FORUM ON BEER, HOMEBREWING, AND RELATED ISSUES Digest Janitor: *************************************************************** THIS YEAR'S HOME BREW DIGEST BROUGHT TO YOU BY: Northern Brewer, Ltd. Home Brew Supplies 1-800-681-2739 Support those who support you! Visit our sponsor's site! ********** Also visit ********* Contents: Re: Sean McDonald's comments ("Steve Ford") Gump Thanks a Whiner ("Rob Moline") Brewing with Soft Wheat ("John Misrahi") Re: BrewingTechniques subscription make-good? ("Gary Smith") Re: how high are your nipples? ("Gary Smith") Point / Counterpoint on the AHA; Agave (Paul Kensler) Give Sean his money back (pedwards) Data points and sound influences ("Jim") More on the AHA ("Beer Phantom") Sean & Mark's "discussion" ("Beer Guy") Locating a Nipple (mohrstrom) Re: And whats with that burnt-sugar taste? (Jeff Renner) Amahl Turczyn for president ("Peter Fantasia") AHA and BJCP (Tony Verhulst) BrewingTechniques subscriber make-goods ("Consumer's Edge Network") beer sounds & whining & nipples ("Joseph Marsh") Re: Amount of CO2 produced by fermentation ("Haborak, Kevin") High FG in Strong Lager (I/T) - Eastman" <stjones at> I couldn't resist ("Brian Schar") burnt sugar and munich malt ("Czerpak, Pete") Pub Discount Program and the AHA (MOREY Dan) AHA Mead Day ("Gary Glass") Curacao Orange Liqueur ("FLJohnson at") astroglide/AHA ("dave sapsis") propane cooker (John Sarette) Re: Sean's Rantings (Bill Wible) Pub discount, Munich malt ("dave holt") Reusing yeast ("Alain Arsenault")
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---------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Wed, 17 Jul 2002 00:01:31 -0500 From: "Steve Ford" <spare at> Subject: Re: Sean McDonald's comments Sean writes >We've already established that I can get home >brew supply discounts through my regional club, >and I'm sure with little effort I could get pub >discount through that same regional clubs as well >(for only $12 per year). I wonder who set up those brew supply discounts with your regional club. Have some folks paid dues to the club but then actually gone out and worked out some deals for the rest of the club members? Or, since this is the "consumer age" have the deals just popped up out of thin air? You say that some pub discounts could probably worked out with little effort on a regional club level, my question is -- Who is going to work out that deal? You pay a yearly membership fee to the regional homebrew club (just as you do to the AHA) and you've already acknowledged that you expect to sit back and let the benefits come to you with your AHA membership, so -- do you feel the same way about your regional club? Thankfully we have a good group of people in my club that's willing to do some work. It doesn't take a lot of time and, to my knowledge, no one has killed themselves working to increase the benefits enjoyed by the entire group. I understand that the staff in Boulder hold paid positions but I refuse to expect them to do all of the work. Perhaps I'm a fool but I can list a number of instances where I have volunteered my time to support a paid staff (event a time for two for the AHA) in order to accommodate the common good. I certainly hope that we're not deep enough into the "consumer age" where volunteer work is considered the exception. > I'm not going to spend $1,000's of dollars to travel to and attend AHA conferences' I've attended three AHA conferences and have yet to spend $1,000's of dollars on any one. Since your posts indicate that you are much to lazy to book your own travel arrangements, I would suggest that you find a new travel agent. Each conference has been well worth the money but, if you don't enjoy interaction between fellow brewers, drinking great examples of homebrewed or craft brewed beer or learning from the leaders in the industry I can understand why you wouldn't want to attend. >Disregard the NHC, home brew competitions and the BJCP First of all, the BJCP is an independent organization. Second, if you strip away two main programs from any organization the perceived value would be greatly diminished. (If you try to strip away a third program that isn't really even a part of the organization, well, that's just silly). Finally, a group of Bier Meisters used our AHA cards at a local participating pub the other night -- we actually saved a little bit of money!! Steve Ford KC Bier Meisters Return to table of contents
