HOMEBREW Digest #3378 Sat 15 July 2000
Digest Janitor: janitor@hbd.org
Many thanks to the Observer & Eccentric Newspapers of
Livonia, Michigan for sponsoring the Homebrew Digest.
URL: http://www.oeonline.com
raspberry wheat ("lauritsm")
sanitary welds (LyndonZimmermann)
Raw wheat, Redbacks ("Graham Sanders")
Fish net stockings (Ray Kruse)
Controlling Oxidation - ?? ("Poirier, Bob")
Crocodiles, Spiders and snakes, oh my! ("Dave Edwards")
RE: Burners for RIMS (john.mcgowan)
(Edward Doernberg)
sake digest (Jim Liddil)
Stupid Summer Brewer Tricks ("Penn, John")
Brew Wars (5) and mycotoxins (?) ("Brian Lundeen")
Re Sanitary Welds ("John Palmer")
Drinking age, motorcycles, & irrationality ("Brett A. Spivy")
Oz types (William Frazier)
Re: Drinking age, motorcycles, & irrationality (Some Guy)
David Lamotte's Millionaire lament ("John Stegenga")
Ommegang Brewery (Clark)
Re: What to do with 100 pounds of wheat? (Jeff Renner)
Re: RE: Burners for RIMS (Some Guy)
Musings From The Baromobile (Category Five) ("Phil & Jill Yates")
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JANITORS on duty: Pat Babcock and Karl Lutzen (janitor@hbd.org)
Date: Fri, 14 Jul 2000 00:38:59 -0700
From: "lauritsm" <lauritsm at email.msn.com>
Subject: raspberry wheat
I want to make a raspberry wheat and would like to know if it works better
to put the berries into the boil, primary fermentation or secondary? Any
help would be appreciated and you may respond to my address.
Lauritsm at msn.com
"Why don't we drink beer till we get our shit together and then just go for
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Date: Fri, 14 Jul 2000 16:05:41 +0930
From: LyndonZimmermann <lyndonz at senet.com.au>
Subject: sanitary welds
I'm not so familiar with the beer industry, but in the wine industry all
welds are done internally. An external "110% penetration" weld - looks like
it's been welded inside - is possible but usually only with automation.
The welds can't be porous, because the bugs and corrosion live in the holes.
The major problem with welding stainless is shrinkage - the current
generally has to be ramped down at the end to cool the pool gently, and
prevent a shrinkage hole where you pull the torch away. There's a technical
name for this that escapes me. Shrinkage is also the reason stainless is
better welded with a pulse machine.
The welds have to be smooth, so the trub etc can be washed off. Again, this
is more important with wine because of tartrates.
The weld haze should be prevented by back-gassing, etching with hydrofluoric
acid or polishing. The amateur won't get HF - it eats glass and just loves
the calcium in you're bones! Again, bugs and corrosion live under the haze.
The welds can't leave crevices.
Good luck.
Lyndon Z
Lyndon Zimmermann
BE (Mech Adel) Grad Dip Bus Admin (UniSA)
24 Waverley St, Mitcham, South Australia, 5062
tel +61-8-8272 9262 mobile 0414 91 4577 fax +61-8-8172 1494
email lyndonz at senet.com.au URL http://users.senet.com.au/~lyndonz
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Date: Fri, 14 Jul 2000 20:48:17 +1000
From: "Graham Sanders" <craftbrewer at cisnet.COM.AU>
Subject: Raw wheat, Redbacks
>G'day all
>Bill had a query on raw wheat
>>I have acquired 2 bundles of unmalted wheat, 50 pounds in each. One
>>is "golden", the other "red".
>>This is from a farm in upstate PA. I don't actually have it yet, I
>>will pick it up tomorrow.
>>2) Could this be used in beer? I hope so, because that's what I
>>bought it for. Maybe a hefeweizen with the golden, a saison with the
>>red, a dunkelweizen with a combination? I have some Belgian
>>Ardennes yeast on hand. My local shop has Weihenstephen. I hear
>>that Weihenstephen yeast is supposed to be tolerant of high
>>temperatures, and it is a great time to make this beer.
>>Anybody have any experience using unmalted wheat, directly from a
>>farm? I know that wheat can be tough to mash, it sticks, etc. I
>>have heard that it is wise to use rice hulls in the mash with it.
>I have bought a lot of raw wheat from produce stores (making sure its
>suitable for human comsumption), and use them in all my wheat based beers.
