HOMEBREW Digest #3895 Fri 22 March 2002

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  Chicago Cup Challenge ("Jerry Sadowski")
  Plastic bags ("Jon & Megan Sandlin")
  RE: 10 gallon cornie conversion to a conical fermenter ("Wayne Holder")
  Tropical Hops ("Graham L Sanders")
  Re: pacific northwest brewpubs (Matt Walker)
  The Vegemite Colony ("Phil Yates")
  RE: False bottom height ("Lou King")
  Any brave soles out there? ("Neitzke, Arnold")
  10 Gal. Cornie Conical Conversion (Richard Foote)
  Grassy Cascade ("Peter Fantasia")
  Beer Donuts ("Houseman, David L")
  Conical fermenters ("Jim Bermingham")
  Re: Conical 10 Gallon was Re:10 gallon cornies ("Larry Bristol")
  re:Pre Fermentation and other oxidations. ("Dr. Pivo")
  Cleaning a conical ("Jim Bermingham")
  hop utilization (carlos benitez)
  Re: pacific northwest brewpubs (Demonick)
  Carbonation impact on gravity reading... ("J. Todd Larson")
  Re:10 galon cornies - conicals ("Kurt Schweter")
  Update on MCAB4 -- Hotels, etc. (Paul Shick)
  Philadelphia brewpubs (Suds2468)
  SF/Berkeley beer haunts ("John Biggins")
  soda bottle threads ("Michael O'Donnell")
  Mash Tuns ("Allen Godin")
  Conical 10 Gallon was Re:10 gallon cornies ("badger")
  conical fermenters (carlos benitez)
  More On Oxidation ("Phil Yates")
  Liberty Ale (Danny Breidenbach)
  Sour Brown Ale ("David Craft")
  More Klein ("James Sploonta")

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---------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Tue, 19 Mar 2002 23:21:28 -0600 From: "Jerry Sadowski" <jsadow1 at msn.com> Subject: Chicago Cup Challenge It's that time of year again. The Brewers Of South Suburbia (B.O.S.S.) is hosting the Eleventh Annual Chicago Cup Challenge Homebrew Contest, Saturday, April 13, 2002. The competition features the Chicago Cup which is awarded to the homebrew club collecting the most points. Prizes and ribbons are awarded in every BJCP category and to Best Of Show winners for Beers and non-Beers. This is a leg of the Midwest Homebrewer of the Year Contest. Entries are being accepted March 25 to April 5. The competition will be held at Jakes BBQ in Blue Island, IL. Visit our NEW website at http://www.uswebaccess.net/boss/ for forms and rules. We are in need of judges. This is a great way to dust off your palate for the nationals which are two weeks later. Judge coordinator is John Dalton, JDalton at enteract.com. The contest organizer and club president can be reached at DavidPersenaire at aol.com. Thanks in advance. Return to table of contents
Date: Tue, 19 Mar 2002 21:38:52 -0800 From: "Jon & Megan Sandlin" <sandlin at bendcable.com> Subject: Plastic bags I would like to use plastic bags to line containers for fermentation. I imagine that the bags would have to be food grade (of course) and pretty durable. Has anybody tried this before? Where do I source the bags? Thanks in advance for your help. Jon Sandlin Bend, Oregon Return to table of contents
Date: Tue, 19 Mar 2002 21:59:35 -0800 From: "Wayne Holder" <zymie at charter.net> Subject: RE: 10 gallon cornie conversion to a conical fermenter Why would anyone go through the hassle of converting a corny keg to a conical fermenter when you can buy a 12.2 gallon stainless hopper from TMS (http://www.toledometalspinning.com) for $87? I LOVE my TMS conical, which I believe, is the same cone as the B3 or Fermenator conicals. The only disadvantage so far is that I need a couple more. They don't HAVE to be expensive, but I know a lot of folks that would like to keep them that way. Wayne Holder AKA Zymie Long Beach CA http://www.zymico.com Return to table of contents
Date: Wed, 20 Mar 2002 10:32:17 +1000 From: "Graham L Sanders" <craftbrewer at bigpond.com> Subject: Tropical Hops G'day All Now that I finally managed to confine Mr Yates to the highlands permanently, and he gets about actually learning about how to brew, I have received nothing from support from the rest of Aus from saving them from unexpected visits from that madman. I tried to tell Phil about oxygen and his wort, but it went right over his head. Every time I talked about it as a gas, he kept saying "oh I know about gas, its what I do in bed to avoid Jill". You lot are going to have a hard time ed-u-mar-kating him. Looney central is alive and well now he has to stay home. But anyway the Guru of the North has been summoned into action. >From: "santhosh kumar" <ptsanthosh at rediffmail.com> >Subject: hop plant in hot cliamte > >Hi All, >I wish to planting some hop rhizomes in my back yard. >But