Date: Wed, 17 Jul 2002 00:58:35 -0500 From: "Rob Moline" <jethrogump at> Subject: Gump Thanks a Whiner Gump Thanks a Whiner Sean, mate, Ta... Thanks for instituting the best membership drive the AHA has ever had! Brilliant, mate! Gump "The More I Know About Beer, The More I Realize I Need To Know More About Beer!" - --- Outgoing mail is certified Virus Free. Checked by AVG anti-virus system ( Version: 6.0.373 / Virus Database: 208 - Release Date: 7/1/2002 Return to table of contents
Date: Wed, 17 Jul 2002 07:20:51 -0700 From: "John Misrahi" <lmoukhin at> Subject: Brewing with Soft Wheat Hi All, The other day i found something in the bulk food store that set off my 'brewing radar'. It was labelled 'soft wheat' and just appears to be some kind of unmalted wheat kernels (nibblets?). I tasted a few, they seem fine, and yes, softer than malted wheat. (I've brewed before with malted and flaked wheat, but never this stuff). So the question is, how should i go about brewing with it? I have had lots of advice and have these suggestions 1) Cook it for 30 min (un milled), add to mash 2) mill, cook for 30 min, add to mash 3) don't cook. Just mill, then add to mash Which is the right one? thanks -John Misrahi- Return to table of contents
Date: Wed, 17 Jul 2002 07:41:19 -0500 From: "Gary Smith" <mandolinist at> Subject: Re: BrewingTechniques subscription make-good? > > Date: Tue, 16 Jul 2002 05:17:27 -0700 (PDT) > From: Matt Comstock <mccomstock at> > Subject: BrewingTechniques subscription make-good? > > Howdy folks, > > This popped in my inbox the other day. Anyone > else had correspondence? > > Matt in Cincinnati > > - --- Consumer's Edge Network > <consumersedgenet at> wrote: > > Date: Sun, 14 Jul 2002 20:29:31 -0700 > > To: mccomstock at > > From: Consumer's Edge Network > > <consumersedgenet at> > > Subject: BrewingTechniques subscription > > make-good > > > > Dear former BT subscriber: > > > > This is a "form" email that is the first step > > in resolving our > > commitment to fulfill the unused portion of > > your BrewingTechniques > > subscription with back issues. Following > > please find a report that > > shows the information we have on file for you. > > Please reply with a > > simple confirmation, or with any changes. We > > will endeavor to get > > these issues out to you as soon as possible. > > > > Your mailing address: > > > Consumer's Edge Network, > > for BrewingTechniques > > consumersedgenetwork at > I put in that email into Google & got the below address. Looks like it's for BT! I wish they'd come back again. Gary Gary Smith Most of us know how to say nothing--few of us know when. Return to table of contents
Date: Wed, 17 Jul 2002 07:41:19 -0500 From: "Gary Smith" <mandolinist at> Subject: Re: how high are your nipples? On 17 Jul 2002 at 0:38, Request Address Only - No Articles wrote: > Date: Tue, 16 Jul 2002 15:57:09 -0400 > From: Alan McKay <amckay at> > Subject: how high are your nipples? > > Folks, > > I have a 45 litre / 11 US gallon SS pot that I want to get > a coupling (OK, not a nipple but the subject line was better > that way ;-)) welded into. But I'm not sure how high off the > bottom of the pot to put it. > > Is there a rule of thumb? > > THis is for fitting a ball-valve on the outside, and I also > want to fit some kind of manifold to the inside. > > thanks, > -Alan > > - -- > > The Beer Site Alan, Personally, I love properly placed nipples and for that matter properly placed nipples have led to many great couplings but that's another matter. I'd called SABCO asking about the height they place their coupling (full, not half) for their siphon & they measured the placement and said that the center of the hole should be 1" above the weld. Their siphon is pricey but if you wanted to use it, that's the height placement. You'd have to measure the distance for your pot. Gary Return to table of contents
Date: Wed, 17 Jul 2002 05:52:58 -0700 (PDT) From: Paul Kensler <paul_kensler at> Subject: Point / Counterpoint on the AHA; Agave With all the witty banter flying around regarding the "quit the AHA" thread, I'm dying for someone to come back with "Jane, you ignorant slut". To keep this post reasonably on topic, has anyone played around with those Agave nectars that St. Pat's sells? I just ordered some and am thinking about experimenting with beers, meads, agave wines... Paul Kensler Gaithersburg, MD Return to table of contents