>Now I know that the 'purity law' says that malted wheat must be used in
>their beers in germany, but I have made excellent Hefeweisens with raw
>wheat. It can be a bit of a bugger to grind, but running it through a
>corona mill a couple of times seems to do the job well. Protein rests a
>must though, and yes rice hulls also a must.
>And poor Karl
>>I've figured out that I'm not tuff enough to visit!!!! You'd have to be
>>to brew in a country where there's SPIDERS [nasty poisonous ones, Redbacks
>>and the like] lurking about everywhere trying to ruin your day. According
>>the Croc Hunter, they're everywhere, waiting to ruin your day! I can
>>infections, stuck mashes, ect. ect... But I'm a little too wimpy to deal
>>poisonous SPIDERS hanging about all over the place. When they said that
>>have to make sure that even when you go to the 'loo in the middle of the
>>night, you need to make sure to turn the light on or you'll get a good wak
>>up call! Stumbling around in the middle of the night I know I wouldn't run
>>into any "Saltys" or snakes but I ain't gonna deal with any spiders
>>to take a bite outa my arse!!!
>Hey just carry arround a 303, or at least a 22 and you should be right.
>Redbacks in the toilet are the least of your worries in the tropics.
>Just wait til the thrill you will get when a green tree frog the size of
>your fist jumps onto that bit thats hangs down. Seems the buggers just
>living in the toilet , just under the rim, and just get a bit upset when
>bomb them. no wonder they latch onto anything when he bombardment starts.
>As for the fair sex, well after an experience like that in the toilet,
>you'll get no action for months. They feel so dirty afterwards, for some
>Graham Sanders
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Date: Fri, 14 Jul 2000 07:26:40 -0400
From: Ray Kruse <rkruse at bigfoot.com>
Subject: Fish net stockings
Phil or Jill Yates wrote:
If Ray is going to baulk at dressing up in suspenders and fish net
stockings, well I am going to need a capable bloke like yourself to help
Phil, you've obviously had too much rice lager. It's Eric that wears
the fish net stockings in the family. I'm the one with the bib
overalls. Just like with you and Jill, where she wears the pants and
the cat o'nine tails.
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Date: Fri, 14 Jul 2000 07:11:42 -0500
From: "Poirier, Bob" <Bob_Poirier at adc.com>
Subject: Controlling Oxidation - ??
I ran across something interesting while reading Evaluating
Beer, a compilation of articles edited by Brewers Publications
(NAYY, and the ISBN 0-937381-37-3). The article is called
Origins Of Normal And Abnormal Flavor, by Ted Konis of the
Siebel Institute. The specific passage that caught my attention
can be found on pages 101-103, under the heading Oxidation.
The author mentions methods of controlling oxidation introduced
into beer post fermentation. Two options are presented, the
first being a process called purging, where CO2 is bubbled
through the beer, which of course causes a lot of foaming.
The air is driven out of the beer and is replaced with CO2.
But, the author warns that such rough handling will certainly
affect the brew's head (it will be decreased).
The second option mentioned is the widespread use (according
to the author) of antioxidants such as potassium metabisulfite
and sodium metabisulfite. He also states that many brewers
have switched to the use of ascorbic acid or ascorbates as
reducing agents.
Has anyone ever used either of these techniques to control
oxidation in homebrew, or is this something that is useful
only to the Big Boyz??
Bob Poirier
East Haven, CT
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Date: Sat, 15 Jul 2000 10:24:25 +0930
From: "Dave Edwards" <eddiedb at senet.com.au>
Subject: Crocodiles, Spiders and snakes, oh my!
Mr. Wimpy wrote:
But I'm a little too wimpy to deal with
| poisonous SPIDERS hanging about all over the place.
The name suits you perfectly mate. Do you have any idea how big a redback
is? We're talking about 1cm long, and that's a big one! The only people that
have to fear them are small kids and the elderly. I have been bitten by
these little buggers no less than 5 times, none of which required a visit to
hospital. Sure I felt a bit crook for a while, but it's not that bad. To
tell the truth, I'm a lot more scared of a brown snake leaping out of the
dunny at me, than some pissant little spider.Brown sankes are quite known to
do this.
The spiders that you have to worry about though, are those bloody funnel
webs that live around Sydney. One of them bites you, and gives you enough
venom, you're gone. We'll leave it at if the hospital is an eleven minute
run away, you'll cark it one minute short.
