HOMEBREW Digest #3379 Mon 17 July 2000
Digest Janitor: janitor@hbd.org
Many thanks to the Observer & Eccentric Newspapers of
Livonia, Michigan for sponsoring the Homebrew Digest.
URL: http://www.oeonline.com
Ginger Beer/ Graham the cockroach/Wimpy ("Adam Ralph")
Albany, NY (pub) (darrell.leavitt)
The baron spits the dummie (cat. 5) ("Dr. Pivo")
Oxidation ("A. J.")
1) Raspberry Beer and 2) Belgian Wit (Ted McIrvine)
Helmets (Dave Burley)
Tax, (category 5 by the way) ("Dave Edwards")
Question for Steve Michalek on avoiding off flavors ("Dan Diana")
Yeast rancher alert (stencil)
Inline beer coolers ("Perry Q. Mertz")
Re: Oz Types ("Grant Stott")
Charleston, SC (GarthFanY2k)
spider mites ("Harry & Kat")
What Beers to Mule Home From NYC & BOS? (mohrstrom)
Uh-oh, they're on to me! ("Glen Pannicke")
Malt storage (Ralph Link)
stupid legislature tricks .../acetone .... /Ice expands ! ("Stephen Alexander")
Re: Drinking Ages ("Robert A. Uhl")
Captain America (Frank Tutzauer)
yeast in Chimay blue (Jim English)
Oz types ("Darren Robey")
What to do with 100 pounds of wheat? (RBoland)
The Rift (RBoland)
Reply to William Frazier ("Susan Mcgrath")
* JULY IS AMERICAN BEER MONTH! Take the American Beer
* Pledge of Allegiance! Support your local brewery...
* Beer is our obsession and we're late for therapy!
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JANITORS on duty: Pat Babcock and Karl Lutzen (janitor@hbd.org)
Date: Sat, 15 Jul 2000 19:11:41 WST
From: "Adam Ralph" <bluehillsbrewing at hotmail.com>
Subject: Ginger Beer/ Graham the cockroach/Wimpy
Just to add another variation on the recent N/A ginger beer thread, you can
coat your walls with the following ginger bomb recipe:
Mix 1 tsp of ground ginger, 1 tsp of cream of tartar, and 1 tsp of sugar in
1 cup of water. Leave for 1 day.
Strain off the water and leave the solids in a sealed container for 3 days.
Then begin growing the "ginger beer plant" by adding the solids to 1 cup of
water. Each day for the next 7 days add 1 tsp of ginger and 2 tsp of sugar.
On day 7, strain off the liquid and add to it 2 cups of sugar, the juice of
two lemons, and 14 cups of water.
Drinkable in 7 days.
The remaining solids serve as the beginning of a new plant (which can be
halved to make two plants).
- ----------------------
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Thanks to Bill for providing plenty of laughs by lumping Graham in with the
gentlemen from "South of the border". I could hear him choke from the other
side of the continent.
- ----------------------
- ----------------------
Wimpy, when you do finally get out here, definitely make sure you check
under the lid of ALL outback dunnies for the redbacks (no, not those that
piss on each other from the hills of Adelaide). And be very careful about
anyone from up North that tells you this river or that waterhole is Croc
free. Somehow they find that amusing.
Blue Hills Brewing.
Perth, Western Australia
-180, -180 Renerian (probably).
Get Your Private, Free E-mail from MSN Hotmail at http://www.hotmail.com
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Date: Sat, 15 Jul 2000 07:56:18 -0400 (EDT)
From: darrell.leavitt at plattsburgh.edu
Subject: Albany, NY (pub)
If you are in the Albany, NY area, don't miss George DePiro's Albany
Pump House. Very good brews...and if you are lucky (like we were) a
very informative tour by George.
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Date: Sat, 15 Jul 2000 14:05:28 +0200
From: "Dr. Pivo" <dp at pivo.w.se>
Subject: The baron spits the dummie (cat. 5)
Phil dost protesteth.
He reckons that the mere mention of his name should automatically award
category five status.
I will remind you, Mr. Yates, that you have previously posted some
information regarding the use of adjuncts that was clear category one material.