we'v no winter,no snow here in South India. >Any one can tell what'l happen for my hop plant >without cold climate? Now Santhosh you should realise that most in the USA would have no idea, and that includes things about growing hops in the tropics, with the exception of a bloke called Jeff Renner. For your information, I am based in Tropical Queensland which is in your neck of the world. On a side issue, if you need a forum that is more related to your local issues go to www.craftbrewer.org Sigh up for the discussion group on that website. Its a discussion group for people on our side of the world, with members from South Africa, Australia and New Zealand, but also tropical brewers, and you fit the bill in both areas. Anyway I have been growing hops in the tropics now for a year. First myth to shatter. 1. They do not work like garlic and protect you from SWMBO. damn!!!! She is still about. 2. Hops will grow exceptional well in the tropics, in fact all year round 3. They do flower, But you will find they flowers poorly and the size is also smaller 4. They flower a number of times in a year If you decide to grow the hops, most will tell you 2 plants is all you need to supply an average brewer. In the tropics you will also get hops, but I would recommend about 6 plants to get a good number of hop flowers. And of course I have new type of hop growing. In the tradition of naming hops, I grow a Thuringowa Ringwood. Shout Graham Sanders Oh - I always find it strange how tourists and visitors keep dying up here, but the locals keep coming away with stories of near misses. So far this week we have had a couple of large crocs hanging arround boat ramps, one croc ramming a boat trying to flip out the guy, and a crabber who had an oar snapped in two, when he was getting one of his pots. I recon its because they are picky. I bet we are just plain too tough, and they prefer more tender, softer game. Return to table of contents
Date: Tue, 19 Mar 2002 23:44:44 -0800 From: Matt Walker <matt at suckerfish.net> Subject: Re: pacific northwest brewpubs My girlfriend and I drove from San Francisco to Vancouver and back again last summer hitting brewpubs in Portland and Seattle along the way. It was a fun trip -- you'll have a great time. Steamworks Brew Pub (http://www.steamworks.com/) in Vancouver, Pike Pub & Brewery (http://www.pikebrewing.com/) in Seattle, and Bridgeport (http://www.firkin.com/) in Portland are all worthwhile stops. If you're on the Oregon Coast, check out Pelican Pub & Brewery (http://www.pelicanbrewery.com/) in Pacific City and Rogue (http://www.rogue.com/) in Newport. Also, I've heard good things about Elysian and Redhook in Seattle and Hair of the Dog and any of the McMenamins in Portland. Check out the Northwest Brewpage at http://www.nwbrewpage.com/ for more info. Cheers! -- Matt Return to table of contents
Date: Wed, 20 Mar 2002 19:17:04 +1100 From: "Phil Yates" <yates at acenet.com.au> Subject: The Vegemite Colony I have a question which Steve Alexander might like to answer, or any one else for that matter. Does yeast autolysis require the presence of free oxygen? I'm pretty sure the answer would be no. I decided today to open my little ten litre party keg, realising that it hadn't been used for several months. The last time I had a brew in this keg, I took it to a friend's party and got into all sorts of strife. The men folk loved the contents and drank it dry. I was later berated for ruining the party. I recall driving to the party with a full keg. The ride home was under the command of Jill who manned the wheel of the ute whilst I flopped around in the back with the empty keg. But please let's forget about this little indiscretion! I always keep my empty kegs under CO2 pressure awaiting their next fill (of course I thoroughly clean and sanitise them just prior to their refill). Lifting the top off my little keg today filled the brewhouse with the appalling smell of vegemite. Down in the bottom was a dark sludge of yeast remains and obvious to me were the signs of cannibalism. If you don't know what the hell I'm talking about, buy yourself a jar of vegemite and have a good whiff. In the new dictionary of beer descriptions, I want to be remembered for describing yeast autolysis as being just that. I also want Ray Kruse remembered for his contribution to the description of light struck beer. I'll never forget his bottle of skunk oil which to this day (some two years later) still sits on a far post stinking like it did the day it arrived. Now you can't blame our yeast friends for their activity. Locked away from the rest of the world they are bound to get fed up and start eating each other.Imagine having to suffer such atrocities amidst the stench of vegemite!!! It certainly seems to happen without the presence of oxygen. God Bless America And God Save The Queen I hope he's got time to save Australia. Cheers Phil Return to table of contents