Date: Wed, 17 Jul 2002 08:02:05 est From: pedwards at Subject: Give Sean his money back I've been a member of the AHA since about 1988 or 1989. I've gotten a lot ofgood knowledge from zymurgy and the books published by the AHA. And I've learned TONS from attending several of the conventions. I continue to garner knowledge. One can never know everything. Yeah, the AHA had a couple of rough years, but that's in the past. With Paul at the helm in Boulder, with an elected BoA and with Ray as editor-in-chiefof zymurgy, things continue to get better. I hope Paul Gatza just sends Sean his $38 back. That way Sean can buy some cheese to go with his whine, or maybe start his own nat'l organization (with a membership of one). Been breweing 7 whole months now, have you Sean? Think you know all there isto know? Lemme tell you, you're still wet behind the ears, son. --pse Return to table of contents
Date: Wed, 17 Jul 2002 07:57:08 -0500 (Central Daylight Time) From: "Jim" <bermingham at> Subject: Data points and sound influences Dr. Pivo wrote "The first sound the tap line emits upon the keg emptying is a hissing "phhhhht" sound. The experienced have learned to immediately close the tap, or one will suffer the "whorrrrrrst" sound which comes at the end." The sound that I get, at my house is "phhhhht OH CRAP! whorrrrrrst" Jim Bermingham Return to table of contents
Date: Wed, 17 Jul 2002 08:30:15 -0500 From: "Beer Phantom" <beer_phantom at> Subject: More on the AHA I'll start by saying that I am not a member of the AHA. This is mostly because I just haven't gotten around to it, but it's probably because at this point in my homebrewing hobby, I just didn't think there was a whole lot I could contribute to the AHA other than money. And I think contributing more than dues is important. What? Did I say contribute? Contribute to an organization that already took my money? Yes. In fact, isn't that what joining organizations such as this is all about? Of course it is. It's not a health spa, or a country club. It's an affiliation with others united to advance a set of ideas or methods to benefit a community. (Anybody a member of a political party?) Now, let's take a look at these potential benefits for the homebrewing community. More availability of ingredients, greater variety of ingredients, better quality of ingredients, better methods of brewing, standards by which to judge beer.....I can personally attest to every one of these. Even though I am not an AHA member, I have received every one of these benefits since I have been a homebrewer, and I am sure everyone else has too (Sean?). We all make up the community, so we all benefit. Now, are all of these benefits solely attributed to the presence of the AHA, of course not! Duh. There are local clubs, the internet, a larger population from which to recruit potential newcomers to the hobby, etc. But, if you look closely, there is little doubt that the hobby would be nowhere near what it is today without the affiliation of brewers united to advance the hobby of homebrewing on both large and small scales. These people did the work, contributed more than simply their money, and the entire community has benefitted. Your local club is a perfect example. You still have to pay dues, and you are expected to contribute in order for the club to grow and advance the hobby. The AHA is your homebrew club on a national scale. Of course you're expected to contribute more than your measly 38 bucks. The fact is, it's extremely easy to take the state of the hobby for granted. If it weren't for the pioneers, (I'll bet a lot of them are AHA present or past board members) we would still be brewing with cans of sub-standard malt, table sugar, and bread yeast. After saying all of this, it will probably prompt me to finally join the AHA, at which time I will gladly put forth the extra effort to advance the hobby in addition to my 38 bucks. My only regret will be that for every success that the AHA has in advancing the hobby of homebrewing, whiners and losers like Sean will benefit too. Sean, you talk about "return on investment", well I got news for you, you're brewing with those "returns" right now, and so are all of us. Thanking groups like the AHA and being bold in anonimity, The Beer Phantom Return to table of contents
Date: Wed, 17 Jul 2002 09:35:14 -0400 From: "Beer Guy" <BeerGuy at> Subject: Sean & Mark's "discussion" I'm not much of a poster, and then usually asking questions, but it seems to me to be a waste of time to argue about the personality or intelligence of people that you haven't met in person a few times. Not being an AHA member, I'm not knowlegable about the issue, but the flames are getting annoying. Now, the question: My cascades (first year) are about 12' tall and just reach my deck. At this point, should I prune them above a joint (I know I'll get some smart remark for *this* choice of word) to promote branching, leave them as single vines, or just keep trying to convince my wife that they look good and are not just "another piece of junk from one of your hobbies taking over the house"? Henry in Portage Return to table of contents