Mind you, you did rapidly regress to aimless meanderings about skunk
oil, and imaginary women.... but still.
Even Stephen Alexander has recently posted some info about no-sparge
that was dangerously close to category one, respective three, material.
So if any other of you leapards insist on shifting spots, I think that
it is only fair that you warn us.
As to the outpourings of Graham Sanders (from somewhere near where they
"can Cairns in cans"... humour only appreciated with a NQ dialect and an
autographed picture of Jo-Bjelke on your desk, and one of Flo's
lamingtons in hand), I can sincerely see the need to restrict Phil's
traveling, and require visum control at the border.
I would remind you that Phil and I have been planning a little "dive
trip" for some of the more vociferous members of the HBD. It will be
leaving from Port Douglas, and not only are passports not required, they
will not be allowed aboard.
Dr. Pivo
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Date: Sat, 15 Jul 2000 12:50:00 +0000
From: "A. J." <ajdel at mindspring.com>
Subject: Oxidation
Bob Poirier asked if any of us use "...antioxidants such as potassium
and sodium metabisulfite." Yes, I do and many of the readership does as
well though perhaps they don't realize they are doing it. It's automatic
when a nicely sulfury lager yeast is used. The room with the fermenter
often smell like a paper plant (in the words of a guy in my brewing
club) and the result is a healthy level of sulfur dioxide in the beer -
15 to 20 mg/L at the beginning of lagering falling off to around 13 mg/L
after 6 months. (Note: metabite is basically sulfer dioxide in solid
form). The fact that the sulfur dioxide level decreases but that there
is still plenty left after several months says that it is reducing
something but that there is plenty left to hold the beer in a reduced
state for a long time. I don't think it is a coincidence that those old
Bavarian Braumeiseters selected sulfury yeast for their lagers!
Lagers (at least true continental lagers for which it is accepted that
sulfur is part of the profile) prove the worth of reducing agents. Other
beers would doubtless benefit but I have personally never screwed up the
courage required to dump metabite or ascorbic acid into a beer (if you
use the latter you should use the former as well as the oxidation
products of acorbate aren't that nice so why bother with the ascorbate)
even though I keep both on hand. I use metabite in mead without
hesitation and could always give the vitamin C to the dog.
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Date: Sat, 15 Jul 2000 09:25:15 -0700
From: Ted McIrvine <McIrvine at ix.netcom.com>
Subject: 1) Raspberry Beer and 2) Belgian Wit
Mikel "lauritsm" <lauritsm at email.msn.com> asked:
> I want to make a raspberry wheat and would like to know if it works better
> to put the berries into the boil, primary fermentation or secondary? Any
> help would be appreciated and you may respond to my address.
You will get many strongly-held opinions on this one. Most of the fruit
beers I've had don't have enough fruit flavor for my taste. Two pounds
of fruit per gallon should be a usual minimum. I usually add the fruit
to the secondary and do a short tertiary to clear the beer. I think
that one gets more aroma this way. If you are using frozen fruit, you
probably will not have a problem with wild yeasts. If you are using
fresh fruit, lots of interesting wild yeast may be on the berries.
(This happened with one of my most successful lambics. My neighbor had
many raspberry bushes and some wild yeasts had a good time in producing
Hoosier Lambic.) If you are worried about wild yeast, pasteurize the
berries by heating them at 140-150 for 20 minues before adding to the
Clark <clark at capital.net> asks:
> Took a day trip with the family this past Wednesday, and stopped in at the
> Ommegang Brewery in Cooperstown on the way back. They have a beautiful new
> facility and it was a treat take the tour. They are making their three
> beers in as true to Belgian style as possible using an open fermentation in
> a five thousand gallon tank. Our tour guide did not have a lot of in depth
> information to pass along but he did say that the yeast that they use does
> well at temperatures around 80 degrees F. Does this sound accurate?
Yes. Their beer (which I get to drink as often as possible) is very
Belgian in character. There is some controversy regarding fermentation
temperature in Belgian-style brewing. Based on what I've read and been
told, some breweries like low and normal temperatures and others like
the high temperature for the ester production.
