HOMEBREW Digest #4286 Wed 02 July 2003

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  Harmonic Convergence ("Jeff Tonole")
  RE: Brewery names (g flo)
  re: brewery names (John Bowerman)
  Brewery Names (Nate & Brenda Wahl)
  tea + ("Rich Lanam")
  Beer on a plane. (Bev Blackwood II)
  Fruit Sugar/"Tipping Point" ("A.J. deLange")
  Brewery Name (Lee Pratt)
  Re : Brewery Names (FRASERJ)
  RE: Flying beer; Brewery name (eIS) - Eastman" <stjones at eastman.com>
  Re: Lagering in a Corny (Jeff Renner)
  Re: Dunkelweizen (Jeff Renner)
  Re: Iron in cornmeal (Jeff Renner)
  RE: Brewery Names and last three brews (Michael Isaacs)
  Celis availability? (Mike Walker)
  Brewery Name, etc. ("Gregory D. Morris")
  Lagering in a Corny (Calvin Perilloux)
  **Celebrate American Beer Month in July** ("Monica Tall")
  lagering, cornies, airlocks ("Rob Dewhirst")
  Very short keg line? (James Keller)
  brewery name; flying beer (Mike Dowd)
  RE: Lagering in a Corny ("Joris Dallaire")
   ("Troy A. Wilson")
  Re: Dunkelweizen correction (BrewInfo)
  Brewery Name ("Lee and Ant Hayes")
  re: Lagering in a Corny ("Mike Sharp")
  Now Collecting Prisoner Photos/Brewery Names ("Philip J Wilcox")
  Lagering in a Corny/Brewery Name (BrewInfo)
  March Pump ("Carrol D. McCracken")
  Brewery Name::Mine (Chris Kuether)
  Surveys / Seattle, WA (Lou King)
  RE:lagering in a corny ("Rick Gordon")

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---------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Tue, 1 Jul 2003 00:32:11 -0400 From: "Jeff Tonole" <jtonole at twcny.rr.com> Subject: Harmonic Convergence NHC 2004 in Vegas? I see the planets of my passions lining up -- hundreds of homebrewers gathering to talk and drink beer, in a town that features the largest concentration of poker rooms in the world, all within a couple hours of some of the most stunning natural beauty on the North American continent. I'm afraid to attend -- I might not come back. To belatedly answer some recent polls/queries: - -- I average 1-2 pints daily; usually have a pint with dinner and that's about it, but the average gets ratcheted up a bit by additional imbibing when guests visit, at gatherings, and at homebrew club meetings - -- The three beers I have on tap are Half Moon Pale Ale (4.5% ABV -- second runnings from a barleywine), Finn MacCool's Irish Stout (4.3%), and The Ides of Marzen (6%). I also have a barleywine (approaching 9%) and a malt liquor (expecting 7%) that are still fermenting. (BTW, the malt liquor is for an upcoming "Forties Night" at the homebrew club, where the goal is to make a brew with IPA-like alcohol content and CAP-like color and flavor. And bottled in forties, natch.) - -- My brewery name, SlothBrew, derives from the intrinsic laziness I build into the brew process. It also just sounds cool. On Durst dark wheat malt availability, I get Durst dark Munich (makes a terrific alt) from our HBD sponsor, Northern Brewer (no affiliation, blah blah blah). Perhaps they also carry the dark wheat. Check around the on-line homebrew purveyors and see what you turn up -- somebody probably carries it. jeff tonole SlothBrew -- one of the seven deadly sins People's Republic of Ithaca, NY Return to table of contents
Date: Tue, 1 Jul 2003 00:09:35 -0700 (PDT) From: g flo <gflo77 at yahoo.com> Subject: RE: Brewery names I just joined this list, and thought I would add my brewery name. My friend and I call our operation "Empty Box Brewing". It is actually a song reference, but it works well when talking about beer. We have been brewing since December of last year and are on our 8 batch. We just started a website to chronicle our brewing experiences and ideas: http://emptyboxbrewing.blogspot.com I read in a couple of other messages that people were asking about the age of people on this list. We are both 25 and live in Santa Cruz, CA. Return to table of contents
Date: Tue, 01 Jul 2003 00:54:31 -0700 From: John Bowerman <jbowerman at charter.net> Subject: re: brewery names Bad Dog Brewing - sorta in rememberance of the first Red Dog that was bullied into changing their name by they-who-shall-remain-unnamed, sorta because of a co-worker's yellow lab that chewed off the top of two pet bottles, drank the brew, and got drunk, and sorta because I've been known to make enough noise to keep the wolves awake. Oh, and let's not forget the Red Dog Saloon in Juneau, Alaska. Bad Dog!!! Return to table of contents
