HOMEBREW Digest #676 Wed 10 July 1991
Rob Gardner, Digest Coordinator
St. Louis Info (Rob)
Philly Homebrew clubs (Joe Uknalis)
Re: Power Brew (stuart mennitt)
yet another (and another...) request for brew pub locations (Chris Shenton)
Re: Corsendonk (Chris Shenton)
Brewpubs and Microbreweries (Rick Myers)
Re: Power Brew? (bob)
Golden Gate keg fittings (John Freeman)
Oregon Brew Fest (bryan)
Wort Aeration (John Polstra)
Double Bock (Bob Obrien)
Decoction mashing (Norm Hardy)
Oregon Brewers Fest. (lcarter)
Noonan's Book (C.R. Saikley)
zymurgy (Y-word) (TSAMSEL)
Book on A-Busch (TSAMSEL)
re Mackeson's Stout (GARY MASON 08-Jul-1991 0755)
ACK! It won't stop! (Dave Beedle)
Re: Homebrew Digest #674 (July 08, 1991) (Christopher M Mauritz)
OOOOOPS (C.R. Saikley)
Kindly remove me from the list (Pagan)
Whatever happened to Dave Miller? (Stephen Russell)
Re: Oregon Micro-breweries beer fest (Jerry Gaiser)
ramblings on wheat beer, and more (Stephen Russell)
Re: Aspirators (larryba)
Re: Possible Aphid cure. (Algis R Korzonas +1 708 979 8583)
Re: Golden Gate keg fittings (Randy Tidd)
Re: ACK! Ginger (Rick Goldberg - demo guy)
Oregon Brewers Festival (C.R. Saikley)
re: off flavors (Randy Casey)
Brewery Tours (IOCONNOR)
Re: Homebrew Digest #666 (June 25, 1991) (Bruce Tucker)
Request for HBD #673 (MIKE LIGAS)
Send submissions to homebrew%hpfcmi at hplabs.hp.com
Send requests to homebrew-request%hpfcmi at hplabs.hp.com
[Please do not send me requests for back issues]
Archives are available from netlib at mthvax.cs.miami.edu
Date: Tue, 09 Jul 91 06:13:02 CST
From: Rob <C08926RC at WUVMD.Wustl.Edu>
Subject: St. Louis Info
Can't say much about brewpubs except that I hear that three may be
opening soon. As for bars, Aunt Heidi's Corner has a wide selection,
and Kent's Deli, while not a bar, is pretty good, although a bit high.
Just picked up some Samischlaus from them...
Two liquor stores also come to mind as having a good selection - Bevco
on Delmar, and Hobnob Liquors (formerly Life of the Party) in South
Hope this helps...
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Date: Tue, 09 Jul 91 08:48:10 EDT
From: Joe Uknalis <UKNALIS at VTVM1.CC.VT.EDU>
Subject: Philly Homebrew clubs
I'll be moving to the Philly area in the near future and was wondering
if there are any homebrew clubs in the area.
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Date: 9 Jul 91 09:07 EDT
From: smennitt at oasys.dt.navy.mil (stuart mennitt)
Subject: Re: Power Brew
The Washington Post ran an anonymous editorial yesterday (7/8) that
sounded identical to the one mentioned. It slammed malt liquors in
general and Power Brew in particular. One of the beefs was the advertising
strategy of targeting minorities. The artical mentioned Power Brew's
closest malt liquor competitors both had alcohol strengths of 4.5% by
weight. Power Brew had 5.9% alcohol.
The editorial suggested not banning or regulating the advertising,
but limiting the alcoholic content of malt liquor in general (to 4%).
This showed the ignorance of the author to the legal definition of malt
liquor in this country. The idea of listing strengths and ingredients
on beer was not addressed. The artical stated that it was preferable
to limit the strength of beer than to "limit the freedom of expression"
by restricting advertising.
It also seems that the top selling malt liquors are just after the
malt liquor label for marketing. Their strengths are barely over the
"malt liquor threshold".
Basically, this artical scares me. I wouldn't notice if Colt 45
or Old English 800 were altered, but this trend would definitely outlaw
beers like Anchor's Old Foghorn and Sierra's Bigfoot Ale. Not to mention
EQU 28 and many other fine brews over 4% alcohol.
