FORUM ON BEER, HOMEBREWING, AND RELATED ISSUES Digest Janitor: *************************************************************** THIS YEAR'S HOME BREW DIGEST BROUGHT TO YOU BY: Northern Brewer, Ltd. Home Brew Supplies 1-800-681-2739 Support those who support you! Visit our sponsor's site! ********** Also visit ********* Contents: Sparge and vorlauf distribution & a day at the brewpub (Karen & Troy Hager) Re: Food Network Special Today! "Follow That Beer" ("Nick Number") Beer in Hawaii ("Charlie Walker") re: Copper toxicity ("C.D. Pritchard") Re; Subject: Poperinge hop pageant ("Charlie Walker") OT : fob ("Alan McKay") Oktoberfest food question ("Alan McKay")
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---------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Sat, 11 Aug 2001 09:44:33 -0700 From: Karen & Troy Hager <thager at> Subject: Sparge and vorlauf distribution & a day at the brewpub Well, yesterday I got to brew at the local brewpub and since in my last post, I mentioned the need for the "big boys" to evenly distribute their liquor over the grain bed I thought you might like to hear what I saw at the brewpub yesterday. It was a fairly standard system to my knowledge as far as brewpubs go - a full volume brew was 14 barrels (434 gallons). The mash tun was an unheated vessel about 8 feet in diameter. For the vorlauf (recirculation) the wort was drained to a float valve activate grant (about a 1/2 bbl pot) and then pumped up to the top of the mash tun and entered through a pipe on the top that was located near the side of the tun. Inside the tun, this pipe (about 1 in. diameter) was bent so that the stream of recirculating wort would be aimed down the side. There was NO distribution of the recirculated wort *at all*. In fact, I believe that it must have created a big channel down the side and through the bottom screen. Interestingly, the wort cleared up nicely after about 15 minutes of recirculation - during which they ran, I believe, about 2 bbls through to set the filter bed and clarify the wort. The wort was not crystal clear at this point, but it was free of the large chunks of grain seen at the beginning of the vorlauf. At this point the sparging started. Here, they pumped water from the liquor back (HLT) at about 170F through the CIP spray ball located inside the top of the tun. The ball was about 2 in. in diameter and had perhaps twenty five 1/4 in. holes on the bottom half. These emitted streams of water that dropped 3-4 feet to the grain bed and did distribute the sparge liquor over the grain bed evenly. Since the entire tun is closed, I don't believe much heat was lost with this spray method. A couple other points of interest that surprised me yesterday... at dough in - single infusion, unheated mash tun - the grain and water comes in from the top at one point and falls about 5 feet to the bottom. You mix the mash BY HAND with a long paddle as it builds up on the bottom, paddling like a MFer to prevent doughballs from forming which you can see floating on top. Your doing this through the 2 ft wide man-hole at the top with cloth and rubber gloves on and your sweating like a pig, nose runnings and sweat all dripping down into the mash!!! All this paddling creates quite a bit of splashing around in what seemed to be a very thin mash. They did not seem to be concerned about handling the mash so roughly. G. Fix would surely cringe at all that hot mash flying all over the place. Another interesting thing I noticed is the small opening for the kettle. The kettle evaporation is piped up through the ceiling with about a 1 foot diameter duct which has two 90 deg. elbows with a funnel to collect and drain the condensation. The duct has a fan in it to pull off more evaporation. The kettle is heated with steam and doesn't get a very good roll to it - a low roll would best describe it. At the end of the boil, we had boiled off 1.5 of 18 bbls giving us just over an 8% evaporation rate. This is very different from my and other HB setups that I know of. This is like doing an almost covered boil! With my converted keg kettle and the propane burners on full I can evaporate up to 1 gal every 30 minutes - needless to say with a boil that is like a high powered jacuzzi! That equates to an evaporation rate of about 30%! I might also think that with such a high evaporation rate much of the hop aromatics and flavors of late addition hops might be lost in the evaporation...? It seems like there would surely be a difference between blowing off all those volatiles with a high evaporation rate and having them condense on the top and sides of the kettle and drain back into the boil. Anyway, there are a million ways to skin a cat and this is just one set up in one brewpub. I found it interesting though and thought I would pass it on. Troy Return to table of contents