Date: Tue, 01 Jul 2003 05:25:01 -0400 From: Nate & Brenda Wahl <cruiser at coastalwave.net> Subject: Brewery Names Very interesting brewery names so far! Mine is the Portage View Brewery, thanks to the beautiful view of the river in front of our house. Other thread info.. Last three brews: Belgian Quad, 1.116 - 1.013, you do the math! Barleywine, 1.125, stuck at 1.036 Stout, 1.064 to 1.016 The first two are not quite the normal brews, but for a big beer exchange; altho my friends think that there is a gravity anomoly in my garage of sorts.... most are more in the 1.055-1.085 range with an occasional lawnmower beer. Other info: 47; 0-3 beers a day; started brewing when my kids were in middle school, and I've never had a problem taking beers on an airplane. Oh, and I do one veggie beer annually, but the pumpkin pieces get fully roasted, carmelized and very lightly charred on the edges before going in the mash; hey, you wouldn't eat a raw pumpkin pie, would you??? Completely changes the character of this well-recieved lager (Pale and Biscuit malt, a touch of aromatic, Munich yeast, lightly spiced, medium bitterness, Strisselspalt finish hops add an almost minty note). For Dave Larsen, the relief valves usually can be unscrewed from a Corny top, and a small drilled stopper fits the opening for your airlock. The problem I had was it made the assembly too tall for my converted freezer, I had to clip some of the bottom of the airlock off to make it fit. Oh, and last week, I actually agreed with both Bill and Steve on an off-topic post. That's eerie! Cheers, Nate Wahl Oak Harobr, Ohio on the mighty Portage River. PS, does anybody have a source for Strisselspalt hops? Private email please. Thanks! Return to table of contents
Date: Tue, 1 Jul 2003 07:19:36 -0400 From: "Rich Lanam" <rlanam at kaplancollege.edu> Subject: tea + Has anyone used regular or green tea in beer? I'd like to try making a brew with caffeine but am not fond of coffee in my beer. Any recommendations on the type of tea and the amount. A few weeks ago I posted about a grassy off-flavor in a couple brews. Thank you to those who responded offline. Based on the comments and further thoughts, I believe that it was old improperly stored hops. I like to use the name Superfund brewing because I spend too much money on this hobby and live in NJ with carcinogens in our well, radon in our basement and ride the train from a superfund site. Rich Lanam Superfund Brewing Return to table of contents
Date: Tue, 1 Jul 2003 06:43:14 -0500 From: Bev Blackwood II <bdb2 at bdb2.com> Subject: Beer on a plane. Ryan Neily <ryan at neily.net> wrote: > Anyone even taken Beer on an airplane? So many times, I had to write an article about it... See the "Last Drop" column in the most recent Zymurgy. I got back from the NHC with something like a case and a half, although I prefer to send my beer in checked baggage rather than carry-on. With careful packing you can get nearly anything home. I've only lost a can(!) in my travels and only been charged overweight (85 lbs!) once. Be aware that there's a new limit of 50 lbs. on your checked bags. The airlines are starting to view baggage as a revenue source, apparently. Also be sure that you leave your bags unlocked if you check them. My sister once missed a plane because she locked the suitcase of beer she was bringing me! I have carried a cold case of Saint Arnold right onto the plane before, which prompted more than a few worried looks from the flight crew. :-) -BDB2 Bev D. Blackwood II http://www.bdb2.com Return to table of contents
Date: Tue, 01 Jul 2003 12:03:20 +0000 From: "A.J. deLange" <ajdel at cox.net> Subject: Fruit Sugar/"Tipping Point" Another (also imperfect) method for calculating the sugar contribution of fruit might be to determine the sugar content of the wort (before adding sugar) i.e. (liters wort)*(grams/liter)*(degrees Plato) then add the fruit and ferment. At the conclusion of fermentation measure alcohol content and true extract (adjust the volume back to what it was at the beginning of fermentation either in actuality or on paper). From this calculate original gravity and in turn the total amount of sugar in the wort (including the fruit). The difference is the contribution of the fruit. The advantage is that fruit pulp isn't going to throw off your SG reading. The disadvantage is that your fermentation may not fit the model which relates OG, TE and alcohol content. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * I can't honestly say I remember experiencing a "tipping point" with ales but Robin's description certainly desribes my impression of what happens with lagers - the jungbuket is there one day and gone the next. It's one of the miracles of brewing, IMO. A.J. Return to table of contents