] Stu Mennitt [
] smennitt at oasys.dt.navy.mil [
- -------
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Date: Tue, 9 Jul 91 10:24:14 EDT
From: Chris Shenton <chris at endgame.gsfc.nasa.gov>
Subject: yet another (and another...) request for brew pub locations
Hey, you know, the AHA has a list of brewpubs and micros that they'll send
you for *free* (at least they used to). They may not be as _au courant_ as
the HBD, but it is an awfully good starting point. Of course, they do not
rate, praise, or criticize them.
Perhaps we could get the AHA to send the HBD its list and archive it? Or
are they just not hooked up enough. Does anyone here read their compuserv
forum? if so, what's there, and could we ship it here?
Also, the best guide I've found is Jackson's new and improved and updated
and revised guide. It's very accurate for the places in DC, Baltimore, and
Seattle which I know, and it got me around the Munich area and Prague quite
well; amazingly thorough. Highly recommended.
Return to table of contents
Date: Tue, 9 Jul 91 10:25:22 EDT
From: Chris Shenton <chris at endgame.gsfc.nasa.gov>
Subject: Re: Corsendonk
On Mon, 8 Jul 91 11:27:34 EDT, eisen at kopf.HQ.Ileaf.COM (Carl West x4449) said:
Carl> Anything else I ought to know about Corsendonk?
It comes in nifty, convenient 3+ liter bottles :-)
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Date: Tue, 9 Jul 91 8:27:47 MDT
From: Rick Myers <fc.hp.com!hp-lsd!hpctdpe!rcm at hpfcla>
Subject: Brewpubs and Microbreweries
Full-Name: Rick Myers
> Date: Mon, 8 Jul 91 08:36:36 PDT
> From: shannon at eir.css.gov (Shannon Torrey)
> Subject: yet another request for brew pub locations
> Is there, or has any one given thought to compiling a list
> of brew pubs from old homebrew-digests?
Since brew pub and similar requests constitute 5-10% of the postings
here, I thought I would let folks know about a publication that
may help out. The editor/publisher of the _World Beer Review_,
Steve Johnson, has compiled 'the only current, comprehensive guide
to U.S. brewpubs and microbreweries'. It's called the _1991 Guide
To U.S. Brewpubs_ and is available for $14.95 + $2.00(.50 each addt'l
copy) P&H from:
ON TAP ABA--WBR Publications
P.O. Box 71
Clemson, SC 29633
Some quotes from the flyer I have about the book:
-212 brewpubs and microbreweries
-Organized in easy-to-use, state-by-state arrangement
-State maps and other illustrations
-History of the American beer renaissance
-Description of the brewing process
-Beer vocabulary
-314 pages
-Fully indexed
-Sturdy paperback binding with cover in color
I don't have my copy yet, but plan on ordering it soon...
- --
Rick Myers rcm at col.hp.com
Colorado Telecommunications Division
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Date: Tue Jul 9 10:41:54 1991
From: semantic!bob at uunet.UU.NET
Subject: Re: Power Brew?
> I dont recall what this particular
> new brew is called, but was curious to note that the article stated
> that it's actually against the law to label the alcohol content on
> beer in the US. This is apparently to protect us from ourselves,
> as we would squander our dollars on the most powerful stuff without
> considering flavor :-).
I caught a blurb on this while watching CNN last week. The beer
was called 'Power Master' and had a black bird on silver background
with a shield motif. The way it was advertised certainly made me
feel as if it was a strong beer. When I first saw an ad. for it
I thought 'Oh no, not another Heffenrefer (sp?) style beer'.
> Incidently, Heilman's is dropping the product.
- -- Bob Gorman Jake had a dream. It was his, --
- -- bob at rsi.com the only real one he'd ever had, --
- -- uunet!semantic!bob and he clung to it. ... --
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Date: Tue, 9 Jul 91 10:55:36 CDT
From: jlf at poplar.cray.com (John Freeman)
Subject: Golden Gate keg fittings
> Date: Fri, 28 Jun 91 16:33:17 -0400
> From: randy at grebyn.com (Randy Tidd)
> Subject: Need info on Keg hardware
> I have a question about Kegging my homebrew -- but my subscription
> to this forum isn't currently active, so I'd appreciate a reply
> via e-mail.
> I recently acquired one of the old-fashioned aluminum kegs, one of
> the Aheiser Busch "Golden Gate Kegs"; these are the ones with the
> bung hole in the middle of the side, and taps on the top and bottom.