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Date: Fri, 14 Jul 2000 08:48:01 -0400
From: john.mcgowan at us.abb.com
Subject: RE: Burners for RIMS
Karl, Wimpy48124, asks:
if anyone knows of a good place to
order burners from?
Metal Fusion (makers of King Kooker), no affiliation and all necessary
disclaimers, will sell you the cast-iron heating elements (ie with no stand etc)
for $15 each + S/H. When I built my system, I purchased 3 elements plus 3 needle
valves (at $4.33 each) the S/H was $6.00 for a total of $64. SInce then I have
added an electric heating loop RIMS so I don't use the MLT burner very much
(Although I find it helpful to heat some water in the botton of the MLT - to
about 1 inch above the screen - prior to dough in). Your choice. For 15 bucks,
I'd go for flexibility.You'll need to plumb everything yourself, but it's easy.
Metal Fusion
712 St. George Ave
Jefferson, LA 70121
504.736.0201 or 800.783.3885
One thing you should know: Metal Fusion does not accept credit cards. So you'll
have to call them, place your order, then send them a check. Once the check
clears, they send you the goods. For me the total elapsed time was a little less
than two weeks from order to receipt. Your experience may vary.
John McGowan
Clandestine Brewery
(ie, Built on the sly)
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Date: Fri, 14 Jul 2000 21:01:32 +0800
From: Edward Doernberg <shevedd at q-net.net.au>
Jeff Renner >>
If you re consider some of the quotes you maid in the post below considering
the other meaning of alkalinity it makes a little more sense.
Alkalinity other wise known as buffering capacity is the ability of a
solution to resist a change in pH. It is the same as the KH (carbonate
hardens predominantly made up of carbonate and by bicarbonate) in most
untreated water supplies but is affected by any treatment aiming to change
or stabilise the pH.
If you take this alterant meaning for alkalinity into account SOME of the
mistakes look SLIGHTLY less blatant. But only slightly.
Date: Thu, 6 Jul 2000 14:08:59 -0400
From: Jeff Renner <nerenner at umich.edu>
Subject: To the Publisher of Brewers Publications
To Toni Knapp, Publisher
Brewers Publications
Dear Ms. Knapp
I've been looking forward to Bavarian Helles as this is a favorite style of
mine, so I picked up a copy at the National Homebrew Conference last month.
I haven't read the book thoroughly, but the section on water chemistry,
specifically p. 70, is so full of errors that jumped out at me that my
confidence in the authority of the rest of the book has been shaken.
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Date: Fri, 14 Jul 2000 06:08:32 -0700 (MST)
From: Jim Liddil <jliddil at VMS.ARIZONA.EDU>
Subject: sake digest
I am in the process of setting up a sake digest. I should have things set
up by tomorrow via my hosting service at liddil.com. I'll post info here
on "joining" . I can't use the s*bscribing word because the autobot code
thinks I want to s at bscribe to the hbd using the post address. :-(
Jim Liddil
North Haven, CT
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Date: Fri, 14 Jul 2000 10:01:37 -0400
From: "Penn, John" <John.Penn at jhuapl.edu>
Subject: Stupid Summer Brewer Tricks
I must be repeating the same old mistakes. Almost had another exploding
"summer" fermentation but I caught this one in time. Last summer's
exploding stout where my 6.5 or 6.8 gallon carboy couldn't hold my 5.5
gallon batch of imperial stout was quite impressive. Hops everywhere and
about a gallon of black stout on the rug. This one was an 4.25 gallon IPA
(~1.065 OG estimated) in a 5+ gallon carboy. I saw that it was fermenting
quite rapidly the morning after brewing and was in the high 70s F (~78F).
Yikes! To prevent a repeat explosion, I loosened the airlock so that if the
hop pellets should start to block the airlock, the pressure would take the
airlock off gently rather than violently. At least that trick turned out to
be a smart move as I found the airlock removed later that day when I
returned home and there were hops around the top of the carboy and next to
it. It was a fairly easy cleanup and I don't think I lost any beer this
time. I tried the wet towel trick on both batches but by then I was just
hoping to hold the temperature steady rather than drop it the usual 5F or
so. The second batch was a 5 gallon strong ale in my other 6.5 or 6.8
gallon carboy. Plenty of headspace for that one too and no problem with
blown off airlocks, but it did ferment quite warm like 80F or so.