Date: Tue, 1 Jul 2003 08:35:28 -0400 From: Lee Pratt <leepratt at citlink.net> Subject: Brewery Name Gentlemen, For me it was easy, I combined my Home Brewing hobby with my interest in local Upstate brewery history and came up with the name of "Old Chenango Brewing" after the Sleepy Hollow valley I live in. - -- Lee Pratt leepratt at citlink.net [11727.9, 76.2] Apparent Rennerian In Beer There Is Strength In Wine There Is Wisdom In Water There Is Bacteria Return to table of contents
Date: Tue, 1 Jul 2003 07:09:12 -0400 From: FRASERJ at Nationwide.com Subject: Re : Brewery Names Way late on reply, but mine is McKenzie Brewing. Named after my step father passed away, Adrian McKenzie, a great beer drinker from Maryborough, Australia! John M. Fraser [174.3, 160.9] Apparent Rennerian I think I got it right..... Return to table of contents
Date: Tue, 1 Jul 2003 09:10:36 -0400 From: "Jones, Steve (eIS) - Eastman" <stjones at eastman.com> Subject: RE: Flying beer; Brewery name There is a good article in this months Zymurgy by Bev Blackwood on packing beer for flying. One caveat that I have not seen mentioned: I know of an instance where UNLABELED beer was not allowed in carryon baggage. This occurred last year on a trip to the NHC in Dallas from DTW airport in Detroit. The unfortunate individual was forced to remove the unlabeled bottles before being allowed thru security. I personally carried about 20 bottles of homebrew to the NHC last year, and have carried homebrew a couple of times since with no comments by the baggage screeners. Everything I have carried was labeled. On Brewery names, mine is the Blue Mustang Brewery. About 10 years ago my then 14 year old son wanted to get involved in a project restoring an old Ford Mustang. We found a blue 67 hardtop and turned my drive under 1 car garage into a shop for restoration. After he tore it all apart, he did as many teenagers would - he lost interest. After sitting there for a year, I finally got rid of it and changed the garage into something much more useful - a brewery. What I want to hear about is the story behind Eric Fouch's 'Bent Dick Yoctobrewery' - or maybe I don't!! Speaking of, where are you, Eric? We haven't heard from him in a few years, I believe. Steve Jones, Johnson City, TN State of Franklin Homebrewers http://hbd.org/franklin [421.8 mi, 168.5 deg] Apparent Rennerian Return to table of contents
Date: Tue, 1 Jul 2003 09:44:22 -0400 From: Jeff Renner <jeffrenner at comcast.net> Subject: Re: Lagering in a Corny "Dave Larsen" <hunahpumonkey at hotmail.com> in Tucson, AZ asks about lagering in a corny. My SOP is to rack most all of my beers to a keg (usually a Sankey for me) when the fermentation has just about stopped. That's usually about 4-5 days for a low gravity ale to 10-14 days for a lager. Then I seal the keg and let the final fermentation naturally carbonate the beer. With lagers, I start chilling to 32F over a period of 3-4 days. My favorite lager yeasts (Ayinger, aka WLP Bock, especially) don't need a diacetyl rest. I have remarkably good luck getting the carbonation just about right with my regular beers. Lagering seems to work just fine under pressure, and as I recall, lagering under pressure speeds the process. If i miss the carbonation target I adjust by either applying top pressure or venting. Once the beer is ready to drink, I sometimes rack to a clean, purged keg, or, if I am not going to move it, I just serve from this secondary. As long as I drink it up in a reasonable time, I don't worry about the yeast sediment. Jeff - -- Jeff Renner in Ann Arbor, Michigan USA, JeffRenner at comcast.net "One never knows, do one?" Fats Waller, American Musician, 1904-1943 Return to table of contents
Date: Tue, 1 Jul 2003 09:49:55 -0400 From: Jeff Renner <jeffrenner at comcast.net> Subject: Re: Dunkelweizen Al Korzonas <brewinfo at xnet.com> writes about Dunkelweizen: >It's not specialty grains, actually, but rather you use >Munich malt or Vienna malt in place of the Pils. I'd >use 60/40 Munich/Wheat. That should get you the desired color, but isn't that the reverse of typical weizenbier? Usually it's a majority wheat malt - 60/40 to 70/30. Jeff - -- Jeff Renner in Ann Arbor, Michigan USA, JeffRenner at comcast.net "One never knows, do one?" Fats Waller, American Musician, 1904-1943 Return to table of contents
