FORUM ON BEER, HOMEBREWING, AND RELATED ISSUES Digest Janitor: pbabcock at *************************************************************** THIS YEAR'S HOME BREW DIGEST BROUGHT TO YOU BY: Beer, Beer, and More Beer Visit to show your appreciation! Support those who support you! Visit our sponsor's site! ********** Also visit ********* Contents: Re: bottling from kegs (asemok) stock pots (John Schnupp) Yeast propagation (FLJohnson) Re: Oxygenation and yeast (Jeff Renner) Increasing Diacetyl (Alexandre Enkerli) RE: Pumping Sparge water (eIS\) - Eastman" <> tubing ("Janie Curry") Can I use an Igloo type cooler with a water heater element? (CRESENZI)
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---------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Mon, 14 Mar 2005 23:06:21 -0500 From: asemok at Subject: Re: bottling from kegs On Mar 14, 2005, at 10:45 PM, "Sajec, Mike TQO" <msajec at> wrote: > They keys to filling from a keg are: > 1) Make sure that your keg & beer are reasonable cold > 1) Chill the bottles > 2) Drop the keg pressure (~3psi) for a slow fill > 3) Insert tubing, or a bottle filling pipet that will fit snugly into > keg faucet > 4) Fill the bottles... I fill mine nearly all the way to the top. > There > really isn't any need to leave head space. > Absolutely correct...and just add in one other step before filling the bottles..PURGE the bottles with co2! Makes all the difference. I've been bottling this way for about 20 years and had great results. If your sanitation is good, you can bottle strong, laying down, long aged brews this way too. In fact I just popped a bottle of Scotch Ale brewed in 1994, bottled in '95, and stored in bottle at cellar temps and it was smooth as silk with no off tastes. After 15 years!!!! The co2 purge is an essential step. cheers, AL Return to table of contents
Date: Tue, 15 Mar 2005 00:45:57 -0800 (PST) From: John Schnupp <johnschnupp at> Subject: stock pots I just got a catalog in the mail today. Looks like a good deal on aluminum stock pots. I know there is the whole Al v. SS thing but for those that might be interested: John Schnupp, N3CNL Blue Moon Hombrewery [560.2, 68.6] Rennerian Georgia, VT 95 XLH 1200 Return to table of contents
Date: Tue, 15 Mar 2005 08:50:50 -0500 From: FLJohnson at Subject: Yeast propagation With the recent thread on yeast starters, I'm perplexed about those who recommend protecting starter cultures from the heat of the stirrer. The yeast grow faster at elevated temperatures. I've never read anything that says any harm can come from propagating yeast at elevated temperatures, and I wouldn't be a bit surprised if the commercial producers propagate their yeast at elevated temperatures. Remember, in a starter, especially one in which we're going to decant the spent medium off of the flocculated yeast, we're not making beer; we're growing yeast. Fred Johnson Apex, North Carolina Return to table of contents
Date: Tue, 15 Mar 2005 10:36:03 -0500 From: Jeff Renner <jeffrenner at> Subject: Re: Oxygenation and yeast "Ronald La Borde" <pivoron at> wrote: > >From: "Dave Burley" <Dave_Burley at> > > > >I typically use strips of wood > >about 1/4 in in height. Sometimes a ringstand for stability. > >Dave, I often wondered If I was the only one that tried to minimize >heat from the stirrer. I have used two or three beer coasters as >insulators, easy, and seem to help a lot. But heat, up to a point, is good for speeding up yeast growth. Commercial yeast growers use temperatures of mid 80's F (low 30's C) or so, as I recall. That's about where my stir plate heats my starter to. Lager yeasts reproduce faster at an even higher temperature than ale yeasts. See the yeast growth chart at There seems to be the argument that you should grow your yeast under similar conditions (temperature and SG) to that which you'll be using it to "acclimate" it, but my understanding is that this isn't necessary, as long as you don't shock the yeast by rapid temperature drops (faster rises seem to be OK). My understanding is that it isn't necessary, or even good, to grow your yeast in a starter of the same SG that you will be pitching it into, as Dave Burley suggested. I learned yeast growing from Dan McConnell, former HBDer and owner of the late, lamented Yeast Culture Kit Co (YCKCo). He recommended 50 grams of dry malt extract per liter plus 1/16 tsp yeast nutrient, which gives a quite low SG - around 1.020, I think. Wyeast recommends starter gravity of 1.020-1.030 I make up 7 quarts (liters) of starter using the above proportions and pressure can them in quart canning (mason) jars in a big 22 quart (21 liter) pressure cooker. I make a starter, either from a vial of yeast or reharvested yeast, in a one gallon (3.78 liter) glass jug - the kind fresh cider used to come in before plastic jugs. The bottom is slightly convex, which is a bit of a bother for keeping the stir rod centered, but no bit deal. I use filtered air (0.5 micron) from an aquarium air pump thru a plastic air "stone). This is made up of a series of rings. By loosening the spacing of the rings, you can adjust the fineness of the bubbles. There is no need whatsoever for fine bubbles as they must make too much foam. Coarse bubbles provide all the O2 that the yeast can use. Way more, as a matter of fact. No need for fancy airlocks - I just wrap a piece of aluminum foil across the top of the jug. The air flow is more than enough to keep nasties out. I decant the spent starter off the yeast before brewing, then add cooled wort to the jug and use the stir plate to break up the clumps of yeast and get it suspended. Then