FORUM ON BEER, HOMEBREWING, AND RELATED ISSUES Digest Janitor: *************************************************************** THIS YEAR'S HOME BREW DIGEST BROUGHT TO YOU BY: Northern Brewer, Ltd. Home Brew Supplies 1-800-681-2739 Support those who support you! Visit our sponsor's site! ********** Also visit ********* Contents: Hop aroma dilema ("Peter gunczy") Powering a Valley Mill (Ant Hayes) Ashcroft & Homebrewers (Epic8383) Unkie Jeff has a lot to answer for (craftbrewer) re: headspace & carbonation ("Mark Tumarkin") flow into counterflow ("forks knives") Welding a nipple into the brewpot. ("Kevin Sinn") peristaltic pumps ("Kim") Lactic Acid, Weizens and Graham's Whereabouts ("Pannicke, Glen A.") 15.5 gallon beer keg as a fermenter ("Branam, Mike") Re: Sad News (Todd Goodman) Madison, WI info (John Baxter Biggins) Phill's Jill ("Eric Fouch") dry yeast ("Joseph Marsh") Pivo missed his mark ("Dave Howell") Krausen space (Ralph Link) Maple syrup based fermentations ("Carlos A. Albuerne")
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---------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Mon, 29 Jan 2001 18:05:15 +1100 From: "Peter gunczy" <pcgunczy at> Subject: Hop aroma dilema G'Day Beerlings After a very large Christmas break I have realised that I have in excess of 40 HDB to read. I stumbled across a post in #3479 from John Peed regarding hop aroma and I thought to myself I can truly relate to his dilemma. I have tried every thing from late hopping to dry hopping to mash hopping to first wort hopping and nothing seems to work, the grassy aroma John describes is all to clear to my palate. Late hopping at various times only increases the grassiness from the end of the boil to 15 mins where it is just noticeable but the increase in bitterness is also to noticeable. I have FWH using only one addition at the start of the wort running in to the boiler using saaz, Hallertau etc. with no luck except an increase in bitterness. Why are there two Schools to hopping some have success with late and some with FWH? Then there are us who have no luck at all. I use mainly pellets which are easy to get in Aus. I have used flowers with the same result. Does any one have some suggestions so I dont have to go out and buy an Urquell to taste that floral spiciness Peter Return to table of contents
Date: Mon, 29 Jan 2001 09:54:03 +0200 From: Ant Hayes <Ant.Hayes at> Subject: Powering a Valley Mill Since moving to a 50 litre batch size, my right shoulder has grown larger than my left, thanks to my human powered Valley Mill. I have an old swimming pool pump that I want to use to power my mill. However it runs at 2 880 rpm, and Valley recommend no higher than 300 rpm. Apart from knowing that I should use either gears or pulleys, I am not sure how to go about reducing the rpm. Does anyone have any DIY ideas? Ant Hayes Gauteng; South Africa Return to table of contents
Date: Mon, 29 Jan 2001 05:29:44 EST From: Epic8383 at Subject: Ashcroft & Homebrewers I'm gonna try to keep this HB-related ... The comparison of Ashcroft raiding hombrewers as Reno did to the Branch Davidians is flawed. First of all it hasn't happened. Secondly, Reno broke several laws in the Waco raid, has Ashcroft broken laws in his duties? To suggest that he would raid us against federal law because she did is ludicrous. I understand that there are people who like the man and others who don't, but until he was nominated, just about everyone recognized his integrity. Let's not panic about something that will probably never happen. Gus Return to table of contents
Date: Mon, 29 Jan 2001 23:13:05 +1100 From: craftbrewer at Subject: Unkie Jeff has a lot to answer for / G'day All / Well hasn't the vermin crawled out of the wood work since dear ol' Jeff had the gall to enquire of my where-abouts. You bast=rd. / It took me ages putting them in their holes, only to have come out and let the buggers loose again. What is it with you sport! You have some sort of death wish or something. Now I fear you have unleashed yet again on the HBD the worst lot of no-hope-ers since the Florida electotate was allowed to vote. / I mean, you would expect all the noted brewers of the world to wonder whats happened, to jump to my defence and defend whats right with craftbrewing. But no your deathly silence, worse than when democracy was shot & buried in your not so great land, has brought you what you deserve - the three stooges, and i am not talking about Bush and his mates. / Now Mungo-man himself has surfaced, showing all the intellect of his ancestry. Yes Mr Yates can only brew a pilsner if someone does it for him, thats being to total 