FORUM ON BEER, HOMEBREWING, AND RELATED ISSUES Digest Janitor: *************************************************************** THIS YEAR'S HOME BREW DIGEST BROUGHT TO YOU BY: Northern Brewer, Ltd. Home Brew Supplies 1-800-681-2739 Support those who support you! Visit our sponsor's site! ********** Also visit ********* Contents: Fruit beer question... (Michael) RE: Brewery Names ("Tom White") Re: Brewery names ("Patrick Twohy") Brewery Names (ILRI)" <r.kruska at> Flying Beer ... Not a Problem For Us So Far (cboyer) Brewery Name ("Roy Strohl") Brewery names.... (Jeff beinhaur) re: brewery names (was: Re: Left turn) ("Shawn E Lupold, Ph.D") Brewery Names and the future of home brewing (Ted Teuscher) Brewery names... (Pat Babcock) burton water (Robin Griller) Brewery names ("Mark Kellums") Brewery Names ("Jay Spies") Brewery Names (beerbuddy) JD Smoking Chips and re: Left Turn/Consumption Poll/% ABV (Jay Hellhound) Measurement Temp (GeorgeLola) Lagering in a Corny ("Dave Larsen") Brewery Name ("Dave Larsen") NHC/Dunkelweizen/Barleywine yst/labels/Brambling/malts/Frankenheim (BrewInfo) sulfur burning in casks (BrewInfo) Re: Magnetic pump cleaning ("Kent Fletcher") Iron in cornmeal (Christopher Swingley) Cider notes from AHA National Conference ("Charles McGonegal") Re: Brewery Names (Thomas D Hamann) Flying w/ Beer (Re: Pubs/Microbrewry Places in Chicago?) (Teresa Knezek)
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---------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Mon, 30 Jun 2003 00:29:33 -0500 From: Michael <grice at> Subject: Fruit beer question... I can think of three ways to calculate the sugar contributions of fruit to beer: 1. Estimate based on published values (if you can find them). Unfortunately, sugar in fruit can vary pretty widely depending on ripeness, growing conditions, etc., so this is probably the least accurate method. 2. Crush the fruit and take a direct sample of the liquid. I could have done this with the cherries I added to a wheat beer in October (which is just beginning to taste like I think it should, too). With other fruits (especially bananas), though, you'll get a fair amount of pulp which will affect the measurements. 3. Take the SG of the beer before adding the fruit. Add the fruit and/or syrup to the beer, stir gently, and take a second SG reading. You can then estimate the sugar added by the fruit by the difference in the two readings. You'll get errors if you haven't mixed the beer well (and there are risks in that, obviously) or if the fruit pulp still contains sugar. None of these methods is perfect, as you might have guessed. Speaking of fruit beers, I have got to go down and see the New Glarus brewery... Michael Middleton WI Return to table of contents
Date: Mon, 30 Jun 2003 01:27:23 -0400 From: "Tom White" <twhite at> Subject: RE: Brewery Names Michael of Missouri writes... >> I haven't officially named my brewery, But I'm >> thinking of calling it "One-Eye Brewery", because I >> have 1 eye (that works). Crazy! I call my brewery "My Dog Has Just The One Eye" because my dog (and brewing partner) has "just the one eye". Hmmm... I guess that's not really much of a coincidence. But I was born in Creve Coeur though. That's kind of a creepy coincidence, huh? You, with the one working eye in Columbia and me, a Missouri native with a one-eyed dog in Cincinnati. Yes? No? Forget it. Who am I kidding? I suck relevant connections. Anyway, here's a picture of my dog... - --Tom Cincinnati, Ohio Return to table of contents
Date: Sun, 29 Jun 2003 23:38:28 -0700 From: "Patrick Twohy" <patrick at> Subject: Re: Brewery names David Brandt asks about brewery names... I'm a sailor, so it seemed natural to name my brewery after something nautical. And since I'm near the San Francisco Bay, I thought something relating to the Bay's maritime history would be nice. What I can't really explain is why the idea of nautical disaster struck me as the right way to go. But it did and there you are. I name each of my brews after one or another of the thousands of ships that either sank here in the Bay or in its fairly treacherous approaches, or lived and met disaster in some other way related to the Bay. And