HOMEBREW Digest #3471 Mon 06 November 2000
Digest Janitor: janitor@hbd.org
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The Jethro Gump Report..1 ("Rob Moline")
The Jethro Gump Report..2 ("Rob Moline")
Anyone Heard of Two Hearted Ale? (Rob Hanson and Kate Keplinger)
Re: Head Retention (Brunnenbraeu)
Re: Anyone Heard of Two Hearted Ale? (Some Guy)
politics and beer (Tombrau)
wind screen for cooker (Sharon/Dan Ritter)
Alcohol conversion factors are not simple. (Fred Eckhardt)
Malt Additives - unanticipated (David Fisher)
The Return of the Native (Jeff Renner)
Seven minute head (there go the mail filters), beef in beer, Brew It Up ("Matt and/or Hazel Tolley")
replies (craftbrewer)
re: Will the true bladder fermenter please stand up. ("Stephen Alexander")
Jeff's low gravity session bitter (RBoland)
Suitable Plastic ??? (Smith Asylum)
Re: Dry Hopping Bottles ("Don")
First Mash (Petr Otahal)
Yeast for British Mild? (WayneM38)
glass-ceramic stove top (ensmingr)
* Beer is our obsession and we're late for therapy!
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JANITOR on duty: Pat Babcock and Karl Lutzen (janitor@hbd.org)
Date: Sat, 4 Nov 2000 00:06:09 -0600
From: "Rob Moline" <brewer at isunet.net>
Subject: The Jethro Gump Report..1
The Jethro Gump Report
Busy, Busy, Busy!
Running for President is an all consuming effort! All that
thinking...is the press gonna find out that I was a 'BREWER' in the late
80's? Or that my first car was a VW Microbus?
Man, as long as the major media don't find out I use dry yeast...I
might survive all this.. as I hear Dan Rather won't work with us dry yeast
blokes! ;-)
BTW, all the credit for the tech expertise belongs to Jeff
Kenton...'Mother' in the pic with my boy, Robbie, from BigBrew '98.
Jeff put the page together in a matter of but a few hours...and as more
than a trusted friend, I am sure he would serve the U.S. public in
generating "Peace Through Fermentation, Not Confrontation." Thanks, Jeff!
And a Special Thanks to Bill Siebel, who today personally endorsed my
Campaign! Thanks, sir! It means a lot!
The fact that Mr. Siebel took the time to send me a message related to
the Gump for Prez Campaign means that he still follows all the beer world,
no matter how insignificant.....and that his heart remains where we always
knew it was...With Brewers! (And that he reads the HBD!)
Lallemand Danstar London.....
Yes, it is true, London by Danstar is being discontinued. I waited to
post this response, as I needed more info from higher up the Lallemand
London is one more of the many yeasts dropped from the production line
in reaction to sales figures pointing to the need to maximize output of the
most popular products. In fact each year, up to ten of the wine yeasts are
dropped ...as their numbers are studied, and plans for each new year's
production runs are planned.
I am told that Production had been requesting the drop of London for 2
years now...yet my boss tried to stave this off. Unfortunately, this year,
the news is bad for London, outsold by it's brethren Nottingham, Windsor,
and Manchester, by a factor of 20 to 1.
But the good news is obviously, if one of the beer yeasts is being
retired...perhaps some new strains might pop into the line-up? Like the long
over-due dry strains advanced to Jethro some 2 years ago...like a
Weihenstephan lager? Lord knows, Jethro is still waiting....
Well, time will tell on this score...but some new things ARE coming to
shake up the beer world....like.....
ServoMyces, a new product from Lallemand will soon shake up the
nutrient addition market!
This dry yeast, specifically grown to assimilate zinc, an essential, and
often under-rated key to success of yeast growth is currently under testing
by a number of US and European breweries.
Expectations of shortened fermentation times, complete utilization of
malto-triose, increased attenuation, and favorable fermentation flavor
changes have been realized...most notably by lager fermenting breweries, but
ale brewers will see benefit as well....
This active dry yeast is designed to be added to the wort, 15/60 prior
to end of boil, in order to disrupt the cells, and release the nutrient to
the wort. While the product is expected to be released to the European
market in an active form...that is...one could ferment a batch with it....
The American market product is expected to be attenuated...i.e.,
inactive...to enhance the shelf life.
To quote the webpage of WhiteLabs, currently testing the
product...called 'Viagra For Your Yeast!" on that page.....
"This could be the greatest asset to a brewers consistency since the
development of pitchable yeast slurries."
And HowZat! A dry yeast company working with a wet yeast company?! For
the complete WhiteLabs story on it...
I fully expect WhiteLabs to become our US Distributor for this
product.....and I know that you will enjoy it.