'content' of his brewing knowledge. And in typical Mungo-man style, drinks it straight out of the fermenter. Nice going mate, The not so great Dr Parvo-virus should have said not to do it. but that requires you to remember things. Thank god planes have those warning lights, you know the ones that flashes for you - 'start plane first and dont say WHOSH WE"RE OFF' . True they do paint on the front of the plane for you to read ' keep this end up" but nothing beats those lights hey. / And the well travelled, but never enlightened Parvo-virus. This is a man that couldn't get into North Queensland if he tried, (and I can tell you the bar is not set that high - brew a decent beer and your in) Any man thats finds Burradoo enlightening had to have studied anthropology to enjoy the place. Probably explains his brewing habits as well, out of the dark ages into a dark mind. A man whose greatest attribute is that he doesn't has one at all. Part quack and part-time know it all, he really is only part there most of the time anyway. I should point out people we continue to reject his application to join the Brewing Institute of Technical and Cultural Heritage because thats the way he is - a ------. / And the latest cockroach to surface that need a dose of Mortein, bloody Scott. Not only does he get the web address wrong, (its twit) he claims he knows all. The man couldn't put two words together, and whose brewing skill need a vast improvement to come anywhere the level needed to be called a true North Queenslander. Tell you what mate, keep sending the beer up, I'll tell you when you get one right. Now I know you have met my import duty quota many times over, but at least make it drinkable will you. / Now who do you blame for all this. The other God of brewing thats who. All his fault. / Shout Graham Sanders / oh mate A word of advise. When you step down from your lofty heights to talk to the mortals of this world, do so with care, as you have seen what a careless word can unleash. We do have responsibilities to the readers. Return to table of contents
Date: Mon, 29 Jan 2001 08:08:24 -0500 From: "Mark Tumarkin" <mark_t at> Subject: re: headspace & carbonation Steve, Very interesting thoughts on the subject, I haven't been able to figure the issue out - so I just try to get good, consistent fill levels and let it go at that. One question though, on a related topic -you wrote: /The formation of bubbles in the beer bypasses the slower diffusion process, but only works to move gas from solution to a free state, not the other way. I've been kegging for a relatively short time and have tried a few suggested methods for quicker force carbonation. One of these involves putting the CO2 in through the Beer Out valve - I thought the rationale behind this was to have the bubbles passing through the beer from the bottom to more quickly carbonate. Seems this would involve the gas moving from free state into solution? I must add that I've pretty much stopped trying to hurry the process - I often seem to end up with the beer overcarbonated - not that you can't then release and/or lower pressure, draw off some pints and eventually get it where it was supposed to be. I've gone to picking the target volume of CO2 and applying the correct pressure and temp and simply waiting a bit longer. Seems to get the beer where I want it more predictably. Mark Tumarkin Gainesville, Fl Return to table of contents
Date: Mon, 29 Jan 2001 13:57:41 From: "forks knives" <forksnknives at> Subject: flow into counterflow Can I use a food grade plastic racking cane to transfer my wort into a counterflow wort chiller? Will it stand up to the heat of the just boiled wort? Will flexible food grade plastic tubing stand up to the heat of the just boiled wort? Thanks for the help, Fork Return to table of contents
Date: Mon, 29 Jan 2001 09:13:54 -0500 From: "Kevin Sinn" <ksinn at> Subject: Welding a nipple into the brewpot. Hello fellow brewers! I have a question concering the location of a nipple on my brewpot. The pot in question is a 17 gallon aluminum beast. I currently siphon my cooled wort from the pot into the carboy, but I feel that I can improve on this process by installing a ball valve at the bottom of the kettle. The fellows in the shop at my workplace can weld an aluminum nipple into the pot very easily. However, where on the pot should it go? Can anyone offer some advice as to how much clearance I should leave between the nipple and the bottom of the pot? I'm planning on using a 1/2" x 2" nipple with threads on both ends to allow for future connections (of what I'm not sure!) on the inside of the kettle. For now, I assume I would attach a copper scrubby to the nipple to help filter out trub, hops, etc., and I'm planning on a 1/2" ball valve on the exterior. Thanks for your help! Kevin Sinn Essex, Ontario Return to table of contents