My other two mistakes were not cooling some of my pre-boiled water in the
refrigerator. I'm doing mostly extract batches where I boil 1/2 of the
batch and add pre-boiled water to make up the correct volume. In summer its
hard to really cool off those worts with the chiller so I should have added
some of that pre-boiled water to the refrigerator in advance. That would
have gotten my ferments down to the low 70s I think rather than the high 70s
to 80F!
Second mistake was not watching my two boiling worts closely enough and
turning around to find a boilover of wort and hops from one of the batches
on the stove. I should have known better. At least I caught it in a
reasonable time and the cleanup wasn't too bad. A "reasonable time" means
before the wife saw the mess on the stove.
Now for the question, I was trying for a little extra fruityness to the
yeast so I pitched some Munton's dry yeast in addition to my usual
Nottingham yeast. Nottingham is fast and clean and I was hoping for a
little more of a "fruityness" from the Munton's. Of course I realize that
mixing a packet of Munton's and a packet of Nottingham doesn't give me a
50/50 split on taste combination. I actually assume that the Nottingham
probably ate up most of the wort because it is so fast. So any thoughts on
what kind of flavor effects my warm fermentation (78-80F) should yield on
top of my Munton's/Nottingham yeast mix? The IPA is reasonably hopped
(1.065 OG, ~50 IBUs) so I may not notice any subtle effects from the warm
fermentation but the strong ale is kind of a balanced hop bitterness (1.069
OG, ~44 IBUs), sort of like an extra strong Papazian Rocky Raccoon Ale.
IPA (4.25 gallons ~1.065 OG, ~50 IBUs)
~6.6 # M&F extract
12oz brown sugar (start of boil)
1# 60L crystal malt steeped
~15 HBUs Cascade 5.6% (bittering)
~1/2 oz Crystal 2.4% (15 mins-flavor)
~1/2 oz Crystal 2.4% (0 mins-aroma)
Munton's and Nottingham Dry yeast
Rocky & Bullwinkle (5.1 gallons ~1.069 OG, ~44 IBUs)
~6.6 # M&F extract
3# clover honey (at end of boil)
6 oz Demerra sugar (start of boil)
2oz brown sugar (start of boil)
3oz 60L crystal malt steeped
1 oz coriander seeds freshly ground
1 oz ginger sliced
~14 HBUs Cascade 5.6% (bittering)
~1 oz Crystal 2.4% (0 mins-aroma)
Munton's and Nottingham Dry yeast
Normal extract procedures for each batch with a concentrated boil of about
2:1 with pre-cooled pre-boiled water added to each to make up the correct
volume. Rehydrated yeast before pitching. Any thoughts on the yeasts? I
had hoped to resuscitate some belgian ale yeast from a bottle for the Rocky
& Bullwinkle ale but it didn't take so I used what I had.
John Penn
Eldersburg, MD
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Date: Fri, 14 Jul 2000 09:30:49 -0500
From: "Brian Lundeen" <blundeen at rrc.mb.ca>
Subject: Brew Wars (5) and mycotoxins (?)
Category 5 Grand Emperor Phil notices:
> But no where have I noticed any rift between Oz and Yankee brewers.
> Swedish and Yankee brewers, well in this area I have detected
> a degree of
> animosity.
Phil, this pales in comparison to the bad blood between Canadian and St
Louis brewers! I would suggest to John that we meet halfway for a duel of
gushing Fusarium-infected beer bottles that would only stop when one of us
is knocked senseless by a flying bottle cap, or screams "Uncle" from getting
some beer in the eye. Unfortunately, that would put us in the vicinity of
Sioux Falls, South Dakota, where I'm banned for life for my repeated prank
phone calls to city hall asking to speak to Sue.
And speaking of Fusarium (clever segue to get this back on topic), is anyone
familiar with the current state of this issue? What crops are being
affected, what malsters are doing to ensure infected malts aren't passed on
to brewers (commercial or amateur), etc.
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Date: Fri, 14 Jul 2000 08:57:07 -0700
From: "John Palmer" <jjpalmer at gte.net>
Subject: Re Sanitary Welds
Tom asked what defines a sanitary weld for brewing equipment and how
to describe it to a welder.
As he guessed, a sanitary weld is free of cracks and porosity that can
harbor bacteria and serve as an initiation site for corrosion. A
sanitary weld can be produced by any welding method, but some methods
will require more clean up and dressing than others. Shielded Metal
Arc welding (stick arc) tends to leave very rough weld metal and needs
grinding and smoothing to make it "sanitary". MIG and TIG tend to make
smoother weld beads and typically don't need grinding. Welder skill
plays a big role of course.