> I am going to attemp a culture
> from a couple bottles of Ommegang and see what happens. Does anyone have a
> favorite recipe for a Belgian white to share? If this yeast performs well
> at such high temps it would be great to use during the late spring - summer
> months, or is this just wishful thinking on my part. Any thoughts out there?
Their yeast cultured when I ttried it. I didn't brew with it. I also
don't know which ones are single strain and which are multiple strain.
Here is a Wit recipe, Five Gallons, OG around 50. Adjust for your
4 Lbs DWC Belgian Wheat
4 Lbs DWC Pils
1 Lb Oatmeal
Mash at 145 for 2 hours. Infuse to 170 for mashout. With my neutral
water, I use 1 tablespoon Crosby & Baker Water Crystals, which contain
gypsum and magnesium. A little magnesium is good in some Belgian
Hop gently in an appropriate Belgian manner, perhaps 1 oz Fuggles/EAst
Kent Goldings/Willamette and 1/2 oz each Saaz and German noble hop such
as Tetnang or Hallertauer.
Some brewers, including Celis, use cascade. (If I recall correctly,
Celis White currently uses Cascade as a bittering hop and Willamette as
an aroma hop.)
Near the end of the boil, add 1-2 tsp fresh ground coriander and 1-2 tsp
dried orange peel. I'm sure you will get a million suggestions that are
better than orange peel and they are right. (But that is what I had and
it worked fine.) Ferment and bottle.
Ted in NYC
Rennerian Coordinate: About as far due east without being in the
Atlantic Ocean
or at Ken Johnsen's Homebrew Store.
- --
Ted McIrvine McIrvine at IX.Netcom.Com
(College of Staten Island/CUNY)
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Date: Sat, 15 Jul 2000 09:41:06 -0400
From: Dave Burley <Dave_Burley at compuserve.com>
Subject: Helmets
The subject of helmet laws always gets me extremely agitated. I have (
had) a friend who was strained through the grill of a semi-truck and
another who went over a cliff, both with no helmet. The first, perhaps, no
hope, but the second one lived and his life has been screwed up ever since
by the dead brain tissue caused when his head bounced off a pile of rocks.
Both had high prospects - the first a multimillionaire with a beautiful
wife and kids, the second mid-career and on his way to a high level civil
service post also with a beautiful wife and kids. If you don't think enough
of yourself to wear a helmet, at least, think of the other lives you affect
WHEN you have a wreck and get injured or dead.
I suspect that, if true, the reason there are fewer deaths/accidents after
helmet laws are lifted) may be that there are fewer surviving riders. Ever
think of that? BTW I find this to be one of those urban myths - a quote of
peer reviewed literature, please.
BTW don't ride your bike and drink beer ( there!) . I had another friend
who did that and took out a telephone pole with his Indian Sportsman,
luckily he only lost the vision in one eye for a while. But lately he has
been through many back operations. I wonder....
Wear your helmets and leathers ( ever see skin and meat ripped off of
thighs and arms by blacktop and gravel? I have. ) - don't be childishly
Keep on Brewin'
Dave Burley
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Date: Sun, 16 Jul 2000 12:25:59 +0930
From: "Dave Edwards" <eddiedb at senet.com.au>
Subject: Tax, (category 5 by the way)
John wrote:
| Hope things are better with the tax man "down under"
Don't even get us started on that one mate. Three letters, GST. Got started
about two weeks ago, at least most people over there know how their tax
system works, try explaining ours to the Aussie public.
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Date: Sat, 15 Jul 2000 07:54:34 -0700
From: "Dan Diana" <dands at ftconnect.com>
Subject: Question for Steve Michalek on avoiding off flavors
In considering Budweiser and Michelob, with exception of what I perceive
to be Acetaldehyde, these beers have a very clean palate. Are there any
suggestions as to how you avoid such off flavors as DMS and Diacetyl. I'm
curious if there are specific procedures that could be used during mashing
and boiling as well as during fermentation.
Dan Diana
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Date: Sat, 15 Jul 2000 13:48:06 -0400
From: stencil <stencil at bcn.net>
Subject: Yeast rancher alert
American Science & Surplus (1-847-982-0870) has 500ml separatory
funnels for less than $20 a pop. They're in the current sale flyer
but don't seem to be listed on the website (http://www.sciplus.com/).
