HOMEBREW Digest #899 Wed 10 June 1992
Digest #898
Digest #900
Rob Gardner, Digest Coordinator
Stoudt's Beer Festival (GC Woods)
Thumper blues (Russ Gelinas)
Supercomm/ICC in Chicago (adietz)
Question on V/M/Okt. for Dr. Fix (florianb)
Adamstown PA Beerfest (Peter Kester)
Sign me up (HANNA)
Fruit Flavored Beers (lee_menegoni)
Technique (Ruth Mazo Karras)
Starters and Krauesen ("John Cotterill")
Evil water jugs. (Tim P McNerney)
novice questions (Brad Walker)
Send articles for publication to homebrew at hpfcmi.fc.hp.com
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to homebrew-request@ hpfcmi.fc.hp.com
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**For Cat's Meow information, send mail to lutzen at novell.physics.umr.edu**
Date: 9 Jun 92 09:26:58 EDT (Tue)
From: GC Woods <gcw at garage.att.com>
Subject: Stoudt's Beer Festival
The following is a post from rec.food.drink:
>June 13: Great Eastern Invitational Microbrewery Festival
>1-5pm Stoudt's Brewery Hall
> Route 272
> Adamstown, PA
> "Participating breweries: Wild Goose (MD), Oldenberg (KY),
> New England (CT), Brasal (PQ), Old Dominion (VA),
> Buffalo (NY), Pennsylvania (PA), Otter Creek (VT),
> Samuel Adams (PA), Vermont Pub (VT), Boston Beer (MA),
> New Haven (CT), Niagra Falls (NY)"
> Admission: $15 (includes wurst buffet & beer samples)
> Info: (215)484-4387 [Stoudt's Black Angus]
We received our tickets around a month ago and 700 out of 1000 had
already been sold. One of the stipulations Stoudt's placed was that all
the beer had to meet the Reinheitsgebot standard, so if the above list
is correct I wonder what Oldenberg makes that would pass this test -
certainly not Little Kings.
I would guess that the Pennsylvania brew is (hopefully) Dock Street and
of course Stoudt's has been left of the list. Also what the hell is
Brasal (PQ)?
If the Best of the Wurst buffet is anything like what is served at the
Black Angus it should be excellent. The Black Angus features steak and a
great raw bar - but watch out enties are around $20, but well worth it.
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Date: Tue, 9 Jun 1992 10:17:14 -0400 (EDT)
From: R_GELINAS at UNHH.UNH.EDU (Russ Gelinas)
Subject: Thumper blues
Just got word that I almost had 2 bottles of Ringwood Old Thumper,
from Hampshire (?) England. Almost, because my friends son dropped them
just before they got on the plane, and they broke. ARGHHH!! I've never
heard of OT before, anyone have any info on it?
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Date: 9 Jun 1992 10:58 EDT
From: afd at hera.cc.bellcore.com (adietz)
Subject: Supercomm/ICC in Chicago
I'm heading to the Supercomm/ICC '92 conference in Chicago next week.
Naturally (need you even wonder?) the Goose Island brewery is on the
schedule. Any digest readers are welcome to join us - get ahold of
me via e-mail so we can coordinate stuff.
No no - I couldn't swing vacation days to do the AHA conference, then
Supercomm. I tried, I really tried, though.
-A Dietz
Bellcore, Morristown
afd at hera.cc.bellcore.com
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Date: Tue, 09 Jun 92 08:31:27 PDT
From: florianb at chip.cna.tek.com
Subject: Question on V/M/Okt. for Dr. Fix
I have been enjoying reading Vienna/Maerzen/Oktoberfest. Having lived
in Southern Germany for 1.5 years, I learned to appreciate the infinity
of variations of southern German lagers, including the festbiers.
I have attempted this style at home with good results, but I have
much to learn. Particularly in the area of fermentation, packaging,
and lagering I have a distance to go. In reading the book, I was
intrigued by your mention of the use of Cornelius kegs to lager the
beer. I too have used Cornelius kegs for lagering recently. Having
made my own refrigerator controller, I can maintain +/- 2 deg F quite
easily. In the book, you do not mention the use of priming sugar.