Date: Wed, 20 Mar 2002 03:39:32 -0500 From: "Lou King" <lking at pobox.com> Subject: RE: False bottom height John Schnupp asks about false bottom height, and what is too small a volume underneath the false bottom. Beer, Beer and More Beer (NAYYY) has a false bottom, the design of which puts the top of the false bottom below the outlet, and minimizes the volume underneath through use of a convex shape of the screen itself. The wort flows up through the middle of the unit. See http://www.morebeer.com/index.html?page=detail.php3&pid=AG405 (you may have to paste this link together). If I were to guess, I'd say the middle of this false bottom is about 3/4 to 1 inch over the bottom of the cooler. I don't think this answers his question exactly, but maybe it'll give him some ideas. I have used this false bottom for several all grain batches, and I haven't had any problems so far, nor do I think I'm wasting much wort underneath. Lou King Ijamsville, MD Return to table of contents
Date: Wed, 20 Mar 2002 06:15:47 -0500 From: "Neitzke, Arnold" <Arnold.Neitzke at fanucrobotics.com> Subject: Any brave soles out there? Stainless steel conical fermenter for $200.00? Maybe, go to www.lehmans.com and search for "Old-time cream separator" It even has a window in the cone to view the contents. Hey, it's good enough for milk, it's gota be good enough for beer, right? I am not going to go out and get one but I figured that someone on this list may be interested in giving it a try and report back. Arnold Neitzke Brighton MI Return to table of contents
Date: Wed, 20 Mar 2002 08:31:26 -0500 From: Richard Foote <rfoote at mindspring.com> Subject: 10 Gal. Cornie Conical Conversion Gene Collins writes: >Does anyone have any drawings for making the cone section and is 45 degrees >still the accepted "perfect angle"? All sorts of pieces/parts are available off the shelf. Go here http://toledometalspinning.com and click on "TMS Products". One of these (forget which one) is a dead ringer for the BB & MB conical. They call 'em "conical hoppers", but we know better. The standard is 60 degrees. Hope this helps. Rick Foote Whistle Pig Brewing Murrayville, GA Return to table of contents
Date: Wed, 20 Mar 2002 08:40:02 -0500 From: "Peter Fantasia" <fantasiapeter at hotmail.com> Subject: Grassy Cascade Hi All, Has anyone had a problem with this year's crop of cascade? I have twenty gallons of beer with this overpowering grassy taste that is just awful. One a Celebration Ale clone and one a Liberty Ale clone. The hops were pellets from LD Carlson. They were both dry hopped and had reached final gravity before bottling yet they both seem to be slightly overcarbonated. Can an infection give a grassy taste? Here's the celebration recipe: CELEBRATION ALE Ingredients for 11 gal. 20.5 pounds American 2-row 1 pound Belgian Caravienne 1 pound Belgian Caramunich .75 pound German Light Munich .25 pound Black Patent Malt .25 pound 120L crystal 1.5 ounces Centennial (9.1 AA%) 60 min 1.25 ounce Centennial (9.1 AA%) 30 min 2 ounces Cascade (5 AA%) 5 min 1 ounce Cascade (5 AA%) knockoff 1 ounce cascade dry hopped in each secondary Yeast : wyeast american ale 1056 The only common thing between both beers was the hops. Pete NJ Return to table of contents
Date: Wed, 20 Mar 2002 09:06:16 -0500 From: "Houseman, David L" <David.Houseman at unisys.com> Subject: Beer Donuts This combines two of my favorite foods (eh...sins). If you want to try a beer donut recipe: http://www.beercook.com/recipes/beerdonuts.htm Dave Houseman Return to table of contents
Date: Wed, 20 Mar 2002 08:32:45 -0600 (Central Standard Time) From: "Jim Bermingham" <bermingham at antennaproducts.com> Subject: Conical fermenters Bill Wible writes of conical fermenters: "a conical fermenter is just a really cool toy, and almost every brewer I know wants one, or thinks they do" Yes, yes they certainly are cool and like most of our brewing equipment they are toys. I have a conical fermenter and love it. In 1961 when I first started brewing I used a "Butter Churn" as a fermenter. I also used a # 2 Dixon Ticonderoga to write with, a slide rule to calculate with, and my family had a 3 party phone line. Back then if there had been such things as Lap Tops, PC's, Palm Pilots, hand held calculators, and mobile phones they would have been really cool toys. Now people who have them, think they couldn't do without them. I for one never, never want to go back to the old churn. I have never seen anything wrong with a grown man having toys if he wants and can afford them. Jim Bermingham Millsap, TX Return to table of contents