> What I need is the hardware to use it -- replacement bungs, and a
> tapper system. The tapper system will have to be a 2-piece one, with
> the pump for the top tap hole and a spigot for the bottom tap hole.
> Can anyone give me any pointers? I asked my local homebrew shop and
> the guys at 1-800-321-BREW and neither could help me out. One guy
> mentioned a place in Kansas called Foxx, but I have no way of knowing
> what their phone number is or even if they still exist. Any tips on
> this company would also be appreciated.
I didn't see a response copied to HBD, so I don't know if you ever
got an answer. I have a Golden Gate keg, which I use when I keg
homebrew - I like it better than the Hoff-Stevens style, because the
Golden Gate fittings can be removed for better cleaning (I had a
special tool made to do this).
Anyway, I got my Golden Gate taps from Superior Products near St.
Paul, MN. This was a number of years ago, and I don't have a
current catalog here at work, so I'll just give their address and
phone number, and let you do the research.
Superior Products
520 W County Rd D
New Brighton MN
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Date: 09 Jul 91 10:00:57 PDT (Tue)
From: bryan at tekgen.bv.tek.com
Subject: Oregon Brew Fest
Dates: July 19, 20 and 21.
Starts friday, July 19 around 4 or 5. Starts around 11 or so on Saturday and
Sunday. There will be 40 to 50 microbreweries represented, last year most had
more than 1 beer. It's down on the waterfront, (Front Street), south of the
Burnside bridge a ways. Front Street is on the west side of the river.
This is all from memory, if anyone wants more detailed info, send E-Mail and
I'll get my flyer out and post.
One thing, in prior years they have ran out of the popular brews early. This
year, they are splitting the beer into 3 lots so all brews will be available
each day. You may want to go early in the day for the best selection.
Bryan Olson
bryan at tekgen.BV.TEK.COM
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Date: Tue, 9 Jul 91 10:00:45 PDT
From: polstra!jdp at uunet.UU.NET (John Polstra)
Subject: Wort Aeration
All this talk of faucet aspirators, in-line tees with air pumps, etc.!
What do you folks use to hang a picture -- a pile driver?
Take a 1-foot length of flexible tubing. Make a small hole (maybe a
sixteenth or an eighth of an inch in diameter) in the wall of the
tubing, a couple of inches from one end. (An electric drill at low
speed works fine for this.) Attach the end with the hole in it to the
output side of your in-line wort chiller. Put the other end of the
tubing into your destination vessel and siphon away. A fine stream of
bubbles will be sucked into the tube through the hole and your wort
will end up nice and foamy in the fermenter. Simple, reliable, works
If you don't use an in-line chiller, just make a special siphon tube
with such a hole a foot from the downhill end.
To make it work extra well, attach a fancy label that says "In-line Wort
Aeration Venturi Aspiration Implement".
John Polstra polstra!jdp at uunet.uu.net
Polstra & Co., Inc. ...!uunet!polstra!jdp
Seattle, Washington USA (206) 932-6482
"Self-knowledge is always bad news." -- John Barth
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Date: Tue, 9 Jul 91 08:38:56 EDT
From: hplabs!ames!rutgers!alliant.com!obrien (Bob Obrien)
Subject: Double Bock
I reciently had the opportunity to relax with a few glasses of Sam Adams
Double Bock beer. I found it to have a nice malt flavor with plenty of hops
aroma and taste. However I found it to be very sweet tasting.
I find that my own homebrew is very similar in style and taste, but not
nearly as sweet. Now here comes the question..
Is double bock supposed to be a sweet tasting beer or was the fermentation
of the Sam Adams stopped early for some reason?
Your comments would be welcome.
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Date: Tue, 9 Jul 91 10:42:47 PDT
From: polstra!norm at uunet.UU.NET (Norm Hardy)
Subject: Decoction mashing
Mike McNally brought up the issue of decoction mashing, an excellent
question indeed, as I just finished doing one last weekend. The questions
to be answered or discussed might be:
(1) for what malts is it necessary?
(2) for what malts/beer styles is it helpful?
(3) how thick is the "thickest" third?
(4) does decoction mashing (with boiled grains) give better maltiness?
(5) is the extraction better with decoctions?
More come to mind, but here are a few comments from what I did:
I used the scheme as mentioned by D Richman in the latest (yuppified?)
zymurgy magazine when he talked of P Urquell's mashing method. It went
well and took 4 hours just for that.