Get two, they're glass (Krackeler wants around $50.)
stencil sends
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Date: Sat, 15 Jul 2000 14:19:41 -0500
From: "Perry Q. Mertz" <pqmertz at netweavers.com>
Subject: Inline beer coolers
Want to finally move up to 5 gallon kegs and have the tap available in my
current bar layout. I don't want to do the tap through the frig thing, as
don't have room for another frig in the bar area, do have room for a small
frig in the storage room which I could place on the other side of the wall
and run the line trough it.
OR would it be better to buy a water cooler, coke machine, or are there
other commercial inline coolers that someone is using for beer. I would not
have the frig for lagering, but I do have a frig for that in another
location. Are there problems with just cooling the beer inline? I remember
in college, using the coolers with ice/plates, they seemed to work ok after
you got them running for awhile.
Any ideas or websites would be most appreciated.
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Date: Sun, 16 Jul 2000 22:23:22 +1000
From: "Grant Stott" <gstott at primus.com.au>
Subject: Re: Oz Types
Bill Frazier chastizes my for not providing my location
>Then there are the Ozettes that still don't tell us where they live -
>Darren, Luke, Grant and recently Sue. I'll excuse Sue since she seems to
>new to the HBD. So it seems like there are more brewers in South
>especially around Adelaide. Sounds like a nice place.
I was away for 4 weeks holiday & thought by the time I read bills post it
may have been a bit late. B.t.w. the only decent beer I found in Singapore
was Barons stong ale. Does Jill let Phil stray that far afield?
Since you found Adelaide on the map Melbourne should be a cinch. After all
it has a decent population (read much bigger than Adelaide) and is home to
Aussie rules footy & Carlton & United Brewery (makers of VB & fosters)
Just look to the right a bit & above Tasmania (where decent beer like
Cascade & Boags are brewed) you find the state of Victoria. Melbourne is
approx in the centre east-west, at the bottom. Follow the bay around to the
west approx. 80km (towards Adelaide) & you come to Geelong. This is where I
am from. Victoria's 2nd largest city & home to Corio Bay Brewers.
Bill you wont win any friends over here by referring to us as Ozettes
except perhaps some Sth Australians who might prefer it to being called crow
>In my Land-Of-Oz where Dorothy, Toto and the Tin Man once roamed it's high
>summer and quite hot (37C) with high humidity, no wind and no rain in
>Briarpatch Wit Beer 5 US gallons (you can do the conversions)
No need to taunt us (excluding Graeme) about the weather. Lets just say
doing a lager right now is a cinch & my allgrain stout is almost too cold at
ambient temperature.
Get the slang right, come to terms with our spiders, snakes & croc's & your
welcome to visit anytime.
Grant & Yvonne Stott
Geelong Vic. Australia
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Date: Sat, 15 Jul 2000 23:11:54 EDT
From: GarthFanY2k at cs.com
Subject: Charleston, SC
Afew months ago i posted a request for Homebrew supplie stores in the Myrtle
Beach, SC area. The owner of a store in Charleston replied to my post. If
he is reading this or if anyone knows of the store i am speaking of please
E-Mail me. I am hoping to take the drive to Charleston next weekend for some
stuff!!! Thanks.
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Date: Sat, 15 Jul 2000 22:33:16 -0500
From: "Harry & Kat" <grb2980 at cyber-south.com>
Subject: spider mites
I spent three summers while in college scouting cotton and peanuts in
Southwest Georgia. This job entailed walking through fields of these two
crops looking for critters such as Beet Army worms, Loopers, Cut worms, Boll
Weevils, and Spider Mites. My job was to report back to the farmer their
general location in the field and their strength. Spider mites usually
become critical during periods of hot dry weather. They live on the
underside of the leaves and feed on the veins that carry nutrients through
the leaf. In high concentrations, they will kill the leaf. To find them,
look on the underside of the leaf. They are reddish brown, and they will be
in large numbers. They will cling to your clothing and can easily be spread
to other vegetation. If you find something that is small and green, it's
Here is a safe, environmentally friendly method of getting rid of bugs.