there are some wonderful names to pick from. Probably my favorite is Bacchus, a barge that sank in 1926. A few of the others I've used: Belgian King, a steamship that stranded in 1899, Bertha Dolbeer (really! Had to use that one for a really BIG beer!). The original Bertha was a three-masted schooner that burned in 1918, Hoogly was a clipper ship that sank in 1851 and Nahumkeag was a three-masted bark that stranded on a beach in 1867. I don't know as I think much of a lot of these names as ship monikers, frankly, but as names for beers, what a bonanza! - -- Patrick Twohy The Shipwreck Brewery is in Burlingame, California (1784, 274) Rennerian, apparent Return to table of contents
Date: Mon, 30 Jun 2003 03:36:15 -0700 From: "Kruska, Russ (ILRI)" <r.kruska at> Subject: Brewery Names When the members of my local club, The Hoopoe Brewers desert me and I have to brew at home alone, I go by: 1. Kwarara Road Kitchen Brewery (after the little dirt road I live on, evn though I brew on the veranda and not in the kitchen, it just sounds better), or more recently, 2. The Lonely Hedge Brewing Company (after a very odd hedge growing in the middle of my yard that appears to serve no purpose whatsoever) Russ Kruska Nairobi, Kenya Return to table of contents
Date: Mon, 30 Jun 2003 08:53:12 -0400 From: cboyer at Subject: Flying Beer ... Not a Problem For Us So Far Ryan Neily <ryan at> wrote: >Anyone even taken Beer on an airplane? >I am looking to bring back a sixer or two of Chicago Beer, >and am wondering about bringing it on the plane. >Anyone had problems doing this before with either airport security or >pressurization? Any recommendations on Chicago local beers that are worthy >of getting on a plane with me? Ryan, Here in North Carolina we're treated like infantiles as well, meaning, we have a 6% ABV law too. To answer your question, the wife just got back from Chicago with a twelve pack of 750ml bottles of Belgian beer just three weeks ago. Tis a pleasure to sip Delerium Tremens in the fair capitol of our "enlightened" state, better not too far from sight of the legislature. Some of the bottles were capped, others, corked. No problem at all with the security at Midway, she just put the boxes through the X-Ray and no one said a thing to her. Concerning pressurization, consider that airlines sell beer in-flight, as well as champagne and sodas too, so de-pressurization of your cargo is not a problem insofar as I know. We've flown lots of beer as carry-on luggage from several states, notably New York, California, Illinois and Arizona. Never a problem with safety, never a problem with security, never a problem from the flight attendents. I would recommend that you safely pack your bottles, they might just get upset if one got broken and spilled into the overhead. :-) BTW, if you would like a recommendation for a beer store, look at this site: Sam's Wine and Spirits is downtown and has a superb selection of beer for you. They will even package as if for shipping so you don't have to fuss with that. - ------------------------------------------------- This mail sent through IMP: Return to table of contents
Date: Mon, 30 Jun 2003 10:02:33 -0400 From: "Roy Strohl" <lstrohl at> Subject: Brewery Name The Dog & Dart Pub & Homebrewery, Falmouth, Virginia at Pondside: Pondside is the name of our house, we live in Falmouth, Virginia which is across the Rappahannock River from Fredericksburg. The Dog & Dart Pub and Homebrewery got its name from a dart lane that is set up in the basement pub and our Scottish terriers slept in the basement. The brewery itself is a three tier beer-tree. Roy Strohl Dog & Dart Pub & Homebrewery [409.9 miles, 127.1] Rennerian Return to table of contents