Did you in fact use a priming method, and if so what? Is it possible
to charge the keg with CO2 periodically during the lagering stage
and obtain a good carbonation or is it necessary to prime the beer
first? I have never tried not priming and would be delighted to see
whether this step can be skipped in order to preserve the clarity
and quality of the beer which has completed secondary fermentation.
I posted here so that your comments might be of assistance to others
on the hbd. Thanks.
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Date: Tue, 9 Jun 92 12:46:56 -0400
From: Peter Kester <pkester at hooville.mitre.org>
Subject: Adamstown PA Beerfest
Stoudts Brewery in Adamstown, PA is holding a beer festival this
Saturday, June 13th with over 50 microbreweries promised to be in
attendance. Admission includes the "Best of the Wursts Buffet".
The bad news is that the festival is sold out, so if you don't have a
ticket or don't have a way of getting a ticket, you're out of luck.
The phone number for the brewery is (215) 484-4387.
The good news if you live near Washington, DC or Baltimore, MD is that
the DC area homebrew club BURP (Brewers United for Real Potables) is
running a bus up to the festival and there are still some seats left!
The price for the bus is $25 per person which includes a ticket to the
festival. The bus will be leaving from the New Carolton Metro stop
near DC and will also be making a quick stop just north of Baltimore.
We have exactly one ticket for each bus seat. Because we need to
almost completely fill the bus to break even, BURP will not sell the
tickets separately.
For more information or to reserve a space on the bus, contact Peter
Kester at pkester at mitre.org or (703) 849-9475.
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Date: Tue, 9 Jun 1992 10:50 PST
From: HANNA%UCLACH.BITNET at CORNELLC.cit.cornell.edu
Subject: Sign me up
Dear Homebrew Guys,
Please sign me up to receive the digest.
I am at
Hanna at uclach.edu
Stephen Hanna
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Date: Tue, 9 Jun 92 12:49:33 EDT
From: lee_menegoni at ptltd.com
Subject: Fruit Flavored Beers
I recently tasted two fruit flavored beers, Rasberry Ale and Blueberry Ale,
at the Boston Beer Works, not to be confused with the Boston Beer Company, and
found them to be quite good , a hint of fruit flavor without sweetness. My
friend Elise remarked "why can't you brew something like that?"
Hence this posting:
I would be intersted in recipes but more importantly process.
Must I use fresh fruit?
How much for a 5 gallon batch?
I have noticed that some wine/beer shops sell "fruit flavor" and "fruit
concentrtate" can I use these?
How much for a 5 gallon batch?
When do you add the fruit, flavor or concentrate ?
Color is not that important the ales at BBW were light golden colored.
I will post a compilation of responses.
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Date: 09 Jun 92 16:06:21 EST
From: Ruth Mazo Karras <RKARRAS at PENNSAS.UPENN.EDU>
Subject: Technique
After reading the Digest for some time, I thought I should
solicit advice on what I might do next to improve my technique.
In short, there are a number of thing that I plan to do sometime,
but I should like your thoughts on what will give me the best
First, this is what I now do: the day or more before
brewing I start Wyeast and eventually make a 750 ml starter with
light dry malt extract (or sometimes I repitch from the secondary
and avoid the starter) and I also boil 1.5 to 2.0 gallons of cold
tap water (it's quite soft in Philadelphia) and then freeze in a
block; on the brewing day I bring about 4.5 gallons of water to
around 170x F., turn off the heat, add 6.6 lbs. NW malt extract
syrup, stir to dissolve, start heating again and bring to a boil,
add hops at one or more times, and boil for 60 to 90 minutes or
until volume falls to about 3.5 gallons, cool from 212x F. to
about 170x F. by putting the pot in a sink of cold water and then
cool to yeast pitching temperature by adding the 1.5 to 2.0
gallon block of ice, pitch yeast into the pot and let stand one
to two hours, rack wort off of the settled trub into a carboy or
plastic fermenter while waving the siphon hose to aerate the
wort, fit a fermentation lock, ferment two to three days until
kreusen falls and then rack to a carboy for a one to three week
secondary fermentation, rack to a plastic fermenter with priming
sugar (preboiled corn sugar), and then bottle. Sometimes I bring
crystal malt or other specialty grains to 170x F. in the brewing
pot and then skim it out before adding the malt extract syrup.