I add it to the cool wort in the boiler (I use an immersion chiller). I continue to recirculate the wort with the fitting out of the boiler cracked open a bit to pull in air. The pump impeller breaks this air into very fine bubbles. I will typically pull the wort for the yeast at 70F (21C) or so, then add it with the yeast back in while I cool to whatever temperature is my target - 65 F (18C) for ale, 50F (10C) for lager, all the while continuing to recirculate and aerate. Then I pump to the fermenter. These techniques give me good results. Jeff PS - Don't forget to vote for the AHA Governing Committee at There are some familiar regulars on HBD that are running. If you aren't a member of AHA, you should be! You can join online at - -- Jeff Renner in Ann Arbor, Michigan USA, JeffRenner at "One never knows, do one?" Fats Waller, American Musician, 1904-1943 Return to table of contents
Date: Tue, 15 Mar 2005 10:56:49 -0500 From: Alexandre Enkerli <aenkerli at> Subject: Increasing Diacetyl JeffR's post about "dropping" mentioned that it increased diacetyl, which he doesn't seem to like. A local brewery (Mishawaka Brewing Company) is well-known for go overboard with diacetyl. Now, some beers shouldn't have any diacetyl and too much diacetyl wouldn't be so good but it might be nice to experiment a bit with controlling diacetyl levels. So... Is there a rundown of ways to increase diacetyl levels? Slainte! AleX in South Bend, IN [129.7mi, 251.5] Apparent Rennerian Return to table of contents
Date: Tue, 15 Mar 2005 11:20:53 -0500 From: "Jones, Steve \(eIS\) - Eastman" <stjones at> Subject: RE: Pumping Sparge water Dave Riedel from Victoria BC writes about a problem with air in the line when pumping sparge water: > The problem I'm having is with hot sparge water. I'd like to pump hot > sparge water from ground level up to my sparge tank at a height of > about 3.5 feet. I'm having trouble with air in the line. I wondered if > the source was air in the water breaking out of solution as the water > is brought to around 165-170F without being boiled. Not boiling is > the difference between the wort which pumps just fine, and the sparge > water which does not. The air in the water line eventually builds up > in the pump until it cavitates and stops moving the water. > > **Does anyone else have trouble pumping hot sparge water? I have been having this very same problem, though I use the standard 3/8" ID vinyl racking tubing which is rated for 165F. I'm set up with the HLT and boiler on the same level, and the mash tun above to gravity feed wort to the kettle. I have to pump the sparge water - here is my configuration: MT B F | | Kettle HLT | B F | F | | | | +------------+-------+---B-----+ | F pump inlet B is a ball valve, F is a Flare connection, + is a tee or ell. The lines are 3/8" OD copper. The pump outlet has a ball valve with a barbed fitting, to which is clamped a 6' length of 3/8" ID vinyl tubing. This feeds to the top of the MT. After seeing the air bubbles in the line when pumping sparge water, I assumed that there was some leaky connection somewhere in the right side of the plumbing, probably in the homemade bulkhead fitting or the flare connection, and could never find it. However, I have split a mash and used the HLT as a boiler and didn't have the air problem when pumping wort to the fermenter. And after reading Dave's comments, I have to wonder myself where this air is coming from. Is it possible that the suction is creating enough of a vacuum to cause air to be pulled out of the water at 165F? I'd be very interested in hearing any theories on this problem, especially whether or not it is introducing excessive air (oxygen) into the mash as I sparge it, and how to correct it. Steve Jones, Johnson City, TN State of Franklin Homebrewers ( [421.8 mi, 168.5 deg] AR Return to table of contents
Date: Tue, 15 Mar 2005 23:22:58 +0000 From: "Janie Curry" <houndandcalico at> Subject: tubing I went with either Norprene or Santoprene tubing from McMaster Carr to handle boiling hot liquids between the kettles and pump. It's pricey. I also went with silicone to go from the chiller to the fermentor. Also went with some sweet butterfly style aluminum quick disconnects. Now, if I could only get settled in the new home and get it out of storage so I can brew. Looks like Jim at Sea is suffering from the same problem I sufferred from about this time last year when I did my time in the sandbox. Access to the internet and lots of time to think about brewing lead to the design of the new system. Jim, check out the kegs from SABCO. I went ahead with a 10 gallon system, although I have brewed for years with a very simple 5 gallon setup. Have only brewed one 5 gallon batch on it before it was put away in storage. However, I brewed with a friend who upgraded to a 10 gallon system this past weekend. It was out first 10 gallon batch. It's nice to have the option. We decided to split it and ferment with 2 different yeasts. You could also go with party gyle. It's your call. Todd in Fort Collins Return to table of contents
Date: Tue, 15 Mar 2005 16:49:12 -0800 (PST) From: CRESENZI <cresenzi at> Subject: Can I use an Igloo type cooler with a water heater element? Has anyone a good reason I cannot use an Igloo type cooler to make an electric brew kettle. I would mount a water heater element through a drilled hole in the side of the cooler. Can it withstand boiling water? I will also use one for a HLT and Mash Tun. Any insite would be helpful. Anthony Cresrenzi Ellington CT. Return to table of contents
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