In the trials of brewers testing the samples I have sent them, the
reports generally speak of decreased ferm time, but when a decrease of 25
percent is seen, lager breweries enjoy the greatest benefit. One major
brewpub reported vastly decreased sulfur notes, as they said, "which were
always a problem with prior lager ferms."
So, folks, times change, I guess...and I bemoan the loss of London as
much as the next guy....it will put a crimp in my style offerings.....
"The More I Know About Beer, The More I Realize I Need To Know More About
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Date: Sat, 4 Nov 2000 00:07:08 -0600
From: "Rob Moline" <brewer at isunet.net>
Subject: The Jethro Gump Report..2
The Jethro Gump Report..2
Bill Pierce FareWell...
Bill Pierce, accepting a position with the Red Rock Brewing Company of
SLC, Utah, was the Guest of Honor at a reception tonight in Des Moines'
Raccoon River BrewPub....
Host Dave Coy, formerly of IBS "Brewer's Resource Directory" fame, and
owner of Raccoon River, as well as Brewer of some fine beers..(even the
growler of IPA, packaged days ago, as required by Iowa Law, was excellent!)
sponsored the event for some thirty or forty area homebrewers and
Now, while I fully expect Bill to score Gold at GABF in the
future...(and I have a track record of successful predictions!)...I do have
to say that he is either the BRAVEST or most FOOLHARDY of brewers.....
As he fully expects to arrive in SLC, in a rented truck, towing a car
containing 6 FULL CARBOYS! Loaded with 3 of brew, 3 of Mead! Side-Bets,
But, Good Luck, Bill! A valued contributor to the HB world, finally
getting his shot at Pro-Brewing...and a valued participant in the Ames'
Brewers' League!
Siebel/Lallemand/Alltech Lawsuit
It's settled...here is the press release...
Alltech and Lallemand have announced that the lawsuit entitled
Alltech Inc., vs. Siebel Institute of Technology, et. al. has been settled,
according to a company press release. Alltech and Lallemand both stated
that settlement of this lawsuit, which arose out of the sale of the Siebel
Institute of Technology, is in the best interests of all parties, the
Siebel Institute and the brewing industry. Alltech and Lallemand regret
that they and those former members of the Siebel Institute faculty whom
Alltech hired may have been misled by the circumstances surrounding the
sale of the Siebel Institute earlier this year. With this settlement in
place, all parties have agreed to end all litigation efforts regarding this
As part of the settlement, Lallemand and Ron Siebel will retain
their ownership of the Siebel Institute of Technology. Alltech will retain
five of the former full time faculty members of the Siebel Institute. Other
specific terms of the settlement agreement are to remain confidential.
All parties including Ronald Siebel, William Siebel, Lyn Kruger,
Lallemand and Alltech, hope that the brewing industry will benefit from
having both Alltech and the Siebel Institute providing courses and services
to the brewing industry.
I gotta say, knowing all the parties on both sides of the fence....and
especially valuing all the teaching they cared to share.....I am glad this
is over....and trust that all of the mates that helped me in the past will
remember why they aided other brewers...It was their love of brewing that
made them share their knowledge. I trust that this will endure...no matter
who and where....
But, most importantly....the Institute that Dr. John Siebel founded in
Chicago in 1845 continues on....
So, What to do?
1) Go to your HB shop and buy up all the remaining London they
have...Currently there is none in the Lallemand pipeline......Distributors
and shops may have plenty, and at last note, Scott Labs has 40 kilos, in 500
gm bricks for the pro-market...
Store this in your fridge/freezer...and learn how to yeast ranch!
2) Go to http://www.yeastbank.com/np/newproducts3rd2000.htm at WhiteLabs,
and read the full text of their report on ServoMyces...
3) Go to http://www.jethrogump.com/gumpforprez/ and encourage your friends,
and everybody on your contact list to visit! There are only a few days left!
Hell's Bells! Matching funds of many millions of dollars are at stake for
2004! ;-)
4) Raise your glass to "Bill's New Adventure!" And Toast to his Success!
God Speed Gold Medals, Bill Pierce!
5) Sign up with Santa for a course at Siebel to be on your Christmas Wish
Or at least read the upcoming installment series written by Rich Sieben,
Winner of the Lallemand Scholarship, on his Daily Activities at the Siebel
Short Course! Check out http://www.aob.org/AHA/Zymurgy/zymonline.htm soon!
Jethro Gump
Presidential Candidate
gump at jethrogump.com
Rob Moline
jethro at isunet.net
"The More I Know About Beer, The More I Realize I Need To Know More About
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Date: Sat, 04 Nov 2000 08:08:58 -0500
From: Rob Hanson and Kate Keplinger <katerob at erols.com>
Subject: Anyone Heard of Two Hearted Ale?