First boil four fingers worth of Red Man chewing tobacco boiled in a quart
of water. Tie it in a nylon stocking to make clean up easy. Mix this with
1 cup of lemon scented dishwashing liquid in 5 U.S. gallons. Use a hose end
garden sprayer to spray everything in site. Pay special attention to get
under the leaves. The soap gives bugs diarrhea, and the nicotine is a
natural toxin.
Jerry Baker is the author of several gardening books from which I got this
Hope this helps.
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Date: Sat, 15 Jul 2000 23:41:16 -0400
From: mohrstrom at humphreypc.com
Subject: What Beers to Mule Home From NYC & BOS?
I'm off to the NYC and Boston area this week, toting my trusty beer box
with me. The question is: what local brews (with limited distribution)
should I be muling back home? I have a capacity for 27 standard 12oz.
longnecks. Brewery/Brewpub pointers also gratefully accepted.
Mark in Kalamazoo
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Date: Sat, 15 Jul 2000 13:41:15 -0400
From: "Glen Pannicke" <glen at pannicke.net>
Subject: Uh-oh, they're on to me!
>Glen Pannicke countered my rant with:
>> Brian, I'm no "alco-nazi" and this is not intended as a flame
>> either. But I cannot agree with your viewpoint...
>wanted to clarify that I don't regard people such as yourself as
>That is a term that I reserve for zero-tolerance,
>absolutely-no-alcohol-in-the-bloodstream zealots. There obviously is a need
>for some control, and I don't have a problem with a BAC limit of less than
> .10. My fear is that the zealots are slowly taking control of this issue
>we will soon find ourselves faced with excessively punitive and restrictive
>laws that will have severe social and economic impacts.
I've seen a lot of nasty stuff over the past few years & the alcohol-related
ones piss me off because they could have been easily prevented. The funny
thing is that most people paint voluneer firefighter as a bunch of
beer-guzzlers! If only they knew ;-) I just bring it up because the same
thing is thought when I mention to people that I'm in a homebrew club.
Comments like "drunkards" and "alcoholics" seem to follow. They don't
realize that I'm nuts about the process of brewing beers of different
flavors, aromas, colors, blah, blah, blah... Drinking it is just the final,
confirming step of the whole process. Instead, they just see a person who
likes to drink - in excess, of course. I think it's really up to us to
paint ourselves as responsible adults to help change this poor public view.
No one else will do it.
I'm also sure that this thread has been beaten to death in the past as well,
so I won't make it worse.
>Coming to
>work this morning on my regular route, I notice a police car sitting in the
>curb line. As soon as I go by, he takes off and starts hanging off my
>for several blocks. Now maybe it's just because I drive a customized TJ
>loud music blaring from the sound bar, maybe it's not. I guess it's a good
>thing I'm not paranoid. I mean, it's silly to think that Internet activity
>is being monitored by law enforcement personnel, isn't it? ;-)
It's probably the TJ & the music. I get the same thing too - jacked-up,
chromed-out, hillbilly pickup with an overblown stereo. But you did notice
that police cars have been carrying more and more computers in them now,
huh? Hrmmmmmm ;-)
BTW, as of Tuesday I now have a new brewing partner. He's only 5 days old,
so he'll be in training with daddy for the next few years.
Glen Pannicke
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Date: Sun, 16 Jul 2000 13:22:35 -0500
From: Ralph Link <rlink at escape.ca>
Subject: Malt storage
I have acquired about 300 lbs. of Harrington 2 row malt. I plan to store it
in several new large plastic garbage pails. I believe that this will last
about a year, given the frequency that we brew. Does anyone in the
collective have any better suggestions or comments on my plans? Private
e-mail are fine.
"Warm beer and bread
They say it will raise the dead"
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Date: Sat, 15 Jul 2000 08:21:16 -0400
From: "Stephen Alexander" <steve-alexander at worldnet.att.net>
Subject: stupid legislature tricks .../acetone .... /Ice expands !
TomL says ..
>Springfield, not Peoria, is the capital of Illinois. ;-)
I meant the lecherous pervert lobby centered in Peoria - or
is it Rockford ;^)
>>What force replaces irrationality with rationality in governance ?
>Two forces, actually: Money and power.