Date: Wed, 17 Jul 2002 09:45:34 -0400 From: mohrstrom at Subject: Locating a Nipple Alan McKay (that teasin' little imp ...) asks: > I have a 45 litre / 11 US gallon SS pot that I want > to get a coupling (OK, not a nipple but the subject > line was better that way ;-)) welded into. But I'm > not sure how high off the bottom of the pot to put > it. Your ball valve will most likely require a Male Pipe Thread on the outside. What I would suggest is a Male "Flare" thread on the inside. Attaching your manifold via a flare coupling means that you can weld the fitting as low as is practical on the kettle, without regard to having to swing the entire manifold inside to thread it on. Bending an "S" curve in the tube between the manifold and coupling will get it as low to the bottom as you want it. Mark in Kalamazoo Return to table of contents
Date: Wed, 17 Jul 2002 10:02:21 -0400 From: Jeff Renner <JeffRenner at> Subject: Re: And whats with that burnt-sugar taste? Kevin Crouch <kcrouching at> or Vancouver, WA asks >Can anyone out there add any insight to the phenomenon >of the "smoothing" out of that burnt sugar taste in >beers that use high-melanoidin malts such as munich? It's always tough to analyze flavors and aromas long distance. Your local club would be a good source for on-the-scene opinions. But I'll offer a few thoughts. Dark malts such as Munich can be used 100% - that's probably how they were used originally. Brewers in certain locales discovered that their own water, barley and brewing techniques suited themselves to certain malting practices - or, the malting practices dictated certain brewing techniques. Always hard to say what came first. But the flavors you mention are not typical in my experience (more thoughts in a moment). >I've not read Ray Daniels' Brewing Lager Beer. Ray has written many fine books, but the one by that title was written by Greg Noonan. >Historically speaking, are these flavor compounds, and >the time required to mature them part of the impetus >for substituing a smaller portion of crystal malt for >the larger percentage of dark malts more commonly used >in pre-pale malt brewing days? I've used large portions of dark Munich malt in quick maturing English milds with no problem, so I don't think that they require maturing normally. >Obviously some brewers in certain countries have not compromised this >formula. Certainly true - some Bavarian beers are made with virtually 100% Munich malt, and I do it myself. They taste great very young, but improve with age. >For clarity sake, I do not decoct, and I rarely step mash because my >water is soft and the Belgian grains are highly modified (aaaah >brewtopia). Aha, here we have, I think, a clue. I suspect your mash is too acidic. Not sure just how this would lead to your problem, though, but it's a clue. Dark grains are acidic, and to achieve a proper mash pH, this acidity needs to be balanced by alkaline water. That's why dark beers arose in certain areas (see above) like Munich, London, Dublin, etc., and why pale beers arose in Burton, Pilsn, etc. In this day of water treatment, any beer can be brewed anywhere, but it requires an understanding of water chemistry. I would suggest that you use some calcium carbonate (chalk) in your mash (it won't dissolve in the mash water). If you can't check your mash pH, you could just add a measured amount based on references that should be available. Hope this helps a little. Jeff - -- Jeff Renner in Ann Arbor, Michigan USA, JeffRenner at "One never knows, do one?" Fats Waller, American Musician, 1904-1943 Return to table of contents
Date: Wed, 17 Jul 2002 11:17:36 -0400 From: "Peter Fantasia" <fantasiapeter at> Subject: Amahl Turczyn for president I just had to say my 2 cents regarding the AHA. My favorite change made in recent memory has got to be Amahl Turczyn. I have been brewing for 12 years and I don't know how many times I've read recipes claiming to be a clone of this or that beer and followed the directions religiously only to find the beer to be nothing like the original. Now let me say I am all for creativity and my Aztec ale with hot peppers and cocao is living proof of this but it is nice to be able to replicate some of my favorite brews.I have found Amahl's recipes to be flawless. If he says it's a Guinness clone it damn well is. Thanks Amahl for some great recipes! I haven't had time to try them all but so far you're spot on! Amahl Turczyn for president. Pete Fantasia Brewin in da loverly pines of south jersey Return to table of contents