Dear Brewers,
I can't remember where the heck I've seen the name -- maybe it was a
short story title, maybe it's the name of a beer (from England? the
upper mid-west? of the U.S.?). Does anyone recognize the name, and if
so, can you provide some information on style?
- --Rob Hanson
Washington, DC
The Closet Brewery
'post tenebras lux'
- -----------------
I recommend bread, meat, vegetables, and beer.
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Date: Sat, 4 Nov 2000 11:14:06 EST
From: Brunnenbraeu at aol.com
Subject: Re: Head Retention
In einer eMail vom 04.11.00 06:19:18 (MEZ) Mitteleuropaeische Zeit schreibt
Spencer W Thomas <spencer at engin.umich.edu>:
> The other day I was chatting with a local (German-trained -- it's
> relevant -- you'll see) brewer, when my beer ran out. I asked him to
> pull me a beer. He ran the beer into the glass, about 1/2 foam, and
> set it on the counter. I said, "you got a foam problem?" He said,
> "no, just doing it the RIGHT way." Over the space of the next several
> minutes (would be 7 in Germany, but I wasn't timing it), he went back
> and pulled more beer into the glass as the foam subsided. The last
> pull left a cap of "whipped cream" foam extending about 2 inches above
> the rim of the glass. Wow!
Uh, oh, it seems to be an immortal legend, that a good (German?) pilsener
(you were talking about pilsener, weren't you?) needs 7 minutes to be poured
adequatly... In seven minutes you'll lose nearly all carbon dioxide, and the
result is a dead, flat beer with a BIIIG foam head.
Maybe it's appropriate to style for English ales or other beers, if there's
less carbon dioxide, but a good pilsener should still have some sparkling
effect in your mouth (although not as much as for example a Bavarian Weizen)!
It should still have a lot of carbon dioxide, it should live, it should be
fresh and crispy, it should have taste and aroma, it should be delightful and
refreshing, it should be ...
Hey, Volker, stop it, stop it, ...
> I'm sure it didn't make the beer taste any better,
Of course! It probably made it taste worse, worse, worse...
> but the visual effect was stunning.
Okay, 10 % for the visual impression, and 90 % for taste, okay? 'cause I for
myself prefer to drink with my mouth and to taste with my tongue, and not
with my eyes...
> In case you're wondering, the brewery is Leopold Brothers,
> in Ann Arbor.
Shame on them...
Sorry for ranting and grumbling, but these seven minute pilseners - that's
nothing but bad attitude... (alas often found in not-so-good German pubs and
Cheers / Zum Wohl / Na zdrovie,
Volker R. Quante
Brunnenbraeu Homebrewery
Brewing and working in Warsaw / Poland, but definitely a German Homebrewer
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Date: Sat, 4 Nov 2000 12:51:26 -0500 (EST)
From: Some Guy <pbabcock at hbd.org>
Subject: Re: Anyone Heard of Two Hearted Ale?
Greetings, Beerlings! Take me to your lager...
Rob Hanson writes....
> I can't remember where the heck I've seen the name -- maybe it was a
> short story title, maybe it's the name of a beer (from England? the
> upper mid-west? of the U.S.?). Does anyone recognize the name, and if
> so, can you provide some information on style?
Heard of it? HEARD of it?! I DRINK it, man! I'd wallow in it, if I could
afford to. One of my all-time favorite brews! It is the product of
Kalamazoo Brewing - one of Larry Bell's
>From their web site:
Two Hearted Ale
Our India Pale Ale is easily the most bitter beer we produce; with
beautiful copper color and dense creamy head. The full blast hop
bitterness is brought about by extended aging with the liberal addition of
dry hops to the fermenting beer.
Packages available: 4/6/12 oz., 15.5 gal. keg
Original Gravity: 1.062
% Alcohol by volume: 7.0
UPC Code: N/A
Available: September - May only
Original Gravities are target values and are subject to fluctuation, as
are alcohol percentages by volume.
Their web site is at http://www.bellsbeer.com
- --
See ya!
Pat Babcock in SE Michigan pbabcock at hbd.org
Home Brew Digest Janitor janitor@hbd.org
HBD Web Site http://hbd.org
The Home Brew Page http://hbd.org/pbabcock
"The monster's back, isn't it?" - Kim Babcock after I emerged
from my yeast lab Saturday
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Date: Sat, 4 Nov 2000 14:10:35 EST
From: Tombrau at aol.com
Subject: politics and beer
Brew Brothers:
Most people know reformed smokers are the toughest on smokers and my
experience sees similar from reformed drinkers.
George W.'s past dui conviction and his "seen the light" attitude makes me
think he would quickly yield to anti alcohol forces to prove his reform. I
can just see the MADD lobby showing him exactly how to amend his evil past.