So Ted Kennedy & Steve Forbes are your forces for correcting
irrational governance ? When does the next inner tube leave
for Cuba ?
>Here's an irrationality for you - in Illinois, there is a mandatory
>seatbelt law, but no helmet law for motorcycles. Go figure...
So long as we all agree that no publicly funded paramedics or
ambulance services need respond to an unbelted driver
or unhelmetted rider I see no problem. Roadkill is roadkill,
tho' I have some minor health safety objections to cannibalism.
Aaron Perry says
> Dr. Pivo writes about acetone in his brew, and the removal of it by
> "krausen lagering". Pretty slick.
This is about as "slick" as the Food Lion remixing rancid ground
beef with fresh to "remove" the off flavors.
Acetone is pretty solid evidence of a clostridium infection. The next
product on this trail of tears is isopropanol. The same carbo utilizing
clostridium that produce these by-products may produce butyric acid,
butanol, and acetic acid depending on conditions. None very
dangerous to consume in v.small quantities, nor any more welcome
in beer than Jim Liddil's autoclaved fecal matter.
This beer needs to be dumped not repaired. Heroic efforts to resuscitate
a seriously infected beer are wasted. I should mumble a few words about
pitching rates and infection but people with earplugs won't hear anyway.
Charley Burns writes ...
>Seems that water expands rather too much for glass to handle at that
>temperature (20F)
So funny Charley. I guess you've never warmed a slushy can or bottle
of beer or pop or made an accidental eisbock..
who says 'low beer content' posts are just for Aussies ?
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Date: Sun, 16 Jul 2000 15:38:21 -0600
From: "Robert A. Uhl" <ruhl at axsinet.com>
Subject: Re: Drinking Ages
On Thu, Jul 13, 2000 at 12:10:30AM -0400,
steve-alexander at worldnet.att.net wrote:
> Now you tell me that in Illinois [US public school attendees take
> note--Ohio is not across the river from Missouri] the legal drinking
> age depends on genitalia? Didn't Illinois ratify the ERA? Are those
> guys in Peoria just a bunch of lech's hoping to pick-up drunken 18yo
> girls?
I would imagine that the law was passed when young women only went out
under supervision, the idea being that men had no chaperones and thus
could not be trusted, whereas young women could be. Lucky them.
IMHO there should be no drinking age. If parents cannot control their
children then the law need not do it. When they break a _real_ law
they should go to jail. And it is obscene to allow a fellow to marry,
to own property, to vote and to be drafted and killed in some damnfool
war (yes, I know that the draft has been suspended) but not allow him to
have a drink.
Yes, I'm over 21; that fact does not blind me to the rank injustice of
our drinking laws.
- --
Robert Uhl <ruhl at axsinet.com>
Out of doubt, out of dark I came
Singing in the sun, sword unsheathing.
To hope's end I rode and to heart's breaking.
Now for wrath, now for ruin and a red sunrise.
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Date: Sun, 16 Jul 2000 17:41:34 -0400 (EDT)
From: Frank Tutzauer <comfrank at acsu.buffalo.edu>
Subject: Captain America
A little late, but I'm catching up on my HBD backlog.
Anyway, I happen to know Captain America's name in the flick Easy Rider.
It's......Wyatt. It's mentioned once in the movie. Towards the end,
after most of their adventures, Peter Fonda and Dennis Hopper are sitting
around a campfire, and Hopper says to Fonda: "We blew it, Wyatt." Also,
in the credits, it lists: Wyatt.....Peter Fonda.
And no, Luke Australia, his name was not Wyatt America. Captain America
was just a nickname because he had stars and stripes on his motorcycle
helmet. :)
And they didn't drink much beer either. Mostly they just smoked a lot of
- --frank
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Date: Sun, 16 Jul 2000 17:57:38 -0400
From: Jim English <jim.english at mindspring.com>
Subject: yeast in Chimay blue
Recently returned from the Left coast with a bottle of Chimay "blue".
If I remember there is a white and a red. Don't know much about the
details...which brings me to my point(finally):
Should I try to save the yeast? Is it the same as the primary
fermentation yeast? If I save it, what styles is it conducive to brew,
other than the obvious?