Sometimes I treat my brewing water after the boil with Burton
water salts (for pale ales) and sometimes I add .5 tsp. of Irish
Moss at the end of the boil.
Among the things I have considered doing to improve this
technique are: (i) use an immersion wort chiller so that I could
do a full boil instead of using the block of ice (this will help
when I get ready for all grain, too), (ii) use a bottle of oxygen
to aerate the wort before pitching, (iii) use a 7 gallon carboy
instead of a plastic fermenter for primary fermentation (where
can one get a 7 gallon carboy?), (iv) use kegs of some sort
rather than bottles (this would make life easier, I think, but
shouldn't improve the beer) and (v) use a larger volume of
starter, say one liter.
What of these items would you do, and in what order? Is
there something else that I should do? Perhaps wait longer
before racking the wort off the trub into the primary fermenter?
You may answer to the list, or directly to me at
RKarras at PennSAS.UPenn.edu, as you choose. I will summarize to
the list useful comments. Thanks!
Chris Karrasº
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Date: Tue, 09 Jun 92 16:37:00 EDT
Hello to all of you Homebrewers,
I have recently become interested in making my own beer and figured
that this would be a good place to start. I have read a few issues
of HBD abd I can tell that there are quite a number of knowledgable
brewers out there. What I am looking for right now is a way to get
started. Many of you are mentioning terms that I am not familiar
with even though I have been a beer _drinker_ since I was 12. (That's
105 in dog years) Anyway I think the best place for me to start would
be with a couple of good books, so if anyone could suggest some reading
material for the novice brewer, it would be greatly appreciated.
Recently I was in England and spent as much time as possible going into
the local pubs of each town I was in. I tended to like the bitter much
more than ales and lagers, so if you could steer me in that direction
that would be great. Also, if anyone knows of any commercial beers that
would be similar to the great bitters of England, I would be very inter-
ested in finding and drinking those. I found a "pub" in NYC called
"The Slaughtered Lamb" and they serve an ale there called "Full Moon"
that was quite what I was looking for, but it is only available on tap
in their bar.
Unless you think that there are other novices out there like me you can
send any information to my e-mail address.
Erik Zenhausern
Thanks for any and all help|
"I don't drink milk| Milk is for babies.
I drink BEER|||" - Arnold Schwarzeneger
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Date: Tue, 9 Jun 92 13:51:59 PDT
From: "John Cotterill" <johnc at hprpcd.rose.hp.com>
Subject: Starters and Krauesen
Full-Name: "John Cotterill"
Whenever I use Wyeast, I prepare a 12oz starter. Timing when to pitch a
starter has always been a mystery to me. The general recommendation is
to pitch at high krauesen. The trouble is determining when high krauesen
occurs. With my starters, I am lucky to get 1/8 inch of foam on top, and
that is a best case! What sort of krauesen do you get, and at what point
do you pitch the starter?
johnc at hprpcd.rose.hp.com
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Date: Tue, 9 Jun 92 15:12:20 PDT
From: tpm%wdl58 at wdl1.wdl.loral.com (Tim P McNerney)
Subject: Evil water jugs.
I have had a number of replies to my posting yesterday warning of the
danger of using the plastic water jugs for fermentation. I had heard
these also (which is why I asked about it), but I haven't received
any information more specific than that it was bad.
Does anyone know what these jugs are made of?
Any specific references to articles/warnings against using them?
I've seen similar containers which contain orange juice, which
would lead me to believe that it isn't the pH of the beer that
is bad. I would guess then that the alcohol could act as a solvent
which could cause problems. But one would expect that only innocuous
additives to the resin would be allowed if it were used in any type
a food packaging.
If anyone can shed some light on the subject, it would be greatly
- --Tim McNerney
- --Loral Western Development Labs
- --(408) 473-4748
- --tpm at wdl1.wdl.loral.com
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Date: Tue, 9 Jun 92 17:47:17 EDT
From: bwalker at auratek.com (Brad Walker)
Subject: novice questions
I've just recently started getting interested in homebrewing. Could
you please tell me about starter kits. Also, where in the Boston area
do I get supplies?
Thanks very much.
-brad w.
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End of HOMEBREW Digest #899, 06/10/92