On the other hand, I recall reading in a beer newspaper about how Gore had a
party at a D.C. brewpub and liked the red so much he had the secret service
secure him several growlers of it.
I know where I am voting Tuesday.
Karl and/or Pat I am not certain of the appropriateness of this post and
would understand its censor. If you don't censor it, do you know where I can
get a flame suit quick (and cheap)!!!
Tom Moench
Founder and President of
The No-teetotalers in the Whitehouse Foundation
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Date: Sat, 4 Nov 2000 15:13:29 -0700
From: Sharon/Dan Ritter <ritter at bitterroot.net>
Subject: wind screen for cooker
Does anyone have a design for, or know of a source to purchase, a
wind screen for my propane cooker? Mine is a typical "Cajun Cooker"
type. Three legs are arranged in an 18" diameter circle at the base
and the burner sits about a foot off the ground. I assume one needs
to be careful about excessive heat building up around base of the
cooker thus the need for venting. I'm getting tired or arranging lawn
chairs etc. around my brew pot on those blustery winter days.
Dan Ritter
Hamilton, Montana
Return to table of contents
Date: Sat, 04 Nov 2000 14:58:46 -0800
From: Fred Eckhardt <eckhardt at pcez.com>
Subject: Alcohol conversion factors are not simple.
Calculating alcohol contents has many variations, here is one set.
(c) Fred Eckhardt, 1995, 2000 all rights reserved.
by Fred Eckhardt, (c) 1995, 2000, all rights reserved
Specific Gravity factor degrees Plato
1.000 - 1.022 3.9 0 - 5.6
1.023 - 1.025 3.95 5.7 - 6.3
1.026 - 1.052 4.0 6.4 - 12.9
1.053 - 1.055 4.05 13 - 13.6
1.056 - 1.098 4.1 13.7 - 24
1.099 - 1.022 4.2 24.1 - 29
1.023 - 1.1127.5 4.25 29.1 - 30
above 1.127.6 4.3 30 and up
To convert specific gravity to degrees plato: first subtract 1.000, then
divide the remainder by the factor, i.e. 1.023, less 1.000 = 23 / 3.95 =
5.8Plato; or another example 1.096 less 1.000 = 96 / 4.1 = 23.4Plato.
To convert degrees Plato to specific gravity: Multiply Plato x factor, and
add 1.000. e.g. 12.1P x 4.0 = 48.4 = 1.048; another example 15.5P x 4.1 =
63.55 = 1.063.55 or 1064.
The Belgian degrees are equal to specific gravity, less 1.000, then divide
by 10. e.g. s.g. 1.062, less 1.000 = 62 / 10 = 6.2Bg.
To convert Belgian to Plato, first convert to s.g., then convert to
Plato. To convert s.g. to British, drop the decimal point. e.g. 1.056 =
All Calculations are according to standard published tables.
Plato alcohol factor Plato alcohol factor
6 0.4073 16 0.4267
7 0.4091 17 0.4288
8 0.4110 18 0.4309
9 0.4129 19 0.4330
10 0.4148 20 0.4351
10.5 0.4158 21 0.4373
11 0.4168 22 0.4395
11.5 0.4177 23 0.4417
12 0.4187 24 0.4439
12.5 0.4197 25 0.4462
13 0.4206 26 0.4485
13.5 0.4216 27 0.4508
14 0.4226 28 0.4532
14.5 0.4236 29 0.4556
15 0.4246 30 0.4580
15.5 0.4257 ca31 ca0.4605
Compiled from Balling's tables, with the generous help of Fred Scheer,
BOSCO'S Brewing, Nashville, TN.
Not intended for professional use.
(and other useless information)
by Fred Eckhardt, (c) 1995, 2000, all rights reserved.
To find alcohol content by weight (ABW), or Original Gravity/Extract, or
Beer Gravity/Apparent Extract, using these tables, you must first convert
the specific gravities to Plato (Table I). You need to know two of the
above figures to calculate the third.
To find ABW, subtract Apparent Extract (Beer Gravity) from Original
Extract, and multiply by the alcohol factor for that Original Extract (see
To find apparent extract when you know Original Extract and ABW, divide the
ABW by the alcohol factor for that Original extract, subtract from Original
To find beer gravity, de-carbonate the beer, and measure its specific
gravity, convert that to Plato, which will give you Apparent Extract (beer
To convert ABW to ABV (alcohol content by volume), multiply ABW by 1.256,
and multiply that figure by the specific gravity of the beer (apparent
extract converted to s.g.). i.e. 5% alcohol in a beer with an apparent
extract of 2.8P/s.g.1.011: 5 x 1.256 x 1.011 = 6.35%ABV.