Dave Clark in HBD3378 answered part of the remaining question about
Profiles and fermentation data would be great also.
JRE in 'hotlanta (and this time we mean it)
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Date: Mon, 17 Jul 2000 08:39:34 +1000
From: "Darren Robey" <drobey at awb.com.au>
Subject: Oz types
Bill, I hadn't gotten around to replying on this one.
I currently live in Melbourne, but dare I say that I was actually born and
raised in Queensland. Not nearly as far north as Graeme though how is in FNQ
(far north queensland) so to them its no better than living in Victoria. Oh the
stgate rivalry.
>Date: Fri, 14 Jul 2000 17:42:48 +0000
>Subject: Oz types
>A couple of weeks ago I posted "The latest National Geographic has a great,
>detailed map of Australia. If you Oz types would tell us where you live we
>could find you on the map." I've about worn out my map looking you guys and
>gals up as you posted your messages concerning the details of brewing beer
>down under. So, a tally of where you Oz types hail from is in order. The
>results are;
>Western Australia - Adam and Edward
>South Australia - Thomas, Lyndon, Dave, Darren, tziersch(?),
Brad and Peter
>Queensland - Lyndon (seems like he's all alone up there)
>New South Wales - Scott, Phil (& Jill), Regan, David and Graeme
>Then there are the Ozettes that still don't tell us where they live -
>Darren, Luke, Grant and recently Sue. I'll excuse Sue since she seems to be
>new to the HBD. So it seems like there are more brewers in South Australia,
>especially around Adelaide. Sounds like a nice place.
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Date: Sun, 16 Jul 2000 19:52:53 EDT
From: RBoland at aol.com
Subject: What to do with 100 pounds of wheat?
It would make a wonderful quantity of Belgian Wit, after a few other
additions, of course.
Bob Boland
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Date: Sun, 16 Jul 2000 20:15:57 EDT
From: RBoland at aol.com
Subject: The Rift
Brian Lundeen writes that the rift between Oz and Yankee brewers pales in
comparison to the bad blood between Canadian and St. Louis brewers! His
focus must have been on the big guys. Based on the number of Canadians in
St. Louis for MCAB, I'd say that relations in the homebrewing community are
excellent. We'd certainly buy each other a beer in Sioux Falls or anywhere
Bob Boland
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Date: Mon, 17 Jul 2000 12:10:35 +1000
From: "Susan Mcgrath" <smcgrath at CSU.edu.au>
Subject: Reply to William Frazier
This is a reply to William Frazier who wrote:
Date: Fri, 14 Jul 2000 17:42:48 +0000
From: William Frazier <billfrazier at worldnet.att.net>
Subject: Oz types
A couple of weeks ago I posted "The latest National Geographic has a
great, detailed map of Australia. If you Oz types would tell us where
you live we could find you on the map." I've about worn out my map
looking you guys and gals up as you posted your messages concerning
the details of brewing beer down under. So, a tally of where you Oz
types hail from is in order. The results are;
Western Australia - Adam and Edward
South Australia - Thomas, Lyndon, Dave, Darren, tziersch(?),
Brad and Peter
Queensland - Lyndon (seems like he's all alone up there)
New South Wales - Scott, Phil (& Jill), Regan, David and Graeme
Then there are the Ozettes that still don't tell us where they live -
Darren, Luke, Grant and recently Sue. I'll excuse Sue since she seems
to be new to the HBD. So it seems like there are more brewers in
South Australia, especially around Adelaide. Sounds like a nice
Well William, being new I should have really told everyone where I
came from. My hsuband and I live in Bathurst, NSW with our two
children Joshua who is 3 and Timothy who is 9 months.
My husband is in the local homebrew club, which is held about once a
month. The ringleader of the brew club is Brian Noyes. Brian is a
bit of legend for his homebrewing. He has won quite a few contest
and has also been in the Coopers Club newsletter on several
occasions. There is quite a few member of the club in Bathurst.
I am not sure is the club has a home page on the web or not, but
Brian and his wife are dutiful.
Well, had better go.
Sue McGrath
Academic Secretariat
Phillips Building
Bathurst Campus
Charles Sturt University
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