worry about it.
>Three, what exactly is Irish Moss and what is its purpose?
I have no idea what Irish Moss actually is, but it's purpose
is to remove proteins from your wort so you don't get chill
haze in your finished product.
Sorry, I have no expertise with spiced beer.
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Date: Tue, 24 Oct 89 13:55:09 mdt
From: att!iwtio!korz at hplabs.HP.COM
Subject: oxidation
>From: Martin A. Lodahl <pbmoss!mal at hplabs.HP.COM>
>Subject: Trub Management
> eight-year-old asked, "why don't you just use
> your lauter tun?" My jaw dropped. Since the
> wort is already cool, oxidation is not a problem.
The reason that oxidation is not a problem is not because the
wort is cool, rather because before yeast goes into its fermentation
stage of life, it goes through a respiration stage during which it
NEEDS oxygen. Boiling drives off oxygen (and all other dissolved
gasses, for that matter) so that you need to aerate your wort before
pitching your yeast. After fermentation begins, you then need to
be careful to not introduce oxygen.
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Date: Tue, 24 Oct 89 13:39:52 PDT
From: kron at Sun.COM (Kenneth Kron)
Subject: Can yeast act on jelatin (sp?)
I have a question posed by a fellow homebrewer who doesn't have
access. He had a batch that brewed in the cellar for some time (I
can't remember how long) when he thought fermentation had slowed enough
he brought it upstairs and put some jelatin (sp?, to clear it up) in
it. After he did that it continued bubling for the next few weeks and
he's wondering if the yeast could be acting on the jelatin or if it
might be dangerous to drink the beer now. Any info?
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Date: Tue, 24 Oct 89 17:58:25 PDT
From: felix at Warbucks.AI.SRI.COM (Francois Felix INGRAND)
Subject: Glue for label
What kind of glue do you use to put label on your bottles?
Last night I tried a mix of water and floor, but it does not work very
Thanks in advance,
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End of HOMEBREW Digest #286, 10/25/89
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