Date: Wed, 20 Mar 2002 08:22:41 -0600 From: "Larry Bristol" <Larry at DoubleLuck.com> Subject: Re: Conical 10 Gallon was Re:10 gallon cornies On Wed, 20 Mar 2002 00:16:58 -0500, Bill Wible <bill at brewbyyou.net> wrote: >Yeah, this probably will open a can of worms. <snicker> Bill makes an excellent analysis of the relative advantages and disadvantages of conical fermenters. I happen to think he has understated the advantages and overemphasized the disadvantages. >...<snip>... >One is that due to the high cost of a conical, most people who have them >only have one. If it's tied up for 3 weeks at a time (for ale) and you only >have one, you can't brew another batch. If you're going to tie it up with a >lager, that might take 8 - 10 weeks. Same problem the big boys have - >planning and allocating tank space. True enough. To me, however, one of the fun aspects of using a conical is that I have to plan my brews a little more carefully. So is this really a disadvantage? I guess it depends on your perspective. But more importantly, I disagree with the basic premise of this supposed disadvantage. Possession of a conical fermenter does not preclude you from following the same procedures you would use without one. If the conical is tied up and you want to make another brew, simply move the beer into carboys for secondary fermentation, just like you would move it from a primary to a secondary fermenter. After it is moved, you loose the convenience of being able to dump yeast out of the bottom, but frankly this is not something that you do a lot as the beer reaches full attenuation. This means you could brew every 3-4 days if necessary; you would run out of carboys long before you ran out of conical fermenter (note: singular). >Another problem is controlling the fermentation temperature. >Glycol units can be purchased or added on, but they're not cheap. >And a 10 gallon conical likely won't fit in any fridge that one of us has. Also true, but I fail to understand why a conical fermenter offers any more difficulty in this regard than does any other type of fermenter. Most brewers ferment at room temperature, and a conical will fit into any room that one of us has. Obviously, this would be more of a concern when making lagers. But I will go back to the "only have one of them" disadvantage and ask how many brewing fridges does the typical homebrewer have, and just how many 10 gallon batches can be lagered at the same time? It appears to me that fridge capacity is as much of a problem as would be the lack of multiple conical fermenters. >They're also difficult to clean. I have to take extreme exception to this! A s/s conical is much easier to clean than the plastic bucket or glass carboy that is in common use. It is easier to clean than a corney. And it is FAR easier to clean than a fridge! >Personally, I think the disadvantages of conical fermenters outweigh the >advantages, but a conical fermenter is just a really cool toy, and almost >every brewer I know wants one, or thinks they do. It's the way the big boys >do it, and it's something most of us think we'd like to have. I will give up my conical when they pry my cold dead fingers from the bottom dump. :-) When the statement was made that this would "open up a can of worms," I expected the thread to go along the lines of why the shape of a conical fermenter is superior to a fermentation vessel with straight sides. I do not have any new scientific data to offer in this regard, and I suspect this subject has been argued over and over in this and other forums. Perhaps we can avoid this tedious debate. It makes me sorry I even brought this topic up. <grin> Return to table of contents