To find Original Extract when you know the Apparent Extract (beer gravity)
and ABW, start by guessing the original gravity, for example you can
convert ABW to ABV, then multiply the ABV by 10 for a ballpark OG, (less
1.000) which must then be converted to Plato. Now calculate the actual
Original Extract by dividing the ABW by the alcohol factor for the
approximate OE, and add that figure to the Apparent Extract. Suppose you
know the beer gravity to be 1.011, which is 2.8P, and the ABW to be 5%.
Convert that to ABV (above) 6.35%, then guestimate the OE, by multiplying
that (ABV) by 10, i.e. 63, 1.063, which is 15.5P, find the alcohol factor
for that (0.4257), divide the ABW by that, this gives a ballpark extract
drop of 11.75, which is added to the AE, 11.75 + 2.8 = 14.5P. You have to
do it all again to get the actual OE. So go through the sequence again,
using the correct alcohol factor for 14.5 (0.4236): 5 / 0.4236 = 11.8 + 2.8
= actual OE 14.6P x 4.1 = 59.9 = 1.060.
Please note that there are ways to do these calculations without
translating gravity to degrees Plato, but I haven't the time to do those
tables, and that's that. I have not found any tables in print, with proper
alcohol factors, for specific gravity relationships.
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Date: Sun, 05 Nov 2000 10:45:57 +1100
From: David Fisher <david at colossus.apana.org.au>
Subject: Malt Additives - unanticipated
G'day all,
I have just bought a 25 kg sack of Maris Otter - my first ever purchase
of malt in this quantity.
Upon transferring it into a double-bagged snap-lid bin for storage you
can imagine my surprise to discover that the bag contained aside from
the malt, a very dead and very dessicated sparrow (at least it appeared to
be an English sparrow)!
The question, of course, is -
Is My Malt Ruined?
- --
mailto:david at colossus.apana.org.au
mailto:david.fisher at asic.gov.au
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Date: Sat, 4 Nov 2000 16:48:52 -0500
From: Jeff Renner <nerenner at umich.edu>
Subject: The Return of the Native
Graham <craftbrewer at telstra.easymail.com.au > returns from internal
exile in the wilds of North Queensland:
>and this unworthy comment
>>From: Jeff Renner <nerenner at umich.edu>
>>Subject: Low gravity session bitter
>>Hope this inspires some other brewers to brew low alcohol brews.
>Jeff, such talk will make you croc bait quicker than me out the window
> when SWMBO says "Honey, are you awake"
Ah, Graham, you mistake the reason for tasty session bitters. It
isn't less, it's more - you can drink more pints!
- --
Jeff Renner in Ann Arbor, Michigan USA, c/o nerenner at umich.edu
"One never knows, do one?" Fats Waller, American Musician, 1904-1943
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Date: Sun, 5 Nov 2000 13:32:56 +1100
From: "Matt and/or Hazel Tolley" <tolmh at tpg.com.au>
Subject: Seven minute head (there go the mail filters), beef in beer, Brew It Up
> From: Spencer W Thomas <spencer at engin.umich.edu>
> Over the space of the next several
> minutes (would be 7 in Germany, but I wasn't timing it), he went back
> and pulled more beer into the glass as the foam subsided. The last
> pull left a cap of "whipped cream" foam extending about 2 inches above
> the rim of the glass. Wow!
I was just reading about this method in our "Culinaria - Germany" cookbook.
The section on Dortmund (City of Beer, in Westphalia, Land of Beer...mmm,
beer...) shows the local method for pulling a beer (the photos show a glass
of Thier Pils). Order your next round well before you've finished what's in
your hand, because as Spencer mentioned above, it'll be seven minutes of
pull-wait-pull-wait-pull-wait before your next drink is ready. The series
of photos shows the head becoming more and more dense - at the end, it looks
like shaving cream.
Here's a simple but very tasty recipe from the book for Niederbayerisches
Bierfleisch (lower Bavarian beef in beer):
1.5 lbs / 750 g braising beef
2 tbps butter
6 oz / 150 g raw ham, in strips
2 onions diced
2 tbsp flour
2 cups / 500 ml dark beer
salt and pepper
1 tsp dried marjoram
1 bayleaf
2 tbsp chopped parsley
vinegar and sugar to season
Wash beef, pat dry, cut into cubes. Melt butter in casserole dish, seal
meat. Add ham and onions, brown briefly. Dust with flour, fry briefly, add
beer. Season well with salt, pepper, marjoram. Add bayleaf, cover, simmer
for 45 mins or until tender. Before serving, stir in half of parsley,
season with vinegar and sugar for piquancy. Garnish with remaining parsley,
serve in casserole (presumably, with more beer!)
