HOMEBREW Digest #4272 Mon 16 June 2003

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  Rich Klein ("Chad Stevens")
  Mailing beer ("Chad Stevens")
  strange beer laws ... (ensmingr)
  hops and caps ("D. Clark")
  Re: Alcoholism (NO Spam)
  steam beer with rye (darrell.leavitt)
  Subject: homebrew consumption poll ("Stan Burnett")
  Hopping and Specific Gravity ("john w")

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---------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Fri, 13 Jun 2003 21:12:12 -0700 From: "Chad Stevens" <zuvaruvi at cox.net> Subject: Rich Klein Can anyone put me in contact with Rich Klein formerly of Wild Goose fame? Thanks, Chad Stevens Return to table of contents
Date: Fri, 13 Jun 2003 21:23:35 -0700 From: "Chad Stevens" <zuvaruvi at cox.net> Subject: Mailing beer 26 USC 5053(e) Beer for personal or family use (the law that legalized the hobby we so dearly love)...goes on to describe: not subject to tax...no more than 200 gallons...and must be 18. I have seen a couple of articles floating around which state something to the effect of "may not be removed from the home except for competition or organized tasting events." I can't find this in statute. 5053(c) provides for removal free from taxation for laboratory analysis and 5053(d) allows for removal for research, development, or testing; but I can't find anything that talks about "removal for competition or organized tasting" as the various homebrew club articles spell out. If anyone knows what title and section this is, please email me direct. Thanks, Chad Stevens QUAFF San Diego Return to table of contents
Date: Sat, 14 Jun 2003 01:08:38 -0400 From: ensmingr at twcny.rr.com Subject: strange beer laws ... *It's against the law in Fairbanks AK to give beer to a moose. *In Ames IA, a husband may not take more than three gulps of beer while lying in bed with his wife. *It is illegal to sell beer with more than six percent alcohol in Georgia, http://justonemore.com/GWCB/ . *Until recently, it was required in Florida that all beer be sold in 12, 24, or 32 ounce bottles. *In Michigan, it's against the law to serve alcohol on Christmas Day. *In Utah, home of some of the most bizarre beer laws, http://www.alcbev.state.ut.us/Liquor_Laws/liquor_laws_affecting_visitors.html , and Oklahoma, beer cannot exceed 3.2 pct ABV when sold it certain establishments. Oh yeah, my favorite: *It is illegal to ship homebrew within or between certain states. In a communal act of civil disobedience, I suggest the HBD support a national "mail your homebrew" day. What say ye? Cheerio! Peter A. Ensminger Syracuse, NY Return to table of contents
Date: Sat, 14 Jun 2003 11:54:12 -0400 From: "D. Clark" <clark at capital.net> Subject: hops and caps Hi list, I was at a garden center yesterday and I spotted a vine with a familiar leaf growing up and over a trellis they were using as an ornament. It was a hop plant with leaves as big as my hand but they were a golden yellow color. It was a very healthy looking plant and didn't show any sign yet of producing flowers. I checked with the owner as to what variety it might have been and she said that all she knew about it was that it was a hop plant that they sold to someone a couple of years ago. The person who had it changed jobs and moved to Washington state (maybe to see more hops) and they dug it up and gave it back to the owner of the garden center. She replanted it and it is growing like a weed. Anyone have an idea what variety this might be? On another note, does anyone sell caps that could be put over the in and out fitting on corny kegs? I have several kegs empty and full and it would be nice to have a cap made especially for the fittings to protect them and keep them clean. I have never seen any in catalogs or on line anywhere. Are you listening Dan L? Thanks for the help gang. Dave Clark Eagle Bridge, New York Return to table of contents
Date: Sat, 14 Jun 2003 13:12:11 -0400 From: NO Spam <nospam at brewbyyou.net> Subject: Re: Alcoholism Spencer, I've NEVER bought that "Genetic Predisposition" stuff. I refuse to believe that alcoholism is in anyone's genes, or that it is a medical condition. That sounds like the typical American "I'm a victim" cry. Do these studies also "justify" drug abuse the same way? How about men who beat their wives? Are they also "genetically predisposed" to that? No, alcoholism is a learned behavior. And I would never say "It's OK" to be an alcoholic, much as I would never say "It's OK" to do any of the things listed above, either. I think people, especially Americans, grow up being bombarded with ads from beer and alcohol companies showing healthy and sexually attractive people in their ads, the inference being that if you use their