Date: Mon, 29 Jan 2001 08:29:43 -0600 From: "Kim" <kim at> Subject: peristaltic pumps >Steve Lane picked up 2 peristaltic pumps for $5 (cool--where is this junk yard?) I would also like more information on these pumps. Thanx. Return to table of contents
Date: Mon, 29 Jan 2001 10:11:05 -0500 From: "Pannicke, Glen A." <glen_pannicke at> Subject: Lactic Acid, Weizens and Graham's Whereabouts Tracy wrote: >Other flavor enhancements work quite well, such as adding lactic acid >to a hefeweizen to mimic a Weiss beer. Check typical percentages, >or go by trial and error. I am pretty sure that it is 0.3% or 3%! :) I believe it's a ballpark value of 0.3%. I did this recently to a Hefe I had which didn't quite meet my bananna/clove ester expectations. I calculated 12 ml/gal but decided to try it first with only 6ml/ gal. 6ml/gal worked fine for me. Any more and I think it would have been too sour. My lactic acid was 88%. I have also found that a 2 ml/gallon will impart that subtle "Guinness tang" to stouts and 2 drops is enough to taint a 12 oz glass of good beer to simulate a lactobacillus infection. Your results may vary slightly due to the character of the beer, however. Max asked about lagering Weizens: >Secondly, will lagering a German weizen in the secondary (after it has >fermented at ale temperatures in the primary) clear it up? I have had success with making a Kristal type of Weizen by doing what you propose (I also added finings and force carbonated). It was just an experiment since I too like my Weizens cloudy. And no, guys, this experiment didn't give me callouses ;-) Jeff Renner asked the whereabouts of Mr. Sanders, to which Graham himself replied: >But yes the strains of my lofty position has caused me a lull in >participation. ... I have just spread myself >far too thin lately. Jeff, watch out. He's like Betelguese, except you only have to call his name once and he appears. Apparently, the bugger has busy distilling his sake to 70% abv. I'll warrant he shot himself full of those sake spirits, passed out in the dunny and woke up with a genital sucking frog stuck to his unit. Having now found a new friend (the frog) he's probably just been ignoring us. Cheers! Carpe cerevisiae! Glen A. Pannicke glen at 75CE 0DED 59E1 55AB 830F 214D 17D7 192D 8384 00DD "Designs which work well on paper rarely do so in actual practice" Return to table of contents
Date: Mon, 29 Jan 2001 10:58:29 -0500 From: "Branam, Mike" <Mike.Branam at BellSouth.COM> Subject: 15.5 gallon beer keg as a fermenter Has anyone used a 15.5 gallon beer keg to make a fermenter? If so tell how did you do it ? How well did it work? Return to table of contents
Date: Mon, 29 Jan 2001 09:00:40 -0500 From: Todd Goodman <tgoodman at> Subject: Re: Sad News Peter Garofalo <pgarofa1 at> wrote in HBD #3542: >I learned about a week ago of the passing of F. X. Matt II, one of the >icons >of the rennaissance of craft brewing, at least here in the East. His >obituary, kindly provided by Mark Gardner, follows: >We have lost one of the good guys of brewing, not to >mention a real >character. I know I'll raise my next pint in his honor. > >Peter Garofalo >Syracuse, NY I didn't know F.X. Matt II but it's always a sad day when someone passes on. The HBD has a memorial site and I'd like to encourage people or clubs to remember other brewers who have passed away ( (I funded the original page development by Pat, so I can't do the usual disclaimer.) Todd Return to table of contents
Date: Mon, 29 Jan 2001 14:04:01 -0500 From: John Baxter Biggins <jbbiggin at> Subject: Madison, WI info There is a good chance that I will be relocating to Madison, WI, and was wondering if anyone out there has the 411 on the beer & homebrew scene there. Thanks. - -- From the Desk of John B. Biggins - ----------------------------------------- "I have come here to chew bubble gum and kick ass ...and I'm all out of bubble gum." --Rowdy Roddy Piper John Carpenter's "They Live" Return to table of contents