Date: Tue, 1 Jul 2003 10:00:06 -0400 From: Jeff Renner <jeffrenner at comcast.net> Subject: Re: Iron in cornmeal Christopher Swingley <cswingle at iarc.uaf.edu> writes: >I'm planning on brewing a cream ale this weekend, and am wondering >about the "Enriched and Degermed" cornmeal I have in the cabinet. >... The enrichment involves iron, which I believe I've read is bad >for yeast. Do I need to find some "Non-enriched degermed" cornmeal, >or am I imagining the iron = bad relationship? This has been a concern of mine as well, but it is hard to avoid. It may be merely theoretical, but I already have some iron in my water, so I avoid it by buying unenriched cornmeal from a bakery supplier in 50 lb. bags. But I'm not sure how much longer this will be available as there seems to be some regulation requiring fortification. Raw polenta is a possible alternative, but you could just go ahead and brew with what you have and see. Based on the fact that I have some iron in my water and don't have a fermentation problem, I think that with a good amount of healthy yeast you should do fine. I trust you are going to do a cereal mash with about 30% malt with the corn. Mash it at ~153 for 20 minutes (I put it in a preheated oven), then bring it to a boil. Be sure to use enough water to keep it loose, and stir as you heat it. You'll need to boil it from 30 minutes to an hour depending on how coarse the meal/grits/polenta is/are. Then add it to the main mash, which has been mashing at the first rest, to boost it to the second step. I use 146/158, but need to add extra heat or boiling water to get it to 158 since I don't use more than ~25% corn. Big commercial breweries use much more adjunct so they get there with the cereal mash addition. Have fun. Jeff - -- Jeff Renner in Ann Arbor, Michigan USA, JeffRenner at comcast.net "One never knows, do one?" Fats Waller, American Musician, 1904-1943 Return to table of contents
Date: Tue, 01 Jul 2003 10:11:34 -0400 From: Michael Isaacs <misaacs at bigfoot.com> Subject: RE: Brewery Names and last three brews When I started 10 years ago, my brewing partner and I were listening to Jimmy Buffett a lot. Jolly Mon Brewery was born. Although my partner stopped after 3 batches, I have kept going, naming all my beers with JB song titles, references and puns like the following: One Particular Porter Wheat-a-ville Hurricane Wiezen Lost Shaker (of) Alt Cheeseburger in Dunklewiess Vampires, Mummies and the Holy Koelsch Those last two were bad, I know. The other subject I ment to add a data point to earlier, my last three beers: Parrothead Pale: 4.3% ABV Ragtop Rye: 4.0% ABV Calypso Poet Pale: 6.4% ABV - -- misaacs at bigfoot.com Son of a Son of an Aler Return to table of contents
Date: Tue, 1 Jul 2003 07:42:57 -0700 (PDT) From: Mike Walker <doplbock at yahoo.com> Subject: Celis availability? I'll be in Michigan in a couple weeks and wanted to pick up some of the new Celis being brewed by the Michigan Brewing Company. Any tips on where I might find some in the Detroit area? Thanks, Mike Return to table of contents
Date: Tue, 1 Jul 2003 11:17:40 -0400 (EDT) From: "Gregory D. Morris" <gmorris at literati.com> Subject: Brewery Name, etc. My brewery is name Doc Crock's Brewery. Not quite sure why... me and my buddy just sorta came up with that name. I think it just sounded nice when we brewed our first beer (a bock.... Doc Crock's Bock.) It might also have something to do with the labcoats we wear when we brew, and our inclination to drink beer out of test tubes and graduated cylinders (why waste beer to take s.g. readings?) Anyway, regarding the age issue... I am 22, most of the other people I brew with are between 22 and 25 years old. I know some older brewers, but we have a thriving community of young brewers here in Morgantown, WV. It might just be that West Virginia University is one of the biggest party schools... You can brew 5 gallons of homebrew for less money than you can buy 5 gallons of cheap beer, so thats why some of my friends brew. I for one just love brewing. Even if home brewing was expensive, I'd still do it, because nothing beats a good hand crafted brew. Also, I have one quick question: I just brewed an all-grain bock. When I took the S.G. I noticed the beer had a lot of floating particulates. Should I be worried about this affecting my S.G. reading? They will all settle out in the fermenter, but I still want a good S.G. reading. I was thinking about filling a seperating funnel with baby beer, and letting it rest for a while, then purging the particulates, leaving the beer, and then taking the S.G. Should I filter it through a coffee filter or something? Anyone have any thoughts? -Greg - -- Here at Dock Crock's Brewery, We drink more than we brew. (Anyone who spills more than they bottle is a klutz.) Return to table of contents