Date: Wed, 17 Jul 2002 11:23:46 -0400 From: Tony Verhulst <verhulst at> Subject: AHA and BJCP DRTEELE" <drteele at> writes: > ....submitted your beers to competitions, you would get > standardized reviews (thanks to BJCP).... The AHA and BJCP are back together again? I resigned my AHA membership in protest when that fiasco took place. Tony V. Return to table of contents
Date: Wed, 17 Jul 2002 08:42:32 -0700 From: "Consumer's Edge Network" <consumersedgenet at> Subject: BrewingTechniques subscriber make-goods A message to former subscribers of BrewingTechniques magazine: We have just completed a mass email campaign to confirm contact information for past BT subscribers who are still due their back issues. Unfortunately, many of the addresses are no longer active/valid. If you are a past BT subscriber with a claim for back issues and have not received an email from us in the past couple of weeks, please send email to: consumersedgenet at Please be sure to include your full name and contact information. We will begin fulfillment of confirmed orders within the next week or so. Thanks again to everyone for their patience as CEN and BrewingTechniques endeavor to make good on the magazine's commitments to past subscribers. Consumer's Edge Network Return to table of contents
Date: Wed, 17 Jul 2002 10:53:17 -0500 From: "Joseph Marsh" <josephmarsh62 at> Subject: beer sounds & whining & nipples Coriolis effect is zero at the equator not the poles and what does NE europe have to do with it anyway?;*) Can't say I've been following the hbd closely for the last few weeks so I'm not going to comment on specifics. I will say that sometimes even a retail establishment needs to kick out a customer. The bad word of mouth is offset by source of complaint. People know a whiner or a know it all and take the source into account even if they use tact and don't say anything to the whiner. At least that's my experience. Nipple height in a kettle should be high enough to make any work -inside- the kettle easy enough but is not critical. For instance in my lautern tun I use a copper siphon over the top. Joe Return to table of contents
Date: Wed, 17 Jul 2002 09:24:41 -0700 From: "Haborak, Kevin" <KHaborak at> Subject: Re: Amount of CO2 produced by fermentation The figure of 1170 grams of CO2 does not seem like alot, cosidering the initial mass of the syrup is 20 Kg. The density of liquid CO2 at -37C and 11 atm is approximately 6.5 Kg/L, the specific gravity of dry ice is 1.56 at -79C and 1 atm. Therefore the volume of 1170g of solid CO2 would be about 0.77 L, and 0.18 L for liquid CO2. This is about 3.8% and 0.9% of the initial volume, respectively. Obviously you would want to correct for any specific gravity difference between the frozen and liquid wort, and make density corrections based on the compressibilty of the wort to make the comparisons exact for full attenuation. Kevin. Return to table of contents
Date: Wed, 17 Jul 2002 12:39:00 -0400 From: "Jones, Steve (I/T) - Eastman" <stjones at> Subject: High FG in Strong Lager Hi, all. I brewed the Fix Maibock at BigBrew, with an OG of 1.071. My mash schedule was a protein rest for 15 minutes at 130F, a 45 minute rest at 140F, then a 15 minute rest at 158F before mashing out, which was all within his recommended mash schedule. I fermented with Wyeast 2206 Bavarian Lager yeast at 50F for 2 weeks, racked to secondary, then slowly dropped the temp to about 38F over several weeks. Now after 10 weeks, the gravity is only down to 1.026. I suspect that the 140F rest was too low, and that the beta amylase wasn't active enough at that temp. I do inline aeration which has always been very effective, and my beers are generally well-attenuated. I've brewed a few dozen lagers without having this problem before, including a few with this high of an OG, but never before with such a rest temperature. So what can I do to fix it? I don't think racking onto a yeast cake will help much - too many dextrins. What about adding some amylase enzyme? I've never tried this before, but would it reduce some of the dextrins to fermentable sugars, allowing the existing yeast to work on them? Should I pitch additional yeast, too? TIA, Steve Jones Johnson City, TN [421.8 mi, 168.5 deg] Apparent Rennerian, although for a few days last month I was very near 0,0 actual. State of Franklin Homebrewers Have a suggestion on improving the AHA? email me at stevejones at Return to table of contents