I took the "thickER" third to bring slowly (with rests) to a boil. The
mash must have some liquid or else bad news on the brew pot bottom.
The mash does get darker because of the grains being boiled.
Noonan says that after sparging and starting the boil, that one need not
boil the wort for 15-30 minutes before adding hops. I did notice much
fewer protein flakes in the boil after 30 minutes of boil.
Maybe the real question is: is the extra time worth it? We'll see....
Norm Hardy
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Date: Tue, 9 Jul 91 13:32:32 +0800
From: lcarter at claven.idbsu.edu
Subject: Oregon Brewers Fest.
There were several questions about the Oregon
Brewers Festival that takes place this summer.
This is an annual festival(three years so far) put
on by Widmer, Bridgport, and Portland Breweries.
This year it takes place on July 19, 20, and 21 at
Waterfront Park. Micro brews from all over the
country and Canada are featured. Last year there
were thirty some odd beers and this year they are
projecting 40 +. It is a great way to try many
different micro brews and it is always a great
party, with a large tent(Octoberfest style), food,
music and of course beer. So far the festival has
always been held on the weekend closest to the 20
th of July.
Let me know if you need more information.
Loren Carter
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Date: Tue, 9 Jul 91 12:43:01 PDT
From: grumpy!cr at uunet.UU.NET (C.R. Saikley)
Subject: Noonan's Book
St. Louis--Need Info on Good Bars and BrewPubs (stuart mennitt)
wheat beer (extract) (Mike Lang)
BREW PUBlications (C.R. Saikley)
faucet aspirators (braumeister)
Power Brew? (Bob Fozard)
Re: Oregon Micro-breweries beer fest (Brian Capouch)
off flavors (mike_schrempp)
Send submissions to homebrew%hpfcmi at hplabs.hp.com
Send requests to homebrew-request%hpfcmi at hplabs.hp.com
[Please do not send me requests for back issues]
Archives are available from netlib at mthvax.cs.miami.edu
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
Date: Mon, 8 Jul 1991 6:49:12 -0400 (EDT)
Subject: zymurgy (Y-word)
I may have been blind to this, but has ZYMURGY gone completely yuppie? I got
their summer issue and....
Well, I'd just like to know if I'm just being a codger (yikes! ageism!!) or
if my perceptual abilities are still as KEEN as ever. Please, their recipe for
barbecue sauce is like candy. But then there is no regional barbecue E-mail
- ------------------------------
Date: Mon, 8 Jul 1991 7:00:11 -0400 (EDT)
Subject: Book on A-Busch
I havn't had a chnace to read this yet but there is a new book out called,
(I believe) UNDER THE INFLUENCE. It's about Augie Busch and family and how
American beer was changed. It's history and puts A-B in a not so good light.
(So what's new?)
Also, I'm going up to Maine in August and would like names and approximate locations
of brewpubs, beerstores in Albany, S. VT, S. NH, and ME.
- ------------------------------
Date: Mon, 8 Jul 91 07:57:25 -0400
From: mason at habs11.ENET.DEC.COM (GARY MASON 08-Jul-1991 0755)
Subject: re Mackeson's Stout
I have never been able to find two bottles of any brews imported in lesser
quantities to be the same. I have long since given up on even attempting to
determine their true characteristics from imported bottles. That was true
of Mackeson's as well - I had them in Atlanta earlier this year. I would
not base my judgement on these random tastings.
- ------------------------------
Date: Mon, 8 Jul 91 8:42:49 CDT
From: dbeedle at rs6000.cmp.ilstu.edu (Dave Beedle)
Subject: ACK! It won't stop!
Hi all! I've got a batch of ginger beer in that I'm beginning to be
concerned about. I pitch on the 15th of June and it's still bubbling through
the fermentation lock! I did try rehydrating the yeast in some water (I think
I added some sugar as well) then pitching. The stuff never did take off as it
has in the past and the activity in the carboy has been pretty slow (compared
to my past batches). What is going on? Is there something in ginger which
contributes to slow fermentations? Any tips?
- --
Dave Beedle Office of Academic Computing
Illinois State University
Internet: dbeedle at rs6000.cmp.ilstu.edu 136A Julian Hall
Bitnet: dbeedle at ilstu.bitnet Normal, Il 61761
- ------------------------------
Date: Mon, 8 Jul 91 10:06:22 EDT
From: Christopher M Mauritz <cmm1 at cunixa.cc.columbia.edu>
Subject: Re: Homebrew Digest #674 (July 08, 1991)
- --------------+----------------------------------------------------------
Chris Mauritz | Cuba's *superior* human rights record is only part of the
| answer; it's superior social conditions are another.