Date: Sat, 11 Aug 2001 14:33:27 -0500 From: "Nick Number" <shift3 at> Subject: Re: Food Network Special Today! "Follow That Beer" Donald D. Lake <dlake at> wrote: > The food network is having a special Saturday at 4:00 pm called "Follow > that Beer." This aired last Friday as well. It's quite good...even the constant presence of Gordon Elliott can't mar it completely. They evaluate several Belgian beers, including Rodenbach, Orval, Leffe, Duvel, and Corsendonk. The dishes they cook up with them are impressive. Don't watch it on an empty stomach. There were a few gaffes. Nobody showed Gordon how to pour bottle-conditioned beer properly. At one point he dumps one into someone's glass and shakes it to get all the dregs out. It wasn't a hefe-weizen either. They also did a supposedly blind taste test with an "average guy" on the streets of New York. Not only was he able to identify Stella Artois by name, but he claimed to be able to taste the beechwood in Budweiser. Talented... Nick Number. Return to table of contents
Date: Sat, 11 Aug 2001 20:32:51 -0500 From: "Charlie Walker" <charlybill at> Subject: Beer in Hawaii I will be in Kona, Hawaii next week. Anyone with some tips on brew places, beer that I must try while I'm there? We are meeting some family there, so not sure what the agenda is but will definitely make time for some good beer. Any tips will be most appreciated. Many thanks, Charlie Walker Lancaster, Texas NTHB Return to table of contents
Date: Sat, 11 Aug 2001 10:45:14 From: "C.D. Pritchard" <cdp at> Subject: re: Copper toxicity Tony Barnsley asked if 20 feet coil of 3/8" copper in a primary fermenter as a heat exchanger would cause too high of a copper level and damage the yeast. To assess toxicity, maybe make two starters and put some copper into one of them and see what happens. I tried a ~5' coil of 1/4" copper tubing in a 5 gal. Cornie keg fermenter. The yeast didn't seem affected by the copper. The problem was the beer stone which was deposited on the copper- at least I think it was beer stone due to the tenacity with which it stuck to the copper and it's color. Copper inside a SS keg with a good electrolyte isn't too good of an idea either. I settled on a heat exchanger made from corrugated SS tubing liberated from a gas appliance connector. It's thinner wall and corrugations make it a better heat exchanger than SS tubing for not much more money. Details at c.d. pritchard cdp at Return to table of contents
Date: Sun, 12 Aug 2001 09:20:03 -0500 From: "Charlie Walker" <charlybill at> Subject: Re; Subject: Poperinge hop pageant <From: "matt dinges" <matt_dinges at> <Subject: Poperinge hop pageant> <HOMEBREW Digest #3700 Sat 04 August 2001> Last week on the travel channel on Travelers, they went to the Poperinge hop pageant. Unfortunately I missed the first part of the show where they went to a family owned hop farm. All in all looks like it would be a great trip. On another note, on our way to Hawaii next week we will be stopping in Oakland,Ca overnite Saturday. It would be great to make it to Anchor but probably won't have time for that. How about breer, pubs on the Oakland side of the bay? Charlie Lancaster, Tx Return to table of contents
Date: Sun, 12 Aug 2001 16:55:03 -0400 (EDT) From: "Alan McKay" <amckay at> Subject: OT : fob I've always used the word "key fob" to refer to the thing on the key ring besides the keys and the ring. Often made of leather but not always. You know, you get a free keyring at a trade show and it consists of the ring, which is just a plain metal ring, and the fob, which has the logo on it of the company who was giving them out. cheers, -Alan - -- "Brewers make wort. Yeast makes beer." - Dave Miller What's a Bodensatz? Return to table of contents
Date: Sun, 12 Aug 2001 18:19:46 -0400 (EDT) From: "Alan McKay" <amckay at> Subject: Oktoberfest food question Hey folks, My wife and I are going to have an Oktoberfest party this year to celebrate our 5th anniversary along with our first pregnancy (12 weeks and counting!). This would be appropriate considering our first date was brewing beer together, and our wedding reception was held at the Oktoberfest of the local (back in NS) brewpub. Since I've never been to the real Oktoberfest I'm hoping the collective will be able to give me a list of some tradition foods that are served there. And of course I'm only really interested in the real thing - not the annual replica held in Kitchener-Waterloo or anywhere else on this side of the pond. Just really interested in the original in Munich. So who has been to Oktoberfest and can tell me what types of foods we should look at serving at our party? So far I know : - beer (duh!) Thanks all, -Alan - -- "Brewers make wort. Yeast makes beer." - Dave Miller What's a Bodensatz? Return to table of contents
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