Date: Wed, 17 Jul 2002 09:58:39 -0700 From: "Brian Schar" <schar at> Subject: I couldn't resist Although I know better than to feed the trolls, I couldn't resist pointing this out from Sean's post yesterday: <You truely showed your intelligence there.> 'Nuff said. By the way, I am a happy member of the AHA and have been so for many years, and I'm studying for the BJCP exam, as are many members of my local club. The AHA has value for me. Brian Schar Menlo Park, CA Return to table of contents
Date: Wed, 17 Jul 2002 13:51:40 -0400 From: "Czerpak, Pete" <Pete.Czerpak at> Subject: burnt sugar and munich malt Kevin Crouch asks about a burnt sugar type taste in high high munich/vienna containing lagers. My latest impressions of some of my high munich beers is that the high munich levels really bring out ones control/ or in my case lack of some control over mash or post-fermentation oxidation. My normal low munich containing brews do not generally seem to suffer from oxidation damage before they are consumed say 6 to 12 weeks post ferment. However, my high munich containing batches do seem to suffer from a non-cardboardy but funny sweet taste before I consider their time up. To me atleast, this points to possible mash oxidation damage. They are not lagers for me, but perhaps consider your mash and how you might be exposing your wort to excessive oxidation through stirring, running off, etc. My data points on high munich brews tend to be in the 50 to 100% high munich content mashes. Good luck, Pete Czerpak albany, NY Return to table of contents
Date: Wed, 17 Jul 2002 13:07:13 -0500 From: MOREY Dan <dan.morey at> Subject: Pub Discount Program and the AHA I too live in the Chicago area. Last weekend I had a chance to meet with the regional brewer for RAM. I learned that there are state laws that prohibit discounting beer and liquor sales. Any discounts must be available to the entire legal drinking public. However, they can discount "events" which beer and liquor are served. This is probably why the AHA discount is no different than Rock Bottoms proprietary program. For me, the pub discount program is not a huge benefit. I prefer to enjoy homebrew, share information, and keep up to date on the latest trends and the evolution of homebrewing. This is why I really enjoy my local club BABBLE and reading the hbd. In my opinion, Zymurgy has been cyclical in its quality and focus. I admit that I prefer articles that focus on all-grain brewing, the scientific aspects, and styles. Recently, I have gone back through old issues in my preparation for presentation I made for our club on Belgian beers. Even in the "poorer issues" or "beginner issues" I found applicable information for my presentation and they helped me discuss the topic at both beginner and advanced brewing levels. An issue may not interest me today, but few years down the road it may very well. I don't feel the AHA dues are out of line especially when I compared to dues for professional society which I belong to (which in my opinion provide less benefit and require more of my involvement/work). I do believe that the AHA is trying to be more member focused. At least they survey the membership concerning their interest. This was not that common 10 years ago. Still brewing after all these years and still happy! Prost! Daniel Morey BTW, if anyone is interested the Belgian paper and other can be found on our clubs website, which is hosted by the hbd (many thanks to the hbd). Return to table of contents
Date: Wed, 17 Jul 2002 13:03:44 -0600 From: "Gary Glass" <gary at> Subject: AHA Mead Day The AHA's 1st Annual Mead Day is coming up on Saturday August 3, 2002. Join us in celebrating one of the world's oldest fermented beverages, Mead (honey wine). Situated midway between the AHA's Big Brew and Teach A Friend To Homebrew Day events, Mead Day is a chance for homebrewers and meadmakers to gather on a summer Saturday to share camaraderie and to make the 'Beverage of Kings.' The official Mead Day recipe, 'Twin Peaks Titillation,' a dry, sparkling raspberry ginger mead, was provided by Dick Dunn, the moderator of the Mead Lovers Digest ( Feel free to modify this recipe or use your own if you prefer. Please register your site at After Mead Day come back to this site and fill out the remittance form. This will help us track the progress of the event and help us to better promote it in the future. We'll be making a couple of batches of mead at my house in beautiful Sunshine, CO (I'm hoping to use the occassion to recruit volunteers to help bottle a couple of meads I made back on Teach A Friend To Homebrew Day last year as well, shhhh, don't tell 'em it's work). Cheers! Gary Glass, Project Coordinator Association of Brewers 888-U-CAN-BREW (303) 447-0816 x 121 gary at Celebrate! July is American Beer Month! The Great American Beer Festival Turns 21 this Year! Mark your calendars, October 3-5, 2002 at the Denver Convention Center, Return to table of contents