Date: Mon, 30 Jun 2003 11:00:20 -0400 From: Jeff beinhaur <beinhaur at> Subject: Brewery names.... My brewing buddy will probably laugh at this since I haven't brewed since Thanksgiving. So it may not be considered a brewery any more. The name of mine is the Yellow Breeches Brewery. This is a simple one. I have over 600' foot of creek frontage on the beautiful Yellow Breeches. For those of you that enjoy fishing this is a very popular trout stream. One of my beers was named Rainbow Pale Ale. My brewing session that day was interupted by the stocking truck. I had the pleasure of throwing quite a number of big fat rainbows into my favorite holes. Of course like brewing I've hardly had a chance to fish lately. But since we've had the first dry weekend since March it doesn't matter too much cause the creek has been very high. It's finally clearing and getting down to normal levels so it's time to fish again. And brew too..... Jeff Beinhaur Camp Hill, PA The home of the Yellow Breeches Brewery Return to table of contents
Date: Mon, 30 Jun 2003 11:02:27 -0400 From: "Shawn E Lupold, Ph.D" <lupolds at> Subject: re: brewery names (was: Re: Left turn) It's funny that this was brought up as my wife and I just came up with a name for my brewery. We live in a small two bedroom 1 1/2 bath condo, so I brew outside and ferment in the half bath....therefore, the "Half Bath Brewery". Shawn Alexandria, VA Return to table of contents
Date: Mon, 30 Jun 2003 08:22:15 -0700 (PDT) From: Ted Teuscher <t_teuscher at> Subject: Brewery Names and the future of home brewing I have temporarily dubbed my home brewery as The Brass Pole Brewery. I installed a three faucet brass tower on top a chest freezer. The tower looked disproportionately big on top of the chest freezer (even though it was a large chest freezer). So, I purchased some 1" brass tubing and corner brackets and installed a railing along the top edge of the freezer like a real bar would have. The brass railing improved the aesthetics of freezer dramatically. Hence, The Brass Pole Brewery. Also, me likey strip joints. Perhaps the real reason for the name. Addressing the age of home brewers issure, I am 33. I don't think I have ever seen anyone younger than myself in the local HBS. I have gotten a few of my friends interested in home brewing but their attempts at brewing have not met with great success. My friends are slobs and do not pay attention to sanitation even though the first advice out of my mouth is "plan on spending atleast half of your brewing time cleaning equipment". I think like many hobbies you pick them up from seeing other people involved in them. If more parents would keep brewing after they have children, then you are creating the next generation of homebrewers. To neglect your brewing after you have kids is to put a curse on the future of home brewing (being mellow dramatic here). Cheers, Ted Teuscher (single guy, no kids) Lenexa, KS Return to table of contents
Date: Mon, 30 Jun 2003 12:05:25 -0400 (EDT) From: Pat Babcock <pbabcock at> Subject: Brewery names... Greetings, Beerlings! Take me to your lager... Heh! My brewing commenced at a very early age, and there were certain periods of my academic career in which it was put to good use. Contrary to the intended purpose of its application, some of my friends applied it too liberally to themselves (actually, far more often than recommended by the Surgeon General...). Hence the brewery gained the name of "Drinkur Purdy"... - -- - God bless America! Pat Babcock in SE Michigan pbabcock at Home Brew Digest Janitor HBD Web Site The Home Brew Page [18, 92.1] Rennerian "I don't want a pickle. I just wanna ride on my motorsickle" - Arlo Guthrie Return to table of contents
Date: Mon, 30 Jun 2003 12:23:17 -0400 From: Robin Griller <rgriller at> Subject: burton water Hi all, I'm not sure if anyone else has found this, but when I've burtonised my water, I've found that the resulting bitter has a 'tipping point'. That is, the description of one-dimensionality and uninteresting character given by A.J. holds for the first 4-5 weeks the beer is in keg, but at that point, suddenly (and it does seem to happen from one day to the next, which I do not understand) the beer loses that incredibly minerally character and becomes a wonderful, complex beer with wonderful malt and hop character. I don't have time to wait for beer to mature for that long these days (hard to brew with kids, I hear!), so I've stopped burtonising the water for brewing bitter, but when I did it, I found it worth the effort and the wait. It's happened too many times for it to be just my imagination I think, though this is just one brewer's experience....Anyone