After welding, you will want to use a stainless steel cleanser to
clean away the oxidation/discoloration to improve the corrosion
resistance of the weld area, as I mentioned two days ago.
John Palmer
jjpalmer at realbeer.com
Palmer House Brewery and Smithy
How To Brew - the book
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Date: Fri, 14 Jul 2000 11:48:17 -0500
From: "Brett A. Spivy" <baspivy at softdisk.com>
Subject: Drinking age, motorcycles, & irrationality
Good day all, I trust this finds everyone well.
I once lived in a municipality that had split drinking ages based on
sex. It was though, contingent on the female being married. This
allowed a 17 y/o woman that was married to a 21 y/o man to go into a bar
together. I personally thought that was quite rational.
What I find quite irrational is that we have no standard age of
majority. I mean one age where you are 1. tried as an adult, 2. can
sign contracts as an adult, 3. can fight and die for you country as an
adult, and 4. drink as an adult.
Tom wrote (in part):
Here's an irrationality for you - in Illinois, there is a mandatory
seatbelt law, but no helmet law for motorcycles. Go figure...
Tom, in Rockford IL
Doesn't seem that irrational to me . . . while seatbelts can hold a
driver "in the bucket" during a crisis or collision thereby preventing
them from bouncing off of other humans in the car and allowing him / her
the opportunity to regain control of the vehicle, helmets serve no such
function. In point of fact, when helmet laws are repealed, reported
deaths and paralysis from motorcyle-automobile accidents go DOWN --
mostly because overall motocyle-automobile accidents drop by as much as
half. What you can see, you can avoid!
Brett A. Spivy
Stolen Cactus Brewery & Conservative Libertarian Stump
'80 FLH custom
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Date: Fri, 14 Jul 2000 17:42:48 +0000
From: William Frazier <billfrazier at worldnet.att.net>
Subject: Oz types
A couple of weeks ago I posted "The latest National Geographic has a great,
detailed map of Australia. If you Oz types would tell us where you live we
could find you on the map." I've about worn out my map looking you guys and
gals up as you posted your messages concerning the details of brewing beer
down under. So, a tally of where you Oz types hail from is in order. The
results are;
Western Australia - Adam and Edward
South Australia - Thomas, Lyndon, Dave, Darren, tziersch(?),
Brad and Peter
Queensland - Lyndon (seems like he's all alone up there)
New South Wales - Scott, Phil (& Jill), Regan, David and Graeme
Then there are the Ozettes that still don't tell us where they live -
Darren, Luke, Grant and recently Sue. I'll excuse Sue since she seems to be
new to the HBD. So it seems like there are more brewers in South Australia,
especially around Adelaide. Sounds like a nice place.
In my Land-Of-Oz where Dorothy, Toto and the Tin Man once roamed it's high
summer and quite hot (37C) with high humidity, no wind and no rain in sight.
I was down in Lawrence, Kansas working on my son's lawn the other day and
after a few hours searched for a cold one. I had given him a case of Wit
Beer that I brewed back in February for just such a day. It was ice cold
and very refreshing. One of you Oz posters mentioned that in your very hot
conditions ice cold beer is a treat. I can relate to that. You Ozettes
might want to brew up a batch so it will be ready when your summer rolls around.
Briarpatch Wit Beer 5 US gallons (you can do the conversions)
Pilsner malt 4.75 lbs
Wheat malt 2.75
Flaked Wheat 0.50
White sugar 1.00
total 9.00
Hallertau Mittelfruh leaf hops 4.0%aa 1.0 oz 75 min
Crystal leaf hops 4.9%aa 0.5 oz 15 min
Coriander seeds, crushed 0.5 oz steep
Zest of one lemon steep
Crystal leaf hops 0.25 oz steep
I calculate the IBU at 21.7. I understand that you can't get
leaf hops in Australia for homebrew. You probably will want
to use 10 to 25% less hops if you will be using pellets. This
beer shouldn't be real bitter.
Brewed in soft water with a little added calcium chloride
Mash at 155F for 60 minutes
Boil 90 minutes
Force cool
Ferment with a large starter of Wyeast 3944 Belgian Witbier
Basement temperature during fermentation around 60F
OG - 1046, FG - 1006
Bottled with 4 Primetabs per bottle for a nice, big head
Now, at 7 months of age it's a very good, refreshing beer. Nice bitterness
but not overt and a nice flavor (sort of mildly spicey). Has a very nice
aroma that I believe is due to the Crystal hops. In other words, I think
I'll have another this afternoon after I put the bird netting over my
vineyard. It will be quite warm by then.
