HOMEBREW Digest #5041 Sun 06 August 2006

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  Re:Ballantine IPA Clone Recipe dry hopping ("Grant Stott")
  nursing stout (David Harsh)
  Re: Nursing Stout (Dylan Tack)
  Re: Ballantine IPA Clone Recipe (Alan Semok)
  Ballantine IPA recipe (Scott Birdwell)
  Corrections & Clarifications: Ballantine IPA Clone (Bob Tower)
  eisbier ("Steve Dale-Johnson")

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---------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Sat, 5 Aug 2006 17:37:16 +1000 From: "Grant Stott" <gstott1 at ncable.net.au> Subject: Re:Ballantine IPA Clone Recipe dry hopping Hi, I have found that whenever I have dry hopped with Saaz that I get a very grassy flavour that I do not get with say Goldings or Cascade. I would be interested in others experience good or bad dry hopping with Saaz. >Bob wrote in his Ballantine recipe :- 0.25 oz. per gallon Saaz dry hop for 5-7 days Regards, Grant Stott Geelong, Victoria Australia Return to table of contents
Date: Sat, 5 Aug 2006 10:29:57 -0400 From: David Harsh <dharsh at fuse.net> Subject: nursing stout Bernd Neumann <homebrewz at hotmail.com> asks about Nursing Stout > Does anyone have any information on nursing stouts? A friend is > pregnant and > I would like to brew her a nice, low alcohol, beer for nursing. I > have heard > from both doctors and lay people that a beer a day is sometimes > perscribed > for nursing mothers. Folklore has it that stout is the best. Here's my $.02 - with the disclaimer that this is well out of my expertise, but my sister is an ob-gyn and she told me that compounds in hops promote the production of milk in nursing mothers. Don't know which ones, don't know at what levels.... etc. If there's interest, I'll follow up with her and see if I can get a reference. Dave Harsh Cincinnati, OH Bloatarian Brewing League P.S. Hope to see you all at Beer and Sweat, August 19th, the world's largest (by volume) homebrew competition where all entries are in kegs! Details available at http://www.bloatarian.org Return to table of contents
Date: Sat, 05 Aug 2006 10:42:09 -0500 From: Dylan Tack <dylan at io.com> Subject: Re: Nursing Stout > Date: Thu, 03 Aug 2006 13:59:35 +0000 > From: "Bernd Neumann" <homebrewz at hotmail.com> > > I have heard from both doctors and lay people that a beer a > day is sometimes perscribed for nursing mothers. Folklore has it > that stout is the best. I probably won't be the only one to post this, since it's the first google result for "beer" and "nursing". But consuming alcohol is likely to be counterproductive: http://www.drgreene.com/21_1907.html You can read the full text of the journal article here: http://jcem.endojournals.org/cgi/content/full/90/4/1979 I'll paste the abstract below: > The Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism Vol. 90, No. 4 > 1979-1985 Copyright 2005 by The Endocrine Society > > Acute Alcohol Consumption Disrupts the Hormonal Milieu of Lactating > Women > > Julie A. Mennella, M. Yanina Pepino and Karen L. Teff > Monell Chemical Senses Center (J.A.M., M.Y.P., K.L.T.), Philadelphia, > Pennsylvania 19104-3308; and Department of Medicine (K.L.T.), > Hospital of the University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, > Pennsylvania 19104 Address all correspondence and requests for > reprints to: Julie A. Mennella, Ph.D., 3500 Market Street, > Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19104-3308. E-mail: mennella at monell.org. > > Despite the lack of scientific evidence to support the claim that > alcohol is a galactagogue, lactating women have been advised to drink > alcohol as an aid to lactation for centuries. To test the hypothesis > that alcohol consumption affects the hormonal response in lactating > women, we conducted a within-subjects design study in which 17 women > consumed a 0.4 g/kg dose of alcohol in orange juice during one test > session and an equal volume of orange juice during the other. Changes > in plasma prolactin, oxytocin, and cortisol levels during and after > breast stimulation, lactational performance, and mood states were > compared under the two experimental conditions. Oxytocin levels > significantly decreased, whereas prolactin levels and measures of > sedation, dysphoria, and drunkenness significantly increased, during > the immediate hours after alcohol consumption. Changes in oxytocin > were related to measures of lactational performance such as milk > yield and ejection latencies, whereas changes in prolactin were > related to self-reported measures of drunkenness. Although alcohol > consumption resulted in significantly higher cortisol when compared > with the control condition, cortisol levels were not significantly > correlated with any of the indices of lactational performance or > self-reported drug effects. Moreover, cortisol levels steadily > decreased on the control day, indicating that the procedures were not > stressful to the subjects. In conclusion, recommending alcohol as an > aid to lactation may be counterproductive. In the short term, mothers > may be more relaxed, but the hormonal milieu underlying lactational > performance is disrupted, and, in turn, the infant's milk supply is > diminished. That said, here is my favorite stout recipe: 68% Briess organic 2-row 21% organic flaked barley (from health food store) 11% Simpson's roasted barley 32 IBU of Kent Goldings WYeast #1084 Irish Ale -Dylan Return to table of contents