Date: Wed, 20 Mar 2002 15:19:49 +0100 From: "Dr. Pivo" <dp at pivo.w.se> Subject: re:Pre Fermentation and other oxidations. Phil Yates asks an interesting question: > But enough of this, I have another question. We have argued in here to the > death about whether or not HSA existed, or more to the point, whether or not > it mattered. I'm sure we all agree that oxidization of our beer post > fermentation is a serious no no. But I'm curious about this point: > Most of us go out of our way to get as much oxygen as we can into our wort > just prior to dumping in our yeast. What happens if we don't dump in our > yeast, or not immediately? > What happens if we run our wort from the kettle, heavily aerate it and put > it in a sealed container free from infection? What happens if we leave it > there for a good month before throwing in our yeast? > You are on to the whole subject of "Cold Side Airation", which also has the same acronym as "Cub Scouts of America". So in an attempt to earn my merit badge, I'll forward some opinions. As stated, the traditional view is: "at pitching time" is the only time your stuff really ever should see oxygen. The popular way today is to blast with pure oxygen to an optimal 8ppm (which curiously is just about what you can squeeze in at atmospheric conditions.... is this real science or just "dong what you can do" and then justifying it?) Now, when the wort is cold it will be able to dissolve these large ammounts, and if the yeast is not there to take it up, it will certainly react with "something"... hence "oxidation". It turns out that even though the yeast will readily gobble every speck in sight within about half an hour of exposure.... even within the life of the yeast you are causing an "oxidation" overload, and far from every molecule of that gas goes directly towards "cell wall building" as one would like to believe... but in fact in the yeast's very own metabolism can be made into such lovely violently reacting characters as my old friend hydrogen peroxide. So this is a BIG question in my mind.... Is this the optimal way to "feed" oxygen. There is some real live work that has shown that "staling" of the beer, increases with increasing additional oxygen loads in the beginning. Steve Alexander suggests adding the big "O" at four hours. This is one of many suggestions. Some would say at 24 hours, since that is the time of maximal "budding" of the yeasts (they look like little Mickey Mouses then) and they then can best use the stuff for growth instead of just shuttleing it off into a bunch of other oxidation reactions. My suggestion is (as always) to play with it. I've found that what works well for me, is to wait until it is just coming onto "white krauzen"... that is... little cottony balls of foam are spreading on the surface, but have not covered it. If you've got one of those (and of course in our varying setups this will hardly be at a time that "I" can tell you, be it 4 or 24...... just watch the stuff). If you then rack off half of that stuff to another fermenter, doing a lot of splashing to give it a new feed ("dropping" is the term, and does not refer to midnight "acid" rides on the posty bike, or Marilyn fondleing in the bog).... and let it ferment side by side with the remaining unmolested half, I think you'll soon figure out what's going on.... ... and probably a lot faster than me or anyone else advising or prophesising on it. As to wort getting "oxidised"..... you bet. Oxidation is the ultimate death of every beer that gets to sit around long enough, and air, heat, and agitation are things that will speed it on it's way. "anti-oxidants" is a popular term these days (reducing agents is not a bad one either), and in your struggle to keep your beer fresh there is really only a couple of things on your side. One is to avoid oxidation (don't add too much oxygen at the wrong time, don't store your kegs in the oven, and don't dance the "shimmy" with them by the pool table), another is the sulphur content in the beer (and I don't expect you'll be manipulating that too much), and lastly... a most wonderful "anti-oxidant" indeed..... living yeast. As to: "Can yeast counteract (reduce) oxidation products that have already formed?" (as in your suspected "stale" wort). I'd guess "to a certain degree". I base this on "krauzening" experience. While adding a "krauzen" is the best way I know to maintain a healthy beer, or avoid "oxidation", I've not yet seen it be able to completely fix one that is patently stale (oxidised).It will GROSSLY improve it, but that nasty corner of "old barrell" always still seems to exist if you hunt hard enough. Dr. Pivo Return to table of contents
Date: Wed, 20 Mar 2002 08:51:50 -0600 (Central Standard Time) From: "Jim Bermingham" <bermingham at antennaproducts.com> Subject: Cleaning a conical I forgot to mention the ease of cleaning a conical. Bill stated that they were also difficult to clean. This is far from the truth. They are very easy to clean. Much easier than anything I have ever fermented in. You can almost crawl into one of these things. You do have to take the valves off for a good cleaning, but this takes only a simple wrench to do this trick. Jim, Loving His Toy, Bermingham Millsap, TX Return to table of contents