Date: Wed, 17 Jul 2002 16:23:09 -0400 From: "FLJohnson at" <FLJohnson at> Subject: Curacao Orange Liqueur Anyone ever used Curacao liqueur in a Belgian wit as a substitute for dried Curacao orange peel? If so, how well does this substitution work? Fred Johnson Apex, North Carolina, USA Return to table of contents
Date: Wed, 17 Jul 2002 13:59:42 -0700 From: "dave sapsis" <dsapsis at> Subject: astroglide/AHA Jim of Millsap gives us a sweet bit of imagery: >Now my nearest neighbor lives more than >a mile away and I am able to enjoy the hot tube in my all in all. ^^^^ Which reminds me to post my annual reminder for those looking for lubrication in all the right places -- Astroglide. As a keg fitting (or other) lube, it just doesn't get any better. It'll grease even the crankiest punters. ******** As a (very) longtime ex-AHA member, I have to say I am duly impressed by the litany of folks that have come out asking for community support. To a person, they are people I like and respect. The current vocal dissenter is not so blessed. Now, should Jim Liddil offer up a suggestion to give 'em a second chance, I will consider the world realigned, and put a check in the mail... - --dave, sacramento Return to table of contents
Date: Wed, 17 Jul 2002 14:04:12 -0700 (PDT) From: John Sarette <j2saret at> Subject: propane cooker oddly enough Dave Burley writes:> They also have a 170,000 BTU propane cooker on sale for $59.95 but add in shipping charges..< Just when I was sitting with a copy of the sportsmans guide catalog ( )in front of me wondering if I should tap the collective wisdom of the list with my questions. I guess I am obliged to by the coincidence. They sell the 170,000 btu cooker as a turkey fryer. the cooker and a 26 qt stainless steel pot sell for 47.97 plus s&h I was wondering if the pot would be big enough for a small (5 gal) homebrewer like myself? (I use a 22 qt pot now and it is too small) and also if 170,000 btu is efficient for a full boil beer? What I would propose to do is mash on the stove as now then sparge, boil and use the 26 qt pot as primary fermenter in the basement. What optimistic assumptions am I making? What overlooked problems will I have? Would I be wiser to forgo the cooker and invest in a small conical fermenter as my next step instead? Thanks John S j2saret at p.s. The Titanic diaster ale turned out to be magnificient I can see why all the discussion of CaP and CACA. Return to table of contents
Date: Wed, 17 Jul 2002 18:02:51 -0400 From: Bill Wible <bill at> Subject: Re: Sean's Rantings You guys are blasting Sean because he wants the AHA to step up and pursue brewpubs in his area to participate in the Pub Discount program. Sean complains because the AHA has chosen not to do any of the work of soliciting any pubs, but instead, has taken a "Let them come to us" approach, or worse yet, the AHA wants the membership to go out and solicit the pubs to join the AHA Pub Discount program. DRTEELE writes: >You are not a customer of the AHA, you are a member. This is nitpicking. The strictest definition of a customer is "one who gives money in exchange for a product or service". AHA members pay the AHA a fee, for their product or service, so this does fit the definition of a customer, at least as far as I'm concerned. then he writes: >Your dues are not an investment, they are DUES (Websters >- a fee or charge for membership) Yes, I agree. Paying a membership fee does not make you an owner or shareholder of the AHA. Now I'd like to introduce another term - employee. Choosing to be part of the AHA does not make you their employee, either. Nor are we agents. We have no authority to offer anything or make any agreements on behalf of the AHA, including participation in AHA programs. If the AHA wants to tout the Pub Discount program, and use it to increase membership and possibly to justify recent cost increases, or even to increase again, then it is the AHA who will benefit from the program. So why is it ridiculous to ask that THEY solicit the pubs? Is it because if the AHA solicits a pub, they're afraid