Bill Frazier
Olathe, Kansas USA
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Date: Fri, 14 Jul 2000 13:35:30 -0500
From: Nathan Kanous <nlkanous at pharmacy.wisc.edu>
Actually, judging by the height of the little basket thingy on my grill,
you may very well still be alive had you been standing near your
grill. However, you may very well have been missing your....your...well,
your thingy. Go for this one Mr. Yates.
nathan in madison, wi
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Date: Fri, 14 Jul 2000 17:49:22 -0400 (EDT)
From: Some Guy <pbabcock at hbd.org>
Subject: Re: Drinking age, motorcycles, & irrationality
Greetings, Beerlings! Take me to your lager...
On Fri, 14 Jul 2000, Brett A. Spivy" wrote...
> Doesn't seem that irrational to me . . . while seatbelts can hold a
> driver "in the bucket" during a crisis or collision thereby preventing
> them from bouncing off of other humans in the car and allowing him / her
> the opportunity to regain control of the vehicle, helmets serve no such
> function. In point of fact, when helmet laws are repealed, reported
> deaths and paralysis from motorcyle-automobile accidents go DOWN --
> mostly because overall motocyle-automobile accidents drop by as much as
> half. What you can see, you can avoid!
Nah! The ol' brain buckets are a convenience for the Morgue. Yup! They put
what's left of most motorcycle accident victims in one compact carrying
case, and the face and dental work always remains intact for easy
identification. Kind of like putting stock brokers in a big zip-loc bag
before they're allowed to jump during a market crash.
Oh yeah: beer.
- --
See ya!
Pat Babcock in SE Michigan pbabcock at hbd.com
Home Brew Digest Janitor janitor@hbd.org
HBD Web Site http://hbd.org
The Home Brew Page http://hbd.org/pbabcock
"The monster's back, isn't it?" - Kim Babcock after I emerged
from my yeast lab Saturday
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Date: Fri, 14 Jul 2000 09:56:40 -0400
From: "John Stegenga" <john at stegenga.net>
Subject: David Lamotte's Millionaire lament
List Resident Aussie David Lamotte quoted the America show "who wants to be
a millionaire" and commented:
>"What would you do if you won the million dollars ?"
>"Well ......., I guess I would spend the first $900,000 on women and beer,
>and then basically just waste the rest"
>So Phil, if I ever win a million, I now know who to share it with....
>David Lamotte
>Brewing in the Burradoo tropics
>Newcastle, N.S.W Australia
Well, David, just goes to show you that American Public Education
(government schools) truely suck.
Poor sap obviously didn't realize that the "imperial federal government",
his state and local governments, etc.,
would have a go at the first $400,000 or so... leaving the guy with a mere
$600,000 to spend on them
necessities (beer and women)...
Hope things are better with the tax man "down under", but if you're
successful here in the States,
the government does their level best to make you pay for it.
John C. Stegenga, Jr., Woodstock, GA.
Visit my website: http://www.stegenga.net
Need to search the web? http://www.stegenga.net/searchpage.htm
Want your own STEGENGA.NET website? Ask Me How!
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Date: Fri, 14 Jul 2000 21:21:51 -0400
From: Clark <clark at capital.net>
Subject: Ommegang Brewery
Hi List,
Took a day trip with the family this past Wednesday, and stopped in at the
Ommegang Brewery in Cooperstown on the way back. They have a beautiful new
facility and it was a treat take the tour. They are making their three
beers in as true to Belgian style as possible using an open fermentation in
a five thousand gallon tank. Our tour guide did not have a lot of in depth
information to pass along but he did say that the yeast that they use does
well at temperatures around 80 degrees F. Does this sound accurate? I
questioned it and he said that they normally ferment at this temperature.
They apparently use the same yeast in all of their brews - Ommegang,
Hennepin and Rare Vos. The Ommegang and Hennepin are both outstanding
beers while the Rare Vos has been toned down a bit for American tastes.