By the way - any Aussies catch last week's Landline? Had a great segment
about 'Brew It Up' in California. What a setup! All the joys of brewing,
fantastic equipment and ingredients, with none of the hassles :) Check out
Landline's article online:
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Date: Sun, 5 Nov 2000 13:55:19 +1100
From: craftbrewer at telstra.easymail.com.au
Subject: replies
G'day All
Well I'm up to date on the back issues, and before I bring you lot up to
speed wih my own life, lets look at who said what
>>>>>>From: "Brian Lundeen" <blundeen at rrc.mb.ca>
OK, it's a straight category 5, but hey, now that it's cat-swinging season
down under, and with Graham being kicked off his ISP for on-line luring of
tourists out to his croc-infested billabong (you really didn't think we
would buy that going out of business story, did you?), it's been pretty
quiet around here.<<<<<<<<<<<
Not any more mate IM BACK - worse luck for the rest of you. Brian's
welcome anyday to come up for a swim. Fresh or salt water it doesn't
matter. but you have to supply the 303 mate. Seems they're getting to
plague levels and they want to bring back culling them.
>>>From: "Stephen Taylor" <stephentaylor at one.net.au>
Subject: thicker ginger beer
but it allways seems
just a tad too thin when compared to our local brew pubs
Has any one an idea to thicken it besides reducing water
or adding more kit.
Steve Taylor, newcastle in oz<<<<<<<
Well I cant speak personally about this one, but another southerner
(a deprived chap called Scott Morgan) highly recommends some malt
extract to replace some of the sugar to add some nice body. how much,
well I think thats to personal taste
>>>>From: "Sean Richens" <srichens at sprint.ca>
Subject: smarter than the average sysop?
I wonder how many on this discussion group have their access limited by
screening software at work?
Of course, we could all come to an understanding to always spell beer
"beir" and brewing "brawing", similarly for heps, yeest, molt, etc. That
should work for about a year or so, no?
Sean Richens<<<<<<
Ah cr*p Sean, I'm going to have to rescue my book "Moral American for
Beginners" out of the dunny. Seems those bast*rd filters are everywhere
and spreading quicker than VD thru a college dorm.
But I'm with you on this one. Its easy to say sh*t, be*r, *ss, etc. But like
chloramines be warned people. I crack one almighty fir if "mate" is
banned because it has sexual overtones.
>>>>>From: "Pannicke, Glen A." <glen_pannicke at merck.com>
Subject: Keg cutting
Rich wrote:
>With Sabco http//:www.kegs.com selling Kegs with perfect tops and drains
>professionally welded,
>cleaned and polished for only $121 US. I see no reason to search down
clean kegs,
I also think it's a matter of pride. I can get a while RIMS or HERMS system
with all the bells & whistles delivered to my home for something like $1500
- but I can't say that I made it. Hours on end of sweatin', cussin',
spittin' and yes, sometimes bleedin' will give you that feeling of personal
satifaction that can't be had any other way.<<<<<<
I'm with you all the way on this one Glen. One thing I like about the hobby
is it takes you well outside beer making, into wonderful areas like welding,
electrics, microbiology etc. But one of the great joys is actually designing
and building a system that meets your needs, not what someone else things
you need. there is a great deal of satisfaction as you twig your sytem to how
you operate. When I finish making a batch, there is satisfaction not only in
yes thats a good brew, but also, 'yep the system i have knocked up works
so well!!!!!!"
There is another advantage to making it yourself. You seem to forgive
minor glitches, like a clogged pipe, and swear much less than if its a
commercial setup. You know, id its commercial its-"why the f***en hell did
they put that bloody tap there." least when you put it there, its "now thats
was silly of me to put it there"
>>>>>>From: "Darrell G. Leavitt" <leavitdg at plattsburgh.edu>
Subject: Question: Nitro and Head Retentioin
Yesterday I tried a stout at a local brewpub, and it took
FOREVER for the brew to settle down...
I do understand that some folks like all of the "cascading" of
bubbles...but to wait 10 minutes is very hard!<<<<
Darrell, you either have a drinking problem or are not very organised. Us
seasoned session drinkers always plan for this. It goes like this if I am to
have a session on nitro stout. Into the pub, order a normal beer. When
you get that immediately order a stout. Go away and drink you beer.
Comeback in 10 minutes and get your stout. When halfway thur your glass
order another. Its really quite easy, and after a while the barmaid (opps
thats sexists) , no barperson (no that has the word son in it), ah I know
the serving wretch will know your moments and be ready for you
>>>>>From: Julio Canseco <jcanseco at arches.uga.edu>
Subject: Yes, plastic again!