Date: Sat, 5 Aug 2006 12:26:41 -0400 From: Alan Semok <asemok at mac.com> Subject: Re: Ballantine IPA Clone Recipe On Aug 5, 2006, at 12:42 AM, Bob Tower <bob at constructotower.com> wrote: > I based this recipe of Jeff Renner's input from an old HBD posting, > as well as an old posting from another brewer from years back on the > HBD. I also did lots of digging on the web as well, getting > recollections from old timers (this beer hasn't been brewed > commercially in many years) and hearsay from ex-employees who worked > at the original Ballantine brewery before it closed in the early > 1970s. I took all the information that seemed to be consistent with > all sources and made the recipe based on that approach. - ------------- This topic always awakens me from my lurking coma... I've also done considerable research into this amazing historical beer from so many years ago and Bob's recipe is remarkably similar to the one I came up with and and finally settled on in the early 90's. Mine additionally incorporates some Brewer's Gold hops which more than one circa 1968 Ballantine brewmasters have told me was another key component (.it's getting harder and harder to find Brewer's Gold though); along of course with the generously added hop oil (which was distilled at the brewery), used in all of Ballantine's ales once upon a time. It is certainly seems not to be used at all in the current iteration of Ballantine's regular ale which Pabst is masquerading under the three ring trademark... Other than the controversial "oak" character that was very much in evidence in Bally IPA , if you really want to come close to the original brew, there is something else that you need to add to the recipe...PATIENCE. The statement on the label, "aged in the wood 1 year" , was not just hype...I have confirmed from several ex Bally sources that it was the real deal and from the experience of my own experimentation trying to replicate this brew (focusing on this obsession for well over 20 years) I can say that it makes such a __huge__ difference in the character of the beer, I would suggest that when you make a batch, make it a double or triple batch (or more) and be sure you have plenty of OTHER homebrew to consume during the period that you're aging your Bally IPA clone brew. The waiting will not be easy. Just trust me when I say that if you have been careful about your sanitation , hot side aeration and oxygen exposre during the various transfer/rackings, you will not regret the year of torturous waiting. It makes a huge difference for any strong beer, but especially this one. If you really want to nail it, the long aging is a step you simply cannot skip. Period. cheers, all... AL Return to table of contents
Date: Sat, 5 Aug 2006 16:56:36 -0500 From: Scott Birdwell <defalcos at sbcglobal.net> Subject: Ballantine IPA recipe Bob Tower passed on his Ballantine IPA Clone Recipe "Several people e-mailed me about posting my recipe. It's an all grain recipe. If you are doing extract, you might be able to substitute rice extract for the flaked corn, but it may turn out somewhat different. 65% American 6-row pale malt 17% corn sugar 10% flaked corn 7% crystal malt (60L) 1% Cara III Special (dehusked) SG 1.072 FG 1.015 ABV 7.5% 32 IBU Bullion at 90 minutes 42 IBU Cluster at 30 minutes 0.1 oz. per gallon Saaz at 0 minutes 0.25 oz. per gallon Saaz dry hop for 5-7 days 1.5-2 packets (11.5 grams) Fermentis US-56 dry yeast per 5 gallons of wort" Actually, brewery grade corn syrup is available to the homebrew trade. We've carried it for years and I know there are other shops that carry it, too. It is much more neutral flavored than corn sugar, imparting alcohol with a minimum impact on flavor. I'm not saying this is better than the flaked corn, but if you're brewing with extracts, this will do the trick nicely. Thought you'd like to know. . . Scott Birdwell DeFalco's Home Wine & Beer Supplies Houston TX Return to table of contents
Date: Sat, 5 Aug 2006 19:24:04 -0700 From: Bob Tower <bob at constructotower.com> Subject: Corrections & Clarifications: Ballantine IPA Clone It was late at night when I made my original post with the recipe, must have been tired. I meant to write "Carafa III Special (deshusked)". This is the product from Weyermann. I also overlooked mentioning anything about the mash. For all my beers (yes, all, even German lagers and weizens) I use single infusion with great success. On this recipe I used a grain to mash water ratio of 1.25 quarts to 1 pound of grain. I mashed at 152 F. for 90 minutes and then recirculated (for clarity) for an additional 30 minutes. Due to equipment limitations I cannot perform a mash out, but yet I consistently get between 80-85% efficiency. This batch I used 85% efficiency to calculate the recipe. If you get lower numbers typically, then you will need to increase the amount of 6-row while leaving the amounts of the other fermentables the same. As for my hop calculations, I use ProMash set to the Rager hop IBU formula. Bob Tower / Los Angeles, CA Return to table of contents
Date: Sun, 06 Aug 2006 11:02:45 -0700 From: "Steve Dale-Johnson" <sdalejohnson at hotmail.com> Subject: eisbier I have been catching up and reading with some humor the adventures in eisbier. For those that are still thinking to try or frustrating themselves, a few pointers: 1) it will not make a bad beer into a good beer. 2) best not to risk a whole batch your first time, a gallon or two is a good experiment, or if you have a 3 gallon gorny and you want to do enough to force carbonate and compare to the rest of the batch you will need to start with a 10 gallon batch, and will end up with about 3 of each. If you have a carbonator cap for a 2 liter soda bottle, just do a gallon. 3) glass is bad, plastic is good. Easiest way to do it is to put a little less than a gallon in a clean plastic gallon milk jug. Freeze solid and invert over a quart mason jar. Leave the whole setup in the freezer. It will fill slowly and you can empty the mason jar as you go. Works even better this way for wine, for beer I actually got very little until I placed the whole thing in the fridge just abover freezing, you will see a little ice melt but that still works well and you can reduce by about half. My experience is that force carbonating is best with the resultant liquor, and oxidation does not seem to be an issue even with the open drip method (??) Hope this helps. Steve Dale-Johnson Brewing at 1918 miles, 298 degrees Rennerian Delta (Vancouver), BC, Canada. Return to table of contents
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