else experience something similar? Robin A.J> wrote: Date: Sat, 28 Jun 2003 12:19:10 +0000 From: "A.J. deLange" <ajdel at> Subject: Ales and Sulfate I did a water class for the local homebrew club (BURP) and figured that a logical thing to do for it was to brew an ale with water straight out of my well (harness about 120, alkainity about 80, sulfate about 30) and with water which emulated Burton's. The results were strikingly different but in a surprising way. The Burton example was somewhat like Bass - minerally chewy. Those who tasted the two together (the point of the excercise) thought the Burton quite authentic but found the other to be a much much better beer and I agree. It had a wonderfull bready aroma and taste and a really nice berrylike fruitiness in comparison to which the Burton example was quite one dimensional and relatively uninteresting. When put into a club only contest the soft water example once scored a 14 so I guess it couldn't be conidered to style but OTOH I had a brewer from the local brewery ask me for the "secret" and he did brew a test batch (which I never got to sample unfortunately). A.J. Return to table of contents
Date: Mon, 30 Jun 2003 11:34:00 -0500 From: "Mark Kellums" <infidel at> Subject: Brewery names A few years back I brewed a particularly good IPA during a spring holiday. My wife said we should call it Three Nails IPA. We both got a good laugh from that and decided that would be a good brewery name. So, we're Three Nails Brewing. This past spring we brewed a pretty decent Best Bitter that I call, Ostara Best Bitter. I think it needs a bit more crystal and it could be a bit drier but oh well. Mark Kellums Decatur Il. "It ain't those parts of the Bible that I can't understand that bothers me, it's the parts that I do understand."---Mark Twain Return to table of contents
Date: Mon, 30 Jun 2003 12:32:30 -0400 From: "Jay Spies" <jayspies at> Subject: Brewery Names All - I named mine the "Charm City Altobrewery" for a couple reasons. Chiefly, I live in Baltimore City, aka "Charm City" (an old City promotional slogan), and secondly, I live in a Baltimore rowhouse and just built a rooftop addition with a deck and made the resulting 12' x 14' room into a bar and in-house brewery. Have a view of the Baltimore skyline from the brewery. Since "alto" = up, the brewery was thusly monikered. Jay Spies Charm City Altobrewery Baltimore, MD Return to table of contents
Date: Mon, 30 Jun 2003 17:42:54 +0000 From: beerbuddy at Subject: Brewery Names A little late in replying, but I've been busy starting a new job and moving the brewery (and the house that's attached to it). Too bad I decided it would be rough to move bottles, so I finished them all. Gotta get that brewery going again. My brewery name is Bad Influence Brewery, cause it is, isn't it? and besides, after a few of my honeyed hazelnut browns you need a BIB anyway! Return to table of contents
Date: Mon, 30 Jun 2003 14:40:54 -0400 From: Jay Hellhound <whiplash at> Subject: JD Smoking Chips and re: Left Turn/Consumption Poll/% ABV I was at the BBQ shop the other day and I saw that they had bags of oak chips made from Jack Daniel's barrels for smoking in the BBQ. Of course I am wondering if anyone has thrown these into a fermenter. If so, what were the results? Also, thought I would weigh in on all the recent polls. All of my beers are "Brewed and Bottled by Rehab Homebrewing at The Boilover Brauhaus". A couple of years ago we named my band's practice space Rehab, I thought it would be funny to be able to say "Hey dude, lets go jam and have a couple beers at Rehab.", I was right. A couple beers that I brewed became "Rehab House Brews" as we kept them in the fridge there. Now the band and the practice pad are gone but the name has found a permanent place on my labels. Yes, I still think it's funny. As for "Boilover Brauhaus", I wouldn't think that would take a lot of explanation. I drink about 1 - 3 beers a night. Homebrew if I have it, but sometimes a nice Harpoon IPA or other micro. In the summertime the # can go DOWN on the weekend. If we are staying in, I break out the Mint Juleps (Mmmm... tasty). Last four ABV's are: Royal Python Pale Ale: 6.56% None More Black - Irish Stout: 3.66% To The Extreme - Vanilla Ale: 3.52% Jay Brewin' Rehab Home Brew at the Boilover Brauhaus - Walpole MA 02081 Return to table of contents