- --------------| -Harel Barzilai-
- ------------------------------
From: mcnally at Pa.dec.com
>I picked up Greg Noonan's "Brewing Lager Beer" over the weekend, primarily
>to get more information on water treatment. The most interesting thing so
>far about the book is the staunch stand he takes on the benefits of
>decoction mashing vis-a-vis infusion mashing. As an infusion masher, I'm
>seriously intrigued. I'd like to hear something from people who've done
While I would recommend that any advanced brewer read Noonan, I would also
caution that his book is full of *opinions*, which aren't always presented as
Is it true that Noonan does infusion mashes in his brewpub???
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Date: Tue, 9 Jul 91 12:56:28 PDT
From: grumpy!cr at uunet.UU.NET (C.R. Saikley)
Subject: OOOOOPS
Big ooooops. Sorry about sending a big chunk of yesterday's HBD.
What I meant was............
From: mcnally at Pa.dec.com
>I picked up Greg Noonan's "Brewing Lager Beer" over the weekend, primarily
>to get more information on water treatment. The most interesting thing so
>far about the book is the staunch stand he takes on the benefits of
>decoction mashing vis-a-vis infusion mashing. As an infusion masher, I'm
>seriously intrigued. I'd like to hear something from people who've done
While I would recommend that any advanced brewer read Noonan, I would also
caution that his book is full of *opinions*, which aren't always presented as
Is it true that Noonan does infusion mashes in his brewpub???
Return to table of contents
Date: Tue, 9 Jul 91 13:00:53 PDT
From: mbharrin at sdcc13.UCSD.EDU (Pagan)
Subject: Kindly remove me from the list
Efforts to reach the moderator have been in vain, so I take my cause to
the masses...
Please remove me from this list, as my mailbox is continually beyond
my quota! I have been trying for some time now, has our moderator
been around (i.e. reading his mail)?
- --Matt
matt at ucsd.edu
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Date: Tue, 9 Jul 91 16:30:08 EDT
From: srussell at snoopy.msc.cornell.edu (Stephen Russell)
Subject: Whatever happened to Dave Miller?
Seeing Stu Mennitt's posting in #675 today brought a question to my mind:
what in the heck is going on with Dave Miller and the brewpub he was (is)
allegedly starting up in St. Louis? I had heard that he had succeeded in his
battle to legalize brewpubs in Missouri (is this true?) and was wondering how
things were going for him in starting up his brewery.
Dave Miller was one of the people I was hoping to meet at the AHA conference
but was disappointed in this undertaking. At least I got to meet Darryl
Richman, Kinney Baughman, and many other HBD types! Maybe next year in Mil-
waukee, which is closer to St. Louis.
I'm a big fan of TCHoHB; this book was my main source in my transformation
from a beginner to an intermediate brewer. I still use it for reference.
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Date: Tue, 9 Jul 91 14:30:47 PDT
From: jerry at jaizer.hf.intel.com (Jerry Gaiser)
Subject: Re: Oregon Micro-breweries beer fest
Since nobody else has said anything, I'll pipe up.
The beer fest this year will be held July 19, 20, and 21 in Tom Mcall
Waterfront Park in downtown Portland. Microbreweries from all over the
west coast including Alaska will be there.
- --
* Jerry Gaiser (N7PWF) *
* jerry at jaizer.intel.com You can find me either here or *
* 74176.1024 at compuserve.com here *
* n7pwf at n7pwf.ampr.org [] *
* Relax. Don't worry. Have a homebrew *
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Date: Tue, 9 Jul 91 17:54:09 EDT
From: srussell at snoopy.msc.cornell.edu (Stephen Russell)
Subject: ramblings on wheat beer, and more
Howdy, folks.
On those wheat beer recipes of Mike Lang from Digest #675...
The wheat beers I've made using crystal malt (from 1/4 to 1 pound in a 10
pound mash that's 50% wheat, 50% Klages) are smoother, darker, and sweeter
than ones without; this sweetness is somewhat balanced by adding about 33-50%
more hops in the boil. However, I find that the refreshing, tart, fruitiness
of a lighter wheat beer is more true to style, if this is what you are after.