Date: Wed, 20 Mar 2002 08:06:48 -0800 (PST) From: carlos benitez <greenmonsterbrewing at yahoo.com> Subject: hop utilization Hi All, When I first started brewing, I was using using nylon grain bags to hold my hops (much like a tea bag)- this worked very well. At the end of the boil and start of chilling phase I would remove the bags - NOW, brewing all-grain 10 gallon batches I toss the hops in free and they remain in the brew kettle while I pump it through the chiller into the fermenter, This takes about 15 minutes - does this additional exposure to the hops count? The beer tastes great, and not overly hoppy to me so I will continue to do it this way, but I am curious... ===== BIBIDI ! Brew It Bottle It Drink It Carlos Benitez - Green Monster Brewing Bainbridge, PA, U.S.A. Return to table of contents
Date: Wed, 20 Mar 2002 08:24:04 -0800 From: Demonick <demonick at zgi.com> Subject: Re: pacific northwest brewpubs In Seattle, sorry, these are off the top of my head and I don't have the time to look up addresses and phone numbers. Lots of Yellow pages on the web. Hales Ales IPA, Special Bitters Maritime Brewery, Dry hopped Islander Pale Trollyman, home of Redhook Ales Above 3 are very close, Hales and Maritime are in Ballard part of Seattle, Trollyman is in Fremont which you pass through on the way from Downtown to Ballard. Hit Hales and Maritime, then Trollyman if you have the time. Big Time Brewery, Bhagwan's Best, Oatmean Stout, Big Foot Barley Wine Try them all. A must, in the University District. Elysian Pilsner Pike Place Pyramid Ho hum - Do not go out of your way. Domenick Venezia Venezia & Company, LLC Maker of PrimeTab (206) 782-1152 phone (206) 782-6766 fax Seattle, WA demonick at zgi dot com http://www.primetab.com Return to table of contents
Date: Wed, 20 Mar 2002 09:14:48 -0800 From: "J. Todd Larson" <larson at amazon.com> Subject: Carbonation impact on gravity reading... I thought my lager was done. I rarely, if ever, take gravity readings. It appears and tastes like it is a little shy of being done, and is very slightly carbonated in a keg right now (I thought it would be done by now and began to carbonate it). Can I still take an immediate gravity reading, or should I dispense some and let it sit over-night to decarbonate? It is my first lager, so I may have mis-judged the time to finish. Thanks for any thoughts. Todd Larson Bainbridge Island, WA larson at amazon.com Return to table of contents
Date: Wed, 20 Mar 2002 13:36:28 -0500 From: "Kurt Schweter" <KSchweter at smgfoodlb.com> Subject: Re:10 galon cornies - conicals 10 gallon cornies make great fermenters - spend a few bucks on an extra fluid tube and cut it off or just use one from a 5 gallon soda keg draw the beer from above the yeast don't need to reinvent the wheel here Return to table of contents
Date: Wed, 20 Mar 2002 15:32:46 -0600 From: Paul Shick <shick at jcu.edu> Subject: Update on MCAB4 -- Hotels, etc. Hi all, A quick update on the MCAB4 preparations: the Renaissance Hotel (where we're holding the judging and having a hospitality suite) has filled up entirely for the weekend of April 12-14. Several other downtown Cleveland hotels still have openings for the MCAB4 weekend, among them: Holiday Inn Express Holiday Inn City Center Wyndham Playhouse Square Comfort Inn Downtown Hyatt Regency, all within easy walking distance of the Renaissance. MCABers can check all of them at once at cleveland.hotelguide.net. A terse summary of the (tentative) schedule is: Friday, April 12: 5-6PM Judge registration at Renaissance Hotel 6-9PM First Round judging, Renaissance Hotel 9PM-??? Talk brewing, sample homebrew in Hospitality Suite Renaissance Hotel Saturday, April 13: 8:30-9:30AM Register at Great Lakes Brewing Co (Tasting Room of new Brewhouse.) 9:30AM-12:15PM Morning talks, breaks (C. White, A. Tveekrem, S. Alexander.) at GLBC 12:30-1:30 Lunch break 1:30-5PM Afternoon talks, breaks (A. Meeker, C. Skypeck, AJ DeLange, D. Cantwell, G. Strong.) at GLBC 5-7PM BOS judging at GLBC, break for everyone else (back to Hospitality Suite?) 7-10PM Banquet/Awards Ceremony at GLBC. 10PM-??? Talk brewing, sample homebrew in Hospitality Suite Renaissance Hotel. Of course, all of the details are at hbd.org/MCAB. It should be a seriously fun/interesting weekend. Hope to see lots of HBDers here. Paul Shick Madly organizing in Cleveland Hts, OH P.S. We still need judges! See the MCAB page and sign up, please. Return to table of contents