Date: Mon, 30 Jun 2003 13:41:32 -0500 From: GeorgeLola <georgelola at> Subject: Measurement Temp Hi Everybody I have a fact sheet that says that ethanol weights 6.6 lbs per gallon. That methanol weights 6.64 lbs per gallon. Everything has a weight per gallon, liter and so on. At what temperature is this weight taken at? Specific graviety is based on 60 degree F for instance. Thanks in Advance George Return to table of contents
Date: Mon, 30 Jun 2003 19:22:16 +0000 From: "Dave Larsen" <hunahpumonkey at> Subject: Lagering in a Corny There seems to be a whole group of brewers who ferment in corny kegs. My question to this is: how do you rig up the air lock? I'm going to stumble head first into the world of lagers here real soon. I think I've finally got a setup to do it. I was planning to do primary fermentation in my brand new Son of Fermentation Chiller, and lagering in my serving fridge. My serving fridge is only big enough to hold two cornies. If I lager in a corny, do I just remove one of the posts on the corny and hook up the air lock there? In that case, how do you seal the hole around the air lock? Do they make drilled stoppers that small? If they do, will it seal against the threads. Can I just release the pressure every day, instead? Fermenation has slowed down a whole bunch at this point, and I think I've read about people doing this. However, I also I seem to remember reading something in the Gregory Noonan book that lagering above a certian pressure was not good, but I really don't remember and don't have the book in front of me right now. I really don't want to make any permanent mods to the keg if I don't have to. However, I will if that is what it takes. Are there any other pitfalls that I should lookout for with a setup like this? Thanks, Dave Tucson, AZ Return to table of contents
Date: Mon, 30 Jun 2003 20:18:46 +0000 From: "Dave Larsen" <hunahpumonkey at> Subject: Brewery Name My brewery is named "Longfellow's Brewery." It gets its name because I'm...uh...tall. That's it...No, seriously! ;) Dave Larsen Tucson, AZ Return to table of contents
Date: Mon, 30 Jun 2003 16:00:43 -0500 (CDT) From: brewinfo at (BrewInfo) Subject: NHC/Dunkelweizen/Barleywine yst/labels/Brambling/malts/Frankenheim >What was cool at the 2003 NHC? The best part for me is seeing old friends and making new ones. Other highlights include 300+ of the best and diverse beers in the world (commercial tastings have nothing on the NHC in terms of quality and homebrewers are known for pushing the envelope), Annette May's "Beer and Cheese Tasting," Fred Eckhardt's "Beer and Chocolate Tasting," and the "Wall of Real Ale." I regret that I missed many interesting lectures (especially Crispy's 17 Belgian Beers), some because I was preparing for (or, recovering from) my own talk, others because of conflicts with other lectures. I miss the duplicate lectures of previous years, so you didn't miss as many interesting talks due to conflicts (got your ears on Tyce?). As for Dan Listermann's comment about being exhausted, I hit the wall halfway through the "Real Beer, Real Food" event on Saturday, but found a quiet spot and a comfy chair for an hour and I was recharged and ready to go. On previous years I've been more beered-out having tried fewer beers. *** >On Fri, 20 Jun 2003, Mike asked: >"Off the top of your head, what were the ABV %'s of your, say.. last three >(3) homebrewed beers?" Mine were roughly all 4.5 to 4.7%. Special Bitters. *** Michael writes: >I'm pondering a dunkles Hefe. What I want is >something smooth and malty with strong banana fruit >esters. What specialty grains are recommended to get >the dark color without tasting roasted? What yeast >and temperatures are recommeded to get a good flavor >profile? It's not specialty grains, actually, but rather you use Munich malt or Vienna malt in place of the Pils. I'd use 60/40 Munich/Wheat. Whether you want to use a ferulic acid (the precursor of the 4-vinyl guaiacol that gives the clovey aroma/flavour) rest or not is up to