What I would change in the recipes that Mike Lang gave would be to cut the
crystal malt to zero and reduce the boiling hops to ~ 3/4 ounce. Tettnanger
seems to be more true to style than Hallertauer although both are good; 1/2
ounce for finishing is fine. Too much hop flavor, aroma, and/or bitterness
would be out of style for what is meant to be a delicate, slightly fruity and
spicy, yet somewhat malty beer.
Wyeast #3056 Bavarian Wheat is a fine yeast. I've heard it's a blend of 2 or
3 species, one of which is S. Delbruckii, one of which is a strain of S. Cere-
visiaie (ale yeast), and perhaps one more that's a flavor-neutral flocculant.
It seems, IMHO, that if you ferment above 75F that too much banana ester gets
produced, and that if you ferment under 65-70F that you don't get enough
clove. Either extreme puts you out of style for Bavarian Weizenbier. Anyone
else with experience in the area of systematic temperature variation for this
Want clove? Go with the MeV Weizen, which is pure S. Delbruckii, and produces
a really sharp, clove taste, with little or no ester to balance. It's too
strong for my taste, but you might like it. Kind of on the other extreme from
Mike Lang's beers.
On a related topic, when I toured the Boston Beer Co. (Samuel Adams) at the
AHA conference pub crawl, Jim Koch said that the yeast employed for their new
Wheat Beer was a wild yeast (Brettanomyces). After drinking it, the only thing
I noticed strange was a smoky note in the finish; this to me seemed really
just a continuation of normal clove taste. I've tasted it in wheat beers made
with 3056 (yes, your club champ, Dr. Beebe!) Nothing that seemed "wild"; that
is, no taste of horse or curdled milk or Darryl Richman's electric blanket.
I'm wondering if old Jim was just b.s.'ing us, if he was mistaken, or if there
are some yeast of this genus that are, uh, relatively, well, uh, "tame".
You know, I just realized that the debate on dextrins 'n body was somewhat
abbreviated (for this digest, that is). I keep seeing contradictory infor-
mation in different sources...TCHoHB says "it's been proven that dextrins don't
add body to beer", other sources imply the opposite, such as Jackson's and
Eckhardt's books. What do YOU think? DO DEXTRINS ADD BODY TO BEER?
Also, since any polysaccharide over 4 sugar units long is considered to be a
dextrin, perhaps there are differences in flavor from shorter versus longer
ones. Maybe big ones add to body but short ones don't? (Kind of like how
longer polymers have more impact on solvent viscosity than shorter ones.)
Maybe longer ones can't fit into your taste buds and therefore don't impart
much, if any, sweetness? Maybe I should read up on my high school biology
and stop drinking so many homebrews?
'Nuff said.
Yours in the Suds,
Return to table of contents
Date: Tue Jul 09 15:25:20 1991
From: larryba at microsoft.com
Subject: Re: Aspirators
I wonder, do people worry too much about aeration of their wort?
Anyway, a surplus house has little (.75" sq) sintered stainless steel
diffusers for cheap (2 for $2.25). Being steel they would be easy to
sterilize - just boil for 10 minutes. The other thing I have noticed is
that hardware stores have bottled oxygen for home propane/oxygen torches.
The bottles look just like a propane bottle.
So, skip the unfiltered air/pumps and inject raw O2 with a sintered
diffuser. Hmm, maybe the sucker can be attached to the out tube on my keg to
filter out yeast and hops? Maybe it can be used in reverse as a carbonation
stone when I initially carbonate my beer?
If you wish to pursue these ideas, the surplus house is:
Jerryco inc.
601 linden place
Evanston, Illinois. 60202
(708) 475-8440
I have never purchased anything from them (yet). Appearently they have
retail outlets (American Science & Surplus Centers) in Chicago and Milwaukee.
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Date: Tue, 9 Jul 91 17:38:18 mdt
From: hplabs!hp-lsd.cos.hp.com!ihlpl!korz (Algis R Korzonas +1 708 979 8583)
Subject: Re: Possible Aphid cure.
Dan suggests:
>1/2 gallon white vinegar
>1 bulb garlic, all cloves peeled and crushed
>1 bottle cayenne pepper
And someone else said it would wash off because it was all water
soluble. I would have to disagree about the water solubility.
The garlic and pepper have oils in them. (Eat a Jalapeno -- yes,
seeds and all -- and then drink all the water you want... the
heat will not simply wash away.)