Disclaimer here....no affiliation, just a satisfied consumer. Our guide
went on to say that the beer is filtered and fresh yeast is added just
before bottling for bottle conditioned beer. The same yeast is used for
conditioning as in the primary ferment. I am going to attemp a culture
from a couple bottles of Ommegang and see what happens. Does anyone have a
favorite recipe for a Belgian white to share? If this yeast performs well
at such high temps it would be great to use during the late spring - summer
months, or is this just wishful thinking on my part. Any thoughts out there?
Dave Clark
Eagle Bridge, New York
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Date: Fri, 14 Jul 2000 21:16:05 -0400
From: Jeff Renner <nerenner at umich.edu>
Subject: Re: What to do with 100 pounds of wheat?
Bill Wible <bwible at pond.com> writes:
>I have acquired 2 bundles of unmalted wheat, 50 pounds in each. One
>is "golden", the other "red".
>1) What is the difference between the red and the gold? I remember
>reading something about red wheat being 'winter wheat', or something
>like that.
This isn't enough information to know for sure. Ordinarily, wheat grown in
the Great Lakes area commercially is all soft winter wheat, although there
are certainly exceptions. Hard whet is generally grown in the west, and
spring wheat in the high plains. Sort winter wheat can be either red or
white. I'm not familiar with golden - it may just mean white wheat, or it
could even mean amber durum (pasta) wheat, but I doubt it. So my guess it
that you have red and white soft winter wheat.
Soft winter wheat typically is low in protein (<10%) and the protein, or
gluten, is soft - good for cookies, pie crust, etc., as opposed to bread.
This is also easier to grind and potentially better for brewing.
I have malted soft white winter wheat, but more for fun than practicality.
You can use it raw in any standard Belgian wit beer. A typical grain bill
is 50% malted barley, 45% unmalted wheat, 5% oatmeal. I've never needed
rice hulls.
For a really nice variation on the usual wit, try my ginger wit (recipe in
Cats Meow). The ginger bite replaces the lactic acid nicely, and the
cardomom is another nice subtlity.
Hefeweizen uses malted wheat.
Jeff Renner in Ann Arbor, Michigan USA, c/o nerenner at umich.edu
"One never knows, do one?" Fats Waller, American Musician, 1904-1943.
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Date: Fri, 14 Jul 2000 12:04:37 -0400 (EDT)
From: Some Guy <pbabcock at hbd.org>
Subject: Re: RE: Burners for RIMS
Greetings, Beerlings! Take me to your lager...
Karl, Wimpy48124, asks:
> if anyone knows of a good place to
> order burners from?
Try www.pico-brewing.com! Support those who support us!
- --
See ya!
Pat Babcock in SE Michigan pbabcock at hbd.com
Home Brew Digest Janitor janitor@hbd.org
HBD Web Site http://hbd.org
The Home Brew Page http://hbd.org/pbabcock
"The monster's back, isn't it?" - Kim Babcock after I emerged
from my yeast lab Saturday
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Date: Sat, 15 Jul 2000 13:31:49 +1000
From: "Phil & Jill Yates" <yates at acenet.com.au>
Subject: Musings From The Baromobile (Category Five)
With wings of great swiftness, I sped forth North in the infamous Baromobile
to visit the incorrigible Dave Lamotte of Newcastle.
With mobile drinking kit on board (actually I neglected to take it - much to
the disappointment of Regan as I sped past his shop with not a drop to
offer), it was a fast and furious trip.
"Lousy Arse" !! I heard Regan yell as I gunned the Baromobile down the main
drag of Clovelly.
Some 600 kms later, the Baromobile and I are home with two eighty litre
cornys (one is for Wes) and a few samples from Dave for us to test. I did
leave a little sample for Dave but he looked somewhat wary.
"What's this"? he asked, "a urine sample from those Boof Headed
Actually he didn't mention this, but I am in the mood for incurring the
wrath of those South Australian twits.
Anyway Dave, as I mentioned, your offerings (though I am not sure I can
mention your wine in here) will in due course be soundly made mockery of and
reported upon by Wes and I on the "Baron's Of Burradoo Official Insult
I was hoping to provide an appraisal on a bottle of porter to the HBD which
the "now famous" Ray Kruse was sending to me many weeks ago. But I have seen
no sign of it.
Ray himself gave such a terrible report on his porter that I suspect he
chickened out and flew to Hawaii to intercept it before it got any further.
Either that or the Customs boys noticed an obnoxious odour coming from the
package and destroyed it.
Makes you wonder though.
If his skunk oil got through okay,
What the hell did the porter smell like?!!
Baron And General Pain In The Arse
Burradoo Province
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