Date: Tue, 1 Jul 2003 09:01:58 -0700 (PDT) From: Calvin Perilloux <calvinperilloux at yahoo.com> Subject: Lagering in a Corny Dave Larsen from Tucson, Arizona, asks in Tuesday's HBD about lagering in corny kegs. > My question to this is: how do you rig up the air lock? There are two things you can do, neither of which require you to do ANY modifications to the keg, not even removing a post: (1) Just lager it in a closed keg and release excess pressure via the pressure release valve. This assumes your temps are low (as should be in lagering, NOT secondary necessarily) and the wort is well-fermentd out. You might find that you are building up a decent amount of pressure, though, and not want to use this method. This also assumes you will actually check it occasionally. (2) Use the "blow-off" tube method. Attach a length of tubing to a spare Gas-In fitting (NOT the Beer-OUT -- big DOH!!!) and drop the open end into a jar of iodophor/bleach/whatever, and voila, an easy and basic airlock. Not advised for active fermentation because of risk of clogging and pressure build-up. Also not advised if you have much air space in the keg because quick cooling of that air space can cause a temporary vacuum that will suck the iodophor up the line and into the keg, unless you used wide-inner-diameter line or an intermediate catch-bottle arrangement. I use method (1) a lot, but my secondary fermentation is usually quite long anyway, so lagering is indeed only for conditioning and clarity-enhancement, and there's little if any pressure build-up. If you use this method early, you might consider a pressure gauge attachment on the Gas-Out post so you can see if the pressure is getting high and needs releasing. After a long period of lagering, I usually rack the beer into a freshly sanitised and CO2-purged keg so that there is almost no sediment in my final keg, and I can carry and shake it around without worry about haze. If you do this, perhaps consider a minor keg mod: If your dip tube reaches to the very bottom of the keg, cut a centimetre or so off of it. The loss of beer is minimal, but you pick up less yeast in the transfer. Calvin Perilloux Middletown, Maryland, USA Return to table of contents
Date: Tue, 1 Jul 2003 10:19:31 -0600 From: "Monica Tall" <monica at aob.org> Subject: **Celebrate American Beer Month in July** Greetings from American Beer Month land! ** July is American Beer Month. www.americanbeermonth.com ** ***AMERICAN BEER MONTH - DISCOVER THE FLAVORS OF INDEPENDENCE*** Visit your local brewpub, brewery or beer retailer and savor the flavor of refreshing American Beer the whole month of July. The Association of Brewers invites you to celebrate and promote the 4th Annual American Beer Month. Remember ... ENJOY discounts at participating AOB Pub Discount Program pubs to celebrate American BEER. USE YOUR AHA CARD and show your support! http://www.beertown.org/homebrewing/pubs.html Help us spread the American-beer gospel and send this email to ALL BEER people. ********************************************************** American Beer Month (ABM), celebrated the month of July, is a grassroots campaign organized by the Association of Brewers to promote American brewing and celebrate the diversity and variety of American beer. http://www.americanbeermonth.com/about.html ********************************************************** Bring only AMERICAN BEER to summer picnics and special dinners/events, showing others that American beer compliments EVERY food and occasion. HOW TO CELEBRATE: * Watch for ABM television billboards on ESPN family of networks during the month of July by Coors Brewing Co. * Hold a special beer dinner with friends * Try a new brew each week * Have a party where each friend brings a different beer * Attend a beer festival or special beer dinner - http://www.americanbeermonth.com/events.html * Brew traditional or historical American beer recipes * Pair your beers with menu items or recommended foods * More ideas ... http://www.americanbeermonth.com/about.html SPREAD THE WORD: ** Add ABM artwork to your emails and website (and link it to the ABM site) - http://www.americanbeermonth.com/artwork.html ** Make promotional t-shirts, stickers, pins and have your staff (and you) wear them ** Check out how others are promoting ABM - http://www.americanbeermonth.com/promotion.html **More ideas ... http://www.americanbeermonth.com/brewers.html ********************************************************** Do you have an event you want posted on www.americanbeermonth.com? Do you want American Beer Month promotional stickers? Contact: Monica Tall, monica at aob.org or 303.447.0816 x 108 Visit www.americanbeermonth.com throughout the month of July (and the whole year) -- we'll be adding new events and information. ********************************************************** American Beer Month 2004 Sponsors: Coors Brewing Co.; Wynkoop Brewing Co.; Boston Beer Co.; Hopunion; Rogue Ales ********************************************************** CHEERS to your support, Monica Tall Association of Brewers www.beertown.org monica at aob.org / 303.447.0816 x 108 - --- Outgoing mail is certified Virus Free. Checked by AVG anti-virus system (http://www.grisoft.com). Version: 6.0.487 / Virus Database: 286 - Release Date: 6/1/2003 Return to table of contents