Back to Aphids. My hops are literally getting eaten alive by
some kind(s) of bugs. I tried "Safer" but it didn't work and
since then I have seen several aphids. (I don't know if it's
only aphids that are my problem: holes eaten through the hop
leaves -- some so eaten there's only 5% of the leaf left!!!)
Another problem with the "Safer:" the liquid would cover the
leaves and then run to the edges of the leaves. The lower edges
of all the older leaves turned brown. I used premixed "Safer"
(which, if you missed the previous discussion, is supposed
to be some kind of soap-based insectacide), so I don't think
it was a overconcentration problem.
Enter the heavy artillery: Malathion 50. I also have some
Diazanon, but the Malathion label mentions fruits and veggies
more, so I figured that I'll try that first. It's been about
a week and three sprayings, but this morning, I found an aphid.
I think I'll give the Malathion another week and then go to
the Diazanon.
I've been reading an Ortho book on garden pests along with
"Homegrown Hops" (which is a pretty good book, but contradicts
the guy at Freshops in a few places) and the Ortho book
mentions checking at night -- some of my little enemies may
be night-feeders. If aphids are my only problem, it's off
to the lady bug store for me.
I would have prefered to go all-natural, but at the rate I was
losing leaves, I would have lost all above-ground growth in
a week, so I went with chemistry.
I'm still open to natural gardening, but will probably wait
till next year. I planted the rhyzomes late this spring and
probably would worry a lot less if my plants weren't so
young. Hopefully, next year my plants will be 15 feet at
this time (instead of 6 feet) and the leaves will be so big
that I won't have to worry.
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Date: Tue, 9 Jul 91 18:57:37 -0400
From: randy at grebyn.com (Randy Tidd)
Subject: Re: Golden Gate keg fittings
Thanks for the tip on the Golden Gate Keg hardware. Nobody else has
even given me a clue.
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Date: Tue, 9 Jul 91 16:08:22 PDT
From: Rick.Goldberg at Corp.Sun.COM (Rick Goldberg - demo guy)
Subject: Re: ACK! Ginger
I made what I call "Ginger Bock-and-a-Half" about a month and a half ago,
and have had great success with it. Yet there may or may not be something
in ginger that retards the fermentation, I don't know; I only used about
2 - 3 gramms of fresh sliced/skinned ginger root for a high O.G. 5'ish gallon
batch of dark half-mash half-amber-extract batch. Also, I added the ginger
just before the finishing hops, so as to just give what I calculated would
be a HINT o'ginger.
I had no problems with any stage. Some friends say its the best beer they
have ever tasted, great head retention and carbonation. Maybe you used too
much ginger, it is a very powerful root.
Rick Goldberg
TSE Sun Microsystems Corporate Demo Center
E-mail: rmgold at buddah.Corp.Sun.COM
UUCP: {hplabs,apple}!sun!rmgold at Corp
<>There are two types of people in this world: those who put everything <>
<>into two different categories and those who don't. <>
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Date: Tue, 9 Jul 91 17:39:57 PDT
From: grumpy!cr at uunet.UU.NET (C.R. Saikley)
Subject: Oregon Brewers Festival
Last year I had the pleasure of attending the Oregon Brewer's Festival.
I have one word of advice, GO!! It is a great opportunity to taste beers
from all over the Northwest and beyond. This year they are expecting
something like 46 breweries present. The festival is very well run, you pay
for each sample as you go which tends to get people away from the "I paid my
$25 and now I'm going to get my money's worth" attitude. It's held in a
pleasant park along the Willamette River. There is food and live music too.
Last year, I spent part of an afternoon tasting beers with Fred Eckhardt.
During that time, I was mistaken for Charlie Papazian three times!!
Needless to say, it was a good time.
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Date: Tue, 9 Jul 91 17:45:37 PDT
From: rcasey at caticsuf.CSUFresno.EDU (Randy Casey)
Subject: re: off flavors
mike_schrempp%42 at hp4200.desk.hp.com
>I've got a question about off flavors, but first a clarification on my mashing
>technique. I put all the contents of my picnic cooler into the boiler to raise
>the temperature, not just the liquid.
I saw this and thought 'Gee how do you keep from getting large
ammounts of O2 into the hot mash material'? Would it seriously affect
the oxydation (sp) of the final wort? And would this create the off
flavors that Mike is talking about?