Date: Wed, 20 Mar 2002 16:32:41 EST From: Suds2468 at aol.com Subject: Philadelphia brewpubs Hi All: I'm fixing to visit Philly the first week of April and would like to know if anyone can suggest some choice brewpubs. Any ideas? Brent Johnson City, TN State of Franklin Homebrewers Return to table of contents
Date: Wed, 20 Mar 2002 22:35:59 From: "John Biggins" <bignz721 at hotmail.com> Subject: SF/Berkeley beer haunts I am visiting San Francisco/Berkeley next month. It's been 2 years since I've been there & was wondering if anything good or new has popped up that I can't find on Pubcrawler or any good recommendations (besides the manditory Toronado visit). Private email OK Thx -jb Return to table of contents
Date: Wed, 20 Mar 2002 15:52:15 -0800 From: "Michael O'Donnell" <mooseo at stanford.edu> Subject: soda bottle threads Does anyone on the list know the thread size and pitch for a 2-liter soda bottle? I'm trying to tap a fitting to go on the top. I roughly measured something like 1" 10TPI, but that doesn't seem to exist. Any suggestions greatly appriciated. cheers, mike Return to table of contents
Date: Wed, 20 Mar 2002 19:28:19 -0500 From: "Allen Godin" <allengodin at hotmail.com> Subject: Mash Tuns I'm not into mashing yet, so I don't care what the replies are to this post, however, is a 2 1/2 gallon Coleman cooler usable as a small scale mash tun? I picked one up cheap from someone who's moving. I'm sure our family of 5 can find a use for it if Mash Tuns have a low end size limit. I will probably start brewing with grain and extract by the end of the year as my skills progress. I hope whoever replies will say something useful for everyone who's just beginning. Thanks, Allen Godin Morrisville, VT New and Improved! Check out C-Smoke. A Topica list for smokers of quality commercial hand made cigars. http://www.geocities.com/allen_godin/ClassicBoats/Boating.html My website is growing. Return to table of contents
Date: Wed, 20 Mar 2002 17:03:11 -0800 From: "badger" <badger at badger.cx> Subject: Conical 10 Gallon was Re:10 gallon cornies > From: Bill Wible <bill at brewbyyou.net> > > There are advantages and disadvantages to using conicals. The big advantage > is the ability to remove the yeast from the beer, not the other way around, yeah, that does seem to me to be a big plus.. I hate racking.. > There are also quite a few disadvantages. One is that due to the high > cost of a conical, most people who have them only have one. If it's tied > up for 3 weeks at a time (for ale) and you only have one, you can't brew > another batch. If you're going to tie it up with a lager, that might > take 8 - 10 weeks. Same problem the big boys have - planning and allocating > tank space. Another problem is controlling the fermentation temperature. > Glycol units can be purchased or added on, but they're not cheap. And a > 10 gallon conical likely won't fit in any fridge that one of us has. so, If I don't lager or have a need for temp control, and only do batches every once in a while then the biggest pain would be cleaning. > They're also difficult to clean. yeah, I could how that might be a problem. Another factor occured. weight. I don't have a pump system, so it would have to be all gravity feed. > I undertand you can't bottle out of it, so you still have to do at least one transfer. can you bottle out of SS conical? I guess I hadn't considered that. > do it, and it's something most of us think we'd like to have. oh heck yeah its a toy.. just like the whole process of brewing for me.. I have a garage full of toys.. Return to table of contents
Date: Wed, 20 Mar 2002 19:37:43 -0800 (PST) From: carlos benitez <greenmonsterbrewing at yahoo.com> Subject: conical fermenters Hi everybody, For those of you interested in conical fermenters you might want to check out Lehman's (the non-electric people) Old-time cream separator -10 gallon, stainless steel, sight window, conical bottom w/ valve ... Sure looks like a conical fermenter to me - just don't tell the Amish you're using it to brew ;) web site is www.lehmans.com - cost is $199.00 US - I don't know if this would be a good price, OR even if this would really be suitable for this purpose but it might be worth a look. ===== BIBIDI ! Brew It Bottle It Drink It Carlos Benitez - Green Monster Brewing Bainbridge, PA, U.S.A. Return to table of contents