Date: Tue, 1 Jul 2003 11:24:50 -0500 From: "Rob Dewhirst" <rob at hairydogbrewery.com> Subject: lagering, cornies, airlocks > There seems to be a whole group of brewers who ferment in corny kegs. My > question to this is: how do you rig up the air lock? > If I lager in a corny, do I just remove one of the posts on the corny and > hook up the air lock there? In that case, how do you seal the hole around > the air lock? Do they make drilled stoppers that small? If they do, will > it seal against the threads. if you remove the post AND the dip tube, a standard "double bubble" soft plastic airlock should fit down in the resulting hole. You might need to clean up the flashing on the seam of the plastic airlock for a tight fit, but there should be no other special work necessary. Return to table of contents
Date: Tue, 1 Jul 2003 12:21:40 -0400 (Eastern Daylight Time) From: James Keller <kellerj at kenyon.edu> Subject: Very short keg line? I'm finally ready for a kegging system, but need to move gradually to satisfy SWMBO. My idea is to purchase a couple of small (2-1/2 to 3 gallon) ball-lock kegs. They are small enough to fit into a spare fridge and will nicely supplement my current bottling operation. They may even go unnoticed if I refrain from drilling through the door of the fridge and attaching CO2 tanks, regulators and hoses and building a wet bar :) My question ... I want to start with a simple cartridge injection system (lots of sources for a ball-lock connection) and a faucet. This will be compact enough to keep peace in the house and may prove useful later for dispensing a keg away from home. The faucet I have found while web-searching attaches directly to a liquid-out ball-lock connector (with an adaptor). Now, I admit that I may have been in "page-down" mode for the past few years of keg line discussions ... but _nobody_ suggested that ZERO length was appropriate. Any idea how (or how well?) the "direct-connect" faucet works? Thanks in advance. Don't bother to recommend Party-Pigs or mini-kegs ... I'm trying to minimize the exposure of my beer to PET and rusting metal cans :) [Actually, I just want to be able to use what I buy now in a full-fledged keg system later.] With this brewing leap, I can start dreaming about welding keg mounts on all of our vehicles ... including my daughters bicycle [I actually _started_ brewing when we had kids ... my other hobbies involved too much time away from home and far fewer gadgets. The two older kids help me bottle so I don't need to go completely to kegs yet.] -J. Keller Mount Vernon, OH [148.4, 151.5] Rennerian Return to table of contents
Date: Tue, 1 Jul 2003 09:54:05 -0700 (PDT) From: Mike Dowd <mikedowd at oddpost.com> Subject: brewery name; flying beer When I started brewing with a couple friends, we decided on Yeastie Boys Brewing. Kinda silly, and I'm the only one of us who continued to brew, but I've grown pretty attached to it. A few years back, I took a 6 pack of homebrew to a friend's wedding, just packed into my bag. After going through security, they called me aside to examine the contents. The security woman opened the bag, saw the 6 pack, closed the bag, handed it back to me and said "Good bag sir." -Mike Yeastie Boys Brewing SF, CA Return to table of contents
Date: Tue, 01 Jul 2003 13:16:15 -0400 From: "Joris Dallaire" <Joris.Dallaire at meq.gouv.qc.ca> Subject: RE: Lagering in a Corny On Mon, 30 Jun 2003, Dave, brewmaster of the Longfellow's Brewery :O), asks about the best way to relieve fermentation co2 when lagering in a corny keg. Dave, just release the pressure every day with the relief valve. The simpler the better. You will be able to judge the fermentation evolution by the pressure released each time. Only thing to pay attention is to leave a good headspace, around 3-4 inches IIRC. If you fill just below the gas intake tube you'll be OK. Been doing this for years, no problem! Keep on brewin' - --Joris Return to table of contents
Date: Tue, 1 Jul 2003 13:03:12 -0500 From: "Troy A. Wilson" <troy at troyandjulia.com> Subject: Tom Kotowski and I call our homebrewery the "TwinGeeks Brewery". We are of the same height and build. We are both Computer Professionals, i.e. Geeks. To top it off, we actually do look similar with short hair and beards. When we used to work together many people would confuse the two of us. Troy A. Wilson troy at troyandjulia.com Happy American Beer Month! - --- Outgoing mail is certified Virus Free. Checked by AVG anti-virus system (http://www.grisoft.com). Version: 6.0.491 / Virus Database: 290 - Release Date: 6/18/2003 Return to table of contents