products, then you, too, can belong to this select group. Yes, you, too, will be great looking and your life will be great. You can date or even marry those models in the ads. Wow, I have to run right out and get some of that stuff! Poor attitudes and behavior regarding alcohol is also ingrained into the college lifestyle, and sometimes even in high school. There's so much peer pressure that just about all young adults here learn to drink irresponsibly, and on binges. And its often glorified, and reinforced in things like teen movies, when it shouldn't be. More young Americans know who Jeff Spicoli is than who Thomas Jefferson is. In other countries, bars are not places for wild binge drinking. Children in Germany can drink at a young age, (13, I think) and many kids learn to drink responsibly from their parents. I know I never drank with my dad or my parents or family, and I think that's also probably typical of most Americans. Parents that are drinking with their kids here are the ones we see on the news being taken out in handcuffs. The typical neighborhood bar in America is also almost always a dark, dank, musty place, where people just go to drink. In other countries, bars are often outdoors, and are actually family gathering places. So I think we've created this attitude of irresponsible drinking in the US over the years. I don't buy the genetic argument. I firmly believe its learned behavior, influenced by constant alcohol advertising, teen movies, lack of education on the subject, poor example from model adults, and young adult lifestyles, particularly on college campuses. I'm sick and tired of listening to the "victim" argument. Everybody wants to point their finger and cry they're a victim, and nobody wants to take responsibility for their own actions anymore. And I think that's also a learned American behavior. Lawyers love that stuff, and that's a big part of what's wrong with our country today, too. Bill Return to table of contents
Date: Sat, 14 Jun 2003 12:55:55 -0400 From: darrell.leavitt at plattsburgh.edu Subject: steam beer with rye I just tasted a Steam Beer that came of age today, with a pound of rye malt, so I thought I'd share this. The bite from the rye compliments the hops real nicely. The recipe (not really too close to style) was: 6.5 lb Golden Promise 2 row 1 lb wheat 1 lb Belgian Special Aromatic 1 lb Rye malt .5 lb CaraAmber malt 49 IBU's (Galena and Cascades) California Ale Yeast 4.5% abv Happy Brewing! ..Darrell Return to table of contents
Date: Sat, 14 Jun 2003 12:59:29 -0600 From: "Stan Burnett" <stanb at xmission.com> Subject: Subject: homebrew consumption poll Great question! I more or less stopped drinking distilled spirits when I became a home brewer. I occasionally drink wine when dining out, and buy a couple of bottles for Thanksgiving and other special meals. Everything else is Beer. I drink Beer everyday, otherwise Ninkasi gets a little grumpy. During the week it's 1-2 pints. On weekends (or when unemployed! Blessedly so, currently) it's usually 3 pints. Only very rarely do I have more than 3 pints in a day I supplement my devotion to Beer (and a few other "practices") with running 3.5 miles every other day, eating healthily "most" of the time, and getting 8 hours of sleep every night. This morning I got up at 5:30am, ran, ate a big bowl of hot grain cereal, and began one of my various weekend projects. By 10am I was ready for pint. [Shrug...] Hey, it's just part of MY healthy lifestyle. Stan Return to table of contents
Date: Sun, 15 Jun 2003 20:54:01 -0500 From: "john w" <j2saret at hotpop.com> Subject: Hopping and Specific Gravity While brewing a Porter the other day using a kettle mash/batch sparge procedure it occured to me that the 6.5 gallons of wort produced weighed more than my lifetime lifting restrictings allowed. Later while waiting the hour and a half it takes for my stove to bring 6.5 gallons to a boil I had a thought: Since a batch sparge produces two roughly equal volumes of wort, one of a higher specific gravity than the target and one of a lower gravity, why not run off in to two boiling kettles? I could easily lift each one, each would come to a boil faster and would chill in my divided sink water bath more quickly. The question (besides is the stupid for reasons beyond my knowledge) is What about hopping? Should I split the hops or hop one of the worts? If the latter: which one the higher or the lower gravity? The Porter, by the way, promises to be excellent: tastes both before and after hopping and boiling show it to have a nice balance of flavours with out having too heavy a body. John Duluth er--I had the co-ordinates here someplace. Return to table of contents
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