they might have to pay or at least offer the pub something in return? I can understand that they don't know every pub in every state. But that is where the membership can step in, by RECOMMENDING pubs they'd like to see participate. The AHA should be administering this program. As I said, we are members, not employees or agents. I think the way to remedy this is to have a focal point or contact at the AHA who is in charge of this program, that members can send recommendations to. That person should then solicit the pubs recommended, on behalf of the AHA, as that person would be a formal representative of the AHA. So I guess I'm kind of on Sean's side on this issue. Bill Return to table of contents
Date: Wed, 17 Jul 2002 19:26:40 -0700 From: "dave holt" <brewdave at> Subject: Pub discount, Munich malt I am happy to report that the Rock Bottom (formerly HOPS! brewpubs)chain here in AZ honors the AHA membership card. The server didn't know about it and went to ask. Personally, I will mention the discount program to other pubs I visit. I have been bothered by the use of Munich malt too in my lagers. Haven't ever experienced the burnt sugar taste. I like malty beers as much as I like hoppy beers, probably more. I've used Munich in low percentages, 20-30%. The lagers were malty, tasted good at first but later (Kleinism, mid-glass) became, for a lack of better description, insipid. I generally reserve that term for brewpubs that use way too much crystal malt in their middle of the road Red/Amber ales. The Maerzen that I brewed has been sitting for a year or so because I count on the flavor profile to change over time (is that due to oxidation or HSA ;) and some point become drinkable. Pretty bad when my 19 yr old step-son and friends tell me they don't want another glass. Otherwise I am seen as the brew-god in their eyes with the other beers I brew. At least he has more taste than I did at that age. I have seen brewers list their recipes here, that at times say thay use 100% Munich. This is hard for me to believe or imagine the taste based on my experience. Is it just the brand of Munich I am using? Or I just don't like Munich? Or I should be doing decoction instead of step or simple infusion? Dave Holt Thank god it is raining in AZ, well somewhere in AZ Return to table of contents
Date: Wed, 17 Jul 2002 22:47:23 -0400 From: "Alain Arsenault" <alain_arsenault at> Subject: Reusing yeast I don't know if this book is available in the states but it's a very good book on yeast. First Steps in Yeast Culture by Pierre Rajotte. From the same author: Belgian Ale. (Classic Beer Style Series #6). Here is the resume on the back: An illustrated manuel on the techniques of proper yeast handling More than a century ago the technique of pure yeast culture was first proposed. For the first time since then, a complete illustrated manual shows you in simple terms the basic manipulations. Instructions are detailed in such a way that even a person with no formal training in the field of yeast manipulation can become proficient. Homebrewers following the demonstrated tips and techniques will attain a level of quality never before dreamed. Those considering brewing on a commercial scale will be more likely to succeed if they master the techniques detailed in this book. William Eaton, Ph.D. Microbiologist, Malaspina University College, Nanaimo, B.C. Pierre's book is very well written, beautifully illustrated, and easy to follow. The manipulations are so well broken down that I will show them to all my students. Joe Rolfe, Ould Newbury Brewing Co., Newbury, MA. Great collection of practical methods, tips and procedures. This is the type of book every brewer needs. I wish I had it when I first opened my brewery. Joris Van Gheluwe. Former Director of Research and Development, Honorary Member of the Master Brewers Association of the Americas, Fellow of the Institute of Brewing, U.K. This timely, very practical manual on techniques for microbiological manipulations is a very useful publication for anyone about to embark on homebrewing or microbrewing. It is almost impossible to be a succesful home or microbrewer without adequate microbiological practice.Rajotte's endeavor and passion for the job has the microbiologist feel. This concise, reader friendly manual is a valuable book for the practical brewer. As a bonus, the apprpriate explicit and excellent drawings warrant the promotion and recommendations of this manual. Alain Arsenault (in french only) Return to table of contents
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