Date: Tue, 1 Jul 2003 13:38:21 -0500 (CDT) From: brewinfo at xnet.com (BrewInfo) Subject: Re: Dunkelweizen correction Jeff writes, quoting me: >>I'd use 60/40 Munich/Wheat. >That should get you the desired color, but isn't that the reverse of >typical weizenbier? Usually it's a majority wheat malt - 60/40 to >70/30. Yup... I goofed on the order. 60/40 Wheat/Munich. Al. Return to table of contents
Date: Tue, 1 Jul 2003 21:18:46 +0200 From: "Lee and Ant Hayes" <anleo at worldonline.co.za> Subject: Brewery Name My brewery's name is HayesenBrau, named after my dad's favourite beer Kronenbrau 1308 (RIP). My beer names are a bit more interesting: Axe Lager Sword Bitter Broadsword ESB Club Stout Flintlock Porter Dagger Mild Trident Ale Icepick Ale (geddit?) Musket Stale Sjambok (spot the pun?) Umkhonto Bhiya (Spear Beer in English) Morningstar Mead and Hela's Rake (Belgian Strong Ale) Hela's Broom (Gueuze) Miolnir (Barley wine) Ant Hayes Johannesburg Return to table of contents
Date: Tue, 01 Jul 2003 12:33:28 -0700 From: "Mike Sharp" <rdcpro at hotmail.com> Subject: re: Lagering in a Corny Dave Larsen wonders about Lagering in a Corny "There seems to be a whole group of brewers who ferment in corny kegs. My question to this is: how do you rig up the air lock?" Easy. I use a piece of strong wire (coat hanger) bent into an approx. figure 8. A short length of hose shoves on the end of the quick connect (I use pin-lock with flare fittings, but have a couple with hose barbs). The hose goes in one hole of the figure 8, and up through the other. This bends and directs the hose straight up. An airlock shoves into the end of the hose. I still primary in an open fermenter, or at least in a sealed bucket. You want to be sure you don't get blowoff in a corny, unless you've modified it to handle the solids. One way I've considered was to weld a sanitary ferrule into the lid (but mainly because I want to mount various things on it). But you could drill a hole in the lid and install a bulkhead fitting with a nice large hole. An adjustable relief valve is nice, because during secondary you seal up the whole shebang, and let it carbonate itself. Any pressure over your relief setting is released. "If I lager in a corny, do I just remove one of the posts on the corny and hook up the air lock there?" Lager under pressure. If your cornies only have blowout disks, you might want to reconsider, though. "Can I just release the pressure every day, instead? Fermenation has slowed down a whole bunch at this point, and I think I've read about people doing this. However, I also I seem to remember reading something in the Gregory Noonan book that lagering above a certian pressure was not good, but I really don't remember and don't have the book in front of me right now." At that point, you want it carbonating anyway, IMHO. Keep the pressure in there. Regards, Mike Sharp Kent, WA Return to table of contents
Date: Tue, 1 Jul 2003 15:33:44 -0400 From: "Philip J Wilcox" <pjwilcox at cmsenergy.com> Subject: Now Collecting Prisoner Photos/Brewery Names Hi all, For all of you who had a great time at the AHA if you could be so kind email me pictures of our club members I'd appreciate it. I am trying to put together a slide show for the club at the next meeting. I too had a great time and look forward to going to Las Vagas next year. Many thanks to Jeff Sparrow and the Chicago Brew Crew and Gary Glass and the AHA Crew for putting on a Hugely successful conference! Phil Wilcox Warden - Prison City Brewers We brew to escape! Poison Frog Home Brewery. Why Poison Frog? I have a minor in Biology that I never get to use so when a boss of mine told me to set an example for the rest of project team by decorating my basement cube as loudly and as beautifully as possible. I chose some thing that I liked. I had recently been to the Royal Ontario Science Center on my 1st anniversary and had picked up a few of these small poison frog plastic minitures. It started a collection of over 100 miniture true to species frogs. Most of them are Poison Frogs, with the occasional Red-eyed Tree Frog in the mix. Over time my office became loaded with frog posters, calendars, stuffed animals, stickers and what not... I used my miniture frogs as models for my beer labels. I literally taught myself Adobe Illustrator and Photoshop by making beer labels for my first 50 or brews. And to answer the obvious beer and frogs question, Yes, the PFHB came before Bad Frog Beer... But not by much. Sadly Bad Frog has recently bit the dust. But I still have a 6-pack and the original case box from their first run of beer. Return to table of contents