you. Here's what Steve Alexander said about it in Dec 2002 in HBD: "The idea that a rest around 43C-45C releases ferulic comes from a couple studies. One by an extremely well respected researcher at Guinness(Ian McMurrough, et al). Guinness is avidly interested in avoiding all 4VG flavor and they found that a low rest released so much ferulic that the boil then created tastable 4VG concentrations. I only have a description of the other paper, but Narziss and others at Weihenstephan studied this in weizen grists and found that a 43-45C rest at pH 5.8 is maximal for ferulic acid in the wort and 4VG in beer (same temps for barley malt too)." Personally, I don't like a lot of 4VG, so I don't use this rest. The yeast I prefer is the Wyeast #3068. *** Thomas asks for Barleywine yeast preferences. I like Wyeast #1056. It has no problems with worts well above 1.100, so long as you give it plenty of oxygen and pitch big. I brew a lower gravity batch and then pour the Barleywine wort right on top of about half of the yeast cake. *** Tom writes: >Does anyone know if that's a possibility? If not, I'll probably suggest >making custom labels on his computer. Just remember that most inkjet inks are water soluble and the sweat from cold bottles will make them run. I would make one label sheet and then make colour copies at a copy shop. *** Jodie asks about Brambling Cross hops. I don't know where you can get them, but I can tell you that they are a grandparent of Saxon and Viking, they have a unique toasty, buttery, slighly resiny aroma with some woody notes. The closest substitute (based upon aroma) would be Fuggle, in my opinion, or maybe a mix of Fuggle for the woody notes and Northdown or Phoenix for the buttery notes. *** >>I'm looking for a website or some such resourse, to more >>familiarize myself with the different types/brands/varieties/colors >>/countries/etc etc of barley.. but it's sorely lacking on the net, As for raw barley, I don't think that will help you much. If you read "Klages" you can safely substitute "US 2-row" which, the last time I looked (about 6 years ago) was mostly Harrington or Harrington/ Klages mix. I agree that it's best to not worry too much about this, although I must say that I do prefer Pale Ale malt made from Maris Otter to Belgian and US 2-row, but it might just be that I like the malt made by the maltsters that use Maris Otter more. As for different crystal or dark malt varieties, I do know of a resource, but would prefer to not advertise it here. Email me. *** >>Is Frankenheim a good example of the altbier style otherwise? Frankenheim is a tame example of the style. I've been to Duesseldorf and nothing exported even comes close to the intensity of bitterness and maltiness of Zum Uerige (my favourite). I've come up with a favourable clone recipe (although some have reported here that Zum Uerige now uses a mix of Pils, Munich, Crystal, and a touch of Roasted malt) which is basically 90% Munich malt, 10% Aromatic or Weyermann Melanoidinmalt, 50IBUs of Spalt, and Wyeast #1338, fermented at around 63F. Brew this and it will give you a feeling for what Duesseldorfer Alt should taste like. Al. Al Korzonas korz at Return to table of contents
Date: Mon, 30 Jun 2003 16:50:10 -0500 (CDT) From: brewinfo at (BrewInfo) Subject: sulfur burning in casks Dave writes: >The sulfur stick you burn in the barrel is for >wine and depends on the acidity of the wine ( pH too high in beer) for >its use as a sanitizing agent. I think it should work for beer too, but I don't think it would have prevented the souring Zemo got. It's done in Lambic breweries, but as we all know, they make sour beer and I've read tests have shown that the majority of the microbiota at Lambic breweries is now in the casks and not the air. Al. Al Korzonas korz at Return to table of contents