Date: Mon, 29 Jan 2001 15:33:57 -0500 From: "Eric Fouch" <airrick147 at> Subject: Phill's Jill I must respond to Phil's piss taking: > Eric, give up on your ambitions of becoming a pumpkin farmer. I know your friends all say horrible things about your shocking homebrew, but at least it is there to drink. There simply is no future in trying to sell white shrivelled dead pumpkins. They couldn't even be eaten with Jack's cheese. Phil > Most of this is entirley untrue. Whilst I dabble, I never once dreamed of pumpkin farming beyond growing the "Pumpkin People" you grow inside those plastic molds. I made my money on that venture, then moved on to the next best investment. As far as my horrible, shocking homebrew, I have no friends to make these statements, although I think most anything would help wash down "Jack Cheese". Or so I hear. I read a LOT, actually. And what's with this "brittanomyces" yeast your erstwhile "mate" is talking about? Is it an English lambic strain, or the flavor that results after you go hand dipping in the Doc's lager bin? Too much hand dipping can make you go blind, you know. Eric Fouch Bent Dick YoctoBrewery Antipodal Burradoo Return to table of contents
Date: Mon, 29 Jan 2001 16:26:22 -0500 From: "Joseph Marsh" <josephmarsh62 at> Subject: dry yeast Hi all, Since there's alot of talk about yeast floating around, I'd like to recommend Al Korzonas' book "Homebrewing Volume 1". It's only $15 and IMO vastly underpriced. It's oriented toward extract brewing but tells you more then you need to know about most everything. There are sections on water, Hop profiles, dry yeast profiles, liquid yeast profiles etc. Make sure you get the errata page. There are some misprints but for the most part they're nothing serious. Good brewing, Joe Return to table of contents
Date: Mon, 29 Jan 2001 16:05:00 -0700 From: "Dave Howell" <djhowell at> Subject: Pivo missed his mark Doc Pivo wrote: "Should anyone question the biochemical mechanisms I have described that caused the catastrophe, I will begin citing references until there is an explosion of yawns whose gape would do honour to the San Andreas Fault." and I say to him: Doc, the San Andreas is mostly filled in with loose dirt and stuff lying around on the surface after an earthquake. In any case, it isn't too wide. I think you missed your mark by a few hundred miles: try Death Valley (a hole a hundred feet below sea level or so) or the Grand Canyon, which is truly a gaping chasm. Then, there's Mexico's Copper Canyon, an even bigger gape. Dave Howell in Mesa, Arizona, where a hole in the ground usually has a golf ball in it sooner or later... "The time has come, the Walrus said, to speak of many things: Of shoes, of ships, of sealing wax, of cabbages and kings, and why the sea is boiling hot and whether pigs have wings." --- Charles Dodgson (aka Lewis Carroll) Return to table of contents
Date: Mon, 29 Jan 2001 21:46:23 -0600 From: Ralph Link <rlink15 at> Subject: Krausen space Hello HBDer's First a big thanks to everyone who was kind enough to supply their thoughts on growing hops in Winnipeg. Also a big thanks to Pitch for all his help and great pictures. My latest quest for knowledge is as follows. I plan to build a CCF the outside diameter is set at 18" (45.72cm). It will probably hold 20 Gals. (imp.). How do I calculate the Krausen space for this vessel. Should it be a percentage of the total volume? How critical is the dead space at the top of your fermenter. Any input that can be offer is much appreciated. Private e-mail is most appreciated or post for all to see. As always Thanks Ralph Return to table of contents
Date: Mon, 29 Jan 2001 20:24:59 -0500 From: "Carlos A. Albuerne" <albuerne at> Subject: Maple syrup based fermentations Hi folks. My first post to the HBD list. Please be kind ;-) My home state, Vermont, is the leading producer of maple syrup in the US. Can't compare that to Canada but after sugaring season here, stands at prominent intersections (hmm...that's anywhere a single lane route intersects with another...small, rural state) become ubiquitous. Stopping always leads to a good conversation with an old timer. Last sugaring season and my first mead started me thinking about an (nearly) all maple syrup concoction. Anyway, I'm looking for a good source of information on brewing and fermenting (egads) exclusively with maple syrup. Well, almost exclusively. Just to clarify, I'm not looking for beer recipes that include maple syrup as an adjunct. I've had my share of maple porters (yum...most of the time). I'm looking for info with maple syrup as the primary fermentable. I've found a few recipes on the net using exclusively maple syrup that has peaked my interest. Has anyone covered maple syrup brewing in a book? What do you call maple syrup based concoctions? What adjuncts might go well with a nearly all maple syrup based brew? Any pointers to which yeasts, dry or liquid, might be effective with maple sugars? Any pointers will be appreciated. Carlos Albuerne Winhall, VT Return to table of contents
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