Date: Tue, 1 Jul 2003 16:07:14 -0500 (CDT) From: brewinfo at xnet.com (BrewInfo) Subject: Lagering in a Corny/Brewery Name Dave asks about fermenting and lagering in a corny. The immortal George Fix wrote (probably here in HBD) that some yeasts simply don't like tall and skinny fermenters. If memory serves correctly... no, I just looked it up, Wyeast #2124 Bohemian Lager doesn't like tall&skinny fermenters. I too recall reading that lagering under pressure is not recommended, but I'll bet that this too is very strain dependent. I've never intentionally fermented under pressure and the two times I did were quite spectacular. My 1988 (I believe) taxes were all sent in on brown paper ;^) and one fruit beer batch resulted in my finding bits of pink pulp on the basement ceiling for several years. I have aged ales and meads under pressure (roughly serving pressure) with success, although I make infrequent lagers and lager even fewer of them outside of a carboy that I have no decent data to report. The concern would be that under pressure, the yeast may not absorb diacetyl and acetaldehyde (two of the main reasons for lagering). *** I've called my homebrewery various names over the years, none very officially. It has been called Alkor Brewing Company and Sheaf & Vine Brewing Company (Sheaf & Vine was originally my homebrew shop name, the sheaf being a bundle of stalks and ears of cereal grass and vine being the source of both hops and grapes... I've since sold the shop, but kept the name for my book publishing company). The most interesting name I've used was Manixkwerl Brewing Company. The name comes from my wife saying that when I brew (running up and down the stairs and doing everything with great urgency... it's never enough for me to brew a single batch at one time... it's always two or even three, simultaneously) I look like a "manic squirrel." Al. Al Korzonas Manixkwerl Brewing Company www.brewinfo.com Return to table of contents
Date: Tue, 1 Jul 2003 16:32:51 -0500 From: "Carrol D. McCracken" <cmccracken at glaa.com> Subject: March Pump Any of you had any experience using a March pump, Model BC-3C-MD? I looked at March's website for specs and see that it is rated to 190 deg F. Any feedback would be appreciated either by post or by private e-mail. Carrol McCracken Nevada, IA Return to table of contents
Date: Tue, 01 Jul 2003 18:00:58 -0500 From: Chris Kuether <ckuether at mindspring.com> Subject: Brewery Name::Mine BarlyGeuse:CarPortBrewrey:Houston Return to table of contents
Date: Tue, 1 Jul 2003 19:42:28 -0700 (PDT) From: Lou King <lou_king at yahoo.com> Subject: Surveys / Seattle, WA - Lou's Brews (obvious reasons, not as interesting as some -- see http://www.lousbrews.com for a look) - 1 (imperial) pint a day on average (99% homebrew) - Am Pale Ale 4.8% ABV; IPA 4.8%; ESB 4.0% I'll be in Seattle for a couple of days, and want to go to a good brewery tour. I checked out the beertown.org search engine, but there were too many hits. Any recommendations on Seattle breweries would be appreciated. Yesterday we toured the Alaskan Brewing Company in Juneau, which was a lot of fun. The tour guide (didn't catch his name) *really* loves his job, and made the tour interesting for my whole family. I was a little disappointed that he didn't bring us close to the real equipment, though. Lou King Ijamsville, MD (temporarily somewhere on the Inside Passage, AK, nowhere near Teresa) Return to table of contents
Date: Tue, 1 Jul 2003 23:06:00 -0400 From: "Rick Gordon" <regordon at bellsouth.net> Subject: RE:lagering in a corny For lagering in my beer fridge, I took an old gas-in ball lock connector and removed the spring, detent, and cover leaving a clear hole through the center. The small (#2?) stopper with the pre-drilled hole will fit into the threads nicely. I then placed a short piece of tubing on the line connector (the gas-in line) and sealed it with an appropriately sized bolt in the other end. I also have an extra gas-in fitting (on the keg) from which I removed the center post. I put the modified connector and airlock on to the modified fitting. I replace the normal fitting with the modified set-up for lagering. In theory you could leave the short dip tube in place, but I usually take it out. The airlock sits a bit off plumb, but close enough to work fine. When it comes time to move the beer into another corny for conditioning, I simply replace the original gas-in fitting and go to it. My favorite corny (inherited from an old brewer friend) has the beer-out dip tube already shortened a bit and has a cool little screen on the end to limit trub uptake. Isn't life good? BTW - the kids are almost grown and I still have trouble finding time to brew. Rick GordoBrau Hausgemacht Brauerei Seit 1991 [580.2, 181.4] R Return to table of contents
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