Date: Mon, 30 Jun 2003 16:35:30 -0700 From: "Kent Fletcher" <kfletcher at> Subject: Re: Magnetic pump cleaning Parker wants to know about the gunk he found inside his "new" pump: (snippage) >Upon removal of the Volute (cover thing), >there is a black grease-like fluid on the inside and under the impeller. >It appears to be a lubricant. Is this normal? The pump came with no >instructions unfortunately, and I have never owned one before. Do I >need to manually clean this stuff, as it seems that any fluid pumped >through right now would come into contact with it? Thanks. Parker, you got a good pump, but it has definitely been used, and/or abused. There should be NO lubricant of any kind, or anything else, for that matter, inside the pump. You can download an Acrobat file from Little Giant's website These pumps use the liquid being pumped as a lubricant. You want to remove the volute, impeller, impeller bearing shaft and thrust bushings. The shaft and bushings are made of alumina, and should be perfectly clean. I would us a PBW or other strong detergent solution to clean all of these parts. Then you can run your Straight A to sanitize, but the parts MUST be cleaned first. The HC (for Highly Corrosive liquids) can handle running dry for longer periods than other models, but it should still be avoided. Good luck, Kent Fletcher Brewing in So Cal Return to table of contents
Date: Mon, 30 Jun 2003 16:01:50 -0800 From: Christopher Swingley <cswingle at> Subject: Iron in cornmeal Greetings! I'm planning on brewing a cream ale this weekend, and am wondering about the "Enriched and Degermed" cornmeal I have in the cabinet. It's the kind in the orange and blue box (Albers brand?). The enrichment involves iron, which I believe I've read is bad for yeast. Do I need to find some "Non-enriched degermed" cornmeal, or am I imagining the iron = bad relationship? Thanks! Chris - -- Christopher S. Swingley email: cswingle at IARC -- Frontier Program Please use encryption. GPG key at: University of Alaska Fairbanks Return to table of contents
Date: Mon, 30 Jun 2003 19:39:51 -0500 From: "Charles McGonegal" <mamcgone at> Subject: Cider notes from AHA National Conference A number of folks asked me to post some of the slides from my Conference cider talk on the web. Here they are: It's not all of them, but it does have some basic info, some of the tables, and my page of sources. Thanks for all the kind feedback at the Conference, and good luck with your projects. Charles McGonegal AEppeltreow Winery Return to table of contents
Date: Tue, 01 Jul 2003 10:46:08 +0930 From: Thomas D Hamann <tdhamann at> Subject: Re: Brewery Names David asks about our various brewery names. I brew at the Battenberg Brewery, take a guess as to what rode I might be living on! tdh Return to table of contents
Date: Mon, 30 Jun 2003 19:56:59 -0900 From: Teresa Knezek <teresa at> Subject: Flying w/ Beer (Re: Pubs/Microbrewry Places in Chicago?) On or thereabout 6/30/03, Ryan Neily spoke thusly: >Anyone even taken Beer on an airplane? I am looking to bring back a sixer >or two of Chicago Beer, and am wondering about bringing it on the plane. >Anyone had problems doing this before with either airport security or >pressurization? I brought 12 16oz. bottles of my homebrew from Fairbanks, AK to Boston not too long ago.I had the bottles carefully arranged and rolled up in the clothing in my carry-on bag, so they wouldn't knock together and fill my wardrobe with stout. Besides the fact that my luggage was entirely too heavy for comfort (thank goodness for wheels!), it wasn't a problem. I got some very weird looks at airport security here in Fairbanks, but luckily the woman who felt the need to count all the bottles on the scanner monitor twice (Yes, there are still 12 of them... just like there was a moment ago), was joined by a young man who immediately ID'd them as " problem, it's just a half-case of beer". Apparently, there's no regulation against it... ;-) Tho' I suppose I might have had a bit of hassle if they'd seen fit to open the luggage and noticed none of the bottles were "properly labeled" (they could have used some kind of, "but we don't actually KNOW it's beer if there's no label argument)... who knows. If you're planning on toting commercial beer with you, I can't imagine they'd have anything to say. - -- ::Teresa : Two Rivers, Alaska:: [2849, 325] Apparent Rennerian "It has been my experience that folks who have no vices have very few virtues." -- Abraham Lincoln Return to table of contents
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