HOMEBREW Digest #315 Mon 04 December 1989
Rob Gardner, Digest Coordinator
Re: Too much priming sugar (kipps)
Porter, Perhaps? (Martin A. Lodahl)
Micro update ("2645 RUTH, GUY R.")
Denver trip ("FEINSTEIN")
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Date: Fri, 01 Dec 89 11:11:23 -0800
From: kipps at etoile.ICS.UCI.EDU
Subject: Re: Too much priming sugar
I've never put in that much priming sugar before, but it seems to me
you have three options:
1) pack up your bottles tight and cross your fingers.
2) put the bottles in the fridge; this will at least slow the yeast
down a bit.
3) drink it quickly or have some friends over for a lot of homebrew
- -Jim Kipps
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Date: Fri, 1 Dec 89 8:54:19 PST
From: Martin A. Lodahl <pbmoss!mal at hplabs.HP.COM>
Subject: Porter, Perhaps?
In HOMEBREW Digest #314, Toufic Boubez observes:
" ... For my next batch, I'm looking for a certain
flavour, taste, texture, ...
Dark beer, not bitter, but kinda sweet (not too sweet), smooth,
creamy with a strong head. Sort-of between Tartan and Guinness
draft ..."
A porter, perhaps? May I suggest:
Martin's PORTER
Being a recipe for porter in the traditional English style, almost.
3 lbs 2-row pale lager malt
10 oz black patent malt
8 oz wheat malt
4 lbs Scottish light malt extract
12 AAU Northern Brewer hops (bittering)
1 oz Fuggles hops (finishing)
3 tsp yeast energizer
Edme ale yeast
1 tsp gelatin (finings)
0.5 cup corn sugar (priming)
Mash-In: 3 min in 6 qts water at 122F (strike heat: 126F)
Mash pH: 5.0-5.5
Protein Rest: 30 min at 131F
Starch Conversion: 60 min at 150-141F (longer is better)
Mash-Out: 5 min at 168F
Sparge: 2 gal at 168-160F
Boil: 60 minutes. Add extract, energizer,
and bittering hops at start. Add finishing
hops 10 minutes before the end. Force-cool
and bring volume to 5 gallons. Pitch.
If the result doesn't have enough "body", you might try substituting
unmalted barley for the wheat malt, and extend the starch conversion
rest to 2 hours. Since you specify "not bitter", you'll also want
to cut the bittering hops back to 8 AAU or so.
= Martin A. Lodahl Pac*Bell Minicomputer Operations Support Staff =
= pacbell!pbmoss!mal -or- mal at pbmoss.Pacbell.COM 916.972.4821 =
= If it's good for ancient Druids, runnin' nekkid through the wuids, =
= Drinkin' strange fermented fluids, it's good enough for me! 8-) =
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Date: 1 Dec 89 16:38:00 MDT
From: "2645 RUTH, GUY R." <grruth at sandia.gov>
Subject: Micro update
I was talking with a gentleman from Tijeras, NM (couple miles east of
Albuquerque) who is in the process of obtaining equipment for what he plans
to call the Manzano Mountain Brewery. The beers he will produce will have the
Class Axe label. Not sure which styles he will produce, but probably at
least one will be an ale. Steve, the owner/brewmeister, likes to add a
touch of wheat malt to his beers. Usually, the quantity of wheat malt is not
sufficient to classify his beers as weizen. Steve is a member of a rock
group with the same name as his label and uses his gigs as a vehicle for test
marketing his product. Right now he can only give his beer away, but later
when he's got his license and the remainder of his equipment that will be the
end of the free ride. Steve said he plans to let the local beer club sample
his test batches. I'm not sure I like being a guinea pig so I hope he at least
tries some first.
=== Guy
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Date: 1 Dec 89 17:45:00 EDT
From: "FEINSTEIN" <crf at pine.circa.ufl.edu>
Subject: Denver trip
Hello, everyone!
I've returned from my Denver vacation, and should like to share some thoughts
on some of the brews I got to drink there.
First, another round of thanks to those who sent me info on the Denver area;
it certainly came in handy! I got to the Old Chicago (Paulaner Salvator on
tap!! HEAVEN!!), the Boulder Brewing Company (see below), and to Liquormart
(overwhelming!), but not to the Wynkoop. But then, that leaves something for
next time! :-)
It was my joy to finally get my hands on some Old Peculier, which I enjoyed
enormously. And also some Sierra Nevada brand brews, as well as Sam Adams
lagar (very good!).
In Denver it was of course no problem to get my hands on a six-pack of Coor's
Winterfest beer, their special holiday brew. To my mind, it's far and away
the best Coors product I've ever encountered. A lager, Winterfest had
considerably more body and taste than other Coors brews. It also struck me as
more highly hopped, especially as regards finishing hops. Overall, it had a
really crisp taste, and a nice finish that didn't linger overlong. Winterfest
went *very* well with meals.
My trip to the Boulder Brewing Co. was a bit of a mixed bag. Unbeknownest to
my friend and myself, during the winter there is only one tour a day, at 11
AM. So, touring the brewery was out. But, the tasting room was both open,
and deserted-- our good fortune, because it really gave us to chat with a few
people who work there (and who were extremely nice, and helpful, even giving
us directions to Liquormart).
Which led to our *real* stroke of luck: we got our hands on a brand-new
Boulder product, not yet really on the market; their new stout! They opened
some for us to taste, commenting that they had recently changed to new
bottles, and their filling machines had been bottling the new stout during the
adjustment period. As a result, they had lots of over- and underfilled
bottles. Thus, we were able to buy a six-pack for $3.00!
The stout itself is totally unlike any other that I, personally, have ever
encountered. It seemed slightly lighter on the traditional "burnt" flavor
from Black Patent; instead it was literally the "nuttiest" beer I've ever
tasted. And I don't just mean "nutty"-- I mean it was ***!!!NUTTY!!!***
There is honestly no other word I can think of to use! My companion had
precisely the same reaction. Also, the stout was very well hopped. Overall,
I found it very different, and thoroughly enjoyable. However, I feel I should
also say that I'm very certain that it will not be to everyone's taste.
Other highlights: Lindeman's Lambic Kriek and Framboise. While I enjoyed
both, the Kriek had a really wierd finish to it. I think that this was partly
due to the "sour" side of the sour cherries used, but mostly due to the wild
yeast; it was that kind of taste. The Framboise was sheer heaven!
I had one other stroke of good fortune: I was able to get some Chimay Grande
Reserve (i.e., "White Label") Trappist ale! I have wanted to taste this stuff
for *years!* And it didn't disappoint me in the least! Absolutely the
richest ale I've ever tasted, and one of the most complex in character. It's
strong finish makes it an excellent dessert beer-- in that I concur with
Michael Jackson.
As can no doubt be discerned, I tippled my way through an excellent vacation!
And, in case anyone is wondering: the weather was absolutely gorgeous, and
*warm*! It didn't turn cold until last Saturday, and there was no snow (even
in the high country) until Sunday.
My thanks again to those who advised me!
Yours in Carbonation,
Cher Feinstein
Univ. of Fla.
Gainesville, FL
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End of HOMEBREW Digest #315, 12/04/89
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