Randy Casey
- --------
rcasey at caticsuf.csufresno.edu
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Date: Tue, 9 Jul 1991 21:03:34 EDT
Subject: Brewery Tours
Just a few thoughts on some breweries I visited yesterday. I
took a trip to the local Anheuser-Busch plant in Baldwinsville,
N.Y., and the F.X. Matts Brewery in Utica New York. Tomorrow,
weather willing (I want to ride my motorcycle) I'm going to go to
the Genesee Brewery in Rochester, N.Y.
Anheuser-Busch--A totally boring brewery. They don't get you
in to the guts of the place, you basically see the periphery.
They show you a five minute film about how they brew and how
good they are doing it. They showed the top of a fermenter,
and that's about it. The receptionist was pretty good looking
tho'; she had a wonderful phone voice.
The tour guide was pretty uninformed, she didn't even know
what type of hops they used! I spied Saaz in the hops room
they showed us, anyway. They just kept stressing about how
their "product" was quality controlled to provide consistency.
The tour guide's boss also told someone who asked, that bock
beer was made by cleaning out the bottom of fermenters! The
boss claimed to know more than her worker. I couldn't believe it!
I tried all their beers, and concluded that Bud *still* sucks. Their
non-alcohol beer is pretty lame, O'Doul's.
F.X. Matts--I like this place because when you walk in, it is like
the parlor of someoneUs turn of the century house. Nice sitting
chairs, elaborate woodwork and nice displays of old Matt's stuff.
I was a little pissed because they charged 2$ for admission and a
tour. Pretty lame as far as I'm concerned. A tour promotes
drinking the product, and I don't think Matt's is in that bad shape
that they need 2$ from people. Anyway....
The tour starts with a history of the founders and then moves in
to a room with grains, adjuncts and hops. All there for people to
touch. Nice. Then it moved to a room with a brew kettle. The
guide showed how stuff went into the kettle from each of the
areas and where the mash tun was.
We then went to the primary fermenters and the lagering room.
Man the lagering room was cold, 32 f'ing degrees! They then
showed us the bottling and labeling aspect.
The tour ends in their bar, where you could get two cold ones--
either Matt's beer or root beer. They also had a gift shop with all
the stuff they brew, and with a nice 8 pack of all the contract
brews they do: Samuel Adams *Ale*, Dock Street Ale, Albany
Amber, Brooklyn Lager, Newman's and I can't remember the last
one, so don't get mad. Saranac 1888 is in there, but they don't
contract brew it, they just brew it.
Matt's felt much more like a family deal, Bud was so damn
corporate. They even had Eagle snacks at Bud!
One interesting thing. I met an Assistant Brewer from Miller. We
BS'ed about beer and he told me a few things.
One is that he claims the reason that Miller RGenuineS Draft
doesn't skunk, tho' it's in clear bottles is the hops that they use.
I can't remember what hops it was, but it was something I hadn't
heard of.
Two is that he claims that there is very little difference between
"Dry" beers and "Lite" beers. He said they are both inundated
with a lot of yeast when pitched, to get rid of the fermentables.
That gets rid of the calories in the sugar, then they dilute the
beer with water so it's not high in alcohol. The "Dry" and "Lite"
beers he said were just degrees of fermentables.
He also said that they had tried a wheat beer in the midwest,
hoping to appeal to farmers. It was called "Dakota"but he said it
failed miserably.
The thing I didnt like about him was the way he referred to beer
as "product". I guess thats the way that Miller, Bud and the like
see beer, but I dont. I like messing with it and seeing what
happens. I haven't brewed a hell of a lot, but I do it for a hobby,
not a job. I don't see it as a pruduct but something I made. He
just kept calling every damn thing a "product."
Anyway, thats about it. Sorry I rambled on for so long.
Keep on Brewin'!
Kieran O'Connor
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Date: Tue, 09 Jul 91 19:14:58 MST
Subject: Re: Homebrew Digest #666 (June 25, 1991)
PLEASE remove me from your mailing list, Thnx
Bruce Tucker
Cancer Research Institute
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Date: Tue, 9 Jul 1991 23:20:00 -0400
From: MIKE LIGAS <LIGAS at SSCvax.CIS.McMaster.CA>
Subject: Request for HBD #673
I've been getting HBD's from a buddy while waiting to get on the mailing list
and he never received #673. Can someone out there send us a copy? Much
ligas at sscvax.cis.mcmaster.ca
jmuller at sscvax.cis.mcmaster.ca
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