Craft brewing, welcome one and all! Salud!<<<<<<<
Now mate you have truely won me over. The more who join the
craftbrewing label, the better the hobby will be. When you want to come
to Nth QLD let me know, I'll give a free guide tour - nows thats an offer too
good to refuse
Now someone was concerned about his infected beer that he open
fermented. I open ferment all my beers with exception (oh there is one I
dont, my lambics) and dont have any infection probelms. True i avoid those
little fruit flies bombarding my beer, and Rumpole no longer can lap up my
cool beer. The trick is to enclose it in a clean sealed environment. And
yes I know a sealed environment is a contradiction. My beer ferment in
my fridge. With the door closed no fly problem, and the air is still enough
that little can fall into you beer (no breezes). I do put a loose lid thou over
the beer just to be safe.
Graham Sanders
For those who don't know Rumpole is my trusted brewing companion.
Every brew he is at my feet helping me. Yes he is a dog (german shepard)
Look the archive up to see how helpful he has been in the past.
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Date: Sat, 4 Nov 2000 22:25:05 -0500
From: "Stephen Alexander" <steve-alexander at worldnet.att.net>
Subject: re: Will the true bladder fermenter please stand up.
Dr. Pivo says ...
> but using the stomach
> of a cow is really quite superior, as it releases natural "renin"(a
> proteolytic enzyme) from the tissue
Rennin(chymosin) is produced by calves not cows.
EC is a NEONATAL gastric enzyme.
>and obfuscates the need for a
> protein rest....
Rennin is one of the most specific enzymes. It only
acts on "Kappa-Casein + H2O (cleaves a single
bond in kappa-casein between phenylalanine 105 and
methionine 106)". In other word won't do squat for beer
proteins unless you are making that milk lager again
Pivo. Milch/malz - I guess you might get confused.
>and I prefer a sirloin steak ....
Confusing steak & veal too ? Where has your tongue
been ?
Of course this does raise a cultural question. Just which
unrecorded human first thought .... I'll take some milk and
some stuff from a calves gut and mix it together, separate
the coagulate, let it mould bacterially and age and call it
cheese. Why do I suspect they were French ? I wonder
what failed experiments occurred along the way toward a
good blue cheese or emanthaler ? Was it the same guy
who thought SE Asian fish bladders would do a beer good ?
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Date: Sat, 4 Nov 2000 22:50:45 EST
From: RBoland at aol.com
Subject: Jeff's low gravity session bitter
Jeff has learned the wonder of English session beers that are low gravity but
still quite flavorful. I suggest he tries a traditional mild next time, and
serves it and his bitter on an engine for that real pub session feel.
Watery? It's even more traditional. Cheers!
While I've got the floor, get your entries in for the last MCAB III
qualifying event, the St. Louis Brews Happy Holiday Homebrew Competition.
Register online at www.stlbrews.org. Come join us for judging and a great
party also!
Bob Boland
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Date: Sun, 05 Nov 2000 00:08:20 -0700
From: Smith Asylum <smithly at neta.com>
Subject: Suitable Plastic ???
Question for the gurus of brew: What plastic compound is suitable for diverter
valves and fittings when transferring hot wort?
I'm concerned with some of the reviews I've read concerning the outgassing of
plastic fittings and the subsequent off-flavors that it gives the beer.
Lee Smith
Chandler, AZ
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Date: Sat, 4 Nov 2000 23:32:06 -0800
From: "Don" <don at steinfillers.com>
Subject: Re: Dry Hopping Bottles
Jay Wirsig asks
Has anybody tried adding a hop cone/flower to a bottle of bitter to get a
dry hop flavour? What were the results?
I have not used cone/flower but have used pellets for dry hop comparisons in
several club projects. Pellets work better because they drop to the bottom.
Cones tend to float.
This (dry-hopping) is an excellent way of comparing different hop flavors
with the same wort.
Just brew a bland wort and use very little bittering hops, or if you want
just add iso-alpha liquid for bittering (no flavor). Then at bottling time
add a couple of pellets in each bottle, but be consistent if you want a fair
comparison. It would be best to use a gram scale and weigh out from 1-2
grams per 22 oz bottle. Best to taste from 1-2 weeks after bottling - don't
wait too long as the dry-hop flavor fades quickly.
Oh, btw, leave one bottle as a control comparison- no hops.
The results blew my mind, and previous belief that you can't get any
bittering unless you boil.
Don Van Valkenburg
Stein Fillers Brewing Supply
don at steinfillers.com
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Date: Mon, 06 Nov 2000 14:33:29 +1100
From: Petr Otahal <potahal at utas.edu.au>
Subject: First Mash
Hi folks
Just thought Id write a post about my first all grain batch this weekend.
Having been reading the HBD for a fair while, so I was quietly confident
about the whole process, but I did expect a few hick ups (not just from the
beer that we were going to be drinking).
Decided to do a batch big enough to split between two of us, plus its
always better to share the brewing experience with someone (especially the
milling of the malt).