Date: Thu, 21 Mar 2002 19:14:01 +1100 From: "Phil Yates" <yates at acenet.com.au> Subject: More On Oxidation I keep thinking about a couple of comments Steve Alexander made in a recent post regarding oxidation. One reference he had, suggested that free oxygen in wort would be totally spent in seven hours (no yeast added). Another paper suggested that oxygen input to the wort should be done four hours after the yeast is added (which is when the yeast would be ready to use it). This means the lag time most of us experience waiting for our yeast to get going is allowing the harmful effects of oxidation to easily take place. But we generally don't notice it. Why? I guess the answer must be that this oxidation will not become apparent (as far as having any effect on flavour) until somewhere a lot further down the track. I would imagine keeping the beer in warm temperatures (after packaging) would very much shorten the time before this oxidation rears it ugly head as a detectable flavour defect. In fairness to Steve, he has long argued this very point. He did make the point that these references were to "in brewery conditions". The only reason I can see for this is that "in brewery conditions" probably takes into account the rough handling the beer is likely to get once it leaves the brewery and the length of time before it is consumed. When you think about it, even kegs in a pub are not looked after the way a homebrewer would want. They sit in warm conditions and the beer is cooled going down the line before it gets into your glass. Homebrewers generally look after their creation with all the love and care children afford to silkworms. Of course not all homebrewers keg their beer and keep it chilled in the fridge. Those who bottle are possibly inclined to be more affected by oxidation. Just my summation here, nothing scientific. Bottle conditioning requires keeping the beer in warmer temps for a period of time. I dare say a lot of bottled homebrew stays out of the fridge for a longer time simply because 30, 40 or 50 bottles simply can't be accommodated. Try telling the wife the food will have to rot on the kitchen table because your stacking the fridge with homebrew. Not likely!! Most homebrewers end up with a second fridge. I only got into this discussion after using wort kits. My normal full mash brewing generally keeps me well clear of oxidation problems. Brewing is a fascinating hobby. There is so much you can worry about, but then only a certain percentage of it is worth worrying about. Of course you can worry too little too! Finding your own balance is a part of becoming a competent brewer. Cheers Phil Return to table of contents
Date: Thu, 21 Mar 2002 11:22:56 -0500 From: Danny Breidenbach <dbreiden at math.purdue.edu> Subject: Liberty Ale Hi all, I normally don't even think about imitating anything, but I've been on a long hiatus from brewing, and just last night cracked open a Liberty Ale (Anchor). I don't think I've ever had one before. I've never had a commercially brewed beer that tasted so much like a REALLY excellent homebrew. What a great beer. So the question arises: any tips on trying to shoot for something Liberty-like ... extract or all-grain? Many thanks, - --Danny in West Lafayette, Indiana Return to table of contents
Date: Thu, 21 Mar 2002 12:05:18 -0500 From: "David Craft" <chsyhkr at bellsouth.net> Subject: Sour Brown Ale Greetings, I am getting ready to make a Oud Bruin. If I add cherries to the secondary would this still be Old Brown per BJCP guidelines. I know of several commercial examples that include fruit. Would this be a Fruit Beer? When I add the Pediccocus to the secondary, would I make a starter or just pour in? Anyone have any experience with this bacteria? Regards, David B. Craft Battleground Brewers Homebrew Club Crow Hill Brewery and Meadery Greensboro, NC Return to table of contents
Date: Thu, 21 Mar 2002 13:42:35 -0500 From: "James Sploonta" <biere_god at hotmail.com> Subject: More Klein >From March 20, CHouffe Biere De Mars: "The hazy, ochre-colored body has an aromatic, fresh-mown hay aspect with hints of ginger and a sweet hay-tinged mouthfeel." and "A decided yeast bounce is present in the finish." C'mon! Where are all of you?! Don't let SA scare you off! Klein is an idiot! Am I the only one who, unlike our faithful janitor, has not tossed out the Klein "I can't describe beer, so neither should you" calendar? A lone voice crying out in the desert, Jimmy Sploonta Somewhere between here and there. Return to table of contents
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