The big day was on Saturday, Rod (a mate from Fort Collins, Colorado) and I
started grinding the malt around noon. A few other mates turned up out of
interest to see the process in action (they're also brewers), and of course
the esky was full brews. We managed to con everyone into having a go at
the grinding cause it was a bit of pain (10kg (~22lbs) of malted grain in
total), and the general consensus was that I had to motorise my mill (which
is a home made roller mill with rollers that are 3 inches in diameter and
about 6 inches in length, both rollers powered). In all it took us about 30
- 40 minutes of grinding to crush all the malt.
We also started heating the mash water 28L (~7.4gal). Once it was up to
about 70C (158F) dumped the grain in and started stirring. The temperature
stabilised at about 64C (142F) so we added some bottom heat and kept
mixing. Once we got the temperature to 65-66C (149-151F) we stopped mixing
and let it sit. The mash had the consistency of porridge only slightly
S'pose I should tell you the recipe, didn't really have any particularly
style in mind just wanted something hoppy and malty, and not overly bitter.
6.5kg Franklin Malt
2kg Munich Malt
1kg Toasted Franklin (15min at 180C (~350F))
500g Medium (120EBC) Crystal
60g NZ Hallertauer Aroma whole hops 8.9% AAU (60min)
56g Cascade Plugs 5.5%AAU (15min)
56g Cascade Plugs 5.5%AAU (5min)
The mash lasted for about an hour and a half, mainly due to the fact that
the sparge water took a long time to get hot. Test for starch was negative
so we decided to start recirculating. Recirculated about 3L and it started
to run clear. Gently poured this back in the top of the mash and begin
running off into the kettle, mmm tasted very sweet at this stage. Watched
the bed settle and then started the sparge.
I was wary of sparging too fast so the ball valves weren't open very far,
and consequently we ended up sparging about one and a half hours. The
strange thing was that towards the end we started taking a few gravity
readings and the gravity jumped from about 1.030 to 1.008 in the space of
about 15 minutes. Stopped the sparge at this point and waited for the
kettle to come to the boil.
We waited and waited and finally it boiled but it wasn't a very vigorous
boil (so next thing on my list is to get a high pressure regulator so my
burner can pump out more heat). Didn't see much in the way of a hot break.
Cooled with an immersion chiller while slowly (and carefully) stirring,
then whirlpooled and allowed to settle. We ended up with about 44L
(~11.5gal) at an sg. of 1.062. I tried doing some calculations and got a
figure of around 90% effeciency. Is this right??? It seems a bit high for
a first all grain batch???
Had a few problems getting the wort out of the kettle cause the manifold
clogged up with hops toward the end, and in the end we ended up lifting and
tipping the last few bits into the fermenter, trying not to let the hops in.
Rod is fermenting his half with Wyeast 1762 (I think) and Im doing my half
with 1007.
The sg was a bit high for my liking so I diluted my half down to 1.054.
In total the day finished at 8:15pm for a total of over 8 hours of brewing,
we were absolutely buggered, so I decided to leave some of the cleaning for
Ill let you know how the beer turned out.
Thanks to those who replied on my stuck stout post. I have decided that it
must be finished and also decided to beef up the roasted character with
some coffee. Purchased the darkest roast I could find and brewed about
120g of ground beans. Filtered it a number of times to try to get as much
oil out of it and will be adding it to my stout tonight at bottling time.
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Date: Sun, 5 Nov 2000 23:58:39 EST
From: WayneM38 at aol.com
Subject: Yeast for British Mild?
Been working through the recipes in Wheeler & Protz's "BYOBRA". Nice book.
While they touch on yeast in the intro, they break down the available yeast
into Northern and Southern types, with the later being available to
I am sure that this puts my house ale yeast, Wyeast 1098, in the southern
Can anyone share their experience with yeast selection for authentic British
Thanks in advance
Botanist Brewer
Big Fun Brewing RIMS Site
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Date: Mon, 06 Nov 2000 00:02:20 -0500
From: ensmingr at twcny.rr.com
Subject: glass-ceramic stove top
I just got a new stove -- one of those snazzy looking
glass-ceramic flat tops. The accompanying instructions say
"sugar spills ... can cause pitting of the cook top surface
unless the spill is removed while it is still hot," and then
proceeds to suggest a procedure for removal of sugary spills
that includes turing off all burners and allowing the
burners to cool off. There is a warning: "do not continue to
use the soiled cooking zone until all the spill has been
Since every time I brew, there is at least a little bit that
splashes over during the mash or the wort boil (both sugary
solutions), I'm concerned about damaging my new appliance.
Obviously, I don't want to turn off the stove in the middle
of a wort boil and wait for the surface to cool, just to
clean up a small wort spill.
Anyone have experience with these glass-ceramic stoves and
brewing beer (or cooking jelly, fudge, candy, etc.)? TIA for
your help.
Peter